Primary Schools - South Gloucestershire Council

Primary Schools - South Gloucestershire Council

Primary Schools - South Gloucestershire Council


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Don’t be late!Applications mustbe submitted by15 January 2015Admission to<strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>September 2015 – August 2016A Guide for Parents / Carerswww.southglos.gov.uk1

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this booklet. Some details may havechanged since publication.All maps in this document are based upon the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the ControllerHM Stationery Officer. Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Licence Number1000023411 2014.Please note that all maps are indicative and must be viewed in that way.

Where can I get help and advice?<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is the first point ofcontact for those seeking help and advice on theadmissions process.Members of staff in the Department for Children,Adults & Health are available on:Telephone: 01454 868008Email: cis@southglos.gov.uk.Alternatively, further guidance includinginformation about schools that serve your areacan be found on the council’s websitewww.southglos.gov.uk ‘Find my nearest’.Help with on-line applicationsIf, after reading the guidance notes on ourwebsite, you need help with your on-lineapplication please telephone the council on01454 868008.Comments or suggestions aboutthis bookletIf you have any specific comments or suggestionsto make about this booklet please return thesewith your completed application form.Other helpFree school mealsIf you are claiming certain benefits, your childmay be eligible to receive free school meals. Youmay be eligible if you fall into one of the followingcategories:❚❚❚❚❚you are in receipt of income support or ajobseeker’s allowance (income-based JSA);you are entitled to child tax credits withincome no greater than £16,190 as shown onyour TC602 from HM Revenue and Customs.If you receive working tax credit then you arenot eligible;you receive the guaranteed element of statepension credit;you get support from the National AsylumSupport Service;you receive employment and supportallowance (ESA).If you live in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> you cancontact us for an application form on:Telephone: 01454 868008Email: cis@southglos.gov.ukProof of eligibility will be required.Where can I get help and advice?✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk7

At what age do children start school?At what age do children startschool?The information below will help you decide whenyour child should start school.<strong>Primary</strong> school age provision in <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> includes schools and academies.Academies are independent schools within thestate sector. In this booklet, the word ‘schools’includes both schools and academies unless adifferent procedure applies.Children aged fourSo that children can benefit from three full years ofinfant education, children are normally admitted to<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> schools in the Septemberfollowing their fourth birthday. If your child wasborn between 1 September 2010 and 31 August2011, he/she is able to start school in September2015 and will join the reception class at the age offour.Children aged fiveLegally, children do not have to be in full timeeducation until the term following their fifthbirthday. This is the compulsory school age.Parents/carers can request that the date theirchild is admitted to school is deferred until later inthe school year or until the child reaches age fivein that school year.Deferred admissionParents/carers can request that their child attendspart-time until they reach compulsory school age,or that the date their child is admitted to schoolis deferred until later in the same academic year.Parents/carers should indicate at the time ofaccepting a place that they wish to defer theirchild’s admission until later in the school year.Deferral dates are set out as follows:Child’s fifthbirthday1 September –31 December1 January –31 MarchCan deferuntilJanuaryAprilIf I deferwhich classwill my childjoin?ReceptionclassReceptionclassParents/carers are advised to consider carefullythe implications of deferring their child’s start dateto school. Some parents/carers consider that itis better for their child to start school at the sametime as other children in their age group, i.e. fromthe beginning of the academic year (September)to help their child settle-in and adjust to schoollife.Delayed admissionParents/carers may request that their child isadmitted outside of their normal age group. It isthe responsibility of the admission authority of theschool to make the decision on the basis of thecircumstances of each case. Factors consideredby an admission authority when consideringadmission outside the normal age group include:❚❚❚the needs of the child and the possibleimpact on them of entering Year 1 withouthaving first attended the reception class;in the case of children born prematurely, thefact that they may have naturally fallen intothe lower age group if they had been born ontheir expected date of birth;whether delayed social, emotional or physicaldevelopment is adversely affecting theirreadiness for school.Parents/carers should think very carefully aboutthe implications of admitting their child outside thenormal age group and ensure that joining a loweryear group is in the best interests of the child.8Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

How do I apply for a school place?Supplementary forms for voluntaryaided schools and academiesVoluntary aided schools and academiesmake their own decisions about admissionarrangements. These schools/academies mayuse supplementary information forms to collectadditional information in order to apply theiradmission criteria. If you wish to apply for a placein a voluntary aided school or academy you stillneed to complete the common application formbut you may also need to complete the school oracademy’s supplementary form.Please refer to the “Admission to voluntary aidedprimary schools and academies” section wherethe requirement to submit supplementary formsis indicated. Supplementary forms are availablefrom the school or academy concerned. Pleasebe aware that the closing date for sendingadditional information to schools/ academiesmay be different to the closing date forsubmitting the common applicationform to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.Where applicable, bothforms will need to becompleted on time.If in doubt you willneed to contactthe individualschool(s) oracademy(s).I live in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> butwish my child to attend a schooloutside <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>If you wish your child to attend a school outside<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> you should still completethe common application form. The form forcompletion by residents of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>is on the council’s website (for on-lineapplications) and is also included at the back ofthis booklet.Admission for children withstatements of special educationalneeds (SEN) or an education,health and care plan (EHC Plan)There is a separate form for children withStatements of SEN or an EHC Plan which will beprovided to parents/carers by the relevant caseofficer. If your child has a Statement of SEN oran EHC Plan do not complete the form in thisbooklet. However, you may find someof the information useful. If your childis undergoing statutory assessmentplease contact your case officer forfurther advice before completinga form. If your child has specialeducational needs but does notcurrently have a Statement of SEN oran EHC Plan you should complete andsubmit a common application form in thenormal way.12Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

What else do I need to considerin completing my application?Find out which schools serve yourareaSome schools serve Areas of Prime Responsibility(APR). Where an APR exists, the area indicatesto parents/carers the schools which normallyserve the home address. <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> gives priority to those children who livewithin the APR of the school, though there is noguarantee that places will be offered to all thoseliving within the APR. Maps showing the locationof each school are provided at the end of the“Infant, junior and primary schools” section alongwith details of the APR where appropriate. Furtherdetails for the schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>are also provided in this section. If you are unsurewhich schools serve your area please telephone<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>. Alternativelydetails of your five nearest schools and, whereappropriate, the APR for your home address canbe found on the council’s websitewww.southglos.gov.uk ‘Find my nearest’.We strongly recommend that you indicate apreference for a school that normally servesyour home address (your APR school or a localschool). This will increase your chances of gettinga place at a local school, in the event that yourhighest ranking preference cannot be met (if, forexample, your highest ranking school is oversubscribedfrom applicants living within thatschool’s APR or living closer than you and/or anyhigher priority applications). Please note that notall schools have an APR.Local sibling links – youngerbrothers and sistersMany parents/carers express a preference foryounger brothers and sisters to attend the sameschool. <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>’s over-subscriptioncriteria for allocating places to community andvoluntary controlled schools gives some priorityto local siblings. You should be aware that a localsibling is not the same as a sibling. In <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> children are defined as localsiblings if:❚❚❚❚❚❚❚they live within the APR;or, where there is no APR, local siblings will bedeemed to be those living up to a maximumof two miles from school by straight linemeasurement;or, where the distance is over two miles butthe school is still the nearest school;they are full or half brother or sister; orthey are adoptive brother or sister; orthey are children of the same household; andthe older sibling is already in attendance atthe preferred school and will be in attendancein September 2015.You should note that your child will notbe considered under the local siblingcriterion if you do not meet the subcriteriaabove. It is therefore importantthat you state a preference for yourlocal/nearest school, particularly if youhave younger children who you wouldlike to attend the same school in lateryears.!Some schools receive moreapplications than there are places.While we will do our best, there is noguarantee that we will be able to offeryou a place at your preferred schooleven if you meet the admission criteria.What else do I need to consider in completing my application?✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk13

Travel assistance to school – what you need to knowChildren with special educationalneeds (non-statemented andstatemented) or an education,health and care plan (EHC Plan)Pupils with special educational needs (nonstatemented)have the same entitlementto transport under legislation or <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> policies as any other <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> pupil.Children with Statements of Special EducationalNeeds who may have no entitlement on distancegrounds or normal <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>policies will be considered under <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Special EducationalNeeds transport policy. Transport is provided tothe nearest appropriate school, as defined by<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, with regard toa child’s particular disabilities. In specific casesentitlement may include access to a Guide Escort.In appropriate cases, a Guide Escort may beprovided to assist a child in walking to school,rather than provision of transport.Entitlement to assistance with transport forchildren with an Education, Health and CarePlan (EHC Plan) will be included as part of theassessment of their needs and there will be noneed to apply for transport separately.Will I be offered travel assistance toa faith school?Children entering faith-based primary schoolswill not be entitled to free home to schooltravel even when they are attending ondenominational grounds and regardless of thedistance from home.The only exception would be where the faithbasedprimary school is the nearest primaryschool of any status to home under the generaltransport eligibility rules mentioned above.Parents/carers considering admission to a faithbasedprimary school are advised to consider thejourney involved and how their child will travel toschool.Application process for assistancewith travel to schoolThe details of home to school transport policiesare available on-line atwww.southglos.gov.uk – search for ‘Transportto schools’. These include information on policies,how to apply, how applications are consideredand how to appeal if an application is refused.Application forms for home to school transportcan be downloaded from this site or are availablefrom <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> on01454 868008.Sustainable travelWhere assistance with travel is agreed, <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will determine themode of transport. The council is committedto promoting greater use of buses for schooljourneys and will seek, as far as possible, toissue bus passes to students. Alongside this,the council works actively to promote walkingand cycling to school to help reduce congestionon the roads, encourage greater independenceand flexibility and raise awareness of the healthbenefits of sustainable travel. Where walking,cycling or public transport are not feasible, youmay wish to consider car sharing. For furtherinformation contact your local school and ask fordetails of the School Travel Plan.You are advised to consider which schools arewithin walking distance of your home bearing inmind that we cannot guarantee an offer of a placeat your nearest school even if you state it as apreference. Remember, if you choose a schoolsome distance away from your home address youare committing yourself to the journey for a sevenyear period.Appeals processIf, following your application for help with transportcosts, you have a complaint or wish to challengethe outcome of your assessed eligibility fortravel assistance, you may appeal to the councilusing the transport appeals process. Details areprovided on the council’s website atwww.southglos.gov.uk – search for ‘Transport toschools’.16Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

How are places allocated?Each school has an admission number to reflectthe number of places that can be offered for newchildren joining the school. Sometimes schoolsreceive more applications than there are placesavailable. Where this happens, it is importantthat we are fair and consistent in the decisionswe make about who should be offered a place.To make these decisions the over-subscriptioncriteria are applied to each application.The over-subscription criteria are not the samefor all schools. Parents/carers are advised tocheck the relevant admission criteria for theschool(s) concerned. The over-subscriptioncriteria for community and voluntary controlledschools are determined by the council and areset out below. The over-subscription criteriafor voluntary aided schools and academiesare determined by the governing body ofthe individual school and are set out in the“Admission to voluntary aided primary schoolsand academies” section.Over-subscription criteria forcommunity and voluntarycontrolled schools in <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong>By law the council is required to have clear andpublished rules about how school places willbe allocated when the number of applicationsexceeds the places available.In <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>, priority for admissionto community and voluntary controlled schools isas follows. Parents/carers should also refer to thenotes to the over-subscription criteria provided inthis section.1. Children in Public Care and Previously inPublic Care.2. Local siblings (see definition).3. Geographical considerations (includingreference to Areas of Prime Responsibilitywhere appropriate).4. Tie breaker.Notes to the over-subscription criteria forcommunity and voluntary controlled schools:1. Children in Public Care* are those lookedafter by a local authority within the meaning ofSection 22 of the Children Act 1989.Children Previously in Public Care* are thosewho were looked after, but ceased to be sobecause they were adopted 1 (or became subjectto a residence order 2 or special guardianshiporder 3 ).* Documentation will need to be provided to <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> as proof of care status.1 Under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002.2 Under the terms of the Children Act 1989.3 Section 14A of the Children Act 1989.2. Local siblings: Children are defined as localsiblings if:❚❚❚❚❚❚❚they live within the Area of PrimeResponsibility;or, where there is no Area of PrimeResponsibility, local siblings will be deemedto be those living up to a maximum of twomiles from school as measured in a straightline;or, where the distance is over two miles butthe school is still the nearest school;they are full or half brother or sister; orthey are adoptive brother or sister; orthey are children of the same household; andthe older sibling is already in attendance atthe preferred school and will be in attendancein September 2015 (statutory school ageonly).For the purposes of the local sibling criterion, apaired infant and junior school will be treated asone school.How are places allocated?✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk17

How are places allocated?3. Geographical considerations: Where thereare more applications for children living within anArea of Prime Responsibility than places available,priority will be given to applications from withinthe defined area who live closest to the preferredschool. After places have been allocated fromwithin the Area of Prime Responsibility, anyremaining places will be allocated to thosechildren living closest to the school. Distancesfrom home to school are measured in a straightline between the address point of the child’shome and a central point within the main schoolbuilding using the local authority’s computerisedmapping system.In the case of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> infant andprimary schools which do not have Areas of PrimeResponsibility, places will be allocated to thosechildren living closest to the school. Distancesfrom home to school are measured in a straightline between the address point of the child’shome and a central point within the main schoolbuilding using the local authority’s computerisedmapping system.!Please note: In determining whichapplicants live closest to school,distances from home to school will bemeasured in a straight line between theaddress point of the child’s home anda central point within the main schoolbuilding. Applications for assistancewith transport will be assessed usingthe nearest available walking route.4. Tie breaker: Where it does not prove possibleto resolve allocations to an over-subscribedschool by the application of criteria 1-3, anyremaining places will be allocated by drawinglots. Lots will be drawn by a senior officer of <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> who is independent ofthe school admissions process.Home addressThe home address is considered to be wherethe child lives most of the time with his or herparent(s) or carer(s). <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> cannot accept an address of a business,relative, friend, childminder, a temporary addressor an address of a house it is intended to moveto. The only exceptions are for children of UKservice personnel for whom special arrangementsapply. <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> reserves theright to seek documentary evidence to support aclaim of residence. Where the child spends timewith each parent/carer equally at two differentaddresses, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will askfor proof of the arrangements and will determinethe appropriate address to be used in allocating aschool place. In reaching this decision, evidencemay be requested to show the address to whichany Child Benefit is paid and from which thechild is registered with a medical GP. Any otherevidence provided by parents/carers will also beconsidered in reaching a decision on the homeaddress for admissions purposes.Admission to all year groups duringthe school year 2015/2016All other applications for places for <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> community and voluntarycontrolled primary schools during the year2015/2016, including those to other year groups,will be considered using the criteria set out at thebeginning of this section in accordance with thein-year admission arrangements.Children of multiple birthsWhere the last child to qualify for a place is a twinor child of multiple birth, the place will be offeredto one child and the other child(ren) consideredunder the admission criteria as exceptions to theinfant class size regulations where relevant.<strong>Primary</strong> schools in <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> with ResourceBasesPlacement at Special Resource Bases is decidedcentrally by the Department for Children, Adults& Health. Children placed at a Resource Basewill be offered a place within the admissionnumber and are not considered to be permittedexceptions to infant class size regulations. Theaim of the Department is for full inclusion inmainstream activities wherever possible.18Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

New primary school provision in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> - opening September 2015New primary school provision in<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> - openingSeptember 2015A new school for Emersons GreenEastPlans are in place for a new primary academy setwithin the heart of an exciting new community inthe Emersons Green area. It is planned that theschool will be located in a brand new buildingwithin the development and first admission to theschool will be from September 2015 to provide30 places for children of reception school age.This will be increased to provide 60 places at alater date. The school will also provide a specialistresource base for up to 12 children with AutisticSpectrum Disorder.Where a council identifies the need for a newschool in its area, it must seek proposals fromprospective sponsors to establish the new school.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has invited bidsfrom sponsors to open the new primary academyand the Department for Education will be makinga decision shortly. Details of the new sponsor willbe published on the council’s website by the endof September 2014.www.southglos.gov.uk/EGE<strong>Primary</strong>AcademyOnce appointed, the sponsor for the new schoolwill agree a new name for the school. There is anambitious building programme underway to getthe new school building up and running thoughit is unlikely that this will be ready for its openingin September 2015. Interim arrangements willtherefore be in place to accommodate the firstof the new classes. The sponsor will provide fulldetails of these arrangements at its open event,details of which will be published on the council’swebsitewww.southglos.gov.uk/EGE<strong>Primary</strong>AcademyYou may express a preference for the newacademy as one of your three preferences.The location of the new academy is set outon map 15 in the “Maps of schools in <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong>” section. To find out moreparents/carers are invited to attend an open event.Further details of this will be published on thecouncil’s websitewww.southglos.gov.uk/EGE<strong>Primary</strong>AcademyNew primary phase school atBradley Stoke Community SchoolBradley Stoke Community School has extendedthe age range of its existing academy to providean all through school serving the 4-19 age range.The primary phase will open in September 2015to provide 30 reception class places. As numbersroll through the school, the new primary phasewill provide a total of 210 primary school places.Further details of the admissions process areset out in the “Admission to voluntary aided andacademies” section of this booklet and detailsof the area served by the school are set outon map 11 in the “Maps of schools in <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong>” section.New primary phase school atKing’s Oak AcademyKing’s Oak Academy has extended the age rangeof its existing academy to provide an all throughschool serving the 4-19 age range. The primaryphase will open in September 2015 to provide 60reception class places. As numbers roll throughthe school, the new primary phase will provide atotal of 420 primary school places. Further detailsof the admissions process are set out in the“Admission to voluntary aided and academies”section of this booklet and details of the areaserved by the school are set out on map 18 inthe “Maps of schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>”section.20Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

What happens to myapplication?Considering your preferencesOnce we receive your completed application(by the closing date of 15 January 2015) we willconsider all your preferences and we will try tooffer you a place at one of your preferred schools.Applications for all schools will be consideredunder an ‘equal preference’ system. This meansthat all your preferences will initially be consideredequally against the admission criteria regardlessof your ranking. This does not mean that wedisregard your preferences; it means that in theevent that you are unsuccessful in gaining aplace at your first preference school, your secondpreference will not be treated any less favourablyjust because you placed school two as yoursecond preference.If your child qualifies for a place at more than oneschool the highest ranked place available willbe offered. If you are not offered a place at yourhighest ranking school, the alternative schoolmay be one of your other preferences or the nextnearest appropriate school with a place available.In the case of parents/carers resident in <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> being refused a place at theirpreferred school(s), an alternative school place willbe offered to their child at the nearest appropriateschool/academy to the home address with aplace available and they will be informed of theoptions available at that stage including their rightof appeal.Processing your application(co-ordinated scheme)All local authorities must have a co-ordinatedadmission scheme which allows details ofapplications to be shared with other admissionauthorities as appropriate, to ensure that parents/carers receive an offer of a single place on theoffer date.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> will pass the details ofapplications received on to other local authoritiesas appropriate by 30 January 2015 by electronicdata transfer. Own admission authority schoolsin <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> named on the commonapplication forms will be sent details of theirapplications by 6 February 2015 by electronicdata transfer. Own admission authority schoolswill not be notified of the rank order of anapplicant’s preferences.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> voluntary aided primaryschool and academy admission authorities willconsider and rank all applications received,including any supplementary data, with referenceto their own over-subscription criteria wherenecessary. Ranked lists of potential offers will thenbe returned by electronic data transfer to <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> by the voluntary aided primaryschool and academy admission authorities,including the reason why each applicant qualifiedfor a place, by 27 February 2015. The list will alsoinclude those pupils, for whom a place cannot beoffered, in rank order, explaining the reasons forrefusal against the over-subscription criteria, andin the order in which additional offers will be madeshould places become available.By 27 March 2015 <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>will inform other local authorities of the offers tobe made to parents/carers living in its area. Bythe same date, other local authorities will inform<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> of the outcomeof applications made for other local authorityschools by <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> residents.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> then considers allpotential offers in order to determine the singleoffer of a reception year place to be made toparents/carers in its area on 16 April 2015.What happens to my application?✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk21

I’ve been offered a school place,what next?Offers of a school placeOn-line applicants will be able to view theoutcome of their application for a school place on16 April 2015 by logging onto the on-line systemusing their password. On-line applicants will beformally notified of the offer of a school place byemail unless otherwise specified at the time ofapplication. Applicants who applied using thepaper application form will be notified of the offerof a school place by letter to be posted 1st classon 16 April 2015. <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>is unable to inform parents/carers of the offer bytelephone.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will make thesingle offer for reception year to parents/carersresident within its area. Places will be allocatedagainst the published admission criteria withoutreference to the applicant’s order of preference.Where a child qualifies for a place at more thanone school the highest ranked place available willbe offered.Where a response from you has not beenreceived by 30 April 2015, we will contact youto advise you of the need to respond withinone week and point out that the place may bewithdrawn if you do not. Where a place has beenwithdrawn, this will be confirmed in writing.Withdrawing offersOnce the offer of a place has been made, <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> may withdraw theoffer, but only in very limited circumstances, forexample:❚❚❚where the application was fraudulent orintentionally misleading; orwhere a parent/carer has not responded tothe offer within a reasonable time; orwhere it is possible to offer a higher namedpreference.I’ve been offered a school place, what next?Parents/carers must respond to the offer directlyto <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> by 30 April2015.All offers are accompanied with details explainingthe next stage of the process. Your options are asfollows:❚❚❚accept the place offered;ask <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> toconsider your child for a place at yourpreferred school(s) if one becomes available;and/orask about the availability of places at other<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> schools; and/orWhere a place has been withdrawn, this will beconfirmed in writing to parents/carers.Waiting lists – community andvoluntary controlled schoolsIf your child has not been offered your preferredschool you may wish to go onto the waiting list.Where any school has been over-subscribed inthe normal admissions round and places havebeen refused to some applicants, a waitinglist will be maintained for any vacancies whichsubsequently occur in the school. All waiting listswill be prioritised according to the admissioncriteria and not by reference to the date of joiningthe waiting list. Any waiting list will be maintaineduntil the end of Term 2 (December 2015) and thendiscarded.❚appeal to an independent appeal panelagainst the decision to refuse a place at yourpreferred school(s). See next page for furtherdetails of the appeals process.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk23

I’ve been offered a school place, what next?Waiting lists –voluntary aidedschools and academiesOnce the offers have been sent out by <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> on behalf of all admissionauthorities, any questions about waiting listsshould be made to the relevant school. If there ispupil movement after allocations have been madeand voluntary aided schools and academies findthat they can offer additional places, they mustkeep <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> informed untilthe end of Term 2 (December 2015). It is for eachadmission authority to determine whether theywill maintain waiting lists after the end of Term 2(December 2015).Can I appeal if my child has beenrefused a place at my preferredschool?If a place is not offered at the parents’/carers’preferred school there is the right of appeal to anindependent appeal panel. When offers of placesare made on 16 April 2015, if it has not beenpossible to offer your child one of the schools ofyour preference, you will automatically be sentdetails of how to appeal.Pending your appeal, your child will be offereda school place at a lower named preference ifpossible or at an alternative school with a placeavailable. If an appeal is unsuccessful there is noautomatic right to a further appeal. However, ifthere are significant and material changes in thecircumstances of the parent/carer, child or schoolsince the time of the original appeal, these will beconsidered.24Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

In-year admissionsApplications during the school year2015/2016 (in-year admissions)If you have moved into the local area during theschool year 2015/2016 or you are already residentin <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> and wish to move yourchild to another school, you will need to completethe <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> in-year applicationform. The form can be used for application toany school within the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> localauthority area and is available at www.southglos.gov/admissions. Alternatively, you may contactindividual schools or <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> on 01454 868008.For in-year admissions, completed applicationforms should be returned to the relevantadmission authority. The application form shouldbe returned to the relevant admission authority ofthe first preference school.Admission authorities explained❚❚❚<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is theadmission authority for community andvoluntary controlled schools. Applicationforms for community and voluntary controlledprimary schools should therefore be returneddirect to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’sAdmissions & Transport Team.The relevant academy trust is the admissionauthority for an academy.The individual schools governing body is theadmission authority for individual voluntaryaided schools.Applications for voluntary aided schools andacademies should therefore be returned direct tothe individual school.The processIn-year applications for <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>primary schools can be made for any year group.You may express a preference for a particularschool or schools. Your application will beconsidered against the admission criteria. Theadmission criteria for community and voluntarycontrolled schools are set out in the “How areplaces allocated” section. Please refer to the“Admission to voluntary aided primary schoolsand academies” section for details of individualadmission policies for these schools/academies.Own admission authority schools will, on receiptof an in-year application, notify the local authorityof both the application and its outcome. Theadmission authority must inform parents/carers oftheir right of appeal against the refusal of a place.Community and voluntary controlled schools will,on receipt of an in-year application, notify <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Admissions & TransportTeam of both the application and its outcomeand inform the parent/carer of their right of appealagainst the refusal of a place.Where an application for a voluntary aided schoolor academy is received by the local authorityin error, the application will be forwarded to therelevant admission authority without delay.When the local authority receives an applicationform for a primary school place where a voluntaryaided school or academy is named as a secondor third preference, a copy of the application formwill be forwarded to the school or academy withinfive school days if the community or voluntarycontrolled school cannot be offered.In-year admissionsOwn admission authority schools, academiesand voluntary aided schools may also requireparents/carers to complete a supplementaryinformation form to enable the school to collectadditional information in order to apply their oversubscriptioncriteria.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk25

In-year admissionsWhere an academy or voluntary aided schoolreceives an application form where anotherschool is named as a lower preference, a copyof the application form will be forwarded to therelevant admission authority (voluntary aidedschool, academy or <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> as the admission authority for communityand voluntary controlled schools) within fiveschool days if a place cannot be offered.Offers of a school place (in-yearadmissions)Where a child can be offered a place at morethan one school, the final offer will be the highestranked school with a place available.The local authority will normally notify parents/carers of the outcome of their application fora community or voluntary controlled primaryschool within 10 school days of the date of theapplication.Voluntary aided schools and academies willnormally notify parents/carers of the outcomeof their application within 10 school days of theapplication.Parents/carers will be expected to respondwithin two school weeks of the offer of a placeat a community or voluntary controlled schoolotherwise the offer of a school place may bewithdrawn.Where a parent/carer has been offered a place fortheir child in a community or voluntary controlledschool, they will be expected to take up theoffered place within four school weeks otherwisethe offer of a place may be withdrawn.Where a place has been withdrawn this will beconfirmed in writing.In the case of a parent/carer being refused aplace at their preferred school(s), they will beinformed of their right of appeal.If a suitable school place cannot be securedusing the normal admission arrangements, aschool place may be identified in accordancewith <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Fair AccessProtocol. The Fair Access Protocol does notoverride a parent/carer’s right to express apreference for a school nor a parent/carer’s rightof appeal for a preferred school (except in verylimited circumstances). However, there is no dutyfor local authorities or admission authorities tocomply with parental preference when allocatingplaces through the Fair Access Protocol.Waiting lists (in-year admissions)Where a place at a preferred community orcontrolled school cannot be offered, parents/carers may request that their child’s name isplaced on a waiting list. The waiting list forcommunity and voluntary controlled schools willbe maintained until the end of the academic yearfor which the application was received and thendiscarded.If a place becomes available at a communityor controlled school, the place will be offered inaccordance with the published over-subscriptioncriteria and not by reference to the length of time achild’s name has been on a waiting list.If the local authority, after using all advisedcontact details, is unable to contact a successfulapplicant for a place within two school weeks, theavailable place will be offered to the next child toqualify for a place. Where an applicant decides toplace their child(ren)’s name on a waiting list, it isthe responsibility of the applicant to keep the localauthority informed of updated contact details.Children who are the subject of a direction bythe local authority to admit or who are allocatedto a school in accordance with the Fair AccessProtocol will take precedence over those on awaiting list.General informationParents/carers can make enquiries concerningthe availability of school places within theadministrative area of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>by contacting <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’sAdmissions & Transport Team. Own admissionauthority schools will, on request, provideinformation to the local authority on the availabilityof school places.26Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

