1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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the false teachers of Baal (Papacy), being refuted, an abundantshower has come; Jehovah is again recognized. But Jezebel andher daughters still hate the Elijah class and seek theirdestruction.It is about this time that Ahab said to Elijah: "Art thou he thattroubleth Israel?" Elijah troubled them because he was a trueprophet and opposed their sins; so too with those now whoremain true to God, who will not bow to the forms and customsof this perverse age, but rather reprove them. Sorely vexed bythese reproofs, those at ease in Zion use almost the words ofAhab to Elijah: "Art thou he that troubleth Israel?"Yes, we would trouble Israel. God has said: "He that hath myword let him speak my word." "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thyvoice like a trumpet and show my people theirtransgressions...yet they seek me daily and delight to know mywaysR235 : page 5as a nation that did righteousness and forsook not the ordinancesof their God." This was applicable to fleshly Israel (the"shadow") and to the nominal Gospel church as well. Therenever was a time in which the Jewish laws and ordinances weremore faithfully observed than during the seven years of their"harvest." Every form and ceremony and tithe was scrupulouslyremembered. The Temple just finished by Herod was thegrandest in which they had ever worshiped. Their religioussystem was gaining a worldwide reputation. Missionaryenterprises were on foot for Judaising the world, and so zealouswere they that Jesus said of them, "Ye compass sea and land tomake one proselyte." Yet of all this grand display--zeal, pomp,and seeming success--it was said, "This people draweth nighunto me with their mouth and honoreth me with their lips, buttheir heart is far from me. Matt. 15:8. Of their religiousobservances Jesus said: "Ye make clean the outside--like whitedwalls and sepulchers clean and beautiful outside, but full ofdecay and corruption within.R235 : page 6That church, that age and that "harvest" were but the shadowsof this age, church, and harvest. As then so now, prosperity andseemingly great success attends both at home and abroad thechurch's efforts. Magnificent temples of worship, grand musicand costly apparel, seem to stamp the present time as one ofunparalleled success; yet now as then, it is mostly on the outsidethat the beauty is seen, for inwardly the church seems daily tobecome more corrupt and worldly. "Lovers of pleasures morethan lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying thepower thereof; from such turn away." 2 Tim. 3:1-5.

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