Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 18 Email archiving and backupEnable message store and configuration recovery backupUse this option to back up all user folders together with the current Kerio MailServerconfiguration. It applies to the whole store data directory and users.cfg andmailserver.cfg files.If you do not wish to use Kerio MailServer’s backup functions, disable the Enable messagestore and recovery backup option. If you remove all items in the backup schedule andleave the option active, the default backup schedule is downloaded and applied upona Kerio MailServer’s restart.Warning:• The backup system in Kerio MailServer does not include all configuration files of the server.If it is necessary to move the configuration and user folders to another server or to reinstallKerio MailServer, manual backup must be performed for the sslcert (includes SSLcertificates) and license (includes license files) directory, in addition to standard backup.For detailed information on this issue, see chapter 28.2.• It is recommended to backup the sslcert and license directories immediately uponKerio MailServer’s installation and registration and also everytime their content changes(e.g. when number of user licenses is increased or when a new trustworthy certificate isimported.Backup ScheduleOn the Backup tab, backups can be scheduled in details. Two backup types can be scheduled:• Full backup — full backup of all files.• Differential backup — a partial backup, including all changed and new files. These backupsare not so bulky. Typically, partial backups complement a full backup. If multiple differentialbackups in row are scheduled, the newest backup always rewrites the previous one.This means that at most one differential backup can be saved on the backup disk besidesthe full backup.Note: If the method of differential backups is used, the most recent full and differentialshould be used in case that a backup recovery is performed.The backup schedule is defined by backup tasks. Each task includes settings for time whenthe particular backup will be performed and selection of a backup type (see above). To adda new backup task to the schedule, click Add. A backup schedule definition window is opened(see figure 18.5) that includes the following setting options:DescriptionThis is an optional item, it is used for better reference.ScheduleThe box includes two entries where day and time are selected for the backup. It is recommendedto perform backups at night (especially full backups) since backups mightoverload the mailserver.208

18.2 Backup of user foldersFigure 18.5A backup taskBackup typeSelection of either the full or differential backup type.The Add button opens a definition of a new backup task. You can also click theEdit button toedit a corresponding task or Remove to remove a task from the schedule.Both backup types can be combined by using multiple tasks. Any number of backup tasks canbe defined. This depends on the user. Number of backup tasks may depend on:1. Size of the data store which influences how long each backup takes and on its size. Bothproblems might be easily solved by using differential backups.2. Importance of data which might be lost. This implies that backups are typically morefrequent in companies where email communication and message storing is important. Ifbackups are performed frequently, minimum of data is lost in case of the server’s failure.Click Advanced for advanced settings (see figure 18.6):Figure 18.6Backup advanced options209

Chapter 18 Email archiving and backupEnable message store and configuration recovery backupUse this option to back up all user folders together with the current <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServerconfiguration. It applies to the whole store data directory and users.cfg andmailserver.cfg files.If you do not wish to use <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer’s backup functions, disable the Enable messagestore and recovery backup option. If you remove all items in the backup schedule andleave the option active, the default backup schedule is downloaded and applied upona <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer’s restart.Warning:• The backup system in <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer does not include all configuration files of the server.If it is necessary to move the configuration and user folders to another server or to reinstall<strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer, manual backup must be performed for the sslcert (includes SSLcertificates) and license (includes license files) directory, in addition to standard backup.For detailed information on this issue, see chapter 28.2.• It is recommended to backup the sslcert and license directories immediately upon<strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer’s installation and registration and also everytime their content changes(e.g. when number of user licenses is increased or when a new trustworthy certificate isimported.Backup ScheduleOn the Backup tab, backups can be scheduled in details. Two backup types can be scheduled:• Full backup — full backup of all files.• Differential backup — a partial backup, including all changed and new files. These backupsare not so bulky. Typically, partial backups complement a full backup. If multiple differentialbackups in row are scheduled, the newest backup always rewrites the previous one.This means that at most one differential backup can be saved on the backup disk besidesthe full backup.Note: If the method of differential backups is used, the most recent full and differentialshould be used in case that a backup recovery is performed.The backup schedule is defined by backup tasks. Each task includes settings for time whenthe particular backup will be performed and selection of a backup type (see above). To adda new backup task to the schedule, click Add. A backup schedule definition window is opened(see figure 18.5) that includes the following setting options:DescriptionThis is an optional item, it is used for better reference.ScheduleThe box includes two entries where day and time are selected for the backup. It is recommendedto perform backups at night (especially full backups) since backups mightoverload the mailserver.208

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