A child’s home address is considered to be wherethe child lives most of the time with his or herparents) or carer(s). An admission authority mayrequest documentary evidence of a child’s homeaddress.An offer of a school place may be withdrawn insome circumstances:❚where the application was fraudulent ordeliberately misleading; orIn-year admissions❚❚where a parent/carer had not responded tothe offer within a reasonable time; orwhere it is possible to offer a higher namedpreference.Once an admission authority has determined itsadmission arrangements, a copy will be publishedon the website and displayed on that website forthe whole offer year (the academic year in whichoffers for places are made).Children with Statements of Special EducationalNeeds (SEN) or an Education, Health and CarePlan (EHC Plan) are placed in schools through thearrangements set out in the SEN Code of Practiceand associated regulations and not the generaladmission arrangements.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk27

Admissions in other circumstancesAdmissions in othercircumstancesChildren of UK service personnel(UK Armed Forces)<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> recognisesthe particular needs of children of UK servicepersonnel (UK Armed Forces). The local authorityensures that the needs of these children are takeninto account by:❚❚allocating a school place in advance if theapplication is accompanied by an officialgovernment letter which declares a relocationdate and a Unit postal address or quarteringaddress.accepting a Unit postal address, or, ifappropriate, a quartering area address (theaddress of the closest house in the relevantquartering area), for applications from servicepersonnel in the absence of a new homepostal address. A quartering address willbe used only where the housing authoritiesconfirm in writing that a house will be offeredin the area.Fair access for children admittedoutside the normal admissionsround<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has a Fair AccessProtocol which provides for children admitted toschool outside the normal admissions round. Theprotocol exists to ensure that access to educationis secured quickly for children who do not havea school place and that all schools take their fairshare of vulnerable children or those who arehard to place. The protocol will be used to placechildren during the school year and not at thebeginning of the school year as part of the mainadmission round. The majority of children willbe admitted to school under normal admissionprocedures.The protocol applies to the following groups ofchildren:❚children from the criminal justice systemor Pupil Referral Units who need to bereintegrated into mainstream education;❚accepting a late application from UK servicepersonnel as ‘on time’ where a notification ofposting has been received after the closingdate and before the date of exchange ofinformation with other admission authorities.❚❚children who have been out of education fortwo months or more;children of Gypsies, Roma, Travellers,refugees and asylum seekers;❚❚considering an application on the criterionof ‘local sibling’ where another child inthe family has been offered a place at thepreferred school and the Unit postal addressor quartering address is within the Areaof Prime Responsibility for the preferredschool or, in the absence of an Area of PrimeResponsibility, is within two miles of thepreferred school.wherever possible, children of UK servicepersonnel will be offered a place at thepreferred local school but taking into accountthe admission number for the school andinfant class size limits.❚❚❚❚children who are homeless;children with unsupportive family backgroundsfor whom a place has not been sought;children who are carers; andchildren with special educational needs,disabilities or medical conditions (but withouta statement).Whilst some children in the above categoriesmay find it difficult to secure a place, the majorityof children will be dealt with through normaladmission procedures.28Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Where a governing body does not wish to admita child with challenging behaviour outside thenormal admissions round, even though placesare available, it must refer the case to the localauthority for action under the Fair AccessProtocol. This will normally be appropriate onlywhere a school has a particularly high proportionof children with challenging behaviour orpreviously excluded children.Admission authorities must not refuse to admit achild thought to be potentially disruptive, or likelyto exhibit challenging behaviour, on the groundsthat the child is first to be assessed for specialeducational needs.The Fair Access Protocol does not apply tochildren in public care, children previouslyin public care or a child with a Statement ofSpecial Educational Needs naming the school inquestion, or an Education, Health and Care Planas these children must be admitted.Should a vulnerable child require a place at aschool, they may be considered for admissioneven if the school has no places. Childrenadmitted under the terms of the protocol willalso take priority over any children on the waitinglist. Access to a school place via the protocolis normally by referral. Relevant professionalsdealing with your child will guide you through theprocess.Early/late transfer of childrenIt is <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> policy thatchildren should move from one year group toanother with their chronological age group,including children with special educational needsand those with English as an additional language.Exceptionally, a child may be educated with apeer group one year younger or one year olderthan their chronological age group. This needscareful thought. Once placed in a youngerage group it is difficult, if not impossible, for achild to return to their chronological age groupsuccessfully. Equally, once accelerated it is verydifficult for a child to return to their age groupwithout feeling demoralised. If you are seekingearly/late admission to a <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>school you should submit the request forconsideration to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’sDepartment for Children, Adults & Health.A child without a Statement of Special EducationalNeeds or an Education, Health and Care Planmay be educated with a peer group one yearyounger if there is an identified educational needand particular conditions are met. Further detailsare available from the school concerned and theDepartment for Children, Adults & Health.Admissions in other circumstancesFull details of the Fair Access Protocol areavailable on the council’s website atwww.southglos.gov.uk/admissions.Please be aware that there is noguarantee that a place will be offeredat a school of your preference and youstill have the right of appeal regardlessof your child’s circumstances (except invery limited circumstances, for exampleif your child has been twice excludedfrom school).✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk29

What happened last year?What happened last year?School September 2013 Admissions September 2014 AdmissionsTotal OnTime FirstPreferencesTotal OnTimeOffersAppealsHeardAppealsUpheldAdmissionLevel 2014Total OnTime FirstPreferencesAbbotswood <strong>Primary</strong> 30 44 - - 60 28 31Alexander Hosea <strong>Primary</strong> 30 31 - - 45 23 24Almondsbury CE <strong>Primary</strong> 41 45 1 0 45 53 45Bailey’s Court <strong>Primary</strong> 80 60 3 0 60 67 60Barley Close Community <strong>Primary</strong> 33 47 - - 60 39 52Barrs Court <strong>Primary</strong> 61 45 - - 45 45 45Beacon Rise <strong>Primary</strong> 122 90 5 0 90 135 90Blackhorse <strong>Primary</strong> 54 60 1 0 60 73 60Bowsland Green <strong>Primary</strong> 47 45 2 0 45 40 45Broadway Infant 65 60 2 0 60 58 60Bromley Heath Infant 79 60 2 0 60 69 60Cadbury Heath <strong>Primary</strong> 27 30 - - 30 21 28Callicroft <strong>Primary</strong> 34 30 2 0 60 47 52Charborough Road <strong>Primary</strong> 65 35 2 0 35 58 35Charfield <strong>Primary</strong> 17 18 - - 30 15 15Cherry Garden <strong>Primary</strong> 18 19 - - 30 21 23Christ Church CE Infant 116 75 10 0 75 93 75Christ Church CE <strong>Primary</strong>, Hanham 57 60 - - 60 46 59Coniston <strong>Primary</strong> 15 27 - - 30 22 23Courtney <strong>Primary</strong> 29 30 1 0 30 34 30Crossways Infant 50 50 - - 60 53 54Elm Park <strong>Primary</strong> 22 26 - - 45 39 41Emersons Green <strong>Primary</strong> 67 60 2 0 30 51 30Filton Hill <strong>Primary</strong> 27 30 1 0 30 33 30Frampton Cotterell CE <strong>Primary</strong> 30 32 - - 45 42 45Frenchay CE <strong>Primary</strong> 26 20 2 0 20 26 20Gillingstool <strong>Primary</strong> 25 25 - - 30 16 16Hambrook <strong>Primary</strong> 36 30 2 0 30 35 30Hawkesbury CE <strong>Primary</strong> 11 12 - - 15 15 15Iron Acton CE <strong>Primary</strong> 17 15 1 1 12 14 12Kings’ Forest 60 60 - - 60 68 60Little Stoke <strong>Primary</strong> 13 26 - - 30 16 19Longwell Green <strong>Primary</strong> 59 60 - - 60 67 60Mangotsfield CE <strong>Primary</strong> 70 60 3 0 90 71 90The Manor CE <strong>Primary</strong> 28 30 - - 30 43 30Manorbrook <strong>Primary</strong> 25 25 - - 30 28 28Marshfield CE <strong>Primary</strong> 28 26 - - 26 23 25Meadowbrook <strong>Primary</strong> 63 88 - - 90 48 64The Meadows <strong>Primary</strong> 24 24 - - 30 26 28North Road <strong>Primary</strong> 6 12 - - 15 18 15TotalOn TimeOffers30Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

School September 2013 Admissions September 2014 AdmissionsTotal OnTime FirstPreferencesTotal OnTimeOffersAppealsHeardAppealsUpheldAdmissionLevel 2014Total OnTime FirstPreferencesOldbury-on-Severn CE <strong>Primary</strong> 9 9 - - 11 5 5Old Sodbury CE <strong>Primary</strong> 12 14 - - 15 13 15Olveston CE <strong>Primary</strong> 29 30 - - 30 32 30The Park <strong>Primary</strong> 58 79 - - 90 73 90Parkwall <strong>Primary</strong> 9 12 - - 30 23 24Pucklechurch CE <strong>Primary</strong> 22 29 - - 45 31 31Rangeworthy CE <strong>Primary</strong> 7 7 - - 10 5 7Raysfield Infant 47 53 - - 60 66 60Redfield Edge <strong>Primary</strong> 18 19 - - 30 25 26St Andrew’s CE <strong>Primary</strong> 12 10 - - 10 7 7St Anne’s CE <strong>Primary</strong> 48 49 - - 60 67 60St Barnabas CE <strong>Primary</strong> 38 41 - - 60 36 39St Chad’s Patchway CE <strong>Primary</strong> 47 30 - - 30 23 30St Helen’s CE <strong>Primary</strong> 26 26 - - 30 21 25St John’s Mead CE <strong>Primary</strong> 33 35 - - 45 44 45St Michael’s CE <strong>Primary</strong>, Stoke Gifford 119 120 - - 120 83 98St Michael’s CE <strong>Primary</strong>, Winterbourne 28 29 - - 30 30 30St Peter’s Anglican/Methodist VC<strong>Primary</strong>TotalOn TimeOffers26 27 - - 30 29 30St Stephen’s Infant 95 90 1 0 90 101 90Samuel White’s Infant 63 68 - - 90 67 77Severn Beach <strong>Primary</strong> 15 15 - - 30 14 15Shield Road <strong>Primary</strong> 18 30 4 0 30 36 30Stanbridge <strong>Primary</strong> 32 54 - - 60 35 56Staple Hill <strong>Primary</strong> 48 45 3 0 45 57 45Stoke Lodge <strong>Primary</strong> 64 88 - - 90 80 85Tortworth <strong>Primary</strong> 8 8 - - 14 3 3Trinity CE <strong>Primary</strong> 26 20 - - 20 25 20Tyndale <strong>Primary</strong> 22 23 - - 30 21 22The Tynings <strong>Primary</strong> 66 60 - - 60 49 59Wallscourt Farm Academy 16 29 - - 60 42 48Watermore <strong>Primary</strong> 32 30 - - 60 44 53Wellesley <strong>Primary</strong> 49 30 - - 30 34 30Wheatfield <strong>Primary</strong> 57 60 - - 60 61 60Wick CE <strong>Primary</strong> 21 22 - - 30 26 25Yate International Academy(Woodlands <strong>Primary</strong> Phase)35 39 - - 60 54 57What happened last year?Notes: • Data for voluntary aided schools are not included in the above tables. Please refer to voluntaryaided school admission policies for details.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk31

Map of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Map of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>NSevernBeachA403M49A4018K ilometres2 1 0 1 2 3R i v e r S ePilningAustM4M48M5nv e rAlmondsburyPatchwayA38Oldbury-on-SevernOldbury-on-SevernCE <strong>Primary</strong>ThornburyOlveston CE<strong>Primary</strong>Filton17AlvestonM 4BradleyStokeStokeGiffordA4174M32A432A4 2 0M5WinterbourneFalfieldA38TytheringtonRangeworthyIronActonFramptonA4174A4 31A432TortworthSt Andrew’s Charfield<strong>Primary</strong>CromhallCoalpitHeathTortworth<strong>Primary</strong>Charfield<strong>Primary</strong>WickwarFrenchayM4DownendEmersonsGreen PucklechurchMangotsfieldPucklechurch<strong>Primary</strong>StapleHillKingswoodWarmleyWick CE<strong>Primary</strong>WickHanhamLongwellGreenBittonA 4 2 0Alexander Hosea<strong>Primary</strong>A 4 6Horton CE<strong>Primary</strong>HawkesburyUptonHawkesbury CE<strong>Primary</strong>A 4 2 0A 4 6Map 14ChippingSodburyOldSodbury Old Sodbury CEYate<strong>Primary</strong>TormartonMarshfield CE<strong>Primary</strong>MarshfieldA433BadmintonTrinity CE<strong>Primary</strong>© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 1000234101M iles01 2Map 1 Alveston/ThornburyMap 2 Pilning/Severn BeachMap 3 Almondsbury Area of PrimeResponsibilityMap 4 Iron Acton/Rangeworthy/YateMap 5 North & West YateMap 6 <strong>South</strong> & East Yate and Chipping SodburyMap 7 Coalpit Heath/Frampton Cotterell/WinterbourneMap 8 Frenchay Area of Prime ResponsibilityMap 9 PatchwayMap 10 Bradley Stoke/Little StokeMap 11 Bradley Stoke Community School<strong>Primary</strong> Phase Area of PrimeResponsibilityMap 12 Filton Primaries Consortium Area ofPrime ResponsibilityMap 13 Wallscourt Farm AcademyMap 14 Downend/MangotsfieldMap 15 New Emersons Green East <strong>Primary</strong>Academy (working title)Map 16 Kingswood North/Downend/EmersonsGreen Primaries Consortium Area ofPrime ResponsibilityMap 17 Kingswood <strong>South</strong> & Hanham PrimariesConsortium Area of Prime ResponsibilityMap 18 King’s Oak Academy <strong>Primary</strong> Phase Areaof Prime ResponsibilityMap 19 Cadbury Heath/Longwell GreenConsortium Area of Prime ResponsibilityMap 20 Warmley/Bitton Consortium Area of PrimeResponsibilityMap 21 Rural schoolsRural schools are set out on map 21 in the“Infant, junior and primary schools” section.Please note that in the more rural areas of <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong>, where there is only one schoollocated in a particular area, individual maps are notshown. Please refer to the end of the “Infant, juniorand primary schools” section for detailed maps.32Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Infant, junior and primaryschools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>All schools are co-educational day schoolsAbbotswood <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr A Mead Status CommunityKelston Close, Rodford Way, Yate Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 8SZ Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 867777 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 289Email: Admin@abbotswoodprimary.org.ukWebsite: www.abbotswoodprimary.org.ukAlexander Hosea <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Ms V Quest Status CommunityHoneybourne Way, Wickwar Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> GL12 8PF Admission Number 45Telephone: 01454 294239 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 225Email: AlexanderHosea<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.alexanderhoseaprimary.ik.orgAlmondsbury CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr P Smith Status ControlledSunday’s Hill, Almondsbury Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS32 4DS Admission Number 45Telephone: 01454 612517 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 309Email: Almondsbury<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.almondsburyprimary.co.ukBailey’s Court <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr A Lynham Status CommunityBreaches Gate, Bradley Stoke Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS32 8AZ Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 866666 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 451Email: admin@baileyscourt.comWebsite: www.baileyscourt.comInfant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Barley Close Community <strong>Primary</strong>Acting Head Teacher – Mr J Beament Status CommunityBarley Close, Mangotsfield Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 9DL Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 867090 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 308Email: enquiries@barleyclose.org.ukWebsite: www.barleycloseschool.co.ukConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-2016✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk33

Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Barrs Court <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Ms J Caunter Status CommunityStephens Drive, Barrs Court Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS30 7JB Admission Number 45Telephone: 01454 867799 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 310Email: BarrsCourt<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.barrscourtprimaryschool.co.ukBeacon Rise <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr C Thomas Status CommunityHanham Road, Kingswood Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 8NU Admission Number 90Telephone: 01454 867232 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 509Email: school@beaconrise.org.ukWebsite: www.beaconriseprimaryschool.co.ukBlackhorse <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr S Botten Status CommunityBlackhorse Lane, Emersons Green Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 6TR Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 866570 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 419Email: office@blackhorsepri.org.ukWebsite: www.blackhorseprimary.org.ukBowsland Green <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs C Whitaker Status CommunityEllicks Close, Bradley Stoke Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS32 0ES Admission Number 45Telephone: 01454 866766 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 306Email: school@bowsland.org.ukWebsite: www.bowslandgreen.org.ukBradley Stoke Community School <strong>Primary</strong> Phase (Olympus Academy Trust) - New ProvisionHead Teacher – Ms J Sutton Kirby Status AcademyExecutive Head Teacher – Mr D Baker Age Range 4-19 (4-11 primary phase)Fiddlers Wood Lane, Bradley Stoke Admission Number 30<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS32 9BSExpected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 30Telephone: 01454 868840Email: admin@bradleystokecs.org.ukWebsite: www.bradleystokecs.org.ukBroadway InfantHead Teacher – Mrs S Tanner Status CommunityBroadway, Yate Age Range 4-7<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 7AD Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 867130 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 182Email: BroadwayInfants.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.broadwayinf.ik.orgConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-201634Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Bromley Heath InfantHead Teacher – Mrs T Long Status CommunityQuakers Road, Downend Age Range 4-7<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 6NJ Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 866777 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 185Email: school@bhinfants.org.ukWebsite: www.bromleyheathinfantschool.co.ukBromley Heath JuniorHead Teacher – Miss F Kitchen Status CommunityQuakers Road, Downend Age Range 7-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 6NJ Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 867110 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 240Email: school@bhjs.org.ukWebsite: www.BHJS.org.ukCadbury Heath <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr J Ridley Status CommunityLintern Crescent, Cadbury Heath Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS30 8GB Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 867215 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 187Email: school@cadburyheathprimary.org.ukWebsite: www.cadburyheathprimary.org.ukCallicroft <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs N Antwis Status Community *Rodway Road, Patchway Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS34 5EG Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 867195 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 276Email: admin@callicroft.org.ukWebsite: www.callicroftprimary.org.uk* Applied for academy status.Charborough Road <strong>Primary</strong>Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs N Bailey Status CommunityCharborough Road, Filton Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS34 7RA Admission Number 35Telephone: 01454 867220 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 282Email: office@charboroughroadprimary.org.ukWebsite: www.charboroughroadschool.co.ukCharfield <strong>Primary</strong> (part of the Castle School Education Trust)Head Teacher – Mr D Lawday Status AcademyWotton Road, Charfield Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> GL12 8TG Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 260518 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 178Email: admin@charfieldschool.org.ukWebsite: www.charfieldschool.org.ukConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-2016✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk35

Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Cherry Garden <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr P Winterburn Status CommunityCherry Garden Lane, Bitton Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS30 6JH Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 867260 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 182Email: admin@cherrygarden.org.ukWebsite: www.cherrygardenprimary.co.ukChrist the King Catholic <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs M Mainwaring Status Voluntary AidedEaston Hill Road, Thornbury Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 1AW Admission Number 25Telephone: 01454 866680 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 121Email: school@christthekingprimary.co.ukWebsite: www.christthekingprimary.co.ukChrist Church CE InfantHead Teacher – Mrs S Helm Status ControlledCo-Head Teacher – Mrs A Martin Age Range 4-7Christchurch Avenue, Downend<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 5TGAdmission NumberExpected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014)75231Telephone: 01454 866562Email: ChristChurchInfantsDownend.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.christchurchinfants.ik.orgChrist Church CE JuniorHead Teacher – Mr A Wilkinson Status ControlledPendennis Road, Downend Age Range 7-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 5JJ Admission Number 75Telephone: 01454 866516 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 294Email: ChristChurchJuniorDownend.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.christ-down-jun.s-gloucs.sch.ukChrist Church CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr I Hutton Status ControlledMemorial Road, Hanham Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 3LA Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 867145 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 301Email: office@christchurchhanham.org.ukWebsite: www.christchurchhanhamprimaryschool.co.ukConiston <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr N Isaac Status CommunityEpney Close, Coniston Road, Patchway Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS34 5LN Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866920 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 170Email: office@conistonprimary.org.ukWebsite: www.schoolswire.orgConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-201636Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Courtney <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr K Ledbury Status CommunityCourtney Road, Kingswood Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 9RD Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866670 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 211Email: office@courtneyps.org.ukWebsite: www.courtneyprimaryschool.co.ukCrossways Infant (Crossways <strong>Primary</strong> Federation)Executive Head Teacher – Mr M Toogood Status CommunityKnapp Road, Thornbury Age Range 4-7<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 2HQ Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 867280 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 165Email: infantschool@crossways.org.ukWebsite: www.crosswaysschools.co.ukCrossways Junior (Crossways <strong>Primary</strong> Federation)Executive Head Teacher – Mr M Toogood Status CommunityKnapp Road, Thornbury Age Range 7-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 2HQ Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 866566 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 200Email: juniorschool@crossways.org.ukWebsite: www.crosswaysschools.co.ukElm Park <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs D Williams Status CommunityNicholls Lane, Winterbourne Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS36 1NF Admission Number 45Telephone: 01454 866750 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 295Email: elmparkprimary@sgmail.org.ukWebsite: www.elmparkprimary.comNEW Emersons Green East <strong>Primary</strong> Academy (working title)Details of the appointed sponsor will be published StatusAcademyon the council’s website atAge Range 4-11www.southglos.gov.uk/EGE<strong>Primary</strong>Academy Admission Number 60Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Emersons Green <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs J Isaac Status CommunityGuest Avenue, Emersons Green Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 7GA Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 867474 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 274Email: admin@egps.org.ukWebsite: www.emersonsgreenprimary.co.ukConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-2016✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk37

Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Filton Hill <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs K Lemming Status CommunityBlenheim Drive, Filton Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS34 7AX Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866559 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 215Email: FiltonHill<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.filtonhill.ik.orgFrampton Cotterell CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs R Brydon Status ControlledRectory Road, Frampton Cotterell Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS36 2BT Admission Number 45Telephone: 01454 867205 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 297Email: FramptonCotterell<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.fcceprimary.co.ukFrenchay CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs S Allen Status ControlledChurchside, Frenchay Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 1NB Admission Number 20Telephone: 01454 868181 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 141Email: Frenchay<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.frenchayprimary.ik.orgGillingstool <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr C Riches Status CommunityGillingstool, Thornbury Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 2EG Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866527 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 177Email: Gillingstool<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.gillingstool.ik.orgHambrook <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs J Dent Status CommunityMoorend Road, Hambrook Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 1SJ Admission Number 30Telephone: 0117 956 8933 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 208Email: office@hambrookprimary.org.ukWebsite: www.hambrook-pri.s-gloucs.sch.ukHanham Abbots Junior (Hanham <strong>Primary</strong> Federation)Head Teacher – Mr M Weenink Status CommunityCreswicke Avenue, Hanham Age Range 7-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 3PN Admission Number 90Telephone: 01454 866576 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 380Email: HanhamAbbotsJunior.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.hanhamabbots.ik.orgConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-201638Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Hawkesbury CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs L Lewis Status ControlledHawkesbury Upton Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> GL9 1AU Admission Number 15Telephone: 01454 238629 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 97Email: HawkesburyUpton<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.hawkesburyprimaryschool.co.ukHoly Family Roman Catholic <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs D Breeze Status Voluntary AidedAmberley Road, Patchway Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS34 6BY Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866786 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 200Email: HolyFamily<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.holyfamilyrcschool.ik.orgHoly Trinity CE/Methodist <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs J Johns Status Voluntary AidedBroad Croft, Bradley Stoke Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS32 0BD Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866735 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 200Email: HolyTrinity<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.holytrinity-pri.s-gloucs.sch.ukHorton CE VA <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs I Stephens Status Voluntary AidedHorton, Chipping Sodbury Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 6QP Admission Number 8Telephone: 01454 318834 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 58Email: enquiries@hortonprimary.org.ukWebsite: www.hortonprimary.ik.orgIron Acton CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs J Bendeaux Status ControlledWotton Road, Iron Acton Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 9UZ Admission Number 12Telephone: 01454 228322 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 88Email: IronActon<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.ironactonprimaryschool.co.ukInfant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Kings’ Forest <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr R Newman Status CommunityStation Road, Kingswood Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 4PQ Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 866466 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 422Email: KingsForest<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.kingsforestschool.co.ukConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-2016✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk39

Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>King’s Oak Academy <strong>Primary</strong> Phase (Cabot Learning Federation) - New ProvisionPrincipal – Mr I Frost Status AcademyBrook Road, Kingswood Age Range 4-19 (4-11 primary phase)<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 4JT Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 866538 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 60Email: principal@kingsoakacademy.org.ukWebsite: www.kingsoakacademy.org.ukLittle Stoke <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr S Howes Status CommunityLittle Stoke Lane, Little Stoke Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS34 6HY Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866522 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 176Email: LittleStoke<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.littlestoke-pri.s-gloucs.sch.ukLongwell Green <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr D Sibley Status CommunityEllacombe Road, Longwell Green Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS30 9BA Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 866460 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 407Email: LongwellGreen<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.longwellgreenprimaryschool.co.ukMangotsfield CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs M Borland Status ControlledChurch Farm Road, Emersons Green Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 7EY Admission Number 90Telephone: 01454 867400 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 502Email: Mangotsfield<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.mangotsfieldprimary.orgThe Manor CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr N McKellar-Turner Status ControlledRoundways, Coalpit Heath Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS36 2LF Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866555 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 213Email: Manor<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.themanorcofeprimary.org.ukManorbrook <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs A Evans Status CommunityPark Road, Thornbury Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 1JW Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 867225 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 182Email: manorbrookprimary.school@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.manorbrook.org.ukConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-201640Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Marshfield CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs K Pettifer Status ControlledChippenham Road, Marshfield Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> SN14 8NY Admission Number 26Telephone: 01225 891246 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 158Email: admin@marshfieldprimary.org.ukWebsite: www.marshfieldprimary.ik.orgMeadowbrook <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr J Barr Status Community *Three Brooks Lane, Bradley Stoke Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS32 8TA Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 868630 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 458Email: office@meadowbrookprimary.co.ukWebsite: www.meadowbrookprimary.com* Considering Academy statusThe Meadows <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs F Harding Status CommunityBath Road, Bitton Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS30 6HS Admission Number 30Telephone: 0117 932 2203 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 196Email: Meadows<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.themeadowsps.co.ukNorth Road <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs J Williams Status CommunityNorth Road, Yate Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 7LQ Admission Number 15Telephone: 01454 867788 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 95Email: northroadprimary@sgmail.org.ukWebsite: www.northroadprimaryschool.co.ukOldbury-on-Severn CE <strong>Primary</strong>Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs D Dix Status ControlledChurch Road, Oldbury-on-Severn Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 1QG Admission Number 11Telephone: 01454 414297 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 64Email: OldburyOnSevern<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.oldbury-on-severn.ik.orgOld Sodbury CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs B Webber Status ControlledChurch Lane, Old Sodbury Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 6NB Admission Number 15Telephone: 01454 313682 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 98Email: OldSodbury<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.oldsodbury-pri.sgloucs.sch.ukConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-2016✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk41

Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Olveston CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs A Luke Status ControlledElberton Road, Olveston Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 4DB Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 613299 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 216Email: Olveston<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.olvestonschool.co.ukOur Lady of Lourdes Catholic <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs C Murray Status Voluntary AidedHanham Road, Kingswood Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 8PX Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 867160 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 201Email: olol@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.ourladyoflourdesprimaryschool.org.ukThe Park <strong>Primary</strong>Executive Head Teacher – Mr M Dee Status CommunityAssociate Head Teacher – Ms L Meadows Age Range 4-11Hollow Road, Kingswood Admission Number 90<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 9TPExpected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 604Telephone: 01454 866536Email: Park<strong>Primary</strong>@sgmail.org.ukWebsite: www.parkprimaryschool.co.ukParkwall <strong>Primary</strong>Executive Head Teacher – Mr M Dee Status CommunityAssociate Head Teacher – Mrs J Barr Age Range 4-11Earlstone Crescent, Cadbury Heath Admission Number 30<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS30 8AAExpected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 139Telephone: 01454 867114Email: Parkwall<strong>Primary</strong>@sgmail.org.ukWebsite: www.parkwallprimaryschool.co.ukPucklechurch CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr D Forrester Status ControlledCastle Road, Pucklechurch Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 9RF Admission Number 30Telephone: 0117 937 2579 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 215Email: Pucklechurch<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.pucklechurchprimaryschool.co.ukRangeworthy CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs J Dickson Status ControlledWotton Road, Rangeworthy Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 7ND Admission Number 10Telephone: 01454 228425 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 61Email: rangeworthyprimary@sgmail.org.ukWebsite: www.rangeworthyprimaryschool.co.ukConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-201642Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Raysfield InfantHead Teacher – Mrs A Wood Status CommunityFinch Road, Chipping Sodbury Age Range 4-7<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 6JE Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 867140 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 172Email: RaysfieldInfants.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.raysfieldinfants.org.ukRaysfield JuniorHead Teacher – Mr J Bird Status CommunityFinch Road, Chipping Sodbury Age Range 7-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 6JE Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 866795 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 236Email: RaysfieldJunior.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.gotoourschool.com/raysfieldjuniorRedfield Edge <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr A Foss Status CommunityHigh Street, Oldland Common Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS30 9TL Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 867165 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 187Email: RedfieldEdge<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.redfieldedgeprimary.co.ukThe Ridge JuniorHead Teacher – Mr P Boult Status CommunityMelrose Avenue, Yate Age Range 7-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 7AP Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 867125 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 233Email: RidgeCountyJunior.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.theridgeschool.co.ukSt Andrew’s CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs E M Saunders Status ControlledChurch Lane, Cromhall, Wotton-under-Edge Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> GL12 8AL Admission Number 10Telephone: 01454 294498 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 51Email: StAndrews<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.standrews-pri.s-gloucs.sch.ukInfant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>St Anne’s CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr S Quinn Status ControlledSchool Road, Oldland Common Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS30 6PH Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 862500 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 377Email: StAnnes<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.stannesoldland.ik.orgConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-2016✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk43

Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr J Clements Status Voluntary AidedBoscombe Crescent, Downend Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 6QR Admission Number 45Telephone: 01454 866690 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 265Email: office@staugustinesprimary.org.ukWebsite: www.staugustine.ik.orgSt Barnabas CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr R Hanks Status ControlledPoplar Close, North Common, Warmley Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS30 5NW Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 862233 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 239Email: StBarnabas<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.stbarnabasprimaryschool.co.ukSt Chad’s Patchway CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr D Brown Status ControlledCranham Drive, Patchway Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS34 6AQ Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866523 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 264Email: Patchway<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.stchadsprimaryschool.co.ukSt Helen’s CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr A Spens Status ControlledGreenhill, Alveston Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 2QX Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866530 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 198Email: StHelens<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.sthelensprimaryalveston.org.ukSt John’s Mead CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs N Berry Status ControlledHound’s Road, Chipping Sodbury Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 6EE Admission Number 45Telephone: 01454 866501 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 304Email: StJohnsMead<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.st-johnsmead.s-gloucs.sch.ukSt Mary’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs P Marsh Status Voluntary AidedWebbs Wood Road, Bradley Stoke Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS32 8EJ Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866390 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 212Email: admin@stmarysbs.org.ukWebsite: www.stmarysbradleystoke.org.ukConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-201644Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

St Mary’s CE VA <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr K Joyce Status Voluntary AidedChurch Road, Thornbury Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 1HJ Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866760 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 162Email: StMarys<strong>Primary</strong>Thornbury.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.stmarysthornbury.comSt Mary’s CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs M Baskerville until 31 December StatusVoluntary Aided2014. Mr J Bird with effect from 1 January 2015. Age Range 4-11Church Road, Yate Admission Number 45<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 5BGExpected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 316Telephone: 01454 867155Email: StMarys<strong>Primary</strong>Yate.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.stmarysyate.co.ukSt Michael’s CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr M Freeman Status ControlledRatcliffe Drive, Stoke Gifford Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS34 8SG Admission Number 90Telephone: 01454 866781 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 657Email: StMichaels<strong>Primary</strong>SG.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.stmichaelssg.co.ukSt Michael’s CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr A Vye Status ControlledLinden Close, Winterbourne Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS36 1LG Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 867105 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 209Email: StMichaels<strong>Primary</strong>Winterbourne.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.stmichaelswinterbourne.ik.org.ukSt Paul’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong>Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs M Sewell Status Voluntary AidedSundridge Park, Yate Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 4EP Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866790 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 182Email: StPauls<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.stpaulscatholicprimary.co.ukSt Peter’s Anglican/Methodist VC <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr P Overton Status ControlledBank Road, Pilning Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 4JG Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 631137 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 209Email: office@stpetersprimary.co.ukWebsite: www.stpetersprimary.co.ukConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-2016✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk45

Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>St Stephen’s InfantHead Teacher – Mr T Ruck Status CommunityLansdown Road, Kingswood Age Range 4-7<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 1XD Admission Number 90Telephone: 01454 866470 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 278Email: StStephensInfants.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.ststephensinf.org.ukSt Stephen’s CE JuniorHead Teacher – Miss L Wilson Status ControlledLansdown Road, Kingswood Age Range 7-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 1XD Admission Number 90Telephone: 01454 867175 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 355Email: StStephensJunior.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.ststephensjun.org.ukSamuel White’s Infant (Hanham <strong>Primary</strong> Federation)Head Teacher – Ms S Leyden Status CommunityAbbots Avenue, Hanham Age Range 4-7<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 3PN Admission Number 90Telephone: 01454 862510 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 234Email: SamuelWhitesInfant.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.samuelwhitesinfantschool.orgSevern Beach <strong>Primary</strong> (part of the Castle School Education Trust)Executive Head Teacher – Mr P Overton Status AcademyAbleton Lane, Severn Beach Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 4PP Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 632518 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 110Email: SevernBeach<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.severnbeachprimary.org.ukShield Road <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr J Mepham Status CommunityShields Avenue, Northville Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS7 0RR Admission Number 60 *Telephone: 01454 867185 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 205Email: ShieldRoad<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.shieldroadprimaryschool.org.ukStanbridge <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Miss F Bertham Status CommunityStanbridge Road, Downend Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 6AL Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 862000 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 405Email: Stanbridge<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.stanbridgeprimary.co.uk* Shield Road <strong>Primary</strong> School is planning to breach its admission number to provide 60 reception school places inSeptember 2015.Confirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-201646Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Staple Hill <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr P Foss-Clark Status CommunityPage Road, Staple Hill Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 4NE Admission Number 45Telephone: 01454 867240 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 311Email: StapleHill<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.staplehillschool.co.ukStoke Lodge <strong>Primary</strong> (part of The Cosmos Academy Trust)Executive Principal – Mr R Clark Status AcademySchool Close, Bourton Avenue, Stoke Lodge Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS34 6DW Admission Number 90Telephone: 01454 866772 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 463Email: enquiries@stokelodgeschool.co.ukWebsite: www.stokelodgeschool.co.ukTortworth <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Miss C Bowes Status ControlledTortworth, Wotton-under-Edge Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> GL12 8HG Admission Number 14Telephone: 01454 260510 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 59Email: Tortworth<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.tortworthvcprimary.co.ukTrinity CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr C Hutton Status ControlledLittleton Drew Lane, Acton Turville Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> GL9 1HJ Admission Number 20Telephone: 01454 218462 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 134Email: Trinity<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.trinityceprimaryschool.co.ukTyndale <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr K Hemmings Status CommunityTyndale Avenue, Yate Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 5EX Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 867180 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 210Email: Tyndale<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.tyndaleprimaryschool.comInfant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>The Tynings <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr A Yates Status CommunityEastleigh Close, Staple Hill Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 4SG Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 866525 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 323Email: thetynings@sgmail.org.ukWebsite: www.thetynings.co.ukConfirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-2016✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk47

Infant, junior and primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Wallscourt Farm Academy (part of the Cabot Learning Federation (CLF))Principal – Miss S Weaver Status AcademyLong Down Avenue, Stoke Gifford Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 1GE Admission Number 60Telephone: 0117 370 9860 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 111Email: info@wallscourtfarmacademy.org.ukWebsite: www.wallscourtfarmacademy.org.ukWatermore <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs J Hoyle Status CommunityInfant Site - Woodend Road, Frampton Cotterell Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS36 2LQ Admission Number 60 *Junior Site - Lower Stone Close, Frampton Cotterell Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 232<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS36 2LE* Discussions between the council and the school areTelephone: 01454 867135Email: Watermore<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.watermoreprimary.org.ukongoing concerning a possible increase to the admissionnumber to provide 60 reception school places in September2015. Please refer to the council’s websitewww.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-2016Wellesley <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mrs H Small Status CommunityEdgeworth, Yate Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 8YR Admission Number 30Telephone: 01454 866740 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 205Email: wellesleyprimary@sgmail.org.ukWebsite: www.wellesleyschool.co.ukWheatfield <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Ms C Dursley Status CommunityWheatfield Drive, Bradley Stoke Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS32 9DB Admission Number 60Telephone: 01454 868610 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 411Email: office@wheatfieldprimary.comWebsite: www.wheatfieldprimary.comWick CE <strong>Primary</strong>Head Teacher – Mr R Cockle Status ControlledChurch Road, Wick Age Range 4-11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS30 5PD Admission Number 30Telephone: 0117 937 2399 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 170Email: Wick<strong>Primary</strong>.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.wickprimaryschool.co.ukYate International Academy (Woodlands <strong>Primary</strong> Phase)Assistant Principal – Mrs J Hogan Status AcademySundridge Park, YateAge Range3-19 (3-11 <strong>Primary</strong> Phase)<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 4HBAdmission Number 60Telephone: 01454 866535 Expected No. of Pupils on Roll (September 2014) 328Email: primary@trfyia.org.ukWebsite: www.trfyia.org.uk/woodlands48Confirmation/an update concerning admission numbers agreed for 2015 will be available on thecouncil’s website www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionnumbers2015-2016

Clay LnMaps of Infant, junior andprimary schoolsMap 1 – Alveston/ThornburyThornburyGolf CentreMarlwood SchThe DownThornburyParkLowerMarlwoodFarmMarlwoodGrangeThornburyCastleKington LnCassey GroveAlvestonB4461 Down RdGreenhill Rd1The Castle SchShellingSchTheMundyPlayingFieldsAlveston HillB4061Davids LnThornbury RdChurch RdCastle StHigh StBristol RdPark RdRock StAlexandra WaySuperstoreLeisure CentreGloucester Rd2Castle SixthForm CtrBath RdCooper RdThe StreetFilnoreWoods3StreamleazeThornburyInd ParkChDean AveHospitalThornburyDavids Rdatsworth PkEastland RdGillingstoolMerry HeavenFarmNew LnWoodleighIf you are unsure which schools serve your areaplease visit the council’s website www.southglos.gov.ukor telephone <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.SevernViewRdOakleaze Rd4Knapp RdAvon WayVilnerFarmEaston Hill RdSibland WayMidland WayGloucester RdUpperPlantationPrimrose DrNewSiblands Sch5MortonCrossways RdSibland RdSiblandMorton WayGrovensend RdMorton WayKnapp Rd EHackett LnCrosswaysWhitewall LnHacketFarmCleeveWoodGrovesendThe SladItchington RdGloucester Rd© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Maps of Infant, junior and primary schoolsWolfridge RideGreenhill LnGreenhill6GreenHillGloucester RdForty Acre LnGroveFarmShellards LnLowerPlantationM51. St Mary’s CE <strong>Primary</strong> School (VoluntaryAided)2. Manorbrook <strong>Primary</strong> School3. Gillingstool <strong>Primary</strong> School4. Christ the King Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School(Voluntary Aided)5. Crossways Infant School and CrosswaysJunior School6. St Helen’s CE <strong>Primary</strong> School✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk49

Maps of Infant, junior and primary schools© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Map 2 – Pilning/Severn BeachRiver SevernM4Riverside PkCaravanSiteBeach RdSevern BridgeVisitors CentreBeach Ave B4064Station RdShaft RdGorse Cover LnChurch RdSevernBeachStation 2Ableton LnProspectRdNewPassageLittle Green LnSchool RdAbbot RdSevernBeachSevernwoodGdnsGreen LnM49Severn Rd A403Redwick RdRedwickChurch RdRedwick RdB4064WhitehouseFarmM4Severn RdVicarage RdRedwick Common RhineThe GlebeB4055Northwick RdWainbridge CresLaurelFarmPilningCross Hands RdBank Rd1Marsh Common RdEllinghurstFarmSt Peter’sFarmElinghurst RhineEast RedhamFarmGumhurnFarmPilningStation1. St Peter’s Anglican/Methodist VC <strong>Primary</strong> School2. Severn Beach <strong>Primary</strong> School50Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Farm LaneMap 3 – Almondsbury Area of Prime ResponsibilityRookery LaneShaymoor LaneB4055PilningStreetBadgers LaneOver Lane1. Almondsbury CE <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolBowstreet LaneMonmouth HillConiston RoadConiston RoadB4055Moor LaneAlmondsburyTockington LaneLowercourt RdChurch R d1Sundays HillOver LaneM5 MotorwayAztec WestH ollow RdM4 MotorwayThe ScopA38Fe rnhillA38 Gloucester RoadGloucester RoadOld Aust RdBradley Stoke WayWoodhouse AveHortham LaneBradleyStokeTockington Park LaneM4 MotorwayTrench Lane© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Maps of Infant, junior and primary schools51✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk

Maps of Infant, junior and primary schools© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Map 4 – Iron Acton/Rangeworthy/YateActonCourtLatteridge RdStation RdB4059IronActonB4058High StMudgedownFarmWotton RdActon Lodge1Chilwood ClB4059Holly HillDowellsFarmHillHouseTwo PoolsFarmRangeworthyCourt FarmHotelChurch Ln3Patch Elm LnWotton RdYate RdPool FarmPatch ElmFarmNorthendFarmB4058Wotton RdOak FieldFarmNew RdChaingate LnChaingateHouseJaseminCottageBackfieldFarmRangeworthyPool FarmManor RdThe BartonFarmGreenlaneFarmSunnysideFarmDyer’s LnWadeRdHillviewGorse ClampCovert BrakeOrgan’sBrakeNorthPlantationPatch LnEngineCommonOrfordFarmHolbrookCottageWickwar RdMisson RdIron Acton WayBobby’sBrakeNorth RdLodge RdB4059Armstrong Way21. Iron Acton CE <strong>Primary</strong> School2. North Road <strong>Primary</strong> School3. Rangeworthy CE <strong>Primary</strong> School52Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

RoadlWayginemonstershireil OfficesMission RoadIron Acton WayWaverleyRoadCulvert Ave<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> OfficesN o r t h RoadLodge RoadMap 5 – North & West YateArmstrong WayLawrence DriveNoPostOfficerth RoadMillbrook RoadEngine Commo n LaneBroad LaneG oose G r een WayDean RoadYate StationDeerhurstParnall CrescentBisleyCelestine RoadLongs DriveS t a t ion RoadBrimsham GreenSchoolQuedgeleyLo n gfordW indsor D riveOak CM oo rWe sterleighB arnwoodldl anR oadBroad Lane EastRoad3Hampden ClBader ClCranlei gh Cour t RoadChatterton RdWellstead AveEg gshBrookthorpeilLongcroftGaythorneStirling ClYateMilton Roadl e RdLynd aStan shawes DriveCres Spar RdW a vell ClMountbatten CloseTyndale Av enueLaneWood mancoteCa m bri an DrYate Town<strong>Council</strong>Kennedy WayStanshawe Cresce n tYate HeritageCentreLeisure CentreLibraryOneStopShopYate InternationalAcademy5 6Highworth CrescentldieN o rt hfLongm eadYork ClH alifa x RoadG r ee nwaysHome Orcha rdBlakeneyS t B riave ls D riveRandolph AvMillsRoadH aivet h erleyS u mmersTemplar RoadSundridge ParkM e a dSturmer ClWellin g ton RoadTh e GlenNailsworth AveGooseBrimshamParkLancaster RoadSundridge ParkLeechpool WayClay fieldLower Moor RdStanshawesCourt DriveE astfieldD riveGreen WayChurch RoadGooseGreenCanterbury ClYateShoppingCentreFerndownSunningdaleDovecoteGoose Green4Church Ro adGleneaglesSt Andr ewsDriveC o oper sPe g H illOrchard ClBaM eadrk er sG oose G r e e n WayScottG r ave l Hill Roa dC or n w alSomers e tMerlin WaylA v e n u eMercier Ct ClCab otCHudson Cllre s c e nKent AveG re e nways21Newlyn WayRidgewoodCentrePegCarmarthe nBroadwayKestrel ClClHillLove La neFinch Ro a dGravelWRo adHill Roa di r e Av enu eilt shMallard ClWayNorthD o r s e tMelro se AvenueFirgrove CrescentKe n n e dy WayWayH e r onMelrose ClB owlin g H illRoadW ick warBr ook StLilliput A© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410W ick war Roadveton RoadHigh StDoddingLibraryMaps of Infant, junior and primary schoolsHounds RoadChipping SodburySchoolCouz ens CS t J ohns WloseTown HallWoodmans ClKingrove Lan ePoOfWoodmans RoaCotswold RoKChedworthRod ford WayWitcombeChargroveWoodchesterHarescombe1. Broadway Infant School2. The Ridge Junior School3. Tyndale <strong>Primary</strong> School4. St Mary’s CE <strong>Primary</strong> School (Voluntary Aided)5. Yate International Academy (Woodlands <strong>Primary</strong> Phase) (3-19 Age Range)6. St Paul’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School (Voluntary Aided)S hire WayBrockworthEdgeworthBadgeworthAbbotswoodKingscoteCheringtonGlenfallRodford Wayd onBre nS hire WayMaisemor eBlaisdonS hire WayLittl e d eanSli mbridge CloseGoldcrestRoadR oa dGold cre stRobin WayClaypit HillBes omLane✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk53

RoaddillWaylDyer’s LaneHop e RoadDyer’sMaps of Infant, junior and primary schoolsLaneEngineCommon<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> OfficesMission RoadIron Acton WayWaverleyRoadCulvert Ave<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> OfficesN o r t h RoadLodge RoadArmstrong WayLawrence DriveNo© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410rth RoadMillbrook RoadChedworthPostOfficeParkMap 6 – <strong>South</strong> & East Yate and Chipping SodburyEngine Commo n LaneBroad LaneG oose G r een WayDean RoadYate StationDeerhurstParnall CrescentBisleyRod ford WayWitcombeS hire WayCelestine RoadLongs DriveS t a t ion RoadBrockworthQuedgeleyLo n gfordEdgeworthBrimsham GreenSchoolW indsor D riveOak CM oo rWe sterleighB arnwoodll anR oadChargroveBadgeworthBroad Lane EastRoad2Hampden ClBader ClCranlei gh Cour t RoadChatterton RdWellstead AveBrookthorpeKingscoteLongcroftGaythorneStirling ClCa m brYateMilton Roadl e RdLynd aStan shawes DriveCres Spar RdCheringtonW a vell ClMountbatten CloseTyndale Av enueEg gshLaneWood mancoteAbbotswood1Highworth CrescentGlenfalld oni an DrYate Town<strong>Council</strong>Stanshawe Cresce n tYate InternationalAcademyldieN o rt hfBre nLongm eadMaisemor eYork ClH alifa x RoadG r ee nwaysHome Orcha rdBlakeneyS t B riave ls D riveRandolph AvMillsRoadH aRodford WayS hire Wayivet h erleyS u mmersTemplar RoadKennedy WaySundridge ParkM e a dSturmer ClWellin g ton RoadTh e GlenNailsworth AveBlaisdonGooseLancaster RoadWoodchesterBrimshamClay fieldLower Moor RdYate HeritageCentreLeisure CentreLibrarySundridge ParkLeechpool WayOneStopShopStanshawesCourt DriveE astfieldGreen WayGooseGreenCanterbury ClYateShoppingCentreFerndownSunningdaleS hire WayD riveChurch RoadDovecoteGoose GreenChurch Ro adGleneaglesHarescombeLittl e d eanSt Andr ewsPe g H illSlDriveC o oper sOrchard Cli mbridge CloseBaGoldcrestM eadrk er sG oose G r e e n WayScottG r ave l Hill Roa dC or n w alRoadSomers e tMerlin WaylA v e n u eMercier Ct ClCab otCHudson Clre s c e nKent AveGold cre stG re e nwaysNewlyn WayRidgewoodCentre3R oa dPegCarmarthe nBroadwayKestrel ClClHillLove La neFinch Ro a dGravelWi r e Av enu eilt shMallard ClRobin WayHill Roa dWayNorthD o r s e tMelro se AvenueFirgrove Crescent4Ro adKe n n e dy WayWayH e r onMelrose ClB owlin g H illRoadW ick warBr ook StLilliput AW ick war Roadveton RoadHigh StDoddingClaypLibraryit Hill5Hounds RoadChipping SodburySchoolCouz ens CS t J ohns WayloseTown HallWoodmans ClKingrove Lan eLanePostOfficeWoodmans RoadCotswold RoadH attersKingrove CresGFrome RdVayreClr a c e CGorlands RoadloseHartley ClCresson ClS t J ohn s WayChippingSodburyWickham ClH o r ton RoadMill LaneB admintonRoadBes omLane1. Abbotswood <strong>Primary</strong> School2. Wellesley <strong>Primary</strong> School3. Raysfield Infant School4. Raysfield Junior School5. St John’s Mead CE <strong>Primary</strong> School54Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Map 7 – Coalpit Heath/Frampton Cotterell/WinterbourneOldWithy BrakeSilverhillSchHigh StParkside AveThe RidingsWinterbourneAcademyFlaxpits LnNicholls LnFriary Grange Pk1WinterbourneCommunityWoodlandBristol Rd2North CornerWatley’s End RdWayBurroughPark AveSt Francs DrHicksCommonFlaxpitsTannersFarmNorth RdB4058York GdnsCourt RdRectory RdCloisters RdWinterbourneSchool RdFramptonCourtCloistersChurch Rd3Watley’sEndRiver FromeRectory RdNightingale’sBridgeParsonageBridgeFramptonCotterellPark LnWoodlandsFarmClyde RdSunnysideBeesmoor RdHeather AveSt Sa viours RiseBlackberryBrakeChurch RdWoodland RdLower Chapel LnBlac kberry DrRidings RdFrampton End R dCl4UpperstoneTheLandBadminton RdFramptonEndLwr Stone ClBell HillMeadow ViewWoodend RdAlexandra Rd5CoalpitHeath© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Maps of Infant, junior and primary schoolsBradstone RdHuckford Rd1. St Michael’s CE <strong>Primary</strong> School2. Elm Park <strong>Primary</strong> School3. Frampton Cotterell CE <strong>Primary</strong> School4. Watermore <strong>Primary</strong> School5. The Manor CE <strong>Primary</strong> School✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk55

nnington WalkMaps of Infant, junior and primary schoolsHogarth WalkMODMarsh Drive© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Map 8 – Frenchay Area of Prime ResponsibilityGreat Stoke WayHarry Stoke RoadUWEWrigh tColdhabour LaneCarson DrWayStoke LaneFrome ValleyRoadAlberton RdSims’ HillBegrook LaneHotelFilton RdM32Frenchay Park RdFroo mshaw RdHambrook LaFilton RdOld Gloucester RdM32Begbrook RdBristol RdFrenchayOld Gloucester RdWadham DrMalmainsPearces HillHospital1DrBristol RdBeckspool RdBeckspool RdChurch RdQuarry RdRiver FromeB4427Frenchay RdHambrookAvon Ring Rd A4174Cleeve RdFrenchay HillGill AvenuePenn DrPark CresWhiteshillRiverwood RdWoodside RdRocklandOldbury CourtPrim SchoolMoorend RdCleevewood RdRd2River FromeBromley Heath RdHeathfieldsOverndale RoadBromley Heath Rd A4174Worrel’s LaHeath RdMoorendBromleyHeathOakdale RdDownendBHM4Avon Ring RdQuakersCleeve Hill A4174Cleeve Pk RdRdQueeBroJunOakdale ClDr1. Frenchay CE <strong>Primary</strong> School2. Hambrook <strong>Primary</strong> School (not included within this Area of Prime Responsibility)56Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Map 9 – PatchwayOverBlackhorseWoodM5BasinCovertPatchwayTrading EstateHighwood LnPegasus RdCribbs CausewayShopping CentreMerlin RdConiston RdTownsend LnOver LnFal con DrBlakeney RdGorseCovert21Ar lingham WayStroud RdBrightonRdWillow ClBradley RdRodway RdSycamore DrEpney ClDurbanWorthingHighwood RdPretoria RdRdRdCavendish RdPark RdLwr Court RdThe PoundSundays HillAztec WestConiston RdOver LnPark RdWindermere RdRodway RdCranbourne RdHol low RdPatchwayHigh SchPatchwayCallicroft RdHazeldene RdThe ScopHempton LnGloucester Rd NPatchwayStationAlmondsburyGloucester Rd NAsh Ridge RdM5 M5Gypsy Patch LnWoodlands LnBradley Stoke WayAmberley RdSt Chad’sPatchway CEPrim SchStoke LnHoly FamilyRC Prim SchClay LnWoodlandsWoodLittleStokeStation RdBourton AveSaxon Wa yPear Tree RdRossall AveRACTowerHoly TrinityPrim SchWheatfieldPrim SchBrook WayWoodlands LnBowsland WayBradley Stoke WayStoke LodgePrim SchBraydon AveLittle Stoke LnKingswayM4QueenswayBush AveBowslandGreenPrim SchLittle StokePrim SchSavage’sWoodSuperstoreBradley StokeCom SchSavagesMeadowbrookPrim SchKemperleye WayOrpheus AveM4Wood RdBradleyStokeM5Trench LnBaileys Court RdWinterbourne RdBradley Stoke Way© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Maps of Infant, junior and primary schoolsFilton Airfield1. Coniston <strong>Primary</strong> School2. Callicroft <strong>Primary</strong> School✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk57

