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Chapter 34Support for iCalendarThe support for iCalendar in Kerio MailServer enables various applications which can handlethe format (such as MS Outlook 2007, Apple iCal, Mozilla Calendar, Lotus Notes and XimianEvolution) to publish and subscribe to calendars via Kerio MailServer.By default, Kerio MailServer supports calendars in MS Outlook 2007, Windows Calendar onWindows Vista and Apple iCal on Apple Mac OS X.34.1 Web calendars in MS Outlook 2007MS Outlook 2007 allows sharing of calendars via the Internet. Calendars are available throughsubscription and publishing:• Calendar subscription — calendar subscription downloads the particular calendar froma web server to a local store.• Calendar publishing — calendar publishing is uploading of a calendar to a web store.For manipulation with calendars, MS Outlook 2007 uses iCalendar (iCal), a standard format forexchange of calendar data.Kerio MailServer supports the iCal format and it is, therefore, possible to subscribe calendarsstored on Kerio MailServer in MS Outlook as well as to publish calendars at Kerio MailServer’saccounts. In addition to subscription to their own calendars, users can also subscribe tocalendars shared by other users.Warning: In MS Outlook, subscribed calendars are available only in the read-only mode. Publishedcalendars are available on the server for reading only (this implies that it is not editpublished calendars when accessed by Kerio WebMail, for example).After authentication, the traffic is performed by the HTTP protocol. Therefore, the servicemust be running in Kerio MailServer. In addition to this, it is also necessary to map thecorresponding port on the firewall protecting the server. Otherwise, the service will not beavailable from the Internet (for details, see section 2.3).Subscription and publishing of calendars may be useful especially to view calendars of userswho do not have an account in Kerio MailServer or to publish calendar in the Internet.MS Outlook options and settings are addressed in a special document, the KerioMailServer, User’s Guide. This file is available at the Kerio Technologies website at

34.2 Windows Calendar34.2 Windows CalendarWindows Calendar is a Microsoft Corporation’s application used for calendar management onWindows Vista. This application enables to view events of multiple calendars in a single scheduleand thus quickly identify conflicts in the time schedule. Calendars may be either stored onthe disk or it is possible to subscribe for calendars stored at the web server. It is also possibleto publish calendars on the web server.Kerio MailServer supports publishing of calendars in user email accounts on the server andsubscription of calendars stored in the mailbox from the Windows Calendar. In addition tosubscription to their own calendars, users can also subscribe to calendars shared by otherusers.Note: In Windows Calendar, subscribed calendars are available only in the read-only mode.Published calendars are available on the server for reading only (this implies that it is not editpublished calendars when accessed by Kerio WebMail, for example).Subscription traffic is performed by the HTTP or the HTTPS protocol. Publishing of calendarsis performed via HTTPS only. This implies that it is necessary that the service is running inKerio MailServer and a valid Kerio MailServer’s SSL certificate must be installed on the WindowsCalendar host. In addition to this, it is also necessary to map the corresponding port on thefirewall protecting the server. Otherwise, the service will not be available from the Internet(for details, see section 2.3).The Windows Calendar application supports iCalendar which is a standard format used forexchange of calendar data. The iCalendar built in Kerio MailServer enables Kerio MailServer tosupport cooperation with Windows Calendar.Note: If calendars published as subfolders of the main calendar called Calendar, all events willalso be displayed in the Free/Busy calendar.Windows Calendar options and settings are addressed in a special document, the KerioMailServer, User’s Guide. This file can be downloaded at the Kerio Technologies website at Apple iCalDeveloped by Apple Computer, Apple iCal is an application allowing management of calendarson Mac OS X. The application enables to manage events of multiple calendars in a singleschedule and thus quickly identify conflicts in the time schedule.Calendars may be either stored on the disk or, with read rights, it is possible to subscribe forcalendars stored at the web server. It is also possible to publish calendars on the web server.Kerio MailServer supports publishing of calendars in user email accounts on the server andsubscription of calendars stored in the mailbox from the Apple iCal. In addition to subscriptionto their own calendars, users can also subscribe to calendars shared by other users.Warning: In Apple iCal, subscribed calendars are available only in the read-only mode. Publishedcalendars are available on the server for reading only (this implies that it is not editpublished calendars when accessed by Kerio WebMail, for example).359

Chapter 34Support for iCalendarThe support for iCalendar in <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer enables various applications which can handlethe format (such as MS Outlook 2007, Apple iCal, Mozilla Calendar, Lotus Notes and XimianEvolution) to publish and subscribe to calendars via <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer.By default, <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer supports calendars in MS Outlook 2007, Windows Calendar onWindows Vista and Apple iCal on Apple Mac OS X.34.1 Web calendars in MS Outlook 2007MS Outlook 2007 allows sharing of calendars via the Internet. Calendars are available throughsubscription and publishing:• Calendar subscription — calendar subscription downloads the particular calendar froma web server to a local store.• Calendar publishing — calendar publishing is uploading of a calendar to a web store.For manipulation with calendars, MS Outlook 2007 uses iCalendar (iCal), a standard format forexchange of calendar data.<strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer supports the iCal format and it is, therefore, possible to subscribe calendarsstored on <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer in MS Outlook as well as to publish calendars at <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer’saccounts. In addition to subscription to their own calendars, users can also subscribe tocalendars shared by other users.Warning: In MS Outlook, subscribed calendars are available only in the read-only mode. Publishedcalendars are available on the server for reading only (this implies that it is not editpublished calendars when accessed by <strong>Kerio</strong> WebMail, for example).After authentication, the traffic is performed by the HTTP protocol. Therefore, the servicemust be running in <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer. In addition to this, it is also necessary to map thecorresponding port on the firewall protecting the server. Otherwise, the service will not beavailable from the Internet (for details, see section 2.3).Subscription and publishing of calendars may be useful especially to view calendars of userswho do not have an account in <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer or to publish calendar in the Internet.MS Outlook options and settings are addressed in a special document, the <strong>Kerio</strong>MailServer, User’s <strong>Guide</strong>. This file is available at the <strong>Kerio</strong> Technologies website at

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