Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 13 User accountsNameName of the template (unique name used for the template identification).DescriptionThis field has two meanings. First, it is the template’s description that will be displayednext to its name in the template list and, second, it is copied to the Description field inthe user account created with this template.AuthenticationThe authentication method to be performed (for details, see chapter 13).DomainSelection of the domain for which the template will be used. Here you can choose oneof the local domains defined in Kerio MailServer or you can decide not to specify anydomain. If no domain is specified, the template can be used for creating and editing useraccounts in any domain (general template).Enable a default spam filter ...Check this option to move all recognized spam messages to the junk email folder.Store password in highly secure SHA formatBy default, user passwords are encrypted by DES. The Store password in highly secureSHA format allows for a more secure encryption (SHA string). This option has one disadvantage— some methods of Kerio MailServer access authentication (APOP, CRAM-MD5and Digest-MD5) cannot be applied. The only methods available for this option are LOGINand PLAIN (it is highly recommended to use only SSL connection for authentication).If this option is enabled, it is necessary to change the user password. This can be doneeither by administrator or the user (e.g. by Kerio WebMail or by another email client).The other fields in the dialog window are the same as the fields in the user account dialogwindow. The values entered here will be automatically entered into corresponding fields inthe created account. For details, see chapter 13.2.Using the TemplateA created template can be used immediately for creation of a user account in the DomainSettings → Users section. If at least one template is defined, the first step of a wizard isdisplayed when you click on Add that prompts you to choose a template.Only templates created for the particular domain or templates with an unspecified domain(general domains) will be displayed in the wizard dialog. The No template option means thatno template will be used for creating the account (most fields will be blank or default valueswill be entered).Once you choose a template a user account creation guide will be opened where appropriatevalues will be entered into individual fields. For details, see chapter 13.2.130

Chapter 14User groupsUser accounts within each domain can be sorted into groups. The main reasons for creatinguser groups are as followed:• Group addresses can be created for certain groups of users with aliases (see chapter 15.3)— mail sent to this address will be delivered to all members of the group.• Specific access rights can be assigned to a group of users. These rights complement rightsof individual users.You can define user groups in the Domain Settings → Groups section.Figure 14.1User groupsThe Search field and the Publish button have the same function as described in section Users.For detailed description of these items, see chapter 13.14.1 Creating a User GroupCreate a new group by clicking on the Add button. A guide for user group creation will beopened.Step 1 — Name and description of the groupNameUnique name of the group.131

Chapter 13 User accountsNameName of the template (unique name used for the template identification).DescriptionThis field has two meanings. First, it is the template’s description that will be displayednext to its name in the template list and, second, it is copied to the Description field inthe user account created with this template.AuthenticationThe authentication method to be performed (for details, see chapter 13).DomainSelection of the domain for which the template will be used. Here you can choose oneof the local domains defined in <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer or you can decide not to specify anydomain. If no domain is specified, the template can be used for creating and editing useraccounts in any domain (general template).Enable a default spam filter ...Check this option to move all recognized spam messages to the junk email folder.Store password in highly secure SHA formatBy default, user passwords are encrypted by DES. The Store password in highly secureSHA format allows for a more secure encryption (SHA string). This option has one disadvantage— some methods of <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer access authentication (APOP, CRAM-MD5and Digest-MD5) cannot be applied. The only methods available for this option are LOGINand PLAIN (it is highly recommended to use only SSL connection for authentication).If this option is enabled, it is necessary to change the user password. This can be doneeither by administrator or the user (e.g. by <strong>Kerio</strong> WebMail or by another email client).The other fields in the dialog window are the same as the fields in the user account dialogwindow. The values entered here will be automatically entered into corresponding fields inthe created account. For details, see chapter 13.2.Using the TemplateA created template can be used immediately for creation of a user account in the DomainSettings → Users section. If at least one template is defined, the first step of a wizard isdisplayed when you click on Add that prompts you to choose a template.Only templates created for the particular domain or templates with an unspecified domain(general domains) will be displayed in the wizard dialog. The No template option means thatno template will be used for creating the account (most fields will be blank or default valueswill be entered).Once you choose a template a user account creation guide will be opened where appropriatevalues will be entered into individual fields. For details, see chapter 13.2.130

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