Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 16 Antispam control of the SMTP serverMessages checkedTotal number of all messages that have passed through the antispam filter (messagessent form whitelist domains, for example, are not counted since they are not tested).Spams detected (tagged)All messages detected and tagged as spam.Spams detected (rejected)All messages blocked by the spam filter.Messages marked by users as spamAll messages considered by the filter as not spam which were later marked as spam byusers (manually, by clicking on Spam or by moving it to the Spam folder).Messages marked by users as not spamLegitimate messages detected by the antispam filter improperly as spam— so called “falsepositives”.Graphical overviewsKerio MailServer also uses traffic charts to trace certain values regarding spam email. There areseveral spam-related traffic charts which can be found in the Status → Traffic Charts sectionof the Kerio Administration Console (see chapter 21.5).The following graphs focus on spam:Connections/Rejected SMTPThe chart displays number of attempts of SMTP connection were rejected by the Spamrepellent tool in certain time period.Messages/SpamWith time dependence, the chart displays how large amount of spam is delivered to KerioMailServer and when.LogsProblems that occur regarding the antispam filter might be solved with help of KerioMailServer’s logs. In detail, logs are focused in chapter 22.The following logs might be helpful:SpamAll messages marked as spam are recorded in this log (for details, see chapter 22.7).194

16.8 Monitoring of spam filter’s functionality and efficiencyDebugLogging of particular information can be performed by this special log. Spam issues maybe worked out by using of the following information:• Spam Filter — the option logs spam rating of each message which passed through theKerio MailServer’s antispam filter.• SPF Record Lookup — the option gathers information of SPF queries sent to SMTPservers. It can be used for solving problems with SPF check.• SpamAssassin Processing — the option enables tracing of processes occurred duringSpamAssassin antispam tests.To learn where and how to set logging of particular information in the Debug log, referto chapter 22.8.195

Chapter 16 Antispam control of the SMTP serverMessages checkedTotal number of all messages that have passed through the antispam filter (messagessent form whitelist domains, for example, are not counted since they are not tested).Spams detected (tagged)All messages detected and tagged as spam.Spams detected (rejected)All messages blocked by the spam filter.Messages marked by users as spamAll messages considered by the filter as not spam which were later marked as spam byusers (manually, by clicking on Spam or by moving it to the Spam folder).Messages marked by users as not spamLegitimate messages detected by the antispam filter improperly as spam— so called “falsepositives”.Graphical overviews<strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer also uses traffic charts to trace certain values regarding spam email. There areseveral spam-related traffic charts which can be found in the Status → Traffic Charts sectionof the <strong>Kerio</strong> Administration Console (see chapter 21.5).The following graphs focus on spam:Connections/Rejected SMTPThe chart displays number of attempts of SMTP connection were rejected by the Spamrepellent tool in certain time period.Messages/SpamWith time dependence, the chart displays how large amount of spam is delivered to <strong>Kerio</strong>MailServer and when.LogsProblems that occur regarding the antispam filter might be solved with help of <strong>Kerio</strong>MailServer’s logs. In detail, logs are focused in chapter 22.The following logs might be helpful:SpamAll messages marked as spam are recorded in this log (for details, see chapter 22.7).194

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