Maps of Infant, junior and primary schools© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Map 10 – Bradley Stoke/Little StokeAztec WestPark RdPatchwayHigh SchConniston RdHempton LnPatchwayHazeldene RdGloucester Rd NM5Bradley Stoke WayGloucester Rd N1Amberley RdAsh Ridge RdPatchwayStationWoodlands LnOaktree CresThe CommonStandish AveShellmore AveFairford CresBibury AveBourton AveStoke LnClay LnStation RdGypsy Patch Ln2LeisCtrDrCranhamLittleStokeRossall AveRACTowerPear Tree RdBrook WaySaxon Wa y3Little Stoke LnKingsway4The Common EastSchoolClCooks ClWoodlands LnBowsland WayBradley Stoke WayBraydon AveQueenswayBush Ave9Foxfield AveWheatfieldSavagesKemperleye Way6DrDewfalls DrClKilminsterCompton DrManor Farm CresOrpheus AvePaddocks ClWestfield WayTresham Cl5M4SuperstoreBrook WayWood Rd11Hawkins CresOrmonds ClBradleyStokeStean bridge RdWoodlands Golf& Country ClubSavage’sWoodTrench LnLeis Ctr& LibBaileys Court RdWinterbourne RdBradley Stoke WaySherbourne AveBradley StokeCom SchThree BrooksNature ReserveWebbsWoodMeadow WayPursey DrThe BluebellsMead RdShepherdsWoodJuniper WayWebbs Wood RdGreat Meadow Rd7Baileys Court RdHuckley WayM4Fennel Dr10Bradley Stoke WayPalmers LeazeOld Gloucester RdFilton HillPrim SchFilton AveConygre GrRatcliffe DrSandringham RdRatcliffe DrAbbeywoodCommunity SchBristol ParkwayStation1. Holy Family Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School (Voluntary Aided)2. St Chad’s Patchway CE <strong>Primary</strong> School3. Stoke Lodge <strong>Primary</strong> School4. Holy Trinity CE/Methodist <strong>Primary</strong> School (Voluntary Aided)5. Bowsland Green <strong>Primary</strong> School6. Little Stoke <strong>Primary</strong> School7. Bailey’s Court <strong>Primary</strong> School8. St Michael’s CE <strong>Primary</strong> School9. Wheatfield <strong>Primary</strong> School10. St Mary’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School (Voluntary Aided)11. Meadowbrook <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolHatchet Rd8Fabian DrBeaufort C resNorth RdChurch RdRock LnStokeGiffordBakers GroundSimmonds ViewHunts Ground RdHambrook LnGreat Stoke Way58Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Map 11 – Bradley Stoke Community School <strong>Primary</strong> Phase Area of PrimeResponsibilityASDAThe MallShoppingCentre<strong>South</strong>meadPostOfficeMonks ParkSchoolMonks Park Ave<strong>South</strong>meadHospitalGKNAerospaceAlmondsburyAztec WestPatchwayCharlton Hayes<strong>South</strong>mead RoadHighwood RoadFiltonAirfieldFilton RoadFiltonGloucester RoadM5RoyalMailPatchwayHigh SchoolGloucester RoadLink RoadNorthvilleFiltonCollegeRollsRoyceFiltonCollegeFilton Sports &Leisure CentreGloucester RoadM5PatchwayStation RoadFilton AvenueFilton AvenueFiltonAbbeyWoodWoodlands LaneRecyclingCentreAbbey WoodRetail ParkPear Tree RoadGipsy Patch LaneAbbey WoodCommunity SchoolFilton CollegeWISE CampusAbbey WoodMODM4Brook WayLittle Stoke LaneBowsland WayBradleyStokeBradley StokeLeisure CentreWillow BrookCentreLittle StokeGreat Stoke WayFilton RoadOrpheus AveHatchet RoadBrierly FurlongAXASun LifeHewlett-PackardUniversityof theWest of EnglandBradley Stoke WayWinterbourne RoadColdharbour Lane1BristolBusinessParkWest CountryWater ParkStoke GiffordM4Bristol ParkwayHarry StokeA41744Holiday InnFilton RoadM32Trench LaneFrenchayFrenchay Park Road© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410WinterbourneBarnOld Gloucester RoadA4174Bristol RoadM4 MotorwayM32Maps of Infant, junior and primary schools1. Bradley Stoke Community School <strong>Primary</strong> Phase✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk59

Maps of Infant, junior and primary schools© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Map 12 – Filton Primaries Consortium Area of Prime ResponsibilityFiltonGolf Club<strong>South</strong>mead RdB4056Dunkeld AveBraemar AveWorksWorksCharborough RdClyde GrRannock Rd1TheWicketsA38Gloucester Rd NorthElm PkGloucester Rd NorthGayner RdShieldRetailPkShields AveNorthvilleMilleniumGreenNorthville RdCollFerndale RdThird Ave23FiltonStation Rd A4174Shellard RdFourth AveBlenheim DrMeadowsweet AveConygre RdWades RdMackie RdMackie GrWallscourt RdFilton AveNinth AveWarren RdFilton AveCanberra GrCharles RdFilton AveBridgeman GrStation RdFiltonAbbeyWoodStationConygre GrAbbeyRetailParkMODOfficesMonksPark SchFifth AveSixth AveEden GrEighthAve1. Charborough Road <strong>Primary</strong> School2. Shield Road <strong>Primary</strong> School3. Filton Hill <strong>Primary</strong> School60Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Stothard RdShields AveMap 13 – Wallscourt Farm AcademyStation RdShellard RdA4174Fourth AveSixth AveMackie RdMackie GrNinth AveWallscourt RdFilton AveEighth AveFilton AveBonnington WalkFiltonAbbeyWoodStationHogarth WalkAbbeyRetailParkMODOfficesLong Down AvenueHomeLeas Close1Lead er StreetLong Wood MeadowWood MeadSuperstoresHarryStokeLong Down AvenueEastfields RdHarry Stoke RdFilton RdAdmiral CloseUniversity of theWest of EnglandWright Wa yJellicoe AveCasson DriveParnell RdColdharbour LaneThe AvenueRing Road A4174The GardensThe CrescentHotelSims’ HillFilton Rd© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Maps of Infant, junior and primary schoolsLandseer AveNash Drive1. Wallscourt Farm Academy✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk61

Maps of Infant, junior and primary schools© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Map 14 – Downend/MangotsfieldAvon Ring RdOakdale RdDownendCleeve Pk RdQuaker’s RdSandringham Ave1West Park RdFour Acre Rd1DownendComp SchMangotsfieldSutherland AveSailsbury RdChesterfield RdFour Acre CresKing GeorgesFieldWesterleigh RdPeache RdBadminton RdChurch RdAintree DrWestbourne RdLulworth CresBridgeleap RdBoscome C resStanbridge RdHill House RdA432Burley CresBurley GroveLeap V alley CresWestons BrakeQuarry WayBlackhorse LnBlackhorsePrim SchBeaufort Rd52BlackhorseSpringfield AveStockwell DrStreamsideBarleyClGreensideNorthcote RdRodway RdSt James StWestonsHill DrEmeraldParkBye MeadVinnyGreenRichmond RdBlackhorse RdJubilee CresA4174Dibden LnGuest AveEmersons Green LnEmersonsGreenElmeighRdBerkeley WayColliers BreakChurch Farm RdWadham GrCossham StHowsmoor LnAvon Ring Rd A4174Emersons WayJohnson RdSuperstoresBayntonMeadowPinkers MeadA4174M41. St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School (Voluntary Aided)62Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

esterleigh RoadRichmond RoadMap 15 – NEW Emersons Green East <strong>Primary</strong> Academy (working title)Folly Brook RoadJubilee CresLongmead RdBlackhorseBerkeleyWayGuest AveEmerson Green LaneM4 MotorwayWesterleigh RdHowsmoor LaneA4174 Ring RoadEmersons WayEmersonsGreenEmersonsGreen EastBayntonLyde Green1. NEW Emersons Green East <strong>Primary</strong> Academy (working title)Joh nson RoadMeadowPinkers Mead1Howsmoor La neCoxgrove Hill© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Maps of Infant, junior and primary schools✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk63

Maps of Infant, junior and primary schoolsOldTh eThe© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410BriStreetol RoadMap 16 – Kingswood North/Downend/Emersons Green PrimariesConsortium Area of Prime ResponsibilityBeckspool RoadFrenchayFrenchay HillCosshamHospitalCleeve RdMarshfield RdGorse HillIngleside RdTwo MileHillHambrookGrace RdUpp er Station RdAcacia RdUplands RdOvernhill RdWoodland WayLodge RoadCleeve Wood RdOverndale RdHigh StBroml e y Heath Rd9Pend ennis RdDownendBromleyHeath12 13HopewellHillStaple HillKingswoodSoundwell1. Bromley Heath Infant School2. Bromley Heath Junior School3. Blackhorse <strong>Primary</strong> School4. Stanbridge <strong>Primary</strong> School5. Barley Close <strong>Primary</strong> School6. Mangotsfield CE <strong>Primary</strong> School7. Emersons Green <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolShrubbery RdPage Rd10Midland RdDownend RdBromley Heath RoadDownend RoadHaywardRdSoundwell Rd8Landsdown R dGilbert RdM4 MotorwayHeath RoadCleeve HillVictoria StQuaker’sA432Morley RdGladstone StChurch RdHillt op RdWest Park RdBroad StA4174 Ring RoadOakdale RoadO akd ale CtCleeve Pk RoadNorth StreetSeymour RdCots wold WaySyston WayRoad.Sandring h am Ave1 2Salisb uGloucester RdSweets RoadDownendComp SchKing GeorgesFieldPage Park11Stanley Park RdSprin g HillChurch LnFour Acre RoadTeewell HillSutherland AvePark RoadCockshotHillLees HillAlma RdBadminton Rd A432Westerleigh RdPeache Roadry RoadNorth ViewHill House RdJubilee RdAintr ee Dr4Gerrish AveCharnhill DrYew Tree DrChip house RdNew CheltenhamMangotsfield5Charn Hill14Willis RoadPound RoadNew Cheltenham RdBurnham DrWestbourne RoadLulworth CresStanbrid ge RdBurleyCresChurch LaneBurley GroveHolly Hill RdStCuckoo LaneBoscome CresNorthcote RdLong RdMangotsfa tion Roadg e RdBridRodway RdMield Rdanor Roa dC hampion Rdill RdHolly HBeauSpringfield A veWestons BrakeQuarry Way3Blackhorse Lanefort RoadStockwell DrGreensideRodwayHillBlackhorseVinnyGreen7Rodway HillBristol To Bath Railway PathAnchor RdTen nBlackhorse RaodFisher Rdiscourt RdBadminton RoadStreet James StreetRichmond RoadWestons HWesterleigh RoadDibden LnJubilee CresRodway Hill RdRidley AveStation RdLinkFolly Brook RoadBye MLongmead Rdill Dre a dEmerson Green LaneVinneyGreen SUColliers BreakCossham StMangotsfieldSchCarsons RdEmersonsGreen EastEmersonsGreenMangotsfieldof E VC SchGooseGreenSistonCommon8. Christ Church CE Infant School9. Christ Church CE Junior School10. Staple Hill <strong>Primary</strong> School11. The Tynings <strong>Primary</strong> School12. St Stephen’s Infant School13. St Stephen’s CE Junior School14. Kings’ Forest <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolBerkeleyWayGuest AveSisto n HillCoalsack Lane6Wad ham GrM4 MotorwayWesterleigh RdHowsmoor LaneA4174 Ring RoadEmersons WayFar m RoadC hurchBayntonJoh nson RoadA4174 Ring RoadGoose GreenMeadowPinkers MeadCossham StWHollowse bbs Heat h64Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Forest RdElm RdWestons WaySt Anne’sParkBirchwood RdGuildford RdMap 17 – Kingswood <strong>South</strong> & Hanham Primaries Consortium Area ofPrime ResponsibilityCrew’s Hole RdConhamRiver ParkConham RdRiver AvonBroomhill RdBrislingtonTroopers RdWhite’sHillBroomHillSt GeorgeChurchRdConhamGays RdJefferiesHillMemorial RdHencliffeWoodHeathRdMonkton R d MartinsKings Dr3Hencliffe WayAnstey’s RdNewWalkCommon RdTwo MileHillTwo Mile Hill RdA431New Queen StKingswayFurber RdQueens DrRdHunters Rd12HanhamHanhamHigh SchLydiard CrSamuel White RdRiverside WayHospIngleside RdHanhamGreenCastle Farm RdB4048A4017John CabotAcademyRdFootshillLodge RdAbbots RdA420L wr Hanham RdGrange AvCentral AvAbbots AvWhittucks Rd4Woodyleaze DrBeechwoodAveSoundwell RdDownend RdA4017The MeadowsAvon Ring Rd A4174St Stephen’sCE Jun SchHopewellHillRegent StHanham Rd B4046Mount Hill RdStone HillSyston WayNew Cheltenham RdCecil RdWood RdMoravian RdWesley Ave<strong>South</strong>ey AveCourt RdGreenba nk Rd7Church RdCourt Farm RoadHigh StWoodlan d RdClaypool RdStoneHIll6Courtney RdKelston GrAspectsLeisureKingsfield LnCockshotHillHollow RdPettigrove RdLeisureCentreAlma RdNew CheltenhamPark View5SuperstoresNew Cheltenham RdHolly Hill RdOrchard RdSuperstoresWoodstockGages RdCock RdSuperstoreA4174Marsham WayBurnham DrBath RdLongwellGreenWarmleyHillCraven WayBarrsCourtPrim SchLongwell GreenPrim SchHill StOrchard ValeGages RdAnchor RdDawn RiseAvon Ring Rd A4174Woodward DrShellards WayCourtney WayParkwall R dGrace DrTennis Court RdGrimsby RdWraxall RdParkwallPrim SchCalifornia RdKingsfieldSchA420OldlandAvon Ring RdCadury Heath RdLong Beach RdSistonCommonGrangeCom SchTower LaWarmleyCadburyHeathPrim SchCadburyHeathWarmleyPark Sch© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Maps of Infant, junior and primary schoolsTrading EstateSt Brendan’s SixthForm CollBickleyWoodCleeve WoodRiver Avon1. Samuel White’s Infant School2. Hanham Abbots Junior School3. Christ Church CE <strong>Primary</strong> School4. Beacon Rise <strong>Primary</strong> School5. Courtney <strong>Primary</strong> School6. The Park <strong>Primary</strong> School7. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School (Voluntary Aided). Please note: this school isnot included within this Area of Prime Responsibility.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk65

Maps of Infant, junior and primary schools© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Map 18 – King’s Oak Academy <strong>Primary</strong> Phase Area of PrimeResponsibilityFrenchayWhiteshillCleeve Wood RdHambrookHigh StBromley He ath RdOverndale RdDownend RoadM4 MotorwayBromleyHeathCleeve HillSoundwell RdDownendVictoria StreetA4174 Ring RoadStapleHillBroad StTeewell HillSoundwellBadminton RdA432Westerleigh RdMangotsfieldCharn HillKendleshireBlackhorseBlackhorse RaodMangotsfield RdSt ation RdVinnyGreenRodway Hill RdRodwayHillEmersonsGreenA4174 Ring RoadEmersonsGreenA4174 Ring RoadCossham StM4 MotorwayWesterleigh RdShortwood RdParkfield RoadSistonWesterleigh RdPucklechurchAbson RdTwo MileHillA420Downend RdHopewellHillKingswoodRegent StHanham RdSyston WayCockshotHillHigh StNew CheltenhamNew Cheltenham RdHolly Hill RdWarmley HillHill StWoodstockTenniscourt RoadGrimsbury Rd1Carsons RdSistonCommonHigh StGooseGreenTower Rd NWebbs HeathA420Webbs HeathSiston LaneChesley HillLodge RoadHolbrook LaneHolbrookCommonMount HillWarmleyChurch Road1. King’s Oak Academy <strong>Primary</strong> Phase66Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Bath Rd A4Map 19 - Cadbury Heath/Longwell Green Consortium Area of PrimeResponsibilityHigh StAbbots RdForest RdHanham RdMount Hill RdHanhamWhittucks RdRegent StMoravian RdStone HillB4045Court RdGreenbank RdMount HillStoneHillHigh StAspectsLeisureLeisureCentreLongwell GreenWoodstockCock RdSuperstoresPearsall RdSuperstoreBath Rd A431Avon Ring Road A4174Marsham WaySuperstoresCraven WayCraven ClEllacombe RdStephens DrWoodward DrMoor Croft Rd31Hill StCausley DrShellards RdParkwall RdGrimsbury RdBarrs Crt RdWraxall RdNewton Rd4Earlstone CresA420BirkdaleCalifornia RdOldlandLong Beach RdTower La2WarmleyCadbury Heath RdCoronation RdQueens RdCadburyHeathOrchard RdHigh StThe GrangeSchoolMusPark RdTower Rd STower Rd NWarmleyTowerMill LaWest StCourt RdA420School RdCherry Garden LaSt BarnabasCEPrimSchoolCloverlea RdNorth StSir BernardLovell SchOldlandCommon© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Maps of Infant, junior and primary schoolsCourt Farm RdWillsbridge HillWillsbridgeCleeve WoodBittonStationBath Rd A431River AvonKeynsham RdSomerdaleRiver Avon1. Barrs Court <strong>Primary</strong> School2. Cadbury Heath <strong>Primary</strong> School3. Longwell Green <strong>Primary</strong> School4. Parkwall <strong>Primary</strong> School✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk67

Clay LnMaps of Infant, junior and primary schools© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Map 20 - Warmley/Bitton Consortium Area of Prime ResponsibilityAnchour RdTennis Court RdGrimsby RdWarmley BrookKingsfieldSchA420Avon Ring Rd A4174OldlandCadburyHeathCadbury Heath RdParkwallPrim SchAvon Ring RdWarmleyTheGrangeSchTower LnCadbury HeathPrim SchCalifornia RdLong Beach RdKenilworth DrHigh St A420Tower Ln NWestcourt DrWestland AvGleenwood DrCourt RdCherry Garden LnWillsbridgeCorfe PlStationBittonStationMill LnBarry RdSchool RdSt Annes DrPoplar RdNorthCommonVictoria DrW i llsbridge HillBath Rd A431Keynsham Rd A4175Siston HillSistonCommonWarmleyParkSchTower Rd S1WarmleyForest ParkRdSt Ivel wayHazelbury DrMalvern DrCherry Garden RdGoose GnBristol to Bath Cycle PathWest St3Avon Valley Railway4Cloverlea RdNorth StRogers WalkMillers DrSir BernardLovell SchFrancis WayOldlandCommonRyedown LnSiston BrookLondon RdOldlandStation52High StWebbs HeathSiston LaneBridgeYateCann LnRedfield HillBittonA420Beach HillNewpit LnRiver BoydGolden Valley LnTut’sWoodOverscourtWoodBridgeyateCommonHomeapple Hi lMill HillBrewery HilllHolb rook LnWick LnUptonCheyney1. Cherry Garden <strong>Primary</strong> School2. Redfield Edge <strong>Primary</strong> School3. St Anne’s CE <strong>Primary</strong> School4. St Barnabas CE <strong>Primary</strong> School5. The Meadows <strong>Primary</strong> School (not included within this Area of Prime Responsibility)68Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Map 21 – Rural <strong>Schools</strong>© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023410Maps of Infant, junior and primary schools1. Alexander Hosea <strong>Primary</strong> School2. Charfield <strong>Primary</strong> School3. Hawkesbury CE <strong>Primary</strong> School4. Horton CE <strong>Primary</strong> School (Voluntary Aided)5. Marshfield CE <strong>Primary</strong> School6. Old Sodbury CE <strong>Primary</strong> School7. Oldbury-on-Severn CE <strong>Primary</strong> School8. Olveston CE <strong>Primary</strong> School9. Pucklechurch CE <strong>Primary</strong> School10. St Andrew’s CE <strong>Primary</strong> School11. Tortworth <strong>Primary</strong> School12. Trinity CE <strong>Primary</strong> School13. Wick CE <strong>Primary</strong> School✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk69

Special resource basesSpecial resource basesContact Details / Head Teacher Type of Provision Age RangeBlackhorse <strong>Primary</strong>Blackhorse Lane, Emersons Green Social Communication 4 - 11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 6TRDifficultiesTelephone: 01454 866570Email: office@blackhorsepri.org.ukWebsite: www.blackhorseprimary.org.ukHead Teacher – Mr S BottenAssistant Head Teacher in Charge of Inclusion – Mrs K McConnellCharborough Road <strong>Primary</strong>Charborough Road, Filton Speech and Language 4 - 11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS34 7RADifficultiesTelephone: 01454 867220Email: office@charboroughroadprimary.org.ukWebsite: www.charboroughroadprimary.org.ukHead Teacher – Mrs N BaileyHead of Resource Base – Miss G SnaryNEW Emersons Green East <strong>Primary</strong> Acedemy (working title)Details of the appointed sponsor and updates Autistic Spectrum Disorder 4 - 11concerning a development of the new school willbe published on the council’s website atwww.southglos.gov.uk/EGE<strong>Primary</strong>AcademyEmersons Green <strong>Primary</strong>Guest Avenue, Emersons Green Physical Disabilities and 4 - 11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS16 7GAVisual ImpairmentTelephone: 01454 867474Email: admin@egps.org.ukWebsite: www.emersonsgreenprimary.co.ukHead Teacher – Mrs J IsaacYate International Academy (Woodlands <strong>Primary</strong> Phase)Sundridge Park, Yate Hearing Impairment 3 - 11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 4HBTelephone: 01454 866535Email: primary@trfyia.org.ukWebsite: www.trfyia.org.uk/woodlandsAssistant Principal – Mrs J HoganPlacement at Special Resource Bases will always be decided centrally by the Department forChildren, Adults & Health.70Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Special schoolsContact Details / Head Teacher Type of Provision Age RangeCulverhillKelston Close, Yate Complex Learning 7 - 16<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS37 8SZDifficultiesTelephone: 01454 866930Email: culverhillschool@sgmail.org.ukWebsite: www.culverhillschool.org.ukHead Teacher – Miss N JonesSpecial schoolsNew Horizons Learning CentreCourtney Road Campus, Courtney Road Behavioural, Emotional & 4 - 11Kingswood, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS15 9RD Social DifficultiesTelephone: 01454 865222Email: enquiries@newhorizonslc.org.ukWebsite: www.newhorizonslc.org.ukExecutive Head Teacher – Mrs T CraigNew SiblandsGillingstool, Thornbury Severe Learning 2 - 11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS35 2EGDifficultiesTelephone: 01454 866754Email: NewSiblandsSpecial.School@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.newsiblands.org.ukHead Teacher – Mr A BucktonWarmley ParkTower Road North, Warmley Severe Learning 2 - 11<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> BS30 8XLDifficulties (includingTelephone: 01454 867272Learning and Communication for pupils withEmail: school@warmleyparkschool.org.uk Autism)Website: www.warmleyparkschool.org.ukHead Teacher – Miss L ParkerPlacement at special schools will always be decided centrally by the Department for Children,Adults & Health.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk71

