1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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God knows--not I--why, when I'd fainHave walked in pastures green and fair,The path He pointed me hath lainThrough rocky deserts, bleak and bare.I kindly trust--since 'tis His will--This way lies safety, that way ill.His perfect plan I may not grasp,Yet I can trust Love Infinite,And with my feeble fingers claspThe hand which leads me into light.My soul upon His errand goes--The end I know not--but God knows.--Selected.====================R231 : page 3EVIDENCE OF FRIENDSHIP."Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you.Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth notwhat his Lord doeth, [his plans, etc.] but I have called youfriends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have madeknown unto you." John 15:15.The end of Jesus' earthly ministry was come; during those threeand a half years he had uttered truths which served to test hisfollowers, which proved to some causes of stumbling, to all whowere not "Israelites indeed:" --truths which had brought theopposition of the nominal Jewish church, and of which evensome of his followers, had said: "This is an hard saying; whocan hear it?" and walked no more with him. But now this workof separating was all over; even Judas had gone out, and Jesusand the eleven are alone. He has been telling them some thingsregarding their new and high privileges, their new relationshiptoward God about to be purchased by his death, into theenjoyment of which they should enter after he should ascend tothe Father, and His work as ransom be recognized as perfect.Then would come the "power from on high"-- the Spirit whichwould endue them with ability to understand spiritual, orheavenly things.It may have escaped the attention of some that at this time thedisciples were not begotten of the spirit, though they werejustified by faith-- justified human beings, but not begotten newcreatures, consequently Jesus' teachings contain little referenceto the highest things except in parables; he explained littleconcerning the "high calling" of the Bride, but said: "I have yetmany things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.Howbeit, when he the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you

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