Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 15 Sending and Receiving Mailduring one connection (if there are more messages at the server they will be downloadedin the next session). The zero value means that no limit has been set.The total message size limit protects the user from repeated downloads of identical messagesin cases where POP3 session was interrupted.The main reason is the principle of POP3 protocol. On the server, messages to be deletedare not physically removed until a successful disconnection by the QUIT command. If thePOP3 session is interrupted, messages are not removed and the server downloads themagain within the following POP3 session. Setting of these limits therefore helps to controlof data flowing in repeated sessions.For temporary remove of appropriate rules use matching fields next to the rule definitions.Sorting RulesSorting rules define how messages downloaded from a remote POP3 mailbox will be deliveredto and divided between local users or forwarded to external email addresses. Use the SortingRules tab to define sorting rules.Figure 15.12Sorting RulesUse the Add button to add a new sorting rule:Sort AddressEmail address that will be searched for in the selected message header entry. It must becomplete; a substring is not acceptable.Deliver ToThis entry defines the recipient of the message complying with the rule. Here you canspecify:• local user or group of users — local users/groups of users can be selected using theSelect button,• alias — enter an appropriate alias,• external email address — any other email address.154

15.4 remote POP3 mailboxesFigure 15.13Sorting Rule dialogNote: To deliver messages to groups, you must assign addresses to these groups (or youcan create an alias). For details refer to chapter 14.DescriptionA commentary on a sorting rule (e.g. purpose explanation)For temporary remove of appropriate rules use matching fields next to the rule definitions.Special Sorting RulesIn sorting rules you can also define rules in this format:• * → address (implicit rule) Email messages not complying with any rule will be deliveredto this user (group). If this rule is not defined, such messages will be discarded.• * → * All messages containing the specified domainwill be forwarded to another specified domain.No other usage of the asterisk character (e.g. for completing a part of an address) is allowed.Example of wildcard usageIn this section you will find examples of how wildcard can be used for the simplest settingsof sorting rules. The configuration consists of the following rules:• The first rule sorts messages by alias settings and by addresses of user accounts.* → *• The second rule sorts messages which, by any reason, cannot be sorted to any particularuser account.* → admin@company.comNote: If any other rule is placed above these rules, it will be processed before them. Rulesare always processed in the following order:1. address@domain2. *@domain3. *155

15.4 remote POP3 mailboxesFigure 15.13Sorting Rule dialogNote: To deliver messages to groups, you must assign addresses to these groups (or youcan create an alias). For details refer to chapter 14.DescriptionA commentary on a sorting rule (e.g. purpose explanation)For temporary remove of appropriate rules use matching fields next to the rule definitions.Special Sorting RulesIn sorting rules you can also define rules in this format:• * → address (implicit rule) Email messages not complying with any rule will be deliveredto this user (group). If this rule is not defined, such messages will be discarded.• * → * All messages containing the specified domainwill be forwarded to another specified domain.No other usage of the asterisk character (e.g. for completing a part of an address) is allowed.Example of wildcard usageIn this section you will find examples of how wildcard can be used for the simplest settingsof sorting rules. The configuration consists of the following rules:• The first rule sorts messages by alias settings and by addresses of user accounts.* → *• The second rule sorts messages which, by any reason, cannot be sorted to any particularuser account.* → admin@company.comNote: If any other rule is placed above these rules, it will be processed before them. Rulesare always processed in the following order:1. address@domain2. *@domain3. *155

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