English - Natural Justice

English - Natural Justice

English - Natural Justice


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2.2 Non-legal Recognition and SupportAt both international and national levels, ICCAs are also receiving much greater non-legalrecognition and support than ever before, six general forms of which are set out below.Administrative and programmatic recognition: ICCAs are provided space in governmentalprogrammes or schemes, with or without specific legal measures to do so. This includes, forexample, recognition in National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans and in nationalpoverty reduction programmes, sub-national programmes and schemes of a similar nature.In Iran, government organizationssuch as the Department of theEnvironment (DOE) and the Forests,Rangelands and WatershedOrganization are members of theNational Steering Committee of theUNDP-Global Environment FacilitySmall Grants Programme (GEF-SGP)and have lent their support andapproval to relevant GEF-SGPprojects focusing on ICCAs. In July2007, the director general of theDOE stated that: “The DOE isresponsible for adding 200,000hectares to the country’s protectedareas before 2020. We should uselessons learned from the pilotprojects in support of ICCAs in IranThe biodiversity-rich rangelands of the Qashqai tribal territory.© Samira Farahani, CENESTAand see how they can facilitate the process for more support and recognition of the ICCAs byapproving suitable policies and laws in this regard.”Financial, technical, and developmental support: Indigenous peoples or local communitiesreceive funding, inputs for building capacity, locally appropriate developmental facilities,facilitation for mapping, or other related activities. This could be provided by eithergovernment or non-governmental actors and includes specific schemes to support ICCAs inseveral countries and through global initiatives such as GEF-SGP.In the Philippines, financial support to the government has enabled the provision oftechnical assistance to Indigenous peoples in the formulation of their Ancestral DomainSustainable Development and Protection Plans (ADSDPP). The support that Indigenouspeoples receive in the delineation of their ancestral domains and the formulation of theirADSDPPs based on their traditions and culture effectively supports their initiatives for ICCAgovernance and management. The Philippine government also launched the NewConservation Areas in the Philippines Project (NewCAPP) “to expand and strengthen theterrestrial protected area system in the Philippines by developing new protected areasmodels … and expand the […] system with the integration of new conservation areas toinclude sites with a comprehensive ecological coverage and strong links to localcommunities and indigenous lands in the surrounding landscape.” NewCAPP is providingdirect funding for ICCA initiatives and related activities.

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