Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 31 KMS Web AdministrationThe following examples illustrate the use of aliases:1. A company needs to use email to communicate internal information to employees. Forthis purpose, a public mail folder can be created in Kerio WebMail and the messages canbe sent using an alias.All messages sent to will be stored in the Info public folder. The aliasis defined as follows:info → Messages sent to invalid addresses (i.e. addresses where the part before the @ sign hasno corresponding user account nor alias) can be delivered to a selected user or group ofusers (see figure 31.20). Use the following alias to achieve this:* → AdminsIf this (or the next) alias is not defined, Kerio MailServer returns such messages to theirsenders as undeliverable.3. The * symbol is used as a substitution of any number of characters in an alias (e.g.: *sms*,a*00*, etc.). The alias will be applied to all email addresses that conform to this mask.4. To replace just one symbol or character in an alias (usually used in case that users haveproblems to remember corresponding email address), use the ? symbol. (for example,?ime stands for time, dime, etc.).Note: Aliases can be used also for assigning another email address to a user or a group, orforwarding messages for a user or a group to other addresses. However, it is recommendedto specify these settings directly during the process of user definition (see chapter 31.7), orgroup definition (see chapter 31.8).Aliases managementTo define aliases, use the Aliases section.Click the Add Alias button to display a dialog where a new alias can be created.Alias nameA virtual address (e.g. sales or john.wayne).The aliases always apply to a specific domain. You can enter only the local address partinto the alias header (i.e. the part before the @ symbol).DescriptionText description of the alias. May be left blank.Deliver ToThe address for receiving emails sent to the alias. Select the place where the messageswill be stored:332

31.9 AliasesFigure 31.20Alias creation dialog• Email Address — any (user or group) email address. Click Select to select a user ora group from the list.Note: If no email address is specified for the group, it will be set automatically, followingthis pattern:group_name@domain• Public Folder — public folder name in the following format: #public/Folder.Click the Delete button to remove any alias selected by the corresponding checkbox in the listof aliases.The toolbar provides a search entry which can be helpful especially if the domain includes toomany aliases. Any item (Alias name, Deliver to and Description) can be used as the searchingcriteria, the searching engine looks the specified string up in all of them.333

Chapter 31 KMS Web AdministrationThe following examples illustrate the use of aliases:1. A company needs to use email to communicate internal information to employees. Forthis purpose, a public mail folder can be created in <strong>Kerio</strong> WebMail and the messages canbe sent using an alias.All messages sent to will be stored in the Info public folder. The aliasis defined as follows:info → Messages sent to invalid addresses (i.e. addresses where the part before the @ sign hasno corresponding user account nor alias) can be delivered to a selected user or group ofusers (see figure 31.20). Use the following alias to achieve this:* → AdminsIf this (or the next) alias is not defined, <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer returns such messages to theirsenders as undeliverable.3. The * symbol is used as a substitution of any number of characters in an alias (e.g.: *sms*,a*00*, etc.). The alias will be applied to all email addresses that conform to this mask.4. To replace just one symbol or character in an alias (usually used in case that users haveproblems to remember corresponding email address), use the ? symbol. (for example,?ime stands for time, dime, etc.).Note: Aliases can be used also for assigning another email address to a user or a group, orforwarding messages for a user or a group to other addresses. However, it is recommendedto specify these settings directly during the process of user definition (see chapter 31.7), orgroup definition (see chapter 31.8).Aliases managementTo define aliases, use the Aliases section.Click the Add Alias button to display a dialog where a new alias can be created.Alias nameA virtual address (e.g. sales or john.wayne).The aliases always apply to a specific domain. You can enter only the local address partinto the alias header (i.e. the part before the @ symbol).DescriptionText description of the alias. May be left blank.Deliver ToThe address for receiving emails sent to the alias. Select the place where the messageswill be stored:332

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