Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 16 Antispam control of the SMTP serverFigure 16.4 Database parametersAdd spam score to the messageThe value set here will be added to any message accepted from any server includedin the blacklist.In case of this blacklist, the recommended score value is from 1 to 3 points. Thevalue of the score added depends on level of trustworthiness of a particular database.Generally, paid spammer databases examines more thoroughly SMTP serversto find out whether they really are spam senders or not. Therefore, if you use paiddatabases, it is possible and even more efficient to set higher scores than in case offree databases. This is, however, only a general knowledge which cannot be appliedwithout exceptions. If you are familiar with a free database and you are sure that itwould be efficient, you can set higher scores for them as well.If you combine multiple spammer databases, set lower spam scores since individualSMTP servers may be included in multiple databases and their scores are summed.Ask the blacklist DNS servers...using of this option is recommended in cases where Kerio MailServer uses a paidspammer database where the license is associated with a particular IP address.Queries are sent directly to the database, parent DNS servers will not be used forthe delivery.Note: Any time a delivered message is sent from an address which matches a blacklistitem, the information is recorded in the Security log (for details, see chapter 22.4).Therefore, to test reliability of a new blacklist, include it to the list and set the Add spamscore to the message option to 0. Email will not be affected and each message matchingwith the blacklist will be listed in the Security log.Supported databasesSpamCopKerio MailServer supports SpamCop, a database of spammer IP addresses.information on SpamCop, refer to more176

16.3 Custom RulesSORBSSpam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS) creates and maintains set of databasesof spammer IP addresses and domain names. By default, Kerio MailServer includes twoaggregate zones of spammer databases containing all basic partial databases addressingcertain types of spammer servers:• SORBS-DNSBL — database of spammer IP addresses.• SORBS-DNSBL — database of spammer domain names.For more information on SORBS, refer to SBL-XBLThe SpamHaus SBL-XBL database combines a database of spammer IP addresses witha database of illegal exploits performed by third parties:• Spamhaus Block List — SBL is a database of IP addresses of proved spammers. Theseservers are verified to prove that they really are spammers.• Spamhaus Exploit Block List — XBL is a database of IP addresses of illegal exploitsperformed by third parties, including open proxy servers, worms and viruses carryingharmful executable codes and other types of Trojan horse.For more information on SpamHAUS SBL-XBL, refer to Private Block ListWeighted Private Block List (WPBL) is a database of spammer IP addresses maintained bya committee scanning for and rating spammer servers. The database is available for free.For more information on WPBL, refer to Sender Blackhole ListThere also exist several types of Distributed Sender Blackhole List (DBSL) databases. Bydefault, Kerio MailServer includes the following ones:• Distributed Sender Blackhole List — trusted — the list includes all single-stage spammerrelay servers. These servers are verified to prove that they really are spammers.• Distributed Sender Blackhole List — unconfirmed — the list includes any reports onspammer servers received. This means that it includes also servers which are nottested sufficiently for spam-sending. Therefore, it is recommended to set lower scorevalues for this blacklist.For more information on DSBL, refer to Custom RulesIf Kerio MailServer’s internal antispam features do not satisfy your needs, it is possible tomanually customize rules to create a suitable filter which would complement the internalsystem and increase the antispam efficiency. These rules can be defined on the Custom Rulestab.The tab consists of two sections. One contains list of rules and their definition tools. Thelatter covers settings of how messages blocked by server-defined rules would be handled.177

Chapter 16 Antispam control of the SMTP serverFigure 16.4 Database parametersAdd spam score to the messageThe value set here will be added to any message accepted from any server includedin the blacklist.In case of this blacklist, the recommended score value is from 1 to 3 points. Thevalue of the score added depends on level of trustworthiness of a particular database.Generally, paid spammer databases examines more thoroughly SMTP serversto find out whether they really are spam senders or not. Therefore, if you use paiddatabases, it is possible and even more efficient to set higher scores than in case offree databases. This is, however, only a general knowledge which cannot be appliedwithout exceptions. If you are familiar with a free database and you are sure that itwould be efficient, you can set higher scores for them as well.If you combine multiple spammer databases, set lower spam scores since individualSMTP servers may be included in multiple databases and their scores are summed.Ask the blacklist DNS servers...using of this option is recommended in cases where <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer uses a paidspammer database where the license is associated with a particular IP address.Queries are sent directly to the database, parent DNS servers will not be used forthe delivery.Note: Any time a delivered message is sent from an address which matches a blacklistitem, the information is recorded in the Security log (for details, see chapter 22.4).Therefore, to test reliability of a new blacklist, include it to the list and set the Add spamscore to the message option to 0. Email will not be affected and each message matchingwith the blacklist will be listed in the Security log.Supported databasesSpamCop<strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer supports SpamCop, a database of spammer IP addresses.information on SpamCop, refer to more176

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