Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 22 LogsSent or Recv (i.e. Received).• Queue-ID: 438d6fb6-00000003 — the number generated by the server in the queueof outgoing messages. It is an identifier which uses identical numbers for all log linesassociated with one messages. Each message is first received by the server, then itis sent. This implies that at least two log lines must belong to each message (forreception and sending). Moreover, each message can be delivered to multiple users(each addressee has a special log line).• Service: HTTP — protocol, that has been used by the server to receive the message(HTTP, SMTP). This information is included in incoming messages only. The informationis not displayed for outgoing messages, it would be meaningless. All outgoingmessages are sent by SMTP.• From: — email address of the sender.• To: — email address of the recipient.• Size: 378 — size of the message in bytes.• User: — user account from which the message was sent.• Sender-Host: — IP address of the computer from which the messagehas been sent.• SSL: yes — informs whether the connection is SSL-secured (displayed for SMTP only).• Recipient: — email address of the addressee.• Result: delivered — information about the result of the delivery process.• Status: 2.0.0 — code of the SMTP response (for detailed information, see RFC 821and 1893). If the code starts with the 2 digit, the message was delivered successfully.If the code starts with the 4 or the 5 digit, the message delivery failed.Server-generated messagesMessages of this type are usually generated by Kerio MailServer. If the delivery fails, thesender receives a delivery status notification (DSN).[30/Nov/2005 15:31:40] Recv: Queue-ID: 438db7cc-00000000,Service: DSN, From: , To: , Size: 1650,Report: failed• [30/Nov/2005 15:31:40] — the date and time when the message was generated• Recv: — this section provides information whether the server has already receivedthe message or the message is just being sent. The status can therefore be Sent orReceived.• Queue-ID: 438db7cc-00000000 — the number generated by the server in the queueof outgoing messages.• Service: DSN — Delivery Status Notification; messages generated by KerioMailServer.• From: — this item is empty because the message was generated by the mailserver.• To: — email address of the recipient.• Size: 1650 — message size in bytes.• Report: failed — the type of notification.252

22.4 SecurityMailing list messagesThe Mail log contains all mailing list messages. The individual postings, as well as mailinglist control messages are logged[30/Nov/2005 19:09:11] Recv: Queue-ID: 438deac7-00000009,Service: List, From: , To:, Size: 3302, Answer: subscribe response• [30/Nov/2005 19:09:11] — date and time when the message was received.• Recv: — this section provides information whether the server has already receivedthe message or the message is just being sent. The status can therefore be Sent orReceived.• Queue-ID: 438deac7-00000009 — the number generated by the server in the queueof outgoing messages.• Service: List — mailing list flag.• — email address of the sender.• To: — email address of the recipient.• Size: 1397 — size of the message in bytes.• Answer: subscribe response — type of message.SieveMessages generated by a user filter (e.g. autoreply).22.4 SecurityThe Security log contains information related to Kerio MailServer’s security. It also containsrecords about all messages that failed to be delivered. The security log contains the followingtypes of events:Viruses and forbidden attachments detectedExample: a message that contains a virus:[16/Jun/2004 18:37:17] Found virus in mail from to :W32/Netsky.p@MM• [16/Jun/2004 18:37:17] — the date and time when the virus was detected.• Found virus in mail — action performed (information that the virus was found).• from — email address of the sender.• to — email address of the recipient.• W32/Netsky.p@MM — the type of virus contained in the message.Messages rejected by spam filterA message with high spam score:[16/Jun/2004 18:37:17] Message from to rejected by spam filter: score 9.74,threshold 5.00253

22.4 SecurityMailing list messagesThe Mail log contains all mailing list messages. The individual postings, as well as mailinglist control messages are logged[30/Nov/2005 19:09:11] Recv: Queue-ID: 438deac7-00000009,Service: List, From: , To:, Size: 3302, Answer: subscribe response• [30/Nov/2005 19:09:11] — date and time when the message was received.• Recv: — this section provides information whether the server has already receivedthe message or the message is just being sent. The status can therefore be Sent orReceived.• Queue-ID: 438deac7-00000009 — the number generated by the server in the queueof outgoing messages.• Service: List — mailing list flag.• — email address of the sender.• To: — email address of the recipient.• Size: 1397 — size of the message in bytes.• Answer: subscribe response — type of message.SieveMessages generated by a user filter (e.g. autoreply).22.4 SecurityThe Security log contains information related to <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer’s security. It also containsrecords about all messages that failed to be delivered. The security log contains the followingtypes of events:Viruses and forbidden attachments detectedExample: a message that contains a virus:[16/Jun/2004 18:37:17] Found virus in mail from to :W32/Netsky.p@MM• [16/Jun/2004 18:37:17] — the date and time when the virus was detected.• Found virus in mail — action performed (information that the virus was found).• from — email address of the sender.• to — email address of the recipient.• W32/Netsky.p@MM — the type of virus contained in the message.Messages rejected by spam filterA message with high spam score:[16/Jun/2004 18:37:17] Message from to rejected by spam filter: score 9.74,threshold 5.00253

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