English - Natural Justice

English - Natural Justice

English - Natural Justice


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5. KEY RECOMMENDATIONS: RECOGNIZE ANDRESPECT INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ AND LOCALCOMMUNITIES’ RIGHTS TO PROTECT THEINTEGRITY OF THEIR ICCAs5.1 International LevelParties to instruments dealing with human rights, Indigenous peoples and local communities,the environment and natural resources, cultural heritage, sustainable development, andhuman welfare (among others) should take responsibility for understanding and upholdingthe wealth of commitments and obligations enshrined in international law and regionaljurisprudence that support Indigenous peoples and local communities rights, including toretain the integrity of their ICCAs. Treaty secretariats, intergovernmental organizations,NGOs, and others should assist with raising awareness and building capacity to do so withinthe relevant governments.UN treaty monitoring bodies and secretariats, the UN Permanent Forum on IndigenousIssues, the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the UN SpecialRapporteurs on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of IndigenousPeoples, on Cultural Rights, on Minority Issues, and on the Right to Food, among others,should examine and promote recognition and respect for ICCAs as means to realize a rangeof human rights instruments.The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity should continue to facilitate theimplementation and monitoring of various decisions of the Conference of the Parties,programmes of work, and cross-cutting themes related to ICCAs, including through trainingprogrammes and capacity building workshops, dissemination of information, andencouraging Parties to take up the recommendations of this study in their NationalBiodiversity Strategies and Action Plans and national reports. The Secretariat should alsoencourage appropriate recognition of ICCAs in all other relevant international treaties andmechanisms and regional fora in which it has informal or formal status.The FAO is called upon to integrate support for ICCAs in ongoing programmes for landreform, agricultural extension and community forest and fisheries management. Its supportfor the rights of farmers, livestock keepers and small-scale and artisanal fishers is also crucial.The UNDP-GEF Small Grants Programme is congratulated for including ICCAs in its 5 thOperational Phase Biodiversity Portfolio. Building on this positive development, other UNagencies, in particular those with a mandate related to land and environmental matters, arecalled on to fully integrate appropriate support programmes for ICCAs into their work andfunding mechanisms.The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) should facilitate awareness andappreciation of ICCAs through its volunteer Commissions, regional offices, and globalprogrammes, including by diffusing information about related policies, agreements,resolutions, and recommendations, and providing technical assistance to its members andpartners to develop appropriate legal and policy measures to recognize ICCAs incollaboration with Indigenous peoples and local communities.

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