Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 31 KMS Web AdministrationGroup DefinitionCreate a new group by clicking on the Add Group button in the User Groups section. A guidewith multiple tabs will be opened.GeneralEnter the group name and description in the General tab:Figure 31.15Group management — the General tabGroup nameUnique name of the group.DescriptionDescription of the group; may be left blank.Mail AddressesOn this tab it is possible to define all desired email accounts (aliases) of the group. Theremight be no address assigned to the group (unlike user accounts, the group address is notcreated automatically from the group name and domain where the group is defined).An example of group addresses use:There are three salesmen in a company. They have an account in Kerio MailServer. Each of thethree salesmen wants to receive all incoming email orders from the clients.Solution: Create a group named SALES and in the Mail Addresses tab, and (see picture 31.16). Assign these addresses tothe three salesmen in the Users tab (see picture 31.17).After the group is created, all emails sent to or willbe delivered to the three salesmen.There might be no address assigned to the group (unlike user accounts, the group address isnot created automatically from the group name and domain where the group is defined).328

31.8 User groupsFigure 31.16Group administration — the Mail Addresses tabThe group addresses can be added either directly during the group definition or in the Aliasessection. The first method is recommended — it is easier.UsersUsing the Add and Remove selection buttons you can add or remove users to/from the group.If no user accounts are created, the group may be left blank and the users can be added duringthe process of account definition (see chapter 31.7).RightsThe Rights tab allows administrators setting of the following rights:329

31.8 User groupsFigure 31.16Group administration — the Mail Addresses tabThe group addresses can be added either directly during the group definition or in the Aliasessection. The first method is recommended — it is easier.UsersUsing the Add and Remove selection buttons you can add or remove users to/from the group.If no user accounts are created, the group may be left blank and the users can be added duringthe process of account definition (see chapter 31.7).RightsThe Rights tab allows administrators setting of the following rights:329

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