Admission to voluntary aided primary schools and academiesAdmission to voluntary aidedprimary schools and academiesAdmission to voluntary aidedschoolsVoluntary aided schools are usually schoolsof Church foundation which are part of themaintained school sector; they have theresponsibility for buildings, employing staff anddetermining admission criteria and religiouseducation. The Church of England voluntaryaided schools provide a Christian-basededucation for their local community as well as forthe children of Church members. The Catholicvoluntary aided schools have been established toserve the Catholic community and others seekinga Christian-based education. Voluntary aidedschools may require additional information tosupport applications.For voluntary aided schools, allocations of schoolplaces will be made in accordance with thecriteria adopted by the governors of the schoolfollowing consultation with the relevant admissionauthorities. If your application for a place at avoluntary aided school is unsuccessful you havethe right of appeal under the terms of the SchoolStandards and Framework Act 1998. Informationon the appeal procedure can be obtained fromthe individual schools.Applications to voluntary aided schoolsin <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> from <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> residents should be made to<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> either by on-lineapplication form or the application form includedin this booklet. Applicants resident in the area ofanother local authority requesting a place in avoluntary aided school in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>must complete and return an application formavailable from their own ‘home’ local authority.Voluntary aided schools’ admission criteria arelisted overleaf in alphabetical order.Voluntary aided schools may require applicantsto complete a supplementary information formin connection with their admission criteria.Applicants should check with the schoolconcerned.Admission to academiesAcademies are independent state funded schoolswhich are not part of the maintained schoolsector. <strong>Schools</strong> with academy status are theirown admission authority and are responsible forsetting their own admissions criteria. Allocationsof places will be made in accordance withthe criteria adopted by the academy trust. Ifyour application for a place at an academyis unsuccessful you have the right of appealunder the terms of the School Standards andFramework Act 1998. Information on the appealprocedure can be obtained from individualacademies.Applications to an academy in <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> from <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>residents should be made to <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> either by on-lineapplication form or the application form includedin this booklet. Applicants resident in the area ofanother local authority requesting a place in anacademy in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> must completeand return an application form available from theirown ‘home’ local authority. Academy admissioncriteria are listed in this section.Academies may require applicants to completea supplementary information form in connectionwith their admission criteria. Applicants shouldcheck with the academy concerned. In <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong>, we have three academiesproviding for both primary and secondary schoolage pupils. The Ridings’ Yate InternationalAcademy is an all-through academy providingfor the 3-19 age range. The academy operatesthe primary phase at Sundridge Park (previously,Woodlands <strong>Primary</strong> School premises). As fromSeptember 2015, Bradley Stoke CommunitySchool will be an all-through academy providingfor the 4-19 age range, providing 30 receptionclass places. As from September 2015, King’sOak Academy will be an all-through academyproviding for the 4‐19 age range, providing 60reception class places.72Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Diocese of CliftonChrist the King Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmission Policy 2015/2016Parents/carers are warmly invited to visit andshould telephone to arrange an appointment tolook around the school. New reception childrenwill be invited to visit the school during the summerterm in order to ensure their entry into Christthe King is a happy and enjoyable experience.Children admitted to school during the academicyear will also be given the opportunity to visitChrist the King to support and ease their transitionfrom one school to another. Christ the King is afully inclusive school and welcomes applicationsfrom all members of the community.Christ the King is a Catholic voluntary aidedprimary school, which was established by theChurch to serve the parishes of Christ the King,Thornbury and Holy Cross, Wotton-under-Edge.The governing body, acting in accordance withthe School Admissions Code and the CliftonDiocesan Policy Statement and in consultationwith the local authority, is responsible for theadmission of pupils.The admission number for all year groupsincluding reception year 2015/2016 is 25 pupils.Pupils are normally admitted in the Septemberof the school year in which they reach their fifthbirthday. However, they are not required to attendthe school until the beginning of the term aftertheir fifth birthday and so admission may bedeferred until the beginning of the spring andsummer terms. Parents/carers seeking such adeferment should make this clear when acceptingthe offer of a place.Applications for a reception place at the schoolshould be made through <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>’s Department for Children, Adults andHealth on their application form as publishedin the “Admission to <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> in <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> – Information for Parents/Carers”booklet. Booklets are also available from theschool office.These forms must be returned to <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Admissions & TransportTeam either using the on-line form available onthe <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> website or byusing the paper form published in the “Admissionto <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> –Information for Parents/Carers” booklet by15 January 2015. If applying to Christ the Kingparents/carers should also complete the school’sadmissions supplementary information form andreturn to the school by the same date. This form isavailable from the school.If the Admissions Committee do not have therequired evidence to apply the over-subscriptioncriteria (i.e. the supplementary Information form)by the due date this may result in the child beingplaced in a lower category.Applicants resident in other local authority areasshould apply via their “home” local authority,following the same timescales.The governing body, through <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Department forChildren, Adults and Health, will offer places for allreception pupils ‘on time’ applications on16 April 2015 in line with their published criteria.In the event of over-subscription and refusalof applications for places, a waiting list will bemaintained by the school for any vacancies whichoccur until the end of Term 2 (December 2015)and then discarded. Priority order on the waitinglist will be determined according to the oversubscriptioncriteria explained below, not by thedate of joining the waiting list.Diocese of Clifton – Christ the King Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk73

Diocese of Clifton – Christ the King Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolOver-subscription criteria1. In the event of over-subscription (i.e. moreapplications than available places) places willbe offered in accordance with the followingorder of priority:1.1 Baptised Looked After/Previously LookedAfter Catholic children for whom a place isrequested by the relevant person/authority.1.2 Children who are baptised Catholics andwho live in the parishes of Christ the King,Thornbury and Holy Cross, Wotton-under-Edge.1.3 Baptised Catholic children who live outsidethe parishes of Christ the King, Thornbury andHoly Cross, Wotton-under-Edge and who donot have a Catholic primary school servingthe parish in which they live, and for year oneto six pupils at whose parish school a placeis not available (evidence of lack of places willbe required).1.4 Looked After/Previously Looked After Childrenfor whom a place is requested by the relevantperson/authority.1.5 Children who will have a brother or a sister atthe school at the time of their admission, i.e.the start of the school’s academic year.1.6 Children of a Catholic parent/carer wholives within the parishes of Christ the King,Thornbury and Holy Cross, Wotton-under-Edge.1.7 Children of other faiths (i.e. members of theinter Faith network for the UK) who live withinthe parishes of Christ the King, Thornbury andHoly Cross, Wotton-under-Edge, and whoseparents/carers have the written support oftheir minister.1.8 Baptised Catholic children who live outsidethe parishes of Christ the King, Thornbury andHoly Cross, Wotton-under-Edge, and who falloutside Category 1.3 above.1.9 Other applicants not in the above categories.In Categories 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6 and 1.8baptismal certificates must be available forinspection.Parish maps are available at the school office.Definitions:(a) Brother and sister are defined as childrenwho share one natural parent or stepbrotheror sister or have been legally adopted orfostered into the family.(b) Looked After Children as defined by Section22 of the Children Act 1989 and PreviouslyLooked After Children as set out in the SchoolAdmissions Code.2. When applications within Categories 1.2, 1.3and 1.4 above exceed the number of placesavailable, priority will be given to:❚❚❚children of multiple births – infant class sizenumbers can be breached to allow in thesepupils.children who have a brother or sister at theschool at the time of their admission.children who live nearest to the school.Where the school is over-subscribed and itdoes not prove possible to resolve allocation ofplaces by the application of the over-subscriptioncriteria set out above, any remaining places willbe allocated by drawing lots. Lots will be drawnby an appropriate person, independent of theadmissions process at the school, nominated bythe Diocese of Clifton.In determining which applicants live closest tothe school, distances from home to school willbe measured between the address point ofthe child’s home and a central point within themain school building (using the local authority’scomputerised mapping system).74Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

3. Casual applications, i.e. those which falloutside the normal admissions round, shouldbe made directly to Christ the King Catholic<strong>Primary</strong> School BS35 1AW, telephone01454 866680. Applicants are requestedto complete an application form andsupplementary information form which areavailable from the school. These applicationswill then be considered by the AdmissionsCommittee against the criteria listed above.4. Late applications - Applications for receptionclass places which are received after theclosing date of 15 January 2015, but beforethe offer of places is made by the governingbody, will be considered in accordance withthe priorities in 1 above if, in the opinion ofthe Admission Committee, there were goodgrounds for applicants not being able to meetthe required deadline of 15 January 2015.5. In February 2014 the governors received 46applications for September 2014 which fellinto the following categories:Category 1.1 0Category 1.2 8Category 1.3 0Category 1.4 0Category 1.5 7Category 1.6 0Category 1.7 7Category 1.8 1Category 1.9 23Total 46Appeals procedureParents/carers have the right to appeal againstthe refusal by the governing body to admit theirchild, and should put their appeal in writingusing the paperwork provided with your offerletter. This should be returned to the Chair ofGovernors, Christ the King School, Easton HillRoad, Thornbury, BS35 1AW, within 20 schooldays of receiving the letter of refusal. Appeals willbe arranged by the governing body in conjunctionwith the Clifton Diocesan Department for <strong>Schools</strong>and Colleges and conducted in accordance withthe School Admissions Code on school appeals.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)There is a different procedure for the admission toschool for children with Statements of SEN or anEHC Plan: it is administered by the local authorityin whose area the family lives. The local authorityis responsible for issuing the statement andconsulting parents/carers and the governing bodyof Christ the King, if a preference has been madefor the school, before the school is named in thestatement.In the event of any questions or queries pleasecontact the Head Teacher at Christ the KingCatholic <strong>Primary</strong> school on 01454 866680.Diocese of Clifton – Christ the King Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAnd offered 25 places to…8 applicants in 1.27 applicants in 1.57 applicants in 1.71 applicants in 1.72 applicants in 1.9✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk75

Diocese of Clifton – Holy Family Roman Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, PatchwayDiocese of CliftonHoly Family Roman Catholic <strong>Primary</strong>School, Stoke Lodge, PatchwayAdmission Policy 2015/2016“A caring Catholic community that learns and plays with Christ at its centre”IntroductionHoly Family is a Catholic voluntary aided primaryschool, which was established by the Church toserve the Catholic community within the parish ofHoly Family, Patchway and the surrounding area(a map of the parish boundary is available fromthe school or Church office on request). Withinthe legal framework allowed and the indicatedadmission number, which is 30, it is hoped that allbaptised Catholics living within the parish will beoffered a place at either Holy Family School or StMary’s.Admission numberThe admission number for the reception year(2015/16) and all other year groups is 30. Inaccordance with infant class size legislation, thegovernors are not in a position to breach theiradmission number of 30 for reception or keystage one. Exceptions to this are:Multiple birth if it would mean splitting childrenbecause one would be the 31st child.Within reasonable capacity, military personnelposted to the area after the due deadline and whohave the correct documentation to confirm this.Pupils are normally admitted in the Septemberof the school year in which they reach their fifthbirthday. However, in accordance with the SchoolAdmissions Code, parents/carers can requestthat the date their child is admitted to school isdeferred until later in the academic year or untilthe term in which the child reaches compulsoryschool age. Deferred admissions will follow <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s formal statement.Parents/carers seeking such a deferment shouldmake this clear at the time of applying for a place.Making an applicationIn accordance with the national arrangementsand the local scheme of co-ordination,applications for a place in reception must bemade by parents/carers on a common applicationform and submitted to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> by 15 January 2015. The form forcompletion by residents of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>is on the council’s website (for on-line applicationsgo to www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions)and is also included in the booklet for parents/carers, available from <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>primary schools and <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>’s Admissions & Transport Team, from thebeginning of the academic year. Any supportingdocumentation (refer to ‘order of priority’ 5.1to 5.11) i.e. Baptism Certificate, ChristeningCertificate or supporting reference from a ChurchMinister or Faith Leader, should be submitteddirectly to the school using a supplementaryinformation form, by 15 January 2015. Thesupplementary form to assist with this process isavailable from the school or on the website.Applicants resident in other local authority areasshould apply via their ‘home’ local authority.After the agreed local authority deadline, <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Admissions & TransportTeam will inform the governors of all applicationsand the governors will then allocate placesaccordingly.76Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Over-subscriptionIn the event of over-subscription, the governorswill apply its order of priority as listed below andnotify the local authority of its decisions. The localauthority, acting on behalf of the governors, willthen notify parents/carers on 16 April 2015 of theoutcome.Late applications for receptionadmissionsApplications received after the closing date givenabove but before the offer of places is made bythe governing body will not be considered in thefirst round of allocations unless, in the opinion ofthe Admission Committee, there were exceptionalreasons for applicants not being able to meet therequired deadlines i.e. as in the case of militarypersonnel.In the event of a request for an in-year admission(an application for a place during the academicschool year, or for September 2015/2016 ina year group other than the bulk receptionintake), a formal request for application has tobe made directly to the school. The school willissue an application form, which will need tobe completed and returned to the school withrelevant supporting documents and certificates.The governors will meet to consider theapplication submitted to them. In the event ofover-subscription for a place, the governors willapply the criteria set out below. The decision ofthe governors will be communicated directly tothe applicant of the refusal or offer of a place.Consideration of places to beofferedThe governing body will offer places using theirpublished criteria.The timing of the offers for reception places willbe in line with <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> – 16April 2015.Deferred admissions will also follow <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s formal statement.In the event of over-subscription (i.e. moreapplications than places available), places will beoffered in accordance with the order of priority setout below.Casual applications, i.e. those that fall outside ofthe normal reception admissions round, will beconsidered after formal application to the SchoolGovernors Admissions Committee against thepriorities listed below.When applications within each of the categoriesexceed the number of places available, placeswill be allocated having regard to those childrenliving closest to the school. The distances fromhome to school will be measured in a straightline between the address point of the child’shome and a central point within the main schoolbuilding using the local authority’s computerisedmapping system. In the event of equal distance,any remaining applications will be allocated bydrawing lots. Lots will be drawn by an appropriateperson, independent of the admissions processat the school, nominated by the Diocese ofClifton.Order of priority1. ‘Looked after children’ and/or ‘previouslylooked after children’ who are baptisedCatholics. For details of required supportingevidence see “Supporting documentation”paragraph.2. Baptised Catholic children who live withinthe parish of Holy Family and who will havea brother or sister attending the school at thetime of admission:2.1. Children who regularly attend CatholicChurch2.2 OthersFor details of required supporting evidenceand map of the parish boundary see“Supporting documentation” paragraph.3. Baptised Catholic children who live withinthe parish of Holy Family. Children who livewithin the boundaries of the Catholic parishof Holy Family and who have been baptisedinto the Catholic Church, will be ranked in thefollowing priority order:3.1 Children who regularly attend a CatholicChurch3.2 OthersDiocese of Clifton – Holy Family Roman Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Patchway✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk77

Diocese of Clifton – Holy Family Roman Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, PatchwayFor details of required supporting evidenceand map of the parish boundary see“Supporting documentation” paragraph.4. Baptised Catholic children with a baptisedCatholic sibling already attending the school,who live outside of Holy Family parish at thestart of the academic year in question and notin category 5, will be ranked in the followingpriority order:4.1 Children who regularly attend a CatholicChurch4.2 OthersFor details of required supporting evidencesee “Supporting documentation” paragraph.5. Other baptised Catholic children who liveoutside the parish of Holy Family and who donot have a Catholic primary school servingthe parish in which they live. Baptised Catholicchildren who fall outside any of the abovecriteria will be ranked in the following priorityorder:5.1 Children who regularly attend a CatholicChurch5.2 OthersFor details of required supporting evidencesee “Supporting documentation” paragraph.6. Baptised Catholic children unable to obtaina place at another Catholic school (doesnot apply to the first round of applications):These are baptised Catholic children wholive outside the boundaries of the Catholicparish of Holy Family and where a place isnot available at the Catholic primary schoolserving the parish in which they live. In thesecircumstances a letter from the Head Teacherof the Catholic primary school serving theirparish of residence confirming that thereis no place available at that school for thechild in question will be required. The schooloffice must receive this together with theother required supporting evidence withthe application. Places will be ranked in thefollowing priority order:6.1 Children who regularly attend a CatholicChurch6.2 Others7. Other ‘looked after children’ and/or ‘previouslylooked after children’. For details of requiredsupporting evidence see “Supportingdocumentation” paragraph.8. Children who are not baptised Catholic wholive within the parish of Holy Family and whowill have a brother or sister attending theschool at the time of admission.9. Children who are not baptised Catholic wholive outside the parish of Holy Family andwho will have a brother or sister attending theschool at the time of admission.10. Members of other faiths or no faith. Fordetails of required supporting evidence see“Supporting documentation” paragraph.11. All other applicants not in the abovecategories.Supporting documentationWhere it should be sent and the governors’ rightto confirm the supporting documentation.We ask that all applicants complete asupplementary information form available from theschool office and submit it with any supportingdocumentation indicated below.1. Where it is indicated that a child is baptisedCatholic, Christened, or a memberof another faith, the governors as theadmissions authority, require a copy ofBaptism Certificate/ Christening Certificateor supporting letter from a Minister or FaithLeader and supplementary forms whichshould be sent directly to the school by 15January 2015.2. Regular fulfillment of Sunday Obligation(Catholic):78Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

(i) Parents/carers who would like their child to beconsidered in these categories must arrangefor the completion of the Regular Fulfillmentof Sunday Obligation supplementary form,which is available from the school or theschool website, by the Parish Priest orParish Deacon who can confirm their regularattendance, on average at least twice amonth, for eighteen months prior to theapplication.(ii) In situations where people have moved housefrom outside parish boundaries or who havechanged the Church they are attendingduring this time they should ask their previousand current Parish Priest or Parish Deacon tocomplete the Regular Fulfillment of SundayObligation form to ensure the period iscovered in full.(iii) The Church where the child is regularlyattending at the date of application will be theone used in the order of priority.(iv) It is important to remember that you must alsosupply a certificate of baptism or a certificateof reception or a letter of support dependingon the criterion under which you are applying.3. Where supporting documents should besubmitted.In order to ensure that the Admissions Authority,namely, the governing body of Holy FamilyCatholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, is able to considerthe application in the appropriate order ofprecedence, parents/carers must ensure that thesupplementary information forms and all relevantsupporting documentary evidence as statedabove is submitted to the school as detailedbelow.For the reception intake, this should be submittedby 23:59 on 15 January 2015 to be considered inthe first round of allocations. These items shouldbe submitted to the school office at Holy FamilyCatholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Amberley Road, StokeLodge, Bristol, BS34 6BY, irrespective of theapplication method used (i.e. paper documentsor on-line).The governors reserve the right to request sightof ‘original’ documents and certificates. Failureto complete the supplementary information formand provide the appropriate documentation asdescribed above will result in an application beingplaced within a lower category if applicable.DefinitionsThe following definitions will apply to this policy:A Catholic is someone ‘baptised’ or ‘Receivedinto Full Communion’ by a Christian rite in fullcommunion with the Holy See. Most commonlycalled ‘Roman Catholic’ in England and Walesbut also includes certain Eastern Rites, Copts andthe new ‘Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham’,which are in union with the Holy See.Members of other faiths: Those who professto members of a faith other than Catholic whorequire a place at Holy Family Catholic primaryschool, will require a supporting letter from theirFaith Leader, or equivalent stating ‘that in theirview the child is a member of their denomination’will suffice. A Christening Certificate or letter ofsupport must actually state the words that the‘child is a member of the denomination/church’.If it does not, the criterion would not have beenfulfilled.(c) Parish boundaries of Holy Family CatholicChurch, Patchway: A map is available at theschool on request.(d) ‘Looked after children’ as defined by Section22 of the Children Act 1989 and ‘previouslylooked after children’ in accordance with theSchool Admissions Code.(e) Brothers and sisters: A child is a brother orsister if they are a full, half, step or adoptivebrother/sister of another child. Full brothers/sisters are defined as children who have thesame biological or adoptive parents. Halfbrothers/sistersare defined as children whoshare only one biological or adoptive parent.Step brothers/sisters are defined as childrenwho are not necessarily related biologically(including Foster children) but are living in thesame household for the majority of the time atDiocese of Clifton – Holy Family Roman Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Patchway✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk79

Diocese of Clifton – Holy Family Roman Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Patchwaythe address considered to be the address ofthe child for whom the application is made.(f) Home address: A child’s home address isconsidered to be the place where the childpermanently and ordinarily resides for themajority of the time. This would normally bethe same address as the person who hasparental responsibility for the child as theirmain carer. Those moving should normallyprovide independent confirmation of the newaddress.(g) Moving into the area: Please note proof ofresidence will be required, for those intendingto move in to the area, e.g. copy of saleagreement/rental agreement with a moving indate recorded. An estate agents letter will notsuffice.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)The admission procedure for children withStatements of SEN or an EHC Plan is differentand these children take priority over all the above.The local authority is responsible for issuing thestatement and consulting parents/carers and thegovernors of Holy Family if a preference has beenmade for the school, before the school is namedin the statement.Waiting lists - bulk admissions (i.e.reception intake September 2015)In the event of over-subscription and refusalof applications for places, a waiting list will bemaintained for any vacancies, which occur untilthe end of Term 2 (December 2015). A request togo on this waiting list must be made in writing tothe school. Priority order on the waiting list will bedetermined according to the order of priority forthe school, not by the date of joining the waitinglist.Waiting lists – in-year admissionsIn the event of refusal of an in-year application,parents/carers can request that their child beplaced on a waiting list, which will be held by theschool. This request must be made in writing tothe school. Should a place become availablein the academic year in question, places will beoffered by the governors according to the schooladmissions policy order of priority above, notby the date of joining the waiting list. The schoolwill retain the waiting list up until the end of theacademic year, i.e. 31 August 2016.Placing a child’s name on a waiting list does notaffect an applicant’s right of appeal against anunsuccessful application.AppealsParents/carers have the right to appeal againstthe refusal by the governing body to admit theirchild and should put their appeal in writing to theClerk of Governors (address below) within 20school days from the date of notification that theirapplication was unsuccessful. Appeals will bearranged by the Diocese of Clifton Department for<strong>Schools</strong> and Colleges and <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> and conducted in accordance with thecurrent School Admissions Code on schoolappeals.Clerk to the Governors: Anne Collins, Holy FamilyCatholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Amberley Road, StokeLodge, Bristol, BS34 6BY.80Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Holy Trinity Church of England/Methodist <strong>Primary</strong> School,Bradley StokeAdmission Policy 2015/2016RationaleThis admissions policy has been created toreflect the school’s value statement and takesinto account the Christian foundation and thecommunity focus of the school. The governorsdetermine the admission policy for the school.The admission number for the reception year(2015/16) is 30 pupils. Pupils are normallyadmitted in the September of the school year inwhich they reach their fifth birthday, but parents/carers are referred to the notes in this policyrelating to deferred entry.For children living in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>,applications for a reception place at the schoolshould be made through <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>’s Admissions & Transport Team eitherusing the on-line form available on the <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> website or by usingthe paper form published in the “Admission to<strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> –Information for Parents/Carers” booklet. Bookletsare also available from the school office. Forchildren living outside of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>,application should be made to the local authorityfor the area where they live.The closing date for applications is 15 January2015.The governors also require, for those applicationsunder criteria 3 or 5, for parents/carers to completethe school’s additional information form availablefrom the school office or the school website http://www.holytrinity-pri.s-gloucs.sch.uk/About_us/Forms/home_Forms.htm and return to theschool office by the 15 January 2015. If no suchform is received the governors will determine theapplication applying the criteria below exceptcriteria 3 or 5 which shall be ignored.The governing body of the school will offer placesusing their published criteria, the timing of theoffers will be in line with <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>.The criteria listed below will be applied in theorder stated should the number of applicants forplaces in any year group exceed the number ofplaces available.Criteria1. “Looked After Children or Previously LookedAfter Children” as defined by Section 22 ofthe Children Act 1989 and children who werelooked after children but ceased to be sobecause they were either adopted (as definedby Section 46 of the Adoption and ChildrenAct 2002) or became subject to a residenceorder (as defined by Section 8 of theChildren Act 1989) or the subject of a specialguardianship order (as defined by Section14A of the Children Act 1989).2. After considering the above criteria for firstround application to reception, only if placesremain available, the next seven places will beawarded having regard to the proximity of theapplicant’s home to the school on the basisthat those living closest to the school will beoffered priority.3. Children whose parent/carer is a memberand regular worshipper at Holy Trinity Church,Bradley Stoke as defined in this policy.4. Children who and who, at the time of theirapplication, and admission would have asibling at the school.Holy Trinity Church of England/Methodist <strong>Primary</strong> School, Bradley Stoke✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk81

Holy Trinity Church of England/Methodist <strong>Primary</strong> School, Bradley Stoke5. Children who live within the town of BradleyStoke (a plan is available from the schooloffice) and where at least one parent/carerregularly attends worship in another Christianchurch or chapel.6. Other applicants not in the above categoryon the basis that those living closest to theschool will be offered priority.When applications within any of the criteriaexceed the number of places available, thenplaces will be allocated having regard tothose children living closest to the school. Indetermining which applicants live closest tothe school, distances from home to school willbe measured between the address point ofthe child’s home and a central point within themain school building (using the local authority’scomputerised mapping system).Where a child’s parents/carers are living apartand have shared responsibility for a child and thatchild spends part of the week with each parent/carer then the address to be used for the childwill be where the child spends most of the schoolweek i.e. Monday to Friday. Evidence may berequested to support the address given in theapplication.Criterion 2 will only apply for first roundapplications to reception class and not forsubsequent rounds or for in-year admissions.Tie breakerWhere the school is over-subscribed and itdoes not prove possible to resolve allocation ofplaces by the application of the over-subscriptioncriteria set out above, any remaining places willbe allocated by drawing lots. Lots will be drawnby an appropriate person, independent of theadmissions process at the school, nominated bythe Diocese of Bristol.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)Children with Statements of SEN or an EHC Planare placed in schools through the arrangementsset out in the SEN Code of Practice and notthrough these admission criteria. All governingbodies are required by Section 324 of theEducation Act 1996 to admit to the school achild with a Statement of SEN or an EHC Planthat names the school. <strong>Schools</strong> must admitsuch children whether they have places ornot. Any appeal concerning the statement orthe admission is to the First Tier Tribunal (SENand Disability). Parents/carers of children withStatements of SEN or an EHC Plan shouldcontact their child’s case officer for any furtherinformation.82Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Children of UK service personnel(UK armed forces)For families of service personnel with a confirmedposting to Bradley Stoke, the governors willconsider and rank the application against theover-subscription criteria (if necessary) and willtreat the applicant as if the applicant lived inBradley Stoke if the application is accompaniedby an official letter which declares a relocationdate and a Unit or postal address or quarteringaddress in Bradley Stoke.Multiple birthsIf one child of a multiple birth is offered the lastavailable space at the school, according to thepublished admission number, then offers will bemade to all the children of that particular multiplebirth. Those children are and would remainan exception to infant class size for the entiretime they are in an infant class or until the classnumbers fall back to the current infant class sizelimit.Definitions1. A sibling refers to children who are:a. brother or sister (where both the applicantchild and the sibling have the sameparents/carers);b. half brother or sister (where the applicantchild and the sibling have one parent/carerin common);c. adopted (as defined by Section 46 of theAdoption and Children Act 2002) brother orsister;d. step brother or sister (where one of theapplicant child’s parents/carers and one ofthe sibling’s parents/carers are married orin a civil partnership);e. the child of the parent/carer’s partner.In every case the child for whom anapplication is made should be living in thesame family unit at the same address as thesibling in school.2. A Christian church or chapel means onewhich is:a. In membership of Churches Together inEngland or its partner body in Scotland,Wales and Ireland.b. In membership of the Free ChurchesGroup or the Fellowship of IndependentEvangelical Churches.c. A Church or congregation that can provideeither evidence of membership of theEvangelical Alliance, or a statement ofbelief which is Trinitarian.3. Regular attendance at worship means onewho worships usually twice a month in thesix months before the date of the applicationaccount also being taken of week day acts ofworship including cell groups, house groupsand bible study groups.4. ‘Membership of Holy Trinity Church’ refersto a person whose name appears on eitherthe family list or electoral role of Holy TrinityChurch Bradley Stoke.5. References will be requested as evidence inrespect of applicants within criteria grounds3 and 5 from somebody who is either theMinister, a member of the governing councilor the secretary or church administrator of theChurch or Chapel. If a reply is not receivedto a reference request the governors willdetermine the application applying the nextcriteria ignoring criteria grounds 3 or 5.6. Parent shall also mean legal guardian orcarer.Late applicationsApplications received after the closing date butbefore the offers of places have been madeby the governing body, will be considered inaccordance with the criteria above if, in theopinion of the governing body, there were goodgrounds for applicant’s not being able to meetthe required deadlines. In all other cases lateapplications will be considered only after all otherHoly Trinity Church of England/Methodist <strong>Primary</strong> School, Bradley Stoke✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk83

