Šolsko polje, letnik XX, številka 5-6, 2009: Vloga ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XX, številka 5-6, 2009: Vloga ... - Pedagoški inštitut

Šolsko polje, letnik XX, številka 5-6, 2009: Vloga ... - Pedagoški inštitut


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158 ŠOLSKO POLJE LETNIK <strong>XX</strong> ŠTEVILKA 5/6ontic and the ontological level. It deals with Foucault’s understanding of discourse in hisarchaeological period. It focuses on the paradoxic idea of the regularity of dispersionof the statements within a discursive formation and brings up the problem of how toindividualize different discourse on the empirical level. As an alternative to the foucaultian‘solution’ the contribution offers Laclau’s theory of discourse which abolishes thedichotomy mentioned above. Laclau’s notion of discourse is perceived as an ubiquitoussocial phenomenon while the logic of discursive fields is interpreted through the totalizinginstance of the empty signifier. The central problem of Foucault’s thesis is that, unlikeLaclau, he does not think the relations between discourses as differential relations. Thisin fact makes for Foucault impossible to think the system of discourses on the ontic level.Keywords: discourse, discursive, discursive formation, statement, empty signifierTOPOI IN CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSISIgor Ž. ŽagarTopos (topoi in pl.) is one of the most widely used concepts from classical argumentationtheory (Aristotle, Cicero). It found its way not only in philosophy, sociology, anthropologyand linguistics, it found its way in everyday life and everyday conversation as well.In this article, I will examine the role that topoi play in Critical Discourse Analysis. Startingwith definitions from Aristotle and Cicero, contrasting them with new conceptualisationsby Perelman and Toulmin, and examining the superficial use of topoi in everydayconversation, I will try to show that Critical Discourse Analysis (especially Ruth Wodak’sDiscourse-Historical Approach) relies mostly on simplified, unreflected use of topoi (asfound in everyday use), thus neglecting much more productive, theoretical elaborationsof the concept.Key words: topoi, warrant, rhetoric, argumentation, Critical Discourse AnalysisTOPOSI V KRITIČNI ANALIZI DISKURZAIgor Ž. ŽagarTopos (množinsko topoi, v slovenski različici tudi toposi) je eden od najbolj uporabljanihkonceptov iz klasične teorije argumentacije (Aristotel, Cicero). Uveljavil se je ne le v filozofiji,sociologiji, antropologiji in lingvistiki, temveč tudi v vsakdanjem življenju in konverzaciji.V tem članku bom raziskal vlogo, ki jo toposi igrajo v kritični analizi diskurza. Začenši zdefinicijami Aristotela in Cicerona, primerjavo z novimi konceptualizacijami Perelmanain Toulmina, in osvetlitvijo površinske rabe toposov v vsakdanji konverzaciji bom skušalpokazati, da se kritična analiza diskurza (zlasti diskurzivno historični pristop Ruth Wodak)v glavnem opira na poenostavljeno, nereflektirano rabo toposov (kakršno najdemo v vsakdanjirabi) in s tem zanemarja veliko produktivnejše, teoretske razdelave tega koncepta.Ključne besede: topoi (toposi), utemeljitev, retorika, argumentacija, kritična analiza diskurza.

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