1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


God" who would take away the sin of the world. So weannounce him now to the Spiritual Israel as the Lord of life andKing of Glory.When addressed by the leading men of the fleshly house as tohis business and his right to preach outside the pale of theJewish church, he declares it to be his special work to bearwitness to the light and the truth of the presence of Jesus theLord's anointed. So too when we are asked for our reasons, theyare these: that the King has come and is calling for the jointheirsand they must needs be made aware of his presence. Nowas then it is true, that "There standeth one among you whom youknow not." Behold, see, but "look not at the things that are seenbut at the things that are not seen; for the things that are seen (bythe natural eye) are temporal, but the things which are not seenare eternal."--(2 Cor. 4:18.)Though you cannot see the "reaper" you can see his work goingon around you in the nominal church-- the wheat and the tares--the real and the imitation must be and now are being separated,that in due time the wheat may "shine forth as the sun in thekingdom of their Father"-- which flesh and blood cannot inherit.This recognition of the Lord's presence we understand to be thesanctifying and essential truth necessary to the perfecting of thesaints now living, and the ability to perceive it, the test ofspiritual sight now, even as at the first advent: Then, the test wasnot whether the Jewish church believed the Prophets--that theMessiah should come sometime, nor whether they believed thatthat coming would be soon, for we read that "All men were inexpectation" of His coming; but the test to them was, would theybelieve in His presence, in a way they had not expected Him tocome. So now the test is similar--not who believes Jesus iscoming--but who can see Him to be present; and only thosepossessed of spiritual sight can see Him. "There standeth oneamong you (in your midst) whom you know not."====================R243 : page 3THE TABERNACLE.THE LAMPSTAND."And thou shalt make a Lampstand of pure gold: of beatenwork shall the lampstand be made; his shaft, and his branches,his bowls, his knops, and his flowers shall be of the same. Andsix branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches ofthe lampstand out of the one side, and three branches of thelampstand out of the other side; three bowls made like untoalmonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch; and threebowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a

flower: so in the six branches that come out of thelampstand....Their knops and their branches shall be of the same:all of it shall be one beaten work of pure gold. And thou shaltmake the seven lamps thereof; and they shall light the lampsthereof, that they may give light over against it. And the tongsthereof and the snuff-dishes thereof shall be of pure gold. Of atalent of pure gold shall he make it with all these vessels. Andlook that thou make them after their pattern, which was showedthee in the mount." Ex. 25:31-40.Light has ever been symbolic of that which brings joy andgladness, while by common consent night and darkness havebeen put for ignorance and its accompanying misery. We find allabout us in nature that light is the cause of the most beneficialresults, so very early in the world's history among those whowere in moral darkness, light, fire, the sun, moon, &c., becameobjects of worship and were adored either as symbols of a godor as gods in visible form. The natural man has ever beendesirous of some visible manifestation; he seeks to walk bysight; only the just--the spiritual--walk by faith. Perhaps it wasfor this reason mainly, that Jehovah saw fit to give so manytypical forms to the children of Israel. The nations around themall had their objects of sense which, placed where they couldoften see them, satisfied the eye and gave them contentment.How often we have seen children, who, not satisfied withknowing that their mother was in the house, must follow herfrom room to room, refusing even to have a door shut betweenthem. So we find even in this age those who must havecrucifixes, pictures, relics, &c., to fill the eye, and satisfy anuntutored conscience. We might come nearer home and speak ofthose who think there is neither life nor power without amourners' bench and a great deal of noise and excitement, butweR243 : page 4remember that there are true children who are but children, andwe would not offend the least. However, noise is not power, andas we are speaking of light, and of light as a symbol of God, itmight be well to say that although it is one of the most powerfulforces in nature, it is one of the most quiet. Bonar, who haswritten so much that is pure and true says:The light is ever silent;It sparkles on morn's million gems of dew.It flings itself into the shower of noon,It weaves its gold into the cloud of sunset,Yet not a sound is heard; it dashes fullOn yon broad rock, yet not an echo answers.It lights in myriad drops upon the flower,Yet not a blossom stirs; it does not moveThe slightest film of floating gossamer,Which the faint touch of insect's wing wo'ld shiver

God" who would take away the sin of the world. So weannounce him now to the Spiritual Israel as the Lord of life andKing of Glory.When addressed by the leading men of the fleshly house as tohis business and his right to preach outside the pale of theJewish church, he declares it to be his special work to bearwitness to the light and the truth of the presence of Jesus theLord's anointed. So too when we are asked for our reasons, theyare these: that the King has come and is calling for the jointheirsand they must needs be made aware of his presence. Nowas then it is true, that "There standeth one among you whom youknow not." Behold, see, but "look not at the things that are seenbut at the things that are not seen; for the things that are seen (bythe natural eye) are temporal, but the things which are not seenare eternal."--(2 Cor. 4:18.)Though you cannot see the "reaper" you can see his work goingon around you in the nominal church-- the wheat and the tares--the real and the imitation must be and now are being separated,that in due time the wheat may "shine forth as the sun in thekingdom of their Father"-- which flesh and blood cannot inherit.This recognition of the Lord's presence we understand to be thesanctifying and essential truth necessary to the perfecting of thesaints now living, and the ability to perceive it, the test ofspiritual sight now, even as at the first advent: Then, the test wasnot whether the Jewish church believed the Prophets--that theMessiah should come sometime, nor whether they believed thatthat coming would be soon, for we read that "All men were inexpectation" of His coming; but the test to them was, would theybelieve in His presence, in a way they had not expected Him tocome. So now the test is similar--not who believes Jesus iscoming--but who can see Him to be present; and only thosepossessed of spiritual sight can see Him. "There standeth oneamong you (in your midst) whom you know not."====================R243 : page 3THE TABERNACLE.THE LAMPSTAND."And thou shalt make a Lampstand of pure gold: of beatenwork shall the lampstand be made; his shaft, and his branches,his bowls, his knops, and his flowers shall be of the same. Andsix branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches ofthe lampstand out of the one side, and three branches of thelampstand out of the other side; three bowls made like untoalmonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch; and threebowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a

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