Holy Trinity Church of England/Methodist <strong>Primary</strong> School, Bradley Stokeapplications received before the closing date hasbeen determined.Waiting listIn the event of over sub-subscription and refusalof applications for places, a waiting list will bemaintained for vacancies which occur untilthe end of Term 2 (December 2015), and thendiscarded. Priority order on the waiting list will bedetermined according to the over-subscriptioncriteria for the school, not by the date of joiningthe waiting list.Casual admissionsThe above criteria will be applied if casualvacancies arise during the school year and thereare more applicants than places. The governorshave delegated responsibility for consideringcasual admissions if there are more applicantsthan places to the pupils committee.Deferred entryThe governors and head teacher believe that it isin the best interests of all children to commenceschool in the September of the academic yearthat a child will attain the age of 5. However, achild is not required to attend school until thebeginning of the term after their fifth birthday andadmission may be deferred until the beginningof terms three and five. Parents/carers seekingsuch a deferment should make this clear whenaccepting an offer of a place.AppealParents/carers have the right to appeal againstthe refusal by the governing body to admit theirchild and should put their appeal in writing tothe Clerk of the Governors at the school within20 school days of receiving the letter of refusal.Appeals will be conducted in accordance with theSchool Admissions Code issued by the Secretaryof State for Education and Skills under Section84 of the School Standards and FrameworkAct 1998. Details of the appeals procedure andguidance will accompany any letter of refusal.84Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Horton Church of England VA<strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmission Policy 2015/2016RationaleThis admissions policy has been created to reflectour Christian foundation, and the continuingtradition of providing a Christian education in thelocal community. The governors determine theadmission policy for the school.The admission number for the reception year2015/16 is 8 pupils. Pupils are normally admittedin the September of the school year in whichthey reach their fifth birthday, but parents/carersare referred to the notes at the end of this policyrelating to deferred entry.ProceduresApplications for a reception place at the schoolshould be made through <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>’s Admissions & Transport Team eitherusing the on-line form available on the <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> website or by usingthe paper form published in the “Admissionto <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>– Information for Parents/Carers” booklet.Booklets are also available from the school office.Applicants resident in other local authority areasshould apply via their ‘home’ local authority.offers will be in line with <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>.The criteria listed below will be applied in theorder stated should the number of applicants forplaces in any year group exceed the number ofplaces available.Criteria1. Children in Public Care (Looked After orPreviously Looked After Children) (as definedby Section 22 of the Children Act 1989 andthe School Admissions Code) for whom aplace is requested by the relevant person/authority.2. Siblings of children of a worshipping memberof any church in the Benefice of SodburyVale and resident in the ecclesiasticalparishes of Horton and Little Sodbury. Amap may be seen at the school or visit www.achurchnearyou.com3. Siblings of children and resident in theecclesiastical parishes of Horton and LittleSodbury.Horton Church of England VA <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolThe deadline for submission of applicationforms to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is the 15January 2015.The governors may also require the submissionof proof of baptism and/or regular worship asa member of a Christian Church; a Church thatis part of Churches Together in England or itspartner body in Scotland, Wales and Ireland, orof the Free Churches Group or the Fellowshipof Independent Evangelical Churches. Thisinformation would need to be supplied to theschool by 15 January 2015.The governing body of the school will offer placesusing their published criteria; the timing of the4. Children resident in the ecclesiastical parishesof Horton and Little Sodbury and who arechildren of a worshipping member of anyChurch in the Benefice of Sodbury Vale5. Children resident in the ecclesiastical parishesof Horton and Little Sodbury.6. Siblings resident outside the parishes and area worshipping member of any other Church.7. Siblings outside the parishes.8. Children of a worshipping member of anyother Church.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk85

Horton Church of England VA <strong>Primary</strong> School9. Any remaining places will be offered on thebasis of those living closest to the school.In determining which applicants live closestto school, distances from home to schoolwill be measured in a straight line betweenthe address point of the child’s home and acentral point within the main school buildingusing the local authority’s computerisedmapping system.Over-subscription and waiting listsWhere the school is over-subscribed and itdoes not prove possible to resolve allocation ofplaces by the application of the over-subscriptioncriteria set out above, any remaining places willbe allocated by drawing lots. Lots will be drawnby an appropriate person, independent of theadmissions process at the school, nominated bythe Diocese of Gloucester.In the event of over-subscription and refusalof applications for places, a waiting list will bemaintained for vacancies which occur untilthe end of Term 2 (December 2015), and thendiscarded. Priority order on the waiting list will bedetermined according to the over-subscriptioncriteria for the school, not by the date of joiningthe waiting list.Definitions1. A sibling refers to a child who is:a. a brother or sister or half brother or sister;b. an adopted brother or sister;c. a step brother or sister;d. the child of the parent/carer’s partner.In every case the child should be living inthe same family unit at the same address.The older child must still be in attendance atthe school at the time of the younger child’sadmission.2. A Christian church or chapel means onewhich is in membership of Churches Togetherin England or its partner body in Scotland,Wales and Ireland, or of the Free ChurchesGroup or the Fellowship of IndependentEvangelical Churches.3. Regular attendance at worship means onewho worships usually twice a month, accountalso being taken of week day acts of worshipincluding cell groups, house groups and biblestudy groups.4. Proof of baptism is by certificate. Confirmationof regular church attendance needs to befrom somebody who is either the Minister,a member of the governing council or thesecretary or church administrator of thechurch or chapel.5. Parent shall also mean legal guardian orcarer.Late applicationsApplications received after the closing date,but before the offers of places have been madeby the governing body, will be considered inaccordance with the criteria above if, in theopinion of the governing body, there were goodgrounds for applicant’s not being able to meetthe required deadlines. In all other cases lateapplications will be considered, using the abovecriteria, only after all other applications receivedbefore the closing date has been determined.Casual admissionsThe above criteria will be applied if casualvacancies arise during the school year andthere are more applicants than places. Thegovernors have delegated responsibilityfor considering casual admissions to a subcommittee comprising of the head teacher,chair of governors and one other member of thegoverning body.Deferred entryThe governors and head teacher believe that it isin the best interests of all children to commenceschool in the September of the academic yearthat a child will attain the age of five. However,a child is not required to attend school until thebeginning of the term after their fifth birthday andadmission may be deferred until the beginningof the spring and summer terms. Parents/carersseeking such a deferment should make this clearwhen accepting an offer of a place.86Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

AppealParents/carers have the right to appeal againstthe refusal by the governing body to admit theirchild and should put their appeal in writing tothe Clerk of the Governors at the school within20 school days of receiving the letter of refusal.Appeals will be conducted in accordance with theSchool Admissions Code issued by the Secretaryof State for Education and Skills under Section84 of the School Standards and FrameworkAct 1998. Details of the appeals procedure andguidance will accompany any letter of refusal.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)Children with Statements of SEN or an EHC Planare placed in schools through the arrangementsset out in the SEN Code of Practice and notthrough these admission criteria. All governingbodies are required by Section 324 of theEducation Act 1996 to admit to the school achild with a Statement of SEN or an EHC Planthat names the school. <strong>Schools</strong> must admitsuch children whether they have places or not.Any appeal concerning the statement or theadmission is to be made to The First Tier Tribunal(SEN and Disability). Parents/carers of childrenwith Statements of SEN or an EHC Plan shouldcontact their child’s case officer for any furtherinformation.Horton Church of England VA <strong>Primary</strong> School✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk87

Diocese Of Clifton – Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolDiocese Of CliftonOur Lady of Lourdes Catholic<strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmission Policy 2015/2016To encourage a caring, Christian community where everyone is empowered to achieve their fullpotential and gain fulfilment in their journey through life.Introduction1. Our Lady of Lourdes is a Catholic voluntaryaided primary school, which was establishedby the Church to serve the parish of Our Ladyand St Bernadette. The purpose of this policyis to ensure that the governors acting as theadmission authority undertake admissionsin a fair and equal manner in line with theschool’s trust deed and Catholic ethos. Thispolicy has been drawn up according to theSchool Admissions Code and in consultationwith Clifton Diocese and the local authority.However, the governors are the admissionsauthority for the school.Admission numbers2. The admission number for each year groupincluding reception is 30 and in accordancewith infant class size legislation the governorsare not in a position to breach their admissionnumber of 30 for reception or key stage one.Exceptions to this are:❚❚multiple birth if it would mean splittingchildren because one would be the 31stchild.within reasonable capacity, militarypersonnel posted to the area after thedue deadline and who have the correctdocumentation to confirm this.Application and admission forreception3. Pupils are normally admitted in the Septemberof the school year in which they reach theirfifth birthday. However, they are not requiredto attend school until the beginning of theterm in which they reach compulsory schoolage. If parents/carers wish a deferment theyshould indicate so when accepting the offer ofa place.Applications for a place at the school should bemade using the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> commonapplication form and must be returned to <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Admissions & TransportTeam either using the on-line form available onthe <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> website or byusing the paper form published in the “Admissionto <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> –Information for Parents/Carers” booklet by15 January 2015. Applicants resident in otherlocal authority areas should apply via their ‘home’local authority common application form, whichmust be returned to the ‘home’ local authority bythe closing date given.The supplementary information requiredincluding: Baptismal Certificate, ChristeningCertificate or covering letter from a ChurchMinister, should be submitted directly to theschool before the 15 January 2015.88Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

After the agreed local authority deadline, thelocal authority will inform the governors ofall applications and the governors will thenallocate places accordingly. In the event ofover-subscription, the governing body will applyits criteria as listed below and notify the localauthority of its decisions. The local authorityacting on behalf of the governors will then notifyparents/carers of the outcome of their applicationfor a school place on 16 April 2015.Late applications for receptionadmissions4. Applications received after the closing dategiven in 3 above but before the offer of placesis made by the governing body will not beconsidered in the first round of allocationsunless, in the opinion of the AdmissionCommittee, there were exceptional reasonsfor applicants not being able to meet therequired deadlines i.e. as in the case ofmilitary personnel, medical reasons related toa parent/carer evidenced by a doctor’s letter.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)5. There is a different procedure for theadmission to school for children withStatements of SEN or an EHC Plan: it isadministered by the local authority in whosearea the family lives. The local authority isresponsible for issuing the statement andconsulting parents/carers and the governingbody of the school, if a preference has beenmade for the school, before the school isnamed in the statement. Once the school isnamed then children with a statement mustbe admitted.6. In the event of over-subscription (i.e. moreapplications than available places) places willbe offered in accordance with the followingcriteria.6.1 Looked After Children and Previously LookedAfter Children who are baptised Catholics.6.2 Baptised Catholics living in the parish of OurLady of Lourdes and St Bernadette.6.3 Baptised Catholic children who live outsidethe parish of Our Lady of Lourdes but whohave a sibling attending the school at the timeof their admission.6.4 Looked After Children and Previously LookedAfter Children for whom a place is requestedby the relevant person/authority.6.5 Children who will have a sibling (as definedbelow) at the school at the time of theiradmission.6.6 Children of other Christian denominationswho live within the parish of Our Lady ofLourdes and are members of their Churchand have either a baptismal certificate or aletter of support from their minister.6.7 Baptised Catholic children who live outsidethe parish of Our Lady of Lourdes and whofall outside category 6.3 above.6.8 Other applicants not in the above categories.In categories 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.6 and 6.7 a copy of avalid baptismal certificate or equivalent validationshould be sent to the school (by 15 January2015), who may also request sight of the original.Definitionsa. Brother and sister are defined as childrenwho share one natural parent, step brotheror sister, or have been legally adopted orfostered into the familyb. Looked After Children, as defined by Section22 of the Children Act 1989 and, as stated inthe School Admissions Code, those who werepreviously looked after but are now adoptedor are subject to a residence of specialguardianship order.c. A signed - supporting statement from aminister/equivalent – that confirms that theapplicant is an affiliated member of the saidfaith.Diocese Of Clifton – Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk89

Diocese Of Clifton – Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolTie breakers7. When applications in any category exceedthe number of places available, priority will begiven to:a. Children living closest to the school (seedistance measurement below).b. The drawing of lots undertakenby officers of the Clifton DioceseDepartment for <strong>Schools</strong> and Colleges.Distance will be calculated using the currentpolicy statement of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>.Waiting list8. A waiting list of unsuccessful applicants willbe held by the governing body until the end ofTerm 2 (December 2015).Mid year applications9. Applications that fall outside the normaladmissions round should be made directly tothe school using the school’s own applicationform which is available from the school office.Appeals procedure10. Parents/carers have the right to appealagainst the refusal by the governing body toadmit their child, and should put their appealin writing to the Clerk to the Governors care ofthe school within 20 school days of receivingthe letter of refusal. Appeals will be arrangedby the local authority in consultation withthe Diocese and conducted in accordancewith the School Admissions Code on schoolappeals.Applications for 201411. For details of previous year’s admissionsplease contact the school direct.90Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Diocese Of CliftonSt Augustine of Canterbury Catholic<strong>Primary</strong> School, DownendAdmission Policy 2015/20161. Aim1.1 The aim of this policy is to provide clearinformation to Parents and Guardiansregarding how to make an application fortheir child to be admitted at St Augustineof Canterbury Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School,Downend.2. Introduction2.1 St Augustine’s is a Catholic voluntary aidedprimary school, which was established by theChurch to serve the Parishes of St Augustineof Canterbury, Downend and St John Fisher,Frenchay.2.2 In accordance with the schools trust deed,Children baptised into the Catholic faith will begiven priority as outlined below. Children ofother faiths will also be welcomed if there areplaces.2.3 The governing body, acting in accordancewith the School Admissions Code and theClifton Diocesan policy statement and inconsultation with <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>, is responsible for the admission ofpupils.2.4 Parish maps are available in the HeadTeacher’s office on request.2.5 The admission number for all year groupsincluding reception is 45 pupils. Pupils arenormally admitted in the September of theschool year in which they reach their fifthbirthday. However they are not required toattend school until the beginning of the termafter their fifth birthday.3. Making an application3.1 For children living in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>,applications for a reception place at theschool should be made through <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Admissions &Transport Team either using the on-lineform available on the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> website or by using the paper formpublished in the “Admission to <strong>Primary</strong><strong>Schools</strong> in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> –Information for Parents/Carers” booklet. Paperforms are available from the school or <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and must be returnedto the council by the national closing date of15 January 2015. Applicants resident in otherlocal authority areas should apply via their‘home’ local authority.3.2 Baptismal certificate and birth certificatemust be provided by applicants to ensureaccurate allocation of places along with thesupplementary information form availablefrom the school. This evidence should be sentdirectly to the school by the closing date asabove.3.3 Late Applications – reception applicationsreturned after the deadline will be consideredas late applications and will not beconsidered in the first round of offers unless inexceptional circumstances as defined by thelocal authority.Diocese Of Clifton – St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Downend✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk91

Diocese Of Clifton – St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Downend4. Consideration of places to beoffered4.1 The governing body will offer places inaccordance with their published criteria andoperate an equal preference policy.4.2 Successful reception applicants will benotified by the local authority. Successfulapplicants in other local authority areas willbe notified by their ‘home’ local authority onbehalf of the governors.4.3 The school has to admit pupils in line withinfant class size legislation which states thatthey must not exceed 30 unless in exceptionalcircumstances as outlined in the SchoolAdmissions Code.4.4 In the event of over-subscription (i.e. moreapplications than available places), places willbe offered in accordance with the followingorder of priority:a. Baptised Catholic Looked After orPreviously Looked After Children for whoma place is requested by the relevant personor authority.b. Baptised Catholic children residing inSt Augustine of Canterbury and St JohnFisher parishes.c. Baptised Catholic children who havea sibling at the school at the time ofadmission.d. All other Looked After or PreviouslyLooked After Children for whom a place isrequested by the relevant person (unlesscovered in the above categories under tiebreaker rules).e. Children who have a sibling at the school atthe time of proposed admission.f. Children who are baptised Catholic and notin categories a,b or c.h. Children of other faiths who can providea supporting letter from their minister ofreligion.i. All other applicants not in the abovecategories.4.5 When applications within categories exceedthe number of places available then prioritywill be given in the following order:❚ siblings;❚ distance ruling.4.6 Tie breakers:4.6.1 The distance from home to school will bemeasured in a straight line between theaddress point of the child’s home and acentre point within the main school buildingusing the local authority’s computerisedmapping system.4.6.2 Where the school is over-subscribedand it does not prove possible to resolveallocation of places by the applicationof the over-subscription criteria and thetie breaker, any remaining places will beallocated by drawing lots. Lots will be drawnby an appropriate person independent ofthe admissions process nominated by theDiocese of Clifton.5. Waiting listsIn the event of over-subscription and refusalof application for places, a waiting list will bemaintained for any vacancies in school untilthe end of the academic year when parentsare expected to inform the school thatthey still wish to remain on the list. Priorityorder on the waiting list will be determinedaccording to the over-subscription criteriafor the school, not by the date of joining thewaiting list as set out in section 4.4.g. Children of baptised Catholic parent(s).92Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

6. Definitions6.1 Parents: Parents or Guardians who haveprincipal care for the child.6.2 Siblings: Children who share one naturalparent or have been legally adopted orfostered into the family.6.3 Looked After Children as defined by Section22 of the 1989 Children Act and PreviouslyLooked After Children as defined by theSchool Admissions Code.6.4 Catholic: Churches in full communion with thePope of Rome (full list available on request).7. Children with statements ofspecial educational needs (SEN)or an education, health and careplan (EHC Plan)Admission procedures for children withStatements of SEN or an EHC Plan aredifferent and these children take priorityover all the above. The local authority isresponsible for issuing the statement andconsulting parents and the governors of StAugustine’s if a preference has been made forthe school, before the school is named in thestatement.8. AppealsParents have the right to appeal againstthe refusal by the governing body to admittheir child and should put their appeal inwriting to the Clerk to the Governors at theschool within 20 school days of receivingthe letter of refusal. Appeals will be arrangedby the Diocesan Department for <strong>Schools</strong>and Colleges and conducted in accordancewith the School Admissions Code on schoolappeals.9. In-year admissionApplication will be considered against thecriteria at 4.4 of the admissions policy in theevent of an over-subscription of application forplaces.10. Information from the previousyear’s admissionFor details of previous year’s admissionsplease contact the school direct.Diocese Of Clifton – St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Downend✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk93

Diocese Of Clifton – St Mary’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Bradley StokeDiocese Of CliftonSt Mary’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School,Bradley StokeAdmission Policy 2015/2016IntroductionSt Mary’s is a Catholic voluntary aided primaryschool, which was established by the Church toserve the Catholic community within the parish ofHoly Family, Patchway and the surrounding area(a map of the parish boundary is available fromthe school or Church office on request). Withinthe legal framework allowed and the indicatedadmission number, which is 30, it is hoped that allbaptised Catholics living within the parish will beoffered a place at either St Mary’s or Holy FamilySchool.Admission numberThe admission number for the reception year(2015/16) and all other year groups is 30. Inaccordance with infant class size legislation, thegovernors are not in a position to breach theiradmission number of 30 for reception or keystage one. Exceptions for this are:❚❚Multiple birth if it would mean splitting childrenbecause one would be the 31st child.Within reasonable capacity, military personnelposted to the area after the due deadlineand who have the correct documentation toconfirm this.Pupils are normally admitted in the Septemberof the school year in which they reach their fifthbirthday. However, in accordance with the SchoolAdmissions Code, parents/carers can requestthat the date their child is admitted to school isdeferred until later in the academic year or untilthe term in which the child reaches compulsoryschool age. Deferred admissions will follow <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s formal statement.Parents/carers seeking such a deferment shouldmake this clear at the time of applying for a place.Making an applicationIn accordance with the national arrangementsand the local scheme of co-ordination,applications for a place in reception must bemade by parents/carers on a common applicationform and submitted to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> by 15 January 2015. The form forcompletion by residents of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>is on the council’s website (for on-line applicationsgo to www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions)and is also included in the booklet for parents/carers, available from <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> and <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>’s Admissions & Transport Team, from thebeginning of the academic year. Any supportingdocumentation (refer to ‘order of priority’ 5.1to 5.11) i.e. Baptism Certificate, ChristeningCertificate or supporting reference from a ChurchMinister or Faith Leader, should be submitteddirectly to the school using a supplementaryinformation form, by 15 January 2015. Thesupplementary form is available from the schoolor on the website.Applicants resident in other local authority areasshould apply via their ‘home’ local authority.After the agreed local authority deadline, <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Admissions & TransportTeam will inform the governors of all applicationsand the governors will then allocate placesaccordingly.Over-subscriptionIn the event of over-subscription, the governorswill apply its order of priority as listed below andnotify the local authority of its decisions. The localauthority, acting on behalf of the governors, willthen notify parents/carers on 16 April 2015 of theoutcome.94Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Late applications for receptionadmissionsApplications received after the closing date givenabove but before the offer of places is made bythe governing body will not be considered in thefirst round of allocations unless, in the opinion ofthe Admission Committee, there were exceptionalreasons for applicants not being able to meet therequired deadlines i.e. as in the case of militarypersonnel.In the event of a request for an in-year admission(an application for a place during the academicschool year, or for September 2015/2016 ina year group other than the bulk receptionintake), a formal request for application has tobe made directly to the school. The school willissue an application form, which will need tobe completed and returned to the school withrelevant supporting documents and certificates.The governors will meet to consider theapplication submitted to them. In the event ofover-subscription for a place, the governors willapply the criteria set out below. The decision ofthe governors will be communicated directly tothe applicant of the refusal or offer of a place.Consideration of places to beofferedThe governing body will offer places using theirpublished criteria.The timing of the offers for reception places will bein line with <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> –16 April 2015.Deferred admissions will also follow <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s formal statement.In the event of over-subscription (i.e. moreapplications than places available) places will beoffered in accordance with the order of priority setout below.Casual applications, i.e. those that fall outside ofthe normal reception admissions round, will beconsidered after formal application to the SchoolGovernors Admissions Committee against thepriorities listed below.When applications within each of the categoriesexceed the number of places available, placeswill be allocated having regard to those childrenliving closest to the school. The distances fromhome to school will be measured in a straightline between the address point of the child’shome and a central point within the main schoolbuilding using the local authority’s computerisedmapping system. In the event of equal distance,any remaining applications will be allocated bydrawing lots. Lots will be drawn by an appropriateperson, independent of the admissions processat the school, nominated by the Diocese ofClifton.Order of priority1. ‘Looked after children’ and/or ‘previouslylooked after children’ who are baptisedCatholics. For details of required supportingevidence see “Supporting documentation”paragraph.2. Baptised Catholic children who live withinthe parish of Holy Family and who will havea brother or sister attending the school at thetime of admission:2.1 Children who regularly attend a CatholicChurch2.2 OthersFor details of required supporting evidenceand map of the parish boundary see“Supporting documentation” paragraph.3. Baptised Catholic children who live withinthe parish of Holy Family. Children who livewithin the boundaries of the Catholic parishof Holy Family and who have been baptisedinto the Catholic Church, will be ranked in thefollowing priority order:3.1 Children who regularly attend a CatholicChurch3.2 OthersFor details of required supporting evidenceand map of the parish boundary see“Supporting documentation” paragraph.Diocese Of Clifton – St Mary’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Bradley Stoke✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk95

Diocese Of Clifton – St Mary’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Bradley Stoke4. Baptised Catholic children with a baptisedCatholic sibling already attending the school,who live outside of Holy Family parish at thestart of the academic year in question andnot in category 5.1-5.3, will be ranked in thefollowing priority order:4.1 Children who regularly attend a CatholicChurch4.2 OthersFor details of required supporting evidencesee “Supporting documentation” paragraph.5. Other baptised Catholic children who liveoutside the parish of Holy Family and who donot have a Catholic primary school servingthe parish in which they live. Baptised Catholicchildren who fall outside any of the abovecriteria will be ranked in the following priorityorder:5.1 Children who regularly attend a CatholicChurch5.2 OthersFor details of required supporting evidencesee “Supporting documentation” paragraph.6. Baptised Catholic children unable to obtaina place at another Catholic school (doesnot apply to the first round of applications):These are baptised Catholic children wholive outside the boundaries of the Catholicparish of Holy Family and where a place isnot available at the Catholic primary schoolserving the parish in which they live. In thesecircumstances a letter from the Head Teacherof the Catholic primary school serving theirparish of residence confirming that thereis no place available at that school for thechild in question will be required. The schooloffice must receive this together with theother required supporting evidence withthe application. Places will be ranked in thefollowing priority order:7. Other ‘looked after children’ and/or ‘previouslylooked after children’. For details of requiredsupporting evidence see “Supportingdocumentation” paragraph.8. Children who are not baptised Catholic wholive within the parish of Holy Family and whowill have a brother or sister attending theschool at the time of admission.9. Children who are not baptised Catholic wholive outside the parish of Holy Family andwho will have a brother or sister attending theschool at the time of admission.10. Members of other faiths. For detailsof required supporting evidence see“Supporting documentation” paragraph.11. All other applicants not in the abovecategories.Supporting documentationWhere it should be sent and the governors’ rightto confirm the supporting documentation.We ask that all applicants complete asupplementary information form available from theschool office and submit it with any supportingdocumentation indicated below:1. Where it is indicated that a child is baptisedCatholic, Christened, or a memberof another faith, the governors as theadmissions authority, require a copy ofBaptism Certificate/Christening Certificateor supporting letter from a Minister or FaithLeader and supplementary forms whichshould be sent directly to the school by 15January 2015.2. Regular fulfilment of Sunday Obligation(Catholic):6.1 Children who regularly attend a CatholicChurch6.2 Others96Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

(i)Parents/carers who would like their childto be considered in these categoriesmust arrange for the completion of theRegular Fulfilment of Sunday Obligationsupplementary form, which is availablefrom the school or the school website, bythe Parish Priest or Parish Deacon whocan confirm their regular attendance,on average at least twice a month, foreighteen months prior to the application.(ii) In situations where people have movedhouse from outside parish boundaries orwho have changed the Church they areattending during this time they should asktheir previous and current Parish Priest orParish Deacon to complete the RegularFulfilment of Sunday Obligation form toensure the period is covered in full.(iii) The Church where the child is regularlyattending at the date of application will bethe one used in the order of priority.(iv) It is important to remember that youmust also supply a certificate of baptismor a certificate of reception or a letter ofsupport depending on the criterion underwhich you are applying.3. Where supporting documents should besubmitted.In order to ensure that the admissions authority,namely, the governing body of St Mary’s Catholicprimary school, is able to consider the applicationin the appropriate order of precedence, parents/carers must ensure that the supplementaryinformation forms and all relevant supportingdocumentary evidence as stated above issubmitted to the school as detailed below.The governors reserve the right to request sightof ‘original’ documents and certificates. Failureto complete the supplementary information formand provide the appropriate documentation asdescribed above will result in an application beingplaced within a lower category if applicable.DefinitionsThe following definitions will apply to this policy:(a) A Catholic is someone ‘baptised’ or ‘Receivedinto Full Communion’ by a Christian rite infull communion with the Holy See. Mostcommonly called ‘Roman Catholic’ in Englandand Wales but also includes certain EasternRites, Copts and the new ‘Ordinariate of OurLady of Walsingham’, which are in union withthe Holy See.(b) Members of other faiths: Those who professto members of a faith other than Catholicwho require a place at St Mary’s Catholic<strong>Primary</strong> School, will need a supporting letterfrom their Faith Leader, or equivalent stating‘that in their view the child is a member oftheir denomination’ will suffice. A ChristeningCertificate or letter of support must actuallystate the words that the ‘child is a member ofthe denomination/church’. If it does not, thecriterion would not have been fulfilled.(c) Parish boundaries of Holy Family CatholicChurch, Patchway: A map is available at theschool on request.(d) ‘Looked after children’ as defined by Section22 of the Children Act 1989 and ‘previouslylooked after children’ in accordance with theSchool Admissions Code.Diocese Of Clifton – St Mary’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Bradley StokeFor the reception intake, this should be submittedby 23:59 on 15 January 2015 to be considered inthe first round of allocations. These items shouldbe submitted to the school office at St Mary’sCatholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Webbs Wood Road,Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 8EJ, irrespectiveof the application method used (i.e. paperdocuments or on-line).✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk97

