Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 18 Email archiving and backupNotificationsSpecify an email address where notifications about the backup status will be sent by KerioMailServer.In addition to backups set in the schedule, it is also possible to make so called backup copies.The copy is a kind of full backup. The copy can be enabled by the Start now button. Thecurrent status of the backup process appears next to the button. In case of a backup recovery,the copy is considered as a standard full backup and it is used for the recovery if it is the mostrecent copy performed.RecoveryA special application called Kerio MailServer Recover is used for recovering of the backup data.This application performs decompression of the particular backup and saves it in the storedirectory.To launch Kerio MailServer Recover, run the kmsrecover command from the directory whereKerio MailServer is installed.Usage:kmsrecover |Warning: On Mac OS X and Linux it is necessary to enter a command on the following format,unless having already been introduced in the file of the path system variable:./kmsrecover |This means that it is necessary to add the ./ string before the utility name that will informthe system that the command to be used is in the current directory.You can also see these details and examples to individual attributes,kmsrecover running theWarning:• It is necessary to stop the Kerio MailServer Engine prior to the recovery.• Applying a full or copy backup will overwrite the existing store. Applying any backup willoverwrite the existing configuration.Backup recovery will be better understood through this simple example:WindowsThe recovery is performed on a host using MS Windows. The directory with configurationdata is stored at the default location (as set as default during the installation), the storedirectory is located on a separate disk (RAID or a faster disk) of the same computer wherethe configuration directory, and the backup directory is located on an exchangeable disk.For backup recovery, use full backup.Conditions:1. The configuration data is stored underC:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer212

18.2 Backup of user folders2. The store directory is located inD:\store3. For security purposes, the backup directory is stored on the removable diskE:\backupSolution:The command must be run from the directory where Kerio MailServer is installed. In thiscase, the directory isC:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServerAt this point, two command formats can be used:1. We want to recover the last complete backup (the most recent full and differentialbackups or the most recent backup copy). The command will be as follows:kmsrecover E:\backup2. To recover a particular backup (except the last one), use the following format:kmsrecover E:\backup\F20051009T220008Z.zipThe kmsrecover detects the path to the store (D:\store) automatically in the KerioMailServer’s configuration file and uses it.Warning: If the parameter contains a space in a directory name, it must be closed inquotes. For example:kmsrecover "E:\backup 2"Mac OS XThe recovery is performed on a host using Mac OS X. The directory with configurationdata is stored at the default location (as set as default during the installation), the storedirectory is located on a separate disk of the same computer where the configurationdirectory, and the backup directory is located on an exchangeable disk. For backup recovery,use the most recent full backup.Conditions:1. The configuration data is stored under/usr/local/kerio/mailserver2. The store directory is located in/store3. For security purposes, the backup directory is stored on the removable disk/Volume/backupSolution:The command must be run from the directory where Kerio MailServer is installed. Therefore,it is necessary to go to the directory:/usr/local/kerio/mailserver213

18.2 Backup of user folders2. The store directory is located inD:\store3. For security purposes, the backup directory is stored on the removable diskE:\backupSolution:The command must be run from the directory where <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer is installed. In thiscase, the directory isC:\Program Files\<strong>Kerio</strong>\MailServerAt this point, two command formats can be used:1. We want to recover the last complete backup (the most recent full and differentialbackups or the most recent backup copy). The command will be as follows:kmsrecover E:\backup2. To recover a particular backup (except the last one), use the following format:kmsrecover E:\backup\F20051009T220008Z.zipThe kmsrecover detects the path to the store (D:\store) automatically in the <strong>Kerio</strong>MailServer’s configuration file and uses it.Warning: If the parameter contains a space in a directory name, it must be closed inquotes. For example:kmsrecover "E:\backup 2"Mac OS XThe recovery is performed on a host using Mac OS X. The directory with configurationdata is stored at the default location (as set as default during the installation), the storedirectory is located on a separate disk of the same computer where the configurationdirectory, and the backup directory is located on an exchangeable disk. For backup recovery,use the most recent full backup.Conditions:1. The configuration data is stored under/usr/local/kerio/mailserver2. The store directory is located in/store3. For security purposes, the backup directory is stored on the removable disk/Volume/backupSolution:The command must be run from the directory where <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer is installed. Therefore,it is necessary to go to the directory:/usr/local/kerio/mailserver213

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