Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive

Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive Administrator's Guide - Kerio Software Archive
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Chapter 13 User accountsFigure 13.8Creating a user — user rightshas its own public folders and users of a different local domain are not allowed to accessit (you can change this setting so that all public folders are accessible from all domainsand from all users — for detailed information about this setting, see chapter 7.1).By default, all users from one domain have read only rights for the public folders. Therights for public folders can be assigned by any user that has the administrator rights.The rights can be also assigned using the Kerio WebMail interface and MS Outlook withKerio Outlook Connector.All types of public services (email, calendars, contacts, tasks, notes) in Kerio MailServercan be viewed only in MS Outlook extended by the Kerio Outlook Connector and in KerioWebMail. Other email clients usually display only email folders (for detailed informationabout all supported email clients, see Kerio MailServer, User’s Guide).Step 7 — QuotaYou can set limits for each user’s mailbox.Disk spaceThe maximum space for a mailbox. For greater ease in entering values you can choosebetween kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB).Number of messagesThe maximum number of messages in the mailbox.112

13.2 Creating a user accountFigure 13.9New user addition — quotaThe value of either of these items can be set to 0 (zero), which means that there is no limit setfor the mailbox.The user quota prevents cluttering of the server disk. If either of the limits is reached, anynew messages will be refused by the server.When the quota is reached, the user will receive a warning message including recommendationon deleting some messages. It is also not important if the quota was exceeded by number ofmessages or by the reserved disk space capacity. The quota is reached at the moment whenan incoming message (or an event, a contact or a task) exceeds one of these limits.The treshold of 90 per cent of the quota value is set (90 per cent of the limit set for thenumber of messages or 90 per cent of the disk space reserved). When this treshold is reached,an informative message is send to the particular user. This value can be edited manually inthe Kerio MailServer’s configuration file, as follows:1. Stop the Kerio MailServer Engine.2. In the directory where Kerio MailServer is installed, search the mailserver.cfg fileIf the file is being edited on Mac OS X or Linux operating systems, login to the system asthe root user (a special user with full access rights to the system).3. Open the mailserver.cfg file and look up the QuotaWarningThreshold value. The lineis as follows:904. Change the value as needed and save the file.5. Run Kerio MailServer.These warning messages are sent each 24 hours (not more frequently). Even if a user removesmessages to get under the quota treshold and then exceeds it again, the next informativemessage will be sent after 24 hours from the first informatory message.113

Chapter 13 User accountsFigure 13.8Creating a user — user rightshas its own public folders and users of a different local domain are not allowed to accessit (you can change this setting so that all public folders are accessible from all domainsand from all users — for detailed information about this setting, see chapter 7.1).By default, all users from one domain have read only rights for the public folders. Therights for public folders can be assigned by any user that has the administrator rights.The rights can be also assigned using the <strong>Kerio</strong> WebMail interface and MS Outlook with<strong>Kerio</strong> Outlook Connector.All types of public services (email, calendars, contacts, tasks, notes) in <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServercan be viewed only in MS Outlook extended by the <strong>Kerio</strong> Outlook Connector and in <strong>Kerio</strong>WebMail. Other email clients usually display only email folders (for detailed informationabout all supported email clients, see <strong>Kerio</strong> MailServer, User’s <strong>Guide</strong>).Step 7 — QuotaYou can set limits for each user’s mailbox.Disk spaceThe maximum space for a mailbox. For greater ease in entering values you can choosebetween kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB).Number of messagesThe maximum number of messages in the mailbox.112

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