Diocese Of Clifton – St Mary’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Bradley Stoke(e) Brothers and sisters: A child is a brother orsister if they are a full, half, step or adoptivebrother/sister of another child. Full brothers/sisters are defined as children who have thesame biological or adoptive parents. Halfbrothers/sistersare defined as children whoshare only one biological or adoptive parent.Step brothers/sisters are defined as childrenwho are not necessarily related biologically(including foster children) but are living in thesame household for the majority of the time atthe address considered to be the address ofthe child for whom the application is made.(f) Home address: A child’s home address isconsidered to be the place where the childpermanently and ordinarily resides for themajority of the time. This would normally bethe same address as the person who hasparental responsibility for the child as theirmain carer. Those moving should normallyprovide independent confirmation of the newaddress.(g) Moving into the area: Please note proof ofresidence will be required, for those intendingto move in to the area, e.g. copy of saleagreement/rental agreement with a moving indate recorded. An estate agents letter will notsuffice.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)Admission procedures for children withStatements of SEN or an EHC Plan is differentand these children take priority over all the above.The local authority is responsible for issuing thestatement and consulting parents/carers and thegovernors of St Mary’s if a preference has beenmade for the school, before the school is namedin the statement.Waiting lists - bulk admissions (i.e.reception intake September 2015)In the event of over-subscription and refusalof applications for places, a waiting list will bemaintained for any vacancies, which occur untilthe end of Term 2 (December 2015).A request to go on this waiting list must be madein writing to the school. Priority order on thewaiting list will be determined according to theorder of priority for the school, not by the date ofjoining the waiting list.Waiting lists - in-year admissionsIn the event of refusal of an in-year application,parents/carers can request that their child beplaced on a waiting list, which will be held by theschool. This request must be made in writing tothe school. Should a place become availablein the academic year in question, places willbe offered by the governors according to theschool admissions policy order of priority above,not by the date of joining the waiting list. Theschool will retain the waiting list up until theend of the academic year, i.e. 31 August 2016.Placing a child’s name on a waiting list does notaffect an applicant’s right of appeal against anunsuccessful application.AppealsParents/carers have the right to appeal againstthe refusal by the governing body to admit theirchild and should put their appeal in writing to theClerk of Governors (address below) within 20school days from the date of notification that theirapplication was unsuccessful. Appeals will bearranged by the Diocese of Clifton Department for<strong>Schools</strong> and Colleges and <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> and conducted in accordance with thecurrent School Admissions Code on schoolappeals.Clerk to the Governors: Dawn Lane, St Mary’sCatholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Webbs Wood Road,Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 8EJ.98Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

St Mary’s Church of England VA<strong>Primary</strong> School, ThornburyAdmission Policy 2015/2016The aim of this policy is to provide clearinformation to parents and guardians regardinghow to make an application for their child to beeducated at St Mary’s Church of England VA<strong>Primary</strong> School, Thornbury.The governing body, in consultation with theAnglican Diocese of Gloucester, determines theadmissions policy for the school and it is theirintention to continue the tradition of Christianeducation in the local community.The admission number for the reception year is30.Children are admitted to the school in Septemberif they have reached their fourth birthday on orbefore 31 August of that year. Should the numberof applications exceed places available thenthe governors will operate the following policy ofpriorities when offering places.1. Children currently or previously in public care(looked after children) (as defined by Section22 of the Children’s Act 1989 and the SchoolAdmissions Code) for whom a place isrequested by the relevant person/authority.2. Siblings¹ of children of a worshippingmember² of St Mary’s Church, Thornbury andSt Paul’s Church, The Hackett, Thornbury andwho are attending the school at the time oftheir admission. (Completion of the Churchreference form countersigned by the Vicarshould be supplied direct to the school).3. Siblings¹ of children who live within the parishboundary (a map is available for inspectionat the school) of Thornbury and who areattending the school at the time of theiradmission.4. Siblings¹ of children who are attending theschool at the time of their admission.5. Children of a worshipping² member of StMary’s Church, Thornbury and St Paul’sChurch, The Hackett, Thornbury. (Completionof the Church reference form countersignedby the Vicar should be supplied direct to theschool).6. Children of a worshipping² member of anyother Church who is resident in the ThornburyParish. (Completion of the Church referenceform countersigned by their Vicar/Ministershould be supplied direct to the school).7. Any remaining places or in the event ofover-subscription in any of the above criteriaplaces would be offered on the basis of thoseliving closest to the school. Distances aremeasured in a straight line from the addresspoint of the child’s home to a central pointwithin the main school building using the localauthority’s computerised mapping system.¹ Children are siblings if:- they are half or full brother/sister.- they are adoptive brother/sister.- they are children of the same household.² Worshipping member is defined as a parentor guardian who attends a Christian Church12 or more times in a 12 month period.Waiting listsIn the event of over-subscription and refusalof applications for places, a waiting list will bemaintained for any vacancies which occur untilthe end of Term 2 (December 2015), and thendiscarded. Priority order on the waiting list will bedetermined according to the over-subscriptioncriteria for the school, not by the date of joiningthe waiting list.St Mary’s Church of England VA <strong>Primary</strong> School, Thornbury✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk99

St Mary’s Church of England VA <strong>Primary</strong> School, ThornburyTie breakerWhere the school is over-subscribed and it is notpossible to resolve allocation of places by theapplication of the over-subscription criteria set outabove, any remaining places will be allocated bydrawing lots. Lots will be drawn by an appropriateperson, independent of the admissions processat the school, nominated by the Diocese ofGloucester.Other application requirementsWorshipping members of a Church should ensurethat details of the Church attended are clearlystated in the additional information section ofthe application form published in the “Admissionto primary schools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> –information for parents/carers” booklet. Theseforms should be returned direct to <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> in accordance with theirdeadline date.Statements of special educationalneeds (SEN) or an education,health and care plan (EHC Plan)The admission procedure for children withStatements of SEN or an EHC Plan is differentand these children take priority over all the above.The local authority is responsible for issuing thestatement and consulting parents/carers and thegovernors of St Mary’s, if a preference has beenmade for the school, before the school is namedin the statement.Deferred admissionsDeferred Admissions will be in line with <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> arrangements, asset out in its Admission to <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>booklet.Appeal procedureParents/carers whose applications for placeshave been unsuccessful have the right toappeal against the decision of the governingbody. Appeals will be arranged by the localauthority, and will be conducted in accordancewith the School Admissions Code issued by theSecretary of State for Education and Employmentunder Section 84 of the School Standards andFramework Act 1998. Information on the appealprocedure can be obtained from the HeadTeacher.100Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

St Mary’s Church of England<strong>Primary</strong> School, YateAdmission Policy 2015/2016Should the number of applications for receptionplaces exceed the admission number of 45,the places will be allocated using the followingcriteria:Firstly – Children in Public Care (as defined bySection 22 of the 1989 Children Act) and ChildrenPreviously in Public Care as defined in the SchoolAdmissions Code).Secondly to children whose families regularlyworship as part of a Christian church. Applicationsmust be supported by a Minister’s referenceconfirming attendance over the last two yearsand sent directly to the school (reference form isavailable from the school).Christian church means:❚❚The Church of England or other AnglicanChurch, orA Christian Church which is in membership ofChurches Together in England (or its partnerbodies in Scotland, Wales & Ireland), or❚they are children of the same household.In the event of a tie break, places will be allocatedas outlined in criterion four.Fourthly to other children who live in theecumenical parish of Yate, beginning with thosewho live closest to the school. Distances aremeasured in a straight line from the address pointof the child’s home to a central point within themain school building using the local authority’scomputerised mapping system. Remaining placesmay be given to children who live outside of theparish of Yate, if their parents/carers wish them toreceive education at a Church school beginningwith those who live closest to the school.The closing date for on-time applications is 15January 2015. Applications received after theclosing date are ‘late applications’ and will notnormally be considered for the initial allocation ofplaces. However, the reason why the applicationis late will be considered before deciding whetheror not to consider it along with the on-timeapplications.St Mary’s Church of England <strong>Primary</strong> School, Yate❚Church or a congregation, which can provideevidence of the Evangelical Alliance.In the event of a tie break, priority will be givento children falling into criterion three and thencriterion four as described below.Thirdly to children who already have a siblingon roll in the school at the time when the child isadmitted.Children are siblings if:❚❚they are half or full brother/sister;they are adoptive brother/sister;If places become available following the initialallocation of places for the reception year, thesame criteria will be applied to late applications,or applications for children whose parents/carershave indicated in writing that they still wish to beconsidered for a place.Deferred admissions will be in line with <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s arrangements, as setout in its Admission to <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> booklet.For admission during the school year the numberof children in any single year group will not exceed45. If places become available in any particularyear group during the year they will be allocatedto new children of the appropriate age on thebasis of the above criteria.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk101

St Mary’s Church of England <strong>Primary</strong> School, YateRight to appealIf the school is full in the relevant year groupand a place is not offered there is a right ofappeal against this decision to an independentappeal panel. Where the child has a Statementof Special Educational Needs or an Education,Health and Care Plan, the appeal is to the SpecialEducational Needs and Disability Tribunal.Waiting listIn the event of over-subscription and refusalof applications for places, a waiting list will bemaintained for any vacancies which occur untilthe end of Term 2 (December 2015) at the veryleast, and then discarded. Priority order on thewaiting list will be determined according to theover-subscription criteria for the school, not by thedate of joining the waiting list.Tie breakerWhere the school is over-subscribed and itdoes not prove possible to resolve allocation ofplaces by the application of the over-subscriptioncriteria set out above, any remaining places willbe allocated by drawing lots. Lots will be drawnby an appropriate person, independent of theadmissions process at the school, nominated bythe Diocese of Bristol.Admission application formsAdmission application forms should be returnedto:Admissions & Transport TeamDepartment for Children, Adults and Health<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>PO Box 298Civic CentreHigh StreetKingswoodBristol BS15 0DQApplications can also be submitted on linewww.southglos.gov.uk/admissions.Applicants resident in areas outside <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> should apply via their ‘home’local authority.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)There is a different procedure for the admissionto school for children with Statements of SENor an EHC Plan: it is administered by the localauthority in whose area the family lives. The localauthority is responsible for issuing the statementand consulting parents/carers and the governingbody of St. Mary’s, if a preference has been madefor the school, before the school is named in thestatement.102Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Diocese of CliftonSt Paul’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, YateAdmission Policy 2015/20161. St Paul’s is a Catholic voluntary aided primaryschool, which was established by the Churchto serve the parish of St Lawrence andSt Paul, Chipping Sodbury and Yate. Thegoverning body acting in accordance withthe School Admissions Code and the CliftonDiocesan Policy Statement is responsible forthe admission of pupils.2. The admission number for the reception year(2015/2016) is 30 pupils. Pupils are normallyadmitted in the September of the schoolyear in which they reach their fifth birthday. Inaccordance with infant size class legislation,the governors are not in a position to breachtheir admission number of 30 for reception orkey stage 1.Exceptions to this are:-❚❚Multiple births if it would mean splittingchildren because one would be the 31stchild.Within reasonable capacity, militarypersonnel posted to the area after thedue deadline and who have the correctdocumentation to confirm this.3. Applications for a place at the school shouldbe made using the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>common application form. This must bereturned to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’sAdmissions & Transport Team either usingthe on-line form available on the <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> website or by usingthe paper form published in the “Admissionto <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>– Information for Parents/Carers” booklet by15 January 2015. In the case of applicantsliving outside <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>,application should be made via the ‘home’local authority for the applicant’s address.The governors will offer places by 16 April2015. Successful applicants will be notified by<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> on behalf ofthe governors, or the ‘home’ local authority forthose living outside <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>.4. In the event of over-subscription and refusalof applications for places, a waiting listwill be maintained by the school for anyvacancies which occur until the end of Term2 (December 2015) at least and then maybe discarded. Priority order on the list will bedetermined according to the over-subscriptioncriteria for the school, not by the date ofjoining the waiting list.5. In the event of over-subscription (i.e. moreapplications than available places) places willbe offered in accordance with the followingorder of priority.5.1 Baptised Catholic children who are ‘lookedafter’ or ‘previously looked after’ for whom aplace is requested by the relevant person/authority.5.2 ‘Looked after children’ or ‘previously lookedafter children’ for whom a place is requestedby the relevant person/authority.5.3 Children who are baptised Catholics and wholive in the parish of St Lawrence and St Paul.5.4 Baptised Catholic children who live outsidethe parish of St Lawrence and St Paul andwho do not have a Catholic primary schoolserving the parish in which they live.5.5 Children of Catholic parent(s)/carer(s) who livewithin the parish of St Lawrence and St Paul.5.6 Children who will have a brother or a sister atthe school at the time of their admission.Diocese of Clifton – St Paul’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Yate✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk103

Diocese of Clifton – St Paul’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Yate5.7 Children who are members of other Christianfaiths: as defined by their minister’s reference,and live within the parish of St Lawrence andSt Paul.5.8 Baptised Catholic children who live outsidethe parish of St Lawrence and St Paul andwho fall outside of Category 5.4 above.5.9 Other applicants not in the above categories.In Categories 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.7 and 5.8,baptismal certificates or equivalent should beavailable for inspection.A map of the parish of St Lawrence and StPaul is available at the school.Definitions:(a) Brother or sister is defined as children whoshare one natural parent, step brother orsister, or have been legally adopted orfostered into the family.(b) ‘Looked after children’, as defined by Section22 of the Children Act 1989 and, as stated inthe School Admissions Code, those who werepreviously looked after but are now adoptedor are the subject to a residence or specialguardianship order.A supplementary form will need to be filled into verify which categories above; applicantsare submitting their application under.6. Tie breaker: when applications withincategory 5.3 above exceed the number ofplaces available, priority will be given to:(a) Children who have a brother or sister atthe school at the time of their admission.(c) Priority in other categories will be given to:❚❚Children who have a brother or sister atthe school at the time of their admission.Children who live nearest to the school.Distance. In determining which applicantslive closest to the school, distances fromhome to school will be measured in a straightline between the address point of the child’shome and a central point within the mainschool building using the local authority’smapping system.Mid year applications7. In the event of a request for a mid-yearapplication for a place, a formal requestfor admission has to be made direct to theschool using their official form and returneddirectly to them. The governors on receipt ofthe application will then meet to consider theapplication. If there is an over-subscriptionfor the place, the governors will apply thecriteria set out above. The decision of thegovernors will be communicated directly tothe applicant.Late applications8. Applications received after the closingdate will be considered in accordance withthe priorities of 5 above and only if placesare available, after all other allocationsare given. The decision of the Governors’Admissions Committee will be given via <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.Information from the previousyear’s admission9. For details of previous years’ admissionsplease contact the school direct.(b) Children who live furthest from the nearestalternative Catholic school at which aplace is available.104Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Appeals procedure10. Parents/carers have the right to appealagainst the refusal by the governing body toadmit their child and should put their appealin writing to the Clerk to the Governors at theschool within 20 school days of receivingthe letter of refusal. Appeals will be arrangedby the Diocesan Department for <strong>Schools</strong>and Colleges and conducted in accordancewith the School Admissions Code on schoolappeals.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)11. There is a different procedure for theadmission to the school for children withStatements of SEN or an EHC Plan: it isadministered by the local authority in whosearea the family lives. The local authority isresponsible for issuing the statement andconsulting parents/carers and the governingbody of St Paul’s, if a preference has beenmade for the school, before the school isnamed in the statement.Diocese of Clifton – St Paul’s Catholic <strong>Primary</strong> School, Yate✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk105

The Olympus Academy Trust – Bradley Stoke Community School <strong>Primary</strong> PhaseThe Olympus Academy TrustBradley Stoke Community School<strong>Primary</strong> PhaseAdmission Policy 2015/2016With effect from 1 September 2015, BradleyStoke Community School will have an agerange of 4-19. It will therefore admit children tothe reception year from that date.Purpose of the policyThe purpose of this policy is to make theadmissions process to Bradley Stoke CommunitySchool (BSCS) clear and open.The Directors of the Olympus Academy Trust(the Trust) have agreed that the admissionarrangements for the school will remain inline with the agreed arrangements for <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong>’s maintained non-denominationalprimary schools.The Trust adheres to the statutory requirementsand the principles expressed in the SchoolAdmissions Code.Reception admissionsThe directors and governors are supportedby <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> in allocatingplaces to BSCS and informing families. Thecouncil co-ordinates the admissions and the Trustcommissions the council’s independent appealpanel which hears appeals from parents/carerswhose child has not been allocated a place inreception at BSCS.BSCS will have 30 places in reception (September2015) and will expand by one year group eachyear (with the same number in each year group)until reaching capacity in September 2021. InSeptember 2022 the number of places availablefor external allocation in Year 7 at BSCS will dropto 150. Students already on roll at BSCS at theend of Year 6 will be guaranteed continuation intosecondary phase and a place in Year 7, shouldthey wish to remain at BSCS.The admission criteria andarrangementsShould the school be over-subscribed (i.e. if thereare more applications than places available),initial allocations will be made according to thecriteria below. These are listed in order of priorityand will be applied to all applications for theschool received by the published closing date forapplications:1. Children in Public Care or Previously in PublicCare (please see Note 1 below).2. Local siblings (those living within the school’sArea of Prime Responsibility and who havenamed the school as a preference) (pleasesee Note 2 below).3a. Geographical considerations (thoseliving within the school’s Area of PrimeResponsibility) (please see Note 3a below).3b. Geographical considerations (thoseliving outside the school’s Area of PrimeResponsibility) (please see Note 3b below).4. Tie breaker: Where it does not prove possibleto resolve allocations to an over-subscribedschool by the application of criteria 1-3, anyremaining places will be allocated by drawinglots (please see Note 4 below).Notes:1. Children in Public Care* are those lookedafter by a local authority within the meaning ofSection 22 of the Children Act 1989.106Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Children Previously in Public Care* are thosewho were looked after, but ceased to be sobecause they were adopted 1 (or becamesubject to a residence order 2 or specialguardianship order 3 ).* Documentation will need to be provided to<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> as proof ofcare status.1Under the terms of the Adoption andChildren Act 2002.2Under the terms of the Children Act 1989.3Section 14A of the Children Act 1989.2. Local siblings: children are defined as localsiblings if:❚ they are full or half brother or sister; or❚ they are adoptive brother or sister; or❚ they are children of the same household;and❚ they live within the school’s defined Area ofResponsibility; and❚ they have indicated that school as apreference; and❚ the sibling is already in attendance at theschool and will be in attendance (statutoryschool age only) on the date at whichthe applicant transfers to a school withinthe Trust. The sibling rule does not applyacross the Trust, but is specific to eachschool.Please note: to be defined as a ‘localsibling’ a child must live in the Area of PrimeResponsibility for the school.3a. Geographical considerations (for thoseliving within the school’s Area of PrimeResponsibility): Priority will be given to thosechildren who live within the Area of PrimeResponsibility for the school. More detailedinformation is available at the school or from<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.If in any year there are more children living withinthe Area of Prime Responsibility than the numberof places available at the school, priority willbe given to those children who live closest tothe school. Distances from home to school aremeasured in a straight line between the addresspoint of the child’s home and a central pointwithin the main school building using the localauthority’s computerised mapping system.3b. Geographical considerations (for thoseliving outside the school’s Area of PrimeResponsibility): After places have beenallocated from within the Area of PrimeResponsibility, any remaining places will beallocated to those children who live closest tothe school. Distances from home to schoolare measured in a straight line between theaddress point of the child’s home and acentral point within the main school buildingusing the local authority’s computerisedmapping system. All applications will beconsidered at the same time and thepublished over-subscription criteria applied.4. Tie breaker: Lots will be drawn by a seniorofficer of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> whois independent of the admissions process.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)Children with Statements of SEN or an EHC Planare placed in schools through the arrangementsset out in the SEN Code of Practice and notthrough these admission criteria. Each governingbody is required by Section 324 of the EducationAct 1996 to admit to the school a child with astatement that names the school whether or notthere are places available. Any appeal concerningthe statement or the admission is to theindependent First-tier Tribunal (Health, Educationand Social Care Chamber).The Olympus Academy Trust – Bradley Stoke Community School <strong>Primary</strong> Phase107✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk

The Olympus Academy Trust – Bradley Stoke Community School <strong>Primary</strong> PhaseChildren of multiple birthsWhenever possible, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> will endeavour to place children ofmultiple births in the same school within theplaces available. However, where the last childto qualify for a place is a twin or child of multiplebirth, the place will be offered to one child andthe other child/children considered under theadmission criteria.Children of UK service personnel(UK armed forces)<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> recognisesthe particular needs of children of UK servicepersonnel (UK Armed Forces). The councilensures that the needs of these children are takeninto account by:❚❚❚❚Allocating a school place in advance if theapplication is accompanied by an officialgovernment letter which declares a relocationdate and a Unit postal address or quarteringaddress.Accepting a Unit postal address, or, ifappropriate, a quartering area address (theaddress of the closest house in the relevantquartering area), for applications from servicepersonnel in the absence of a new homepostal address. A quartering address willbe used only where the housing authoritiesconfirm in writing that a house will be offeredin the area.Accepting a late application from UK servicepersonnel as ‘on time’ where a notification ofposting has been received after the closingdate and before the date of exchange ofinformation with other admission authorities.Considering an application on the criterion of‘local sibling’ where another child in the familyhas been offered a place at the preferredschool and the Unit postal address orquartering address is within the Area of PrimeResponsibility for the preferred school.❚Wherever possible, children of UK servicepersonnel will be offered a place at thepreferred local school but taking into accountthe admission number for the school.Home addressThe child’s home address is considered to bewhere the child lives most of the time with his orher parent(s) or carer(s). <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> cannot accept an address of a business,relative, friend, childminder, a temporary addressor an address of a house it is intended to move to.The only exceptions are for children of UK servicepersonnel for whom special arrangements apply.<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and the Trustreserve the right to seek documentary evidence tosupport a claim of residence.Where a child spends time with each parent/carerat two different addresses, <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> will ask for proof of the arrangementsand will determine the appropriate address tobe used in allocating a school place. In reachingthis decision, evidence may be requested toshow the address to which any Child Benefit ispaid and from which the child is registered witha medical GP. Any other evidence provided byparents/carers will also be considered in reachinga decision on the home address for admissionspurposes. Where evidence is not forthcoming, theTrust will use the address which is furthest fromthe school, measured in a straight line betweenthe address point of both addresses and a centralpoint within the main school building using thelocal authority’s computerised mapping system,for the purposes of determining ranking forallocation of places.Appeals – September intakeAfter the closing date for applications (15 January2015 for reception) the local authority will sendBSCS a list of all their applicants. The list willinclude all those stating a preference for theschool but will not state the preferences. The localauthority will rank the list separately and allocateup to the planned admission number to theschool, i.e. 30 in reception at BSCS.108Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Parents/carers will be informed of the allocationof places. Included in this information will be anappeal form and explanatory guidance. If parents/carers wish to appeal they need to complete andreturn the appeals form.An independent appeal panel will be convenedby the local authority at which both parents/carersand the Trust will represent their case. Decisionsmade by the panel are legally binding.Waiting listsWhere the school is over-subscribed in thenormal admissions round and places have beenrefused to some applicants, a waiting list will bemaintained for any vacancies which subsequentlyarise. The waiting list will be prioritised accordingto the admission criteria and not by reference tothe date of joining the waiting list. The list will bemaintained by the school.In-year transfer - receptionParents/carers who wish to obtain a place atthe school other than at the bulk Septemberintake to reception, should apply directly to theschool. Parents/carers will have a decision aboutallocating a place within two weeks.If the year group is full or over-subscribed thenthe school will refuse the place but the applicantwill be given the opportunity to appeal and anappeals form will be supplied. An independentappeal panel will be convened by the localauthority at which both parents/carers and theTrust will present their cases. Decisions made bythe panel are legally binding.If a place is available at the school, but takingaccount of the parents’/carers’ preference, wewill invite the student in for an induction meetingand tour after which we will offer the place, unlessthere is a compelling reason not to.Relationship to other policiesParents/carers and students are encouraged toread the school’s prospectus and the prospectusfor the Concorde Partnership, visit the school’swebsite and attend open days/evenings.The Olympus Academy Trust – Bradley Stoke Community School <strong>Primary</strong> Phase✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk109

Castle School Education Trust – Charfield <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolCastle School Education TrustCharfield <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmission Policy 2015/2016Purpose of the policyThe Directors of the Castle School Education Trusthave agreed that the admission arrangementsfor the school will remain in line with theagreed arrangements for maintained and nondenominationalprimary schools within theAuthority.The Trust adheres to the statutory requirementsand the principles expressed in the SchoolAdmissions Code and all relevant legislation,including that on infant class sizes and equalopportunities.The admission criteria andarrangementsThis policy sets out the admission arrangementsfor Charfield <strong>Primary</strong> School, forming part of theTrust.Reception entry in September 2015and in-year admissionsIn all cases the over-subscription criteriadescribed in this policy will be applied.Admission to the reception yearSubject to the criteria set out below, children willbe admitted in the September following theirfourth birthday. The number of children admittedper year is 30.As agreed by the Directors of the Trust, places inthe reception year will be allocated in accordancewith the local authority’s co-ordinated admissionarrangements. This allows parents/carers toapply for entry to any primary school by meansof a common application form provided by theapplicant’s ‘home’ local authority.Application forms for <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> are available in the Admission to <strong>Primary</strong><strong>Schools</strong> in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> booklet and onlinevia www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionsPlaces will be allocated by the Directors onthe basis of applications received through theapplicant’s local authority and children will beadmitted in the September following their fourthbirthday on a full time basis.Applicants resident in other local authority areaswill need to apply via their ‘home’ local authority.In-year admissionAdmission after the age of five (in-yearadmissions) will be handled by the Trust. Parents/carers are advised to contact the Trust directlyas they will handle the waiting lists for all schoolswithin the Trust, and will apply the admissionscriteria as per this policy.Over-subscription criteria for alltypes of admissionsWhere the number of applications for admissionis greater than the published admission number,applications will be considered against thecriteria set out below which are in line with <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s over-subscriptioncriteria.After the admission of students with Statementsof Special Educational Needs or an Education,Health and Care Plan where the school is namedon the statement, the criteria will be applied in theorder in which they are set out below:-1. Children in Public Care and Previously inPublic CareA “looked after child” is a child who is (a) in thecare of the local authority, or (b) being providedwith accommodation by a local authority underSection 22(1) of the Children Act 1989 at the timeof making the application.110Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

