1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1881 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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This work of progression and glorious success, seems to beillustrated by the Savior's parable, in which He compares thekingdom of heaven to leaven, which a woman took and hid inthree measures of meal until the whole was leavened. Matt.13:33. A very plausible and we will add, forcible objection tothis application of the parable, is based on the fact that leaven ofbread and of doctrine are spoken of in the Bible as elements ofimpurity and of corruption. Would the Savior represent thekingdom of heaven by an element and process of corruption?We understand the Savior here uses one feature of the leavenonly, in His illustration, that is its permeating power. It does notcease until the work is done, so God's kingdom will not cease itsoperations until the curse is removed.Another example in which the Savior uses only one feature of athing to illustrate a point, may be seen in Luke 17:37, or Matt.24:28, when in speaking of the "gathering together unto Him,"He says: "Wheresoever the carcass [dead body] is, thither willthe eagles be gathered together." "How could the Savior," wehave been asked, "compare himself to a dead body?" Theattraction is the point of the illustration: as the eagles are, by anunerring instinct, sure to find the carcass, so that the DivineSpirit in the saints will surely bring them to Him whom theirsoul loveth.The Savior seems to use the idea of progression in three steps inreference to the development of the Gospel age ending with theharvest, in His illustration of, "First the blade, then the ear, andafter that the full corn in the ear." Mark 4:26-29. This may beregarded as true also in reference to individual growth in graceand in the knowledge of Christ.When the Lord sets out to do anything He means to make asuccess of it. Let us imbibe His spirit and follow His example.J. H. P.====================R211 : page 5PASSOVER.As the time draws nigh for the celebrating of the Passover; itmay not be out of place to consider a few points therewithconnected. As to the proper time of observing the Lord's supper,there is much diversity of opinion. Some claim the first day ofeach week as the only correct time; others, that it should beobserved every first Sunday of each month, while some onlypartake of the feast once in three months. If there is a correcttime for the observance of the Passover, it is evident that all theabove views cannot be correct; and indeed it would seem, fromthe manner in which many speak of it, that God had left thematter entirely in our hands; that we might please ourselves,

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