Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 20 Mailing listsThe following technical conditions must be met to enable importing from files:1. The file including the users must be saved in CSV format (such files can be created in anyspreadsheet program).2. Commas ( , ) or semicolons ( ; ) must be used as data separators.3. Headlines of individual columns must correspond with Kerio MailServer’s items. The followingitems are supported:• Email — user’s email address. Required.• FullName — user’s full name. Optional.Emailmking@yahoo.comFullNameMary Allan Fieldfareopossum@mailer.cometea@hotmail.comOliver PossumElizabeth TeaTable 20.1Example of a CSV fileColumns can be ordered as wish, there are no rules to be followed. It is also possible to specifyonly Email. Specification of FullName is optional.Once the file is properly created and saved, you may continue creating the mailing list or, ifthe mailing list has already been created and saved, you can open it by clicking on the Editbutton and switch to the Members tab:1. Click on Add and in the button’s menu select the by importing from CSV file (see figure20.8).Figure 20.8Creating a mailing list — adding members to a mailing list230

20.5 Mailing list archiving2. This opens a dialog (see figure 20.9) where file path and encoding type which will be usedfor saving (generally, the default Local (System) option can be kept) can be set.Figure 20.9Import from a file — file selection3. Click on OK to copy users to the mailing list’s user list.If problems occur regarding the upload, it might be caused by the following reasons:• The file is not saved in the CSV format.• Columns in the file are not labeled correctly. CSV file needs to include a line withcaptions including column names, otherwise Kerio MailServer cannot read the data.Correct version:Email;;Peter;Maude IntWrong;Peter;Maude Int• Another separator than comma ( , ) or semicolon ( ; ) is used as data separator.20.5 Mailing list archivingIn the last step, the settings for message archiving can be defined. An archive is a specialfolder that can be accessed via NNTP.Maintain archive of this mailing listUse this option to enable mailing list archiving. The archive of the conference can beaccessed by all members of the corresponding mailing listThe archive of this mailing list can be read by any user of this serverIf this option is enabled, all users with accounts in Kerio MailServer have read rights forthe archive.Allow these authenticated users to read the archiveThe mailing list archive can be read only by users included in the list.231

Chapter 20 Mailing listsThe following technical conditions must be met to enable importing from files:1. The file including the users must be saved in CSV format (such files can be created in anyspreadsheet program).2. Commas ( , ) or semicolons ( ; ) must be used as data separators.3. Headlines of individual columns must correspond with <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer’s items. The followingitems are supported:• Email — user’s email address. Required.• FullName — user’s full name. Optional.Emailmking@yahoo.comFullNameMary Allan Fieldfareopossum@mailer.cometea@hotmail.comOliver PossumElizabeth TeaTable 20.1Example of a CSV fileColumns can be ordered as wish, there are no rules to be followed. It is also possible to specifyonly Email. Specification of FullName is optional.Once the file is properly created and saved, you may continue creating the mailing list or, ifthe mailing list has already been created and saved, you can open it by clicking on the Editbutton and switch to the Members tab:1. Click on Add and in the button’s menu select the by importing from CSV file (see figure20.8).Figure 20.8Creating a mailing list — adding members to a mailing list230

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!