Šolsko polje, letnik XX, številka 5-6, 2009: Vloga ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XX, številka 5-6, 2009: Vloga ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XX, številka 5-6, 2009: Vloga ... - Pedagoški inštitut


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JOURNALISTIC (RE)PRODUCTION OF HISTORY: TELEVIZED COVERAGE OF RADOVAN ...95In TS’s coverage, the emphasis is on the semantic field of Karadžić’s lifeas Dragan Dabić. The use of words, such as »alternative doctor«, »bioenergetic«,»poet«, »musician«, »friendly neighbour«, and even »a lover« (seeexample 14), shows that TS attempted to explicitly position Karadžić as anice, warm, friendly, emotional, loving, and intelligent man, who possessessome spiritual powers and cannot really be »a war criminal.«14. Karadžić has been extremely intelligent and creative human. Peopleperceived him as a bio-energetic, a therapist, a friendly neighbour, apoet and a musician. /.../ the editor of the newspaper Healthy Life, forwhich Karadžić contributed essays, claimed that he was bohemian./.../ His colleagues say that he had a lover, a brunette called Mila. (23July 2008, »Radovan Karadžić – Myth and Reality«)On the other side, there are only three names referring negatively to Karadžić(»war criminal«, »murderer«, and »European Osama bin Laden«), publishedfive times altogether. Because of journalistic attempts to presentthe coverage as »objective«, the news stories also had to include negativeopinions from Western media and politicians (see example 15).15. Richard Holbrooke declared: This is a historical day. A European Binladen has finally been arrested. (22 July 2008, TV News)TS covered predominately positive evaluations of Karadžić (for example,»the greatest Serbian hero«), as stated by Serbian nationalistic politicians:16. Secretary General of Serbian Radical Party Aleksandar Vucić claimed: TheGovernment arrested the greatest Serbian hero. (22 July 2008, TV News)TS also positioned Karadžić within family relations, in order to portrayhim as a good husband, father, brother and uncle (see example 17).17. Radovan was an exceptional uncle – says his nephew Dragan. (28 July2008, TV News)The analysis also reveals that TS covered Karadžić as a great politician. Astatement from an »ordinary man« connotes that Karadžić is a good politicianbecause he has gained territory for the Serbs. In the following report,similar implicit nostalgia for Greater Serbia can be detected:18. Radovan Karadžić was an extremely capable politician, who reallyconquered more territory that historically belonged to the Serbs. Notlike some other Serbian politicians. (22 July 2008, TV News)

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