Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 10 Server’s CertificatesLocallyAdd the “intermediate” certificate file to the /sslca directory and copy the server’s certificatewith the private key to the /sslcert directory. Both directories can be found inthe directory where Kerio MailServer is installed.Remotely via the Kerio Administration ConsoleRemote import can be performed as follows:1. Open the server’s certificate and the “intermediate” certificate in any text editor.2. In the “intermediate” certificate, select the certificate’s string and copy it to the servercertificate file next to the string of the server certificate. The certificate file shouldthen be as follows:-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIDOjCCAqOgAwIBAgIDPmR/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMFMxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlMSUwIwYDVQQKExxUaGF3dGUgQ29uc3VsdGluZyAoUHR5KSBMdGQuMR0wGwYDVQ..... this is a server SSL certificate ...ukrkDt4cgQxE6JSEprDiP+nShuh9uk4aUCKMg/g3VgEMulkROzFl6zinDg5grzQspOQTEYoqrc3H4Bwt8=-----END CERTIFICATE----------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIDMzCCApygAwIBAgIEMAAAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBxDELMAkGA1UEBhWkExFTATBgNVBAgTDFdlc3Rlcm4gQ2FwZTESMBAGA1UEBxMJQ2FwZSBUb3duMR..... this is an intermediate SSL certificate whichsigned the server certificate...5BjLqgQRk82bFi1uoG9bNm+E6o3tiUEDywrgrVX60CjbW1+y0CdMaq7dlpszRBt14EmBxKYw==-----END CERTIFICATE-----3. Save the certificate.4. Open the Kerio Administration Console and go to the section referring to SSL certificates.5. Import the server’s certificate by using the Import → Import new certificate option.10.2 Install certificates on client stationsOnly in the following cases it is necessary to install certificate on the client station:• If MS Outlook extended by the Kerio Outlook Connector is used on the station and securedHTTP traffic is desired between the server and the client (typically when the Free/Busyserver is used). In such a case, it is necessary to install the certificate, otherwise the communicationwill not work.• If MS Outlook with the Kerio Synchronization Plug-in is used on the station and folders areplanned to be synchronized by an SSL-secured protocol. In such a case, it is necessary toinstall the certificate, otherwise the communication will not work.88

10.2 Install certificates on client stations• If MS Entourage is used and its services are planned to be secured by SSL encryption. Insuch a case, it is necessary to install the certificate, otherwise the communication will notwork.• For connections to Kerio WebMail over HTTPS. If the certificate is not installed, an alertwarning of the fact is displayed upon each login (see figure 10.1).The simplest way to install a certificate is to use a web browser.Installation in Internet ExplorerInternet Explorer is helpful where the certificate is to be installed to the MS Outlook store(Internet Explorer and MS Outlook share the same certificate store) or where connection toKerio WebMail is to be performed over HTTPS.To install a certificate, follow these instructions:1. Run Internet Explorer and specify the corresponding URL to login to Kerio WebMail. SSLsecuredprotocol must be used for the connection to the server. This implies that the URLshould start with https:// (example: The Security Alert dialog will be opened (see figure 10.1). In this dialog, click on Viewcertificate.3. In the dialog with certificate details displayed, click on the Install certificate button.4. A certificate installation wizard is opened. There is nothing to be set in the wizard. Simplyconfirm all settings and close the wizard to install the certificate.Installation in SafariSSL certificate is required whenever applications are to communicate with Kerio MailServerby SSL-secured services. The Kerio MailServer certificate can be installed by using the Safaribrowser (simply connect to the Kerio WebMail interface via https://):1. Run Safari and specify the corresponding URL to login to Kerio WebMail. SSL-securedprotocol must be used for the connection to the server. This implies that the URL shouldstart with https:// (example: Before the Kerio WebMail’s login page is opened, an alert is displayed informing that thesystem is not able to authorize the server to which you are connecting since the certificateis authorized by an unknown authority (see figure 10.5).3. The alert dialog contains the Show certificate button. Click on it to show the certificate(see figure 10.6).89

Chapter 10 Server’s CertificatesLocallyAdd the “intermediate” certificate file to the /sslca directory and copy the server’s certificatewith the private key to the /sslcert directory. Both directories can be found inthe directory where <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer is installed.Remotely via the <strong>Kerio</strong> Administration ConsoleRemote import can be performed as follows:1. Open the server’s certificate and the “intermediate” certificate in any text editor.2. In the “intermediate” certificate, select the certificate’s string and copy it to the servercertificate file next to the string of the server certificate. The certificate file shouldthen be as follows:-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIDOjCCAqOgAwIBAgIDPmR/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMFMxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlMSUwIwYDVQQKExxUaGF3dGUgQ29uc3VsdGluZyAoUHR5KSBMdGQuMR0wGwYDVQ..... this is a server SSL certificate ...ukrkDt4cgQxE6JSEprDiP+nShuh9uk4aUCKMg/g3VgEMulkROzFl6zinDg5grzQspOQTEYoqrc3H4Bwt8=-----END CERTIFICATE----------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIDMzCCApygAwIBAgIEMAAAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBxDELMAkGA1UEBhWkExFTATBgNVBAgTDFdlc3Rlcm4gQ2FwZTESMBAGA1UEBxMJQ2FwZSBUb3duMR..... this is an intermediate SSL certificate whichsigned the server certificate...5BjLqgQRk82bFi1uoG9bNm+E6o3tiUEDywrgrVX60CjbW1+y0CdMaq7dlpszRBt14EmBxKYw==-----END CERTIFICATE-----3. Save the certificate.4. Open the <strong>Kerio</strong> Administration Console and go to the section referring to SSL certificates.5. Import the server’s certificate by using the Import → Import new certificate option.10.2 Install certificates on client stationsOnly in the following cases it is necessary to install certificate on the client station:• If MS Outlook extended by the <strong>Kerio</strong> Outlook Connector is used on the station and securedHTTP traffic is desired between the server and the client (typically when the Free/Busyserver is used). In such a case, it is necessary to install the certificate, otherwise the communicationwill not work.• If MS Outlook with the <strong>Kerio</strong> Synchronization Plug-in is used on the station and folders areplanned to be synchronized by an SSL-secured protocol. In such a case, it is necessary toinstall the certificate, otherwise the communication will not work.88

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