Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Appendix B Used open-source librariesThe php_mbstring.dll library uses the libmbfl library which is distributed and licensed asLGPL.Kerio MailServer includes a customized version of this library. Complete source codes ofthe customized version of php_mbstring library are available at: library.Copyright 2002 Kevin B. Hendricks, Stratford, Ontario, Canada And Contributors.rights reserved.AllOpenLDAPFreely distributable LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) implementation.Copyright ©1998-2004 The OpenLDAP Foundation.OpenSSLAn implementation of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLSv1) protocol.This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSLToolkit ( is a widely-used scripting language that is especially suited for Web developmentand can be embedded into HTML.Copyright ©2001-2004 The PHP Group.zlibGeneral-purpose library for data compressing and decompressing.Copyright ©1995-2003 Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark Adler.394

Glossary of termsApplication protocolApplication protocols are conveyed by packets of the TCP or the UDP protocol. It is usedto transfer user (application) data. There are many standard application protocols (e.g.SMTP, POP3, HTTP, FTP, etc.), however, it is possible to develop a custom (non-standard)communication method.DoS attackDoS (Denial of Service) is a type of attack when too many concurrent requests overloadthe system; the server is no more able to respond to the requests of authorized users orfails.DSNDSN (Delivery Status Notification) is an information about the email message delivery status.There are a couple of different types of delivery status notification. Unless otherwisespecified, users receive only the error messages from the mailserver (deferred, failure).Email AddressAn email address determines the sender and recipient of a message in electronic communication.It consists of a local part (before the @ character) and a domain part (afterthe @ character). A domain specifies where email be delivered to (a company), a local partspecifies a particular recipient within this domain.ETRNIf you receive email using the SMTP protocol and your server is not permanently connectedto the Internet, email can be accumulated at another SMTP server (typically a secondaryserver for a given domain). When it is connected to the Internet, the SMTP serversends an ETRN command (command of SMTP protocol) and asks for stored emails to betransmitted.If the given SMTP server doesn’t have any messages stored, it doesn’t need to reply at all.That’s why it is necessary to define a timeout period. If the SMTP server doesn’t receiveany emails, it terminates the connection after the specified timeout.FirewallSoftware or hardware device that protects a computer or computer network against attacksfrom external sources (typically from the Internet).IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) enables clients to manage messages stored ona mail server without downloading them to a local computer. This architecture allowsthe user to access his/her mail from multiple locations (messages downloaded to a localcomputer would not be available from other locations).395

Glossary of termsApplication protocolApplication protocols are conveyed by packets of the TCP or the UDP protocol. It is usedto transfer user (application) data. There are many standard application protocols (e.g.SMTP, POP3, HTTP, FTP, etc.), however, it is possible to develop a custom (non-standard)communication method.DoS attackDoS (Denial of Service) is a type of attack when too many concurrent requests overloadthe system; the server is no more able to respond to the requests of authorized users orfails.DSNDSN (Delivery Status Notification) is an information about the email message delivery status.There are a couple of different types of delivery status notification. Unless otherwisespecified, users receive only the error messages from the mailserver (deferred, failure).Email AddressAn email address determines the sender and recipient of a message in electronic communication.It consists of a local part (before the @ character) and a domain part (afterthe @ character). A domain specifies where email be delivered to (a company), a local partspecifies a particular recipient within this domain.ETRNIf you receive email using the SMTP protocol and your server is not permanently connectedto the Internet, email can be accumulated at another SMTP server (typically a secondaryserver for a given domain). When it is connected to the Internet, the SMTP serversends an ETRN command (command of SMTP protocol) and asks for stored emails to betransmitted.If the given SMTP server doesn’t have any messages stored, it doesn’t need to reply at all.That’s why it is necessary to define a timeout period. If the SMTP server doesn’t receiveany emails, it terminates the connection after the specified timeout.Firewall<strong>Software</strong> or hardware device that protects a computer or computer network against attacksfrom external sources (typically from the Internet).IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) enables clients to manage messages stored ona mail server without downloading them to a local computer. This architecture allowsthe user to access his/her mail from multiple locations (messages downloaded to a localcomputer would not be available from other locations).395

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