Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 15 Sending and Receiving MailFigure 15.23Update Checker tabThe installation package includes also automatic installations of the Kerio Outlook Connector,the Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition), the Kerio Synchronization Plug-in and the KerioSync Connector for Mac.The Current version available for clients field displays the information about the module versionscurrently used (including build numbers).• Kerio Outlook Connector — the package is updated for all users immediately upon updateof the server.• Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition) — the package is updated for all users immediatelyupon update of the server.• Kerio Synchronization Plug-in — the package is updated for all users immediately uponupdate of the server.• Kerio Sync Connector for Mac — users on client stations will be informed about availableupdates for the Kerio Sync Connector. If they conform the dialog, the program gets updated.Kerio MailServer performs automatic update checks for the Kerio Outlook Connector, the KerioOutlook Connector (Offline Edition) and the Kerio Synchronization Plug-in. The update checkshelp avoid problems caused by incompatibility of older server and newer plug-in versions or,vice versa, of newer server and older plug-in versions. In case that there is a collision detected,users are informed that the plug-in should be upgraded/downgraded. The correct version isinstalled upon confirmation. If a user rejects to install a new version, it depends whether theserver version differs in the version number or in the build number only:1. Build numbers are different — plug-in is started along with the MS Outlook. Before each166

15.6 Advanced Optionsstartup of the MS Outlook, alert is displayed informing that the plug-in should be updated.2. Version numbers are different — the plug-in refuses to connect to the server until it isupdated.New versions of the Kerio Outlook Connector, the Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition), theKerio Synchronization Plug-in and the Kerio Sync Connector are saved inKerio\MailServer\webmail\downloadWarning: Update of plug-ins requires the HTTP or the HTTPS service to be running. Only forKerio Synchronization Plug-in — if only HTTPS traffic is allowed in Kerio MailServer (e.g. forsecurity reasons), it is necessary that a trustworthy Kerio MailServer certificate is installedinInternet Explorer of all client stations (a self-signed certificate can be used). Otherwise, newversions will not be updated automatically.A server certificate can also be created in the Kerio MailServer’s administration console. Fordetailed instructions, see chapter 10.Note: If any problems regarding the update occur, enable the Update Checker Activity option(detailed information can be found in chapter 22.8) in the Debug log settings. Logged informationmight help you where any problems to be solved occur.WebMailIn Kerio Administration Console, several parameters for Kerio WebMail can be set (see figure15.24):Figure 15.24WebMail167

Chapter 15 Sending and Receiving MailFigure 15.23Update Checker tabThe installation package includes also automatic installations of the <strong>Kerio</strong> Outlook Connector,the <strong>Kerio</strong> Outlook Connector (Offline Edition), the <strong>Kerio</strong> Synchronization Plug-in and the <strong>Kerio</strong>Sync Connector for Mac.The Current version available for clients field displays the information about the module versionscurrently used (including build numbers).• <strong>Kerio</strong> Outlook Connector — the package is updated for all users immediately upon updateof the server.• <strong>Kerio</strong> Outlook Connector (Offline Edition) — the package is updated for all users immediatelyupon update of the server.• <strong>Kerio</strong> Synchronization Plug-in — the package is updated for all users immediately uponupdate of the server.• <strong>Kerio</strong> Sync Connector for Mac — users on client stations will be informed about availableupdates for the <strong>Kerio</strong> Sync Connector. If they conform the dialog, the program gets updated.<strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer performs automatic update checks for the <strong>Kerio</strong> Outlook Connector, the <strong>Kerio</strong>Outlook Connector (Offline Edition) and the <strong>Kerio</strong> Synchronization Plug-in. The update checkshelp avoid problems caused by incompatibility of older server and newer plug-in versions or,vice versa, of newer server and older plug-in versions. In case that there is a collision detected,users are informed that the plug-in should be upgraded/downgraded. The correct version isinstalled upon confirmation. If a user rejects to install a new version, it depends whether theserver version differs in the version number or in the build number only:1. Build numbers are different — plug-in is started along with the MS Outlook. Before each166

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