1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


convey: if there are others such, we will be glad to hear fromthem and we continue to such the same offer.But some seem to have misapprehended us and thought wewanted everybody--regular canvassers and book agents, andcalled the attention of their friends to it as a nice chance toobtain some employment, etc. This is a misapprehension of ourproposition. We want laborers (and so does the Lord) who willbe working for heavenly wages, rather than for the price of apaper or book, be that ever so needful. No, we want those onlywho can explain the paper and book and plan, who as they gowill preach, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand, repentye." (Matt. 3:2).====================R227 : page 8DR. CHALMERS beautifully said: "The little I have seen in theworld and known of the history of mankind, teaches me to lookat their errors in sorrow, and not in anger. When I take thehistory of one poor heart, that has sinned and suffered, andrepresent to myself the struggles and temptations it has passedthrough-- the brief pulsations of joy; the tears of regret; thefeebleness of purpose; the scorn of the world that has littlecharity; the desolation of the soul's sanctuary, and threateningvoices within; health gone; happiness gone --I would fain leavethe erring soul of my fellow-man with him from whose hands itcame."====================R285 : page 8WHAT pleases only for the moment, whether poetry, ororatory, or policy, will die with the moment. What looks beyondthe moment will live beyond the moment. What speaks to theintelligent few will at last make a conquest of the unintelligentmany; what speaks only to the unintelligent many will neverreach the intelligent few, and will soon be forgotten by theunintelligent many also.--Dean Stanley.====================R228 : page 8TRACT SUPPLEMENT NO. 5."THE NARROW WAY TO LIFE."This tract we hope will be acceptable to you all. We hope thatits general distribution will be productive of good results andthat it may be used of the Lord as an eye salve to many to enablethem to see "the exceeding riches of His grace in His lovingkindness toward us."

And for you, brethren, we pray that the viewing of the narrowway to life, may bless you, and that "The Father of Glory maygive unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in theknowledge of him (that) the eyes of your understanding beingenlightened; ye may know, what is the hope of his calling; andwhat the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the Saints; andwhat is the exceeding greatness of his power to us." Eph. 1:17.We have quantities of this tract, and will try to supply all yourdemands. Order all you can use, and use all that you order.Tracts 6 and 7 are not yet published, but will be out soon.====================R228 : page 8EXHAUSTED.We published very large editions of Tracts 1,2,3, and 4, but notenough for the demand. The supply is about exhausted. We arehaving them prepared again however, and next time will issuethem all together with some additional matter under one cover.But we cannot expect this before July or August.====================R285 : page 8LOVE to Christ smooths the path of duty, and wings the feet totravel it; it is the bow which impels the arrow of obedience; it isthe mainspring moving the wheels of duty; it is the strong armtugging the oar of diligence. Love is the marrow of the bones offidelity, the blood in the veins of piety, the sinews of spiritualstrength; yea, the life of sincere devotion. He that hath love canno more be motionless than the aspen in the gale, the sear leaf inthe hurricane, or the spray in the tempest. As well may heartscease to beat, as love to labor. Love is instinct with activity, itcannot be idle; it is full of energy, it cannot content itself withlittles; it is the well-spring of heroism, and great deeds are thegushings of its fountain; it is a giant--it heapeth mountains uponmountains, and thinks the pile but little; it is a mighty mystery,for it changes bitter into sweet; it calls death life, and life death;and it makes pain less painful than enjoyment. --Spurgeon.====================R298 : page 8ROME AND JERUSALEM.--The Roman Church maintains asteady attention to the Holy Land. At Jattha they have erected anew hospital, they have established a branch nunnery at Ramleh,and a nunnery and schools at Bethlehem. It would appear thatthe Franciscans have a new establishment at Emmaus, inaddition to the large hospice at Jerusalem. On the Mount ofOlives a grand sanctuary and an extensive nunnery have beenerected and endowed by the Princess de la Tour d'Auvergne,

convey: if there are others such, we will be glad to hear fromthem and we continue to such the same offer.But some seem to have misapprehended us and thought wewanted everybody--regular canvassers and book agents, andcalled the attention of their friends to it as a nice chance toobtain some employment, etc. This is a misapprehension of ourproposition. We want laborers (and so does the Lord) who willbe working for heavenly wages, rather than for the price of apaper or book, be that ever so needful. No, we want those onlywho can explain the paper and book and plan, who as they gowill preach, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand, repentye." (Matt. 3:2).====================R227 : page 8DR. CHALMERS beautifully said: "The little I have seen in theworld and known of the history of mankind, teaches me to lookat their errors in sorrow, and not in anger. When I take thehistory of one poor heart, that has sinned and suffered, andrepresent to myself the struggles and temptations it has passedthrough-- the brief pulsations of joy; the tears of regret; thefeebleness of purpose; the scorn of the world that has littlecharity; the desolation of the soul's sanctuary, and threateningvoices within; health gone; happiness gone --I would fain leavethe erring soul of my fellow-man with him from whose hands itcame."====================R285 : page 8WHAT pleases only for the moment, whether poetry, ororatory, or policy, will die with the moment. What looks beyondthe moment will live beyond the moment. What speaks to theintelligent few will at last make a conquest of the unintelligentmany; what speaks only to the unintelligent many will neverreach the intelligent few, and will soon be f<strong>org</strong>otten by theunintelligent many also.--Dean Stanley.====================R228 : page 8TRACT SUPPLEMENT NO. 5."THE NARROW WAY TO LIFE."This tract we hope will be acceptable to you all. We hope thatits general distribution will be productive of good results andthat it may be used of the Lord as an eye salve to many to enablethem to see "the exceeding riches of His grace in His lovingkindness toward us."

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