Šolsko polje, letnik XX, številka 5-6, 2009: Vloga ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XX, številka 5-6, 2009: Vloga ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XX, številka 5-6, 2009: Vloga ... - Pedagoški inštitut


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164 ŠOLSKO POLJE LETNIK <strong>XX</strong> ŠTEVILKA 5/6edited volumes, and over 300 journal papers. Her recent publications include:The Discourse of Politics in Action: Politics as Usual, <strong>2009</strong>; EnglishLanguage: Description, Variation and Context, <strong>2009</strong> (with J. Culpeper, F.Katamba, P. Kerswill, T. McEnery (eds.)); Europe in Crisis: The EuropeanPublic Sphere and National Media in the Post-War Period, <strong>2009</strong> (with A.Triandafyllidou and M. Krzyzanowski (eds.)); Methods of Critical DiscourseAnalysis, <strong>2009</strong> (2nd revised edition (2001); with M. Meyer (eds.)); TheDiscursive Construction of National Identity, <strong>2009</strong> (2nd revised edition(2001); with R. De Cillia, M. Reisigl and K. Liebhart). Her main researchagenda focus lies on the development of theoretical approaches in discoursestudies (combining ethnography, argumentation theory, rhetoric,and functional systemic linguistics); gender studies; language and/in politics;prejudice and discrimination.Andreja VezovnikDr. Andreja Vezovnik je zaposlena kot raziskovalka in asistentka na Fakultetiza družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani. Ukvarja se s teorijami diskurzain različnimi pristopi k analizi diskurza, vprašanjem političnega antagonizmain predstavništva ter z logiko kolektivne identifikacije. V svojih empiričnihraziskavah se je največ posvečala fenomenu novega očetovstva inkonstrukcije slovenstva. V času doktorskega študija se je izpopolnjevalapri prof. Ernestu Laclauu na Northwestern University in se udeležila večmednarodnih simpozijev ter objavila več znanstvenih člankov na temo teorijein analize diskurza.andreja.vezovnik@fdv.uni-lj.siDr. Andreja Vezovnik is currently employed as a researcher and teachingassistant at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. Hermain focus is on discourse theories and different approaches to discourseanalysis, on issues of political antagonism and representation, and onthe logic of collective identification. In her empirical research she mainlyfocused on the phenomenon of new fatherhood, and on the constructionof Slovenianess. Under the invitation of Ernesto Laclau she spent a periodat Northwestern University as a pre-doctoral visiting scholar, attendedseveral international symposiums, and published scientific papers on discoursetheory and discourse analysis.andreja.vezovnik@fdv.uni-lj.si

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