A “previously looked after child” is a child whowas looked after, but ceased to be so becausethey were adopted under the terms of theAdoption of Children Act 2002 (Section 46); orbecame the subject to a residence order underthe terms of the Children Act 1989 (Section 8); orspecial guardianship order (Section 14A) of theChildren Act 1989. This applies where the childwas adopted (or became subject to residence orspecial guardianship order) immediately followinghaving been looked after.Children in public care (subject to care ordersor accommodated by a local authority) andpreviously looked after will be given priority for anyplaces available at a school.2. Local siblingsChildren are defined as local siblings if:❚❚❚❚they live within the Area of PrimeResponsibility;or, where there is no Area of PrimeResponsibility, local siblings will be deemedto be those living up to a maximum of twomiles from school as measured in a straightline;or where the distance is over two miles butthe school is still the nearest school;they are full or half brother or sister; orAny remaining places will be allocated to thosechildren who live closest to the school. Indetermining which applicants live closest to theschool, distances from home to school will bemeasured in a straight line between the addresspoint of the child’s home and a central pointwithin the main school building (using the localauthority’s computerised mapping system).4. Tie breakerWhere it does not prove possible to resolveallocations in the case of over-subscription by theapplication of criteria 1-3, any remaining placeswill be allocated by drawing lots. Lots will bedrawn by a senior officer of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> who is independent of the schooladmissions process.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)Children with Statements of SEN or an EHC Planare placed in schools through the arrangementsset out in the SEN Code of Practice and notthrough the Trust’s admission criteria. Eachgoverning body is required by Section 324 of theEducation Act 1996 to admit to the school a childwith a statement that names the school whetheror not there are places available. Any appealconcerning the statement or the admission isto the independent First-tier Tribunal (Health,Education and Social Care Chamber).Castle School Education Trust – Charfield <strong>Primary</strong> School❚❚❚they are adoptive brother or sister; orthey are children of the same household; andthe older sibling is already in attendance atthe preferred school and will be in attendancein September 2015 (statutory school age)3. Geographical considerations (includingreference to Areas of Prime Responsibilitywhere appropriate)Children of multiple birthsWherever possible, Authorities will endeavourto place children of multiple births in the sameschool within the places available. However,where the last child to qualify for a place is atwin or child of multiple birth, the place will beoffered to one child and the other child/childrenconsidered under the admission criteria asexceptions to the infant class size regulationswhere relevant.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk111

Castle School Education Trust – Charfield <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolChildren of UK service personnel(UK armed forces)Local authorities recognise the particular needsof children of UK service personnel (UK ArmedForces). Local authorities ensure that the needs ofthese children are taken into account by:Allocating a school place in advance if theapplication is accompanied by an officialgovernment letter which declares a relocationdate and a Unit postal address or quarteringaddress.Accepting a Unit postal address, or if appropriate,a quartering area address (the address of theclosest house in the relevant quartering area),for applications from service personnel in theabsence of a new home postal address. Aquartering address will be used only where thehousing authorities confirm in writing that a housewill be offered in the area.Accepting a late application from UK servicepersonnel as ‘on time’ where a notification ofposting has been received after the closing dateand before the date of exchange of informationwith other admission authorities.Considering an application on the criterion of‘local sibling’ where another child in the familyhas been offered a place at the preferred schooland the Unit postal address or quartering addressis within the Area of Prime Responsibility for thepreferred school or, in the absence of an Areaof Prime Responsibility, is within two miles of thepreferred school.Wherever possible, children of UK servicepersonnel will be offered a place at the preferredlocal school but taking into account the admissionnumber for the school and infant class size limits.Documentary evidenceIn fairness to all parents/carers, the Trust reservesthe right to request documentary evidencein support of the application. For example,evidence of a child’s date of birth, parent/carerresponsibility, the validity of a family addressand, if this is not produced, the Trust reservesthe right to make its own enquiries. Examples ofevidence which may be requested include a birthcertificate, a copy of a court order, a solicitor’sletter confirming exchange of contracts (andcompletion date on a new property), a rentalagreement, a letter from an employer, a solicitor’sletter confirming residency, a letter from a bank orbuilding society, a child benefit book or evidenceof the child’s residency.Withdrawing offersOnce the offer of a place has been made, theTrust may withdraw this but only in very limitedcircumstances, for example:Where the application was fraudulent orintentionally misleading; orWhere a parent/carer has not responded to theoffer within two school weeks.There will be a right of appeal to an independentappeal panel for external applicants refusedadmission.Operation of waiting listsWhere in any year the school receives moreapplications for places than there are placesavailable, a waiting list will operate. This will bemaintained by the Trust and it will be open to anyparent/carer to ask for his or her child’s nameto be placed on the waiting list, following anunsuccessful application.Children’s position on the waiting list will bedetermined solely in accordance with the oversubscriptioncriteria set out above. Where placesbecome vacant they will be allocated to childrenon the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscriptioncriteria.Waiting lists will be maintained until the end ofthe academic year for which the application wasreceived and then discarded.If a place becomes available, it will be offered inaccordance with the published over-subscribedcriteria and not by reference to the length of time achild’s name has been on a waiting list.112Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

If after using all advised contact details, the Trustis unable to contact a successful applicant fora place within two school weeks, the availableplace will be offered to the next child to qualifyfor a place. Where an applicant decided to placetheir child(ren)’s name on a waiting list, it is theresponsibility of the applicant to keep the Trustinformed of updated contact details.Appeals - September receptionIntakeAfter the closing date (15 January 2015) thelocal authority will inform the Trust of applicationsfor their school(s). Each list will include all thosestating a preference for the school but will notstate the preferences. The local authority willrank the lists separately and allocate up to theplanned admission number for the school, e.g. 30reception places.Parents/carers will be informed by the localauthority of the allocation of places. Includedin this information will be an appeal form andexplanatory guidance. If parents/carers wish toappeal they need to complete and return theappeal form.Appeals - in-year applicationsIf the year group is full or over-subscribed,parents/carers will be informed by the Trust andgiven the opportunity to either place their child ona waiting list or to appeal using an appeal formwhich will be supplied.Castle School Education Trust – Charfield <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAll appeals are dealt with by an independentappeal panel which is convened by the localauthority to which parents/carers are invited.Decisions made by the panel are legallybinding. If an appeal is unsuccessful there is noautomatic right to a further appeal. However, ifthere are significant and material changes in thecircumstances of the parent/carer, child or schoolsince the time of the original appeal, these will beconsidered.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk113

Cabot Learning Federation – King’s Oak Academy <strong>Primary</strong> PhaseCabot Learning FederationKing’s Oak Academy <strong>Primary</strong> PhaseAdmission Policy 2015/2016King’s Oak Academy will become 4-19 in agerange from 1 September 2015. The academywill therefore admit children to the receptionyear from 1 September 2015.Purpose of the policyThe purpose of this policy is to make theadmissions process to King’s Oak Academy(KOA) clear and open.The Academy <strong>Council</strong> have agreed that theadmission arrangements will remain in linewith the agreed arrangements for <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong>’s maintained non-denominationalsecondary and primary schools.The Academy <strong>Council</strong> adheres to the statutoryrequirements and the principles expressed in theSchool Admissions Code.Reception admissions: The Academy <strong>Council</strong> aresupported by <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> inallocating places to the academy and informingfamilies.Admission number - receptionKOA will have 60 places in September 2015 andwill expand by one year group each year [with thesame number in each year group] until reachingcapacity in September 2021.Infant class sizesInfant classes [those where the majority ofchildren will reach the age of 5, 6 or 7 duringthe school year] must not contain more than 60pupils. Additional children may only be admittedunder the limited exceptional circumstances listedin the School Admissions Code.Students already on roll at KOA at the end of Year6 will be guaranteed continuation into secondaryphase and a place in Year 7, should they wish toremain at KOA.The Academy <strong>Council</strong> commissions the localauthority’s independent appeal panel which hearsappeals from unsuccessful applicants for a placein any year group.The admission criteria andarrangementsProcess of applicationArrangements for applications for places atthe academy will be made in accordance with<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s co-ordinatedadmission arrangements and will be submittedon the common application form provided by theapplicant’s home authority and administered by<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.Consideration of applicationsThe Academy <strong>Council</strong> will consider allapplications for places at KOA. Where fewerapplications for places are received than thepublished admission number, the Academy<strong>Council</strong> will offer places to all those who haveapplied.Procedure where the academy isover-subscribedWhere the number of applications for admissioninto reception is greater than the publishedadmission number, applications will beconsidered against the criteria set out below.These are listed in priority order and will beapplied to all applications received by thepublished closing date.1. Children in Public Care and Previously inPublic Care.2. Local siblings (those living within theacademy’s Area of Prime Responsibilityand who have named the academy as apreference).114Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

3a. Geographical considerations [thoseliving within the academy’s Area of PrimeResponsibility].3b. Geographical considerations [those livingoutside the academy’s Area of PrimeResponsibility].4. Tie breaker: Where it does not prove possibleto resolve allocations to an over-subscribedschool by the application of criteria 1-3, anyremaining places will be allocated by drawinglots.Notes to the over-subscriptioncriteria are set out below:1. Children in Public Care* are those lookedafter by a local authority within the meaning ofSection 22 of the Children Act 1989.Children Previously in Public Care* are thosewho were looked after but ceased to be sobecause they were adopted 1 (or becamesubject to a residence order 2 or specialguardianship order 3 ).* Documentation will need to be provided to<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> as proof ofcare status.1Under the terms of the Adoption andChildren Act 2002.2Under the terms of the Children Act 1989.3Section 14A of the Children Act 1989.2. Local siblings: children are defined as localsiblings if:- they are full or half brother or sister; or- they are adoptive brother or sister; or- they are children of the same household;and- they live within the academy’s defined Areaof Responsibility; and- they have indicated the academy as apreference; and- the older sibling is already in attendanceat the academy and will be in attendancein September 2015 (statutory school/academy age only).Please note: to be defined as a ‘localsibling’ a child must live in the Area of PrimeResponsibility for the academy.3a. Geographical considerations (for thoseliving within the academy’s Area of PrimeResponsibility): Priority will be given to thosechildren who live within the Area of PrimeResponsibility for the academy.If in any year there are more children livingwithin the Area of Prime Responsibilitythan the number of places available atthe academy, priority will be given tothose children who live closest to theacademy. Distances from home to theacademy are measured in a straight linebetween the address point of the child’shome and a central point within the mainacademy building using the local authority’scomputerised mapping system. Allapplications will be considered at the sametime and the published over-subscriptioncriteria applied.3b. Geographical considerations (for thoseliving outside the academy’s Area of PrimeResponsibility): After places have beenallocated from within the Area of PrimeResponsibility, any remaining places willbe allocated to those children who liveclosest to the academy. Distances fromhome to the academy are measured in astraight line between the address point ofthe child’s home and a central point withinthe main academy building using the localauthority’s computerised mapping system. Allapplications will be considered at the sametime and the published over-subscriptioncriteria applied.4. Tie breaker: Lots will be drawn by a seniorofficer of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> whois independent of the school admissionsprocess.Cabot Learning Federation – King’s Oak Academy <strong>Primary</strong> Phase115✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk

Cabot Learning Federation – King’s Oak Academy <strong>Primary</strong> PhaseChildren of multiple birthsWhenever possible, KOA will endeavour to placechildren of multiple births in the same schoolwithin the places available. However, where thelast child to qualify for a place is a twin or child ofmultiple birth, the place will be offered to one childand the other child/children considered under theadmission criteria.Home addressThe child’s home address is considered to bewhere the child lives most of the time with hisor her parent(s) or carer(s). KOA cannot acceptan address of a business, relative, friend, childminder,a temporary address or an addressof a house it is intended to move to. The onlyexceptions are for children of UK servicepersonnel for whom special arrangements apply.KOA reserves the right to seek documentaryevidence to support a claim of residence.Where a child spends time with each parent/carer at two different addresses, KOA will ask forproof of the arrangements and will determine theappropriate address to be used in allocating aschool place. In reaching this decision, evidencemay be requested to show the address to whichany Child Benefit is paid and from which thechild is registered with a medical GP. Any otherevidence provided by parents/carers will also beconsidered in reaching a decision on the homeaddress for admissions purposes.Deferred entry to receptionWhere an applicant to reception is belowcompulsory school age the parent(s)/carer(s) canrequest:i. That the date their child is admitted isdeferred until later in the academic yearor until the term in which the child reachescompulsory school age, orii.That their child takes up the place part-timeuntil the child reaches compulsory schoolage.Waiting listWhere the academy has been over-subscribedin the normal admissions round and placeshave been refused to some applicants, a waitinglist will be maintained for any vacancies whichsubsequently occur in the academy.The waiting list will be prioritised according tothe admission criteria and not by reference tothe date of joining the waiting list. The list will bemaintained by the academy.Any waiting list will be maintained until the end ofTerm 2 (December 2015) and then discarded.Late applicationsLate applications will not be considered untiloffers have been made to on-time applicants.Appeals – September intakeappealsAfter the closing date for applications [15 January2015 for reception] the local authority will sendKOA separate lists of all their applicants. Each listwill include all those stating a preference for theacademy but will not state the preferences. Thelocal authority will rank the lists separately andallocate up to the planned admission number toeach school.Parents/carers will be informed of the allocationof places. Included in this information will be anappeal form and explanatory guidance. If parents/carers wish to appeal they need to complete andreturn the appeals form.An independent appeal panel will be convenedby the local authority at which both parents/carersand the Academy <strong>Council</strong> will present their cases.Decisions made by the panel are legally binding.In-year application process -receptionParents/carers, who wish to obtain a place atKOA other than at the bulk September intake toreception, should apply directly to the academy.Parents/carers will have a decision about theallocation of a place within two weeks.116Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

If the year group is full or over-subscribed then theacademy will refuse the place but the applicantwill be given the opportunity to appeal and anappeals form will be supplied. An independentappeal panel will be convened by the localauthority at which both parents/carers andthe Academy <strong>Council</strong> will present their cases.Decisions made by the panel are legally binding.If a place is available, we will invite the student infor an induction meeting and tour after which wewill offer the place unless there is a compellingreason not to.Relationships to other policiesParents/carers and students are encouraged toread the academy prospectus, visit the academywebsite and attend the open evening/openmornings.Cabot Learning Federation – King’s Oak Academy <strong>Primary</strong> Phase✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk117

Castle School Education Trust – Severn Beach <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolCastle School Education TrustSevern Beach <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmission Policy 2015/2016Purpose of the policyThe Directors of the Castle School Education Trusthave agreed that the admission arrangementsfor the school will remain in line with theagreed arrangements for maintained and nondenominationalprimary schools within theAuthority.The Trust adheres to the statutory requirementsand the principles expressed in the SchoolAdmissions Code and all relevant legislation,including that on infant class sizes and equalopportunities.The admission criteria andarrangementsThis policy sets out the admission arrangementsfor Severn Beach <strong>Primary</strong> School, forming part ofthe Trust.Reception (foundation stage) entryin September 2015 and in-yearadmissionsIn all cases the over-subscription criteriadescribed in this policy will be applied.Admission to the reception yearSubject to the criteria set out below, children willbe admitted in the September following theirfourth birthday. The number of children admittedper year is 30. As agreed by the Directors of theTrust, places in the reception year will be allocatedin accordance with the local authority’s coordinatedadmission arrangements. This allowsparents/carers to apply for entry to any primaryschool by means of a common application formprovided by the applicant’s ‘home’ local authority.Application forms for <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> are available in the Admission to <strong>Primary</strong><strong>Schools</strong> in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> booklet and onlinevia www.southglos.gov.uk/admissionsPlaces will be allocated by the Directors onthe basis of applications received through theapplicant’s local authority and children will beadmitted in the September following their fourthbirthday on a full time basis.Applicants resident in other local authority areaswill need to apply via their ‘home’ local authority.In-year admissionAdmission after the age of five (in-yearadmissions) will be handled by the Trust. Parents/carers are advised to contact the Trust directlyas they will handle the waiting lists for all schoolswithin the Trust, and will apply the admissionscriteria as per this policy.Over-subscription criteria for alltypes of admissionsWhere the number of applications for admissionis greater than the published admission number,applications will be considered against thecriteria set out below which are in line with <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s over-subscriptioncriteria.After the admission of students with Statementsof Special Educational Needs or an Education,Health and Care Plan where the school is namedon the statement, the criteria will be applied in theorder in which they are set out below:-1. Children in Public Care and Previously inPublic CareA “looked after child” is a child who is (a) in thecare of the local authority, or (b) being providedwith accommodation by a local authority underSection 22(1) of the Children Act 1989 at the timeof making the application.118Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

A “previously looked after child” is a child whowas looked after, but ceased to be so becausethey were adopted under the terms of theAdoption of Children Act 2002 (Section 46); orbecame the subject to a residence order underthe terms of the Children Act 1989 (Section 8); orspecial guardianship order (Section 14A) of theChildren Act 1989. This applies where the childwas adopted (or became subject to residence orspecial guardianship order) immediately followinghaving been looked after.Children in public care (subject to care ordersor accommodated by a local authority) andpreviously looked after will be given priority forany places available at a school.2. Local siblingsChildren are defined as local siblings if:❚❚❚❚❚❚❚they live within the Area of PrimeResponsibility;or, where there is no Area of PrimeResponsibility, local siblings will be deemedto be those living up to a maximum of twomiles from school as measured in a straightline;or where the distance is over two miles butthe school is still the nearest school;they are full or half brother or sister; orthey are adoptive brother or sister; orthey are children of the same household; andthe older sibling is already in attendance atthe preferred school and will be in attendancein September 2015 (statutory school age)school, distances from home to school will bemeasured in a straight line between the addresspoint of the child’s home and a central pointwithin the main school building (using the localauthority’s computerised mapping system).4. Tie breakerWhere it does not prove possible to resolveallocations in the case of over-subscription by theapplication of criteria 1-3, any remaining placeswill be allocated by drawing lots. Lots will bedrawn by a senior officer of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> who is independent of the schooladmissions process.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)Children with Statements of SEN or an EHC Planare placed in schools through the arrangementsset out in the SEN Code of Practice and notthrough the Trust’s admission criteria. Eachgoverning body is required by Section 324 of theEducation Act 1996 to admit to the school a childwith a statement that names the school whetheror not there are places available. Any appealconcerning the statement or the admission isto the independent First-tier Tribunal (Health,Education and Social Care Chamber).Children of multiple birthsWherever possible, Authorities will endeavourto place children of multiple births in the sameschool within the places available. However,where the last child to qualify for a place is atwin or child of multiple birth, the place will beoffered to one child and the other child/childrenconsidered under the admission criteria asexceptions to the infant class size regulationswhere relevant.Castle School Education Trust – Severn Beach <strong>Primary</strong> School3. Geographical considerations (includingreference to Areas of Prime Responsibilitywhere appropriate)Any remaining places will be allocated to thosechildren who live closest to the school. Indetermining which applicants live closest to the✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk119

Castle School Education Trust – Severn Beach <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolChildren of UK service personnel(UK armed forces)Local authorities recognise the particular needsof children of UK service personnel (UK ArmedForces). Local authorities ensure that the needs ofthese children are taken into account by:❚❚❚❚❚Allocating a school place in advance if theapplication is accompanied by an officialgovernment letter which declares a relocationdate and a Unit postal address or quarteringaddress.Accepting a Unit postal address, or ifappropriate, a quartering area address (theaddress of the closest house in the relevantquartering area), for applications from servicepersonnel in the absence of a new homepostal address. A quartering address willbe used only where the housing authoritiesconfirm in writing that a house will be offeredin the area.Accepting a late application from UK servicepersonnel as ‘on time’ where a notification ofposting has been received after the closingdate and before the date of exchange ofinformation with other admission authorities.Considering an application on the criterionof ‘local sibling’ where another child inthe family has been offered a place at thepreferred school and the Unit postal addressor quartering address is within the Areaof Prime Responsibility for the preferredschool or, in the absence of an Area of PrimeResponsibility, is within two miles of thepreferred school.Wherever possible, children of UK servicepersonnel will be offered a place at thepreferred local school but taking into accountthe admission number for the school andinfant class size limits.Documentary evidenceIn fairness to all parents/carers, the Trust reservesthe right to request documentary evidence insupport of the application. For example, evidenceof a child’s date of birth, parent/carer responsibility,the validity of a family address and, if this is notproduced, the Trust reserves the right to makeits own enquiries. Examples of evidence whichmay be requested include a birth certificate, acopy of a court order, a solicitor’s letter confirmingexchange of contracts (and completion date on anew property), a rental agreement, a letter from anemployer, a solicitor’s letter confirming residency,a letter from a bank or building society, a childbenefit book or evidence of the child’s residency.Withdrawing offersOnce the offer of a place has been made, theTrust may withdraw this but only in very limitedcircumstances, for example:❚❚Where the application was fraudulent orintentionally misleading; orWhere a parent/carer has not responded tothe offer within two school weeks.There will be a right of appeal to an independentappeal panel for external applicants refusedadmission.Operation of waiting listsWhere in any year the school receives moreapplications for places than there are placesavailable, a waiting list will operate. This will bemaintained by the Trust and it will be open to anyparent/carer to ask for his or her child’s nameto be placed on the waiting list, following anunsuccessful application.Children’s position on the waiting list will bedetermined solely in accordance with the oversubscriptioncriteria set out above. Where placesbecome vacant they will be allocated to childrenon the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscriptioncriteria.Waiting lists will be maintained until the end ofthe academic year for which the application wasreceived and then discarded.120Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

If a place becomes available, it will be offered inaccordance with the published over-subscribedcriteria and not by reference to the length of time achild’s name has been on a waiting list.If after using all advised contact details, the Trustis unable to contact a successful applicant fora place within two school weeks, the availableplace will be offered to the next child to qualifyfor a place. Where an applicant decided to placetheir child(ren)’s name on a waiting list, it is theresponsibility of the applicant to keep the Trustinformed of updated contact details.Appeals - September receptionIntakeAfter the closing date (15 January 2015) thelocal authority will inform the Trust of applicationsfor their school(s). Each list will include all thosestating a preference for the school but will notstate the preferences. The local authority willrank the lists separately and allocate up to theplanned admission number for the school, e.g. 30reception places.Parents/carers will be informed by the localauthority of the allocation of places. Includedin this information will be an appeal form andexplanatory guidance. If parents/carers wish toappeal they need to complete and return theappeal form.Appeals - in-year applicationsIf the year group is full or over-subscribed,parents/carers will be informed by the Trust andgiven the opportunity to either place their child ona waiting list or to appeal using an appeal formwhich will be supplied.Castle School Education Trust – Severn Beach <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAll appeals are dealt with by an independentappeal panel which is convened by the localauthority to which parents/carers are invited.Decisions made by the panel are legallybinding. If an appeal is unsuccessful there is noautomatic right to a further appeal. However, ifthere are significant and material changes in thecircumstances of the parent/carer, child or schoolsince the time of the original appeal, these will beconsidered.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk121

The Cosmos Academy Trust – Stoke Lodge <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolThe Cosmos Academy TrustStoke Lodge <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAdmission Policy 2015/2016Purpose of the policyThe Directors of The Cosmos Academy Trusthave agreed that the admission arrangementsfor the school will remain in line with theagreed arrangements for maintained and nondenominationalprimary schools within theAuthority.The Trust adheres to the statutory requirementsand the principles expressed in the SchoolAdmissions Code and all relevant legislation,including that on infant class sizes and equalopportunities.The admission criteria andarrangementsThis policy sets out the admission arrangementsfor Stoke Lodge <strong>Primary</strong> School forming part ofThe Cosmos Academy Trust.Reception entry in September 2015and in-year admissionsIn all cases the over-subscription criteriadescribed in this policy will be applied.Admission to the reception yearSubject to the criteria set out below, children willbe admitted in the September following theirfourth birthday. The number of children to beadmitted per year is 90.As agreed by the Directors of the Trust, places inthe reception year will be allocated in accordancewith the local authority’s co-ordinated admissionarrangements. This allows parents/carers toapply for entry to any primary school by meansof a common application form provided bythe applicant’s ‘home’ local authority andadministered by that same local authority.Application forms for <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> are available in the Admission to <strong>Primary</strong><strong>Schools</strong> in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> booklet and onlinevia www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions.Places will be allocated by the Directors onthe basis of applications received through theapplicant’s local authority and children will beadmitted in the September following their fourthbirthday on a full time basis.Applicants resident in other local authority areaswill need to apply via their ‘home’ local authority.In-year admissionAdmission after the age of five (in-yearadmissions) will be handled by The CosmosAcademy Trust. Parents/carers are advised tocontact The Cosmos Academy Trust directly asthey will handle the waiting lists for all schoolswithin the Trust, and will apply the admissionscriteria as per this policy.Over-subscription criteria for alltypes of admissionsWhere the number of applications for admissionis greater than the published admission number,applications will be considered against thecriteria set out below which are in line with <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s over-subscriptioncriteria.After the admission of students with Statementsof Special Educational Needs or an Education,Health and Care Plan where the school is namedon the statement, the criteria will be applied in theorder in which they are set out below:-1. Children in Public Care and Previously inPublic CareA “looked after child” is a child who is (a) in thecare of the local authority, or (b) being providedwith accommodation by a local authority underSection 22(1) of the Children Act 1989 at the timeof making the application.122Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

A “previously looked after child” is a child whowas looked after, but ceased to be so becausethey were adopted under the terms of theAdoption of Children Act 2002 (Section 46); orbecame the subject to a residence order underthe terms of the Children Act 1989 (Section 8); orspecial guardianship order (Section 14A) of theChildren Act 1989. This applies where the childwas adopted (or became subject to residence orspecial guardianship order) immediately followinghaving been looked after.Children in public care (subject to care ordersor accommodated by a local authority) andpreviously looked after will be given priority for anyplaces available at a school.2. Local siblingsChildren are defined as local siblings if:❚❚❚❚❚❚❚they live within the Area of PrimeResponsibility;or, where there is no Area of PrimeResponsibility, local siblings will be deemedto be those living up to a maximum of twomiles from school as measured in a straightline;or where the distance is over two miles butthe school is still the nearest school;they are full or half brother or sister; orthey are adoptive brother or sister; orthey are children of the same household; andthe older sibling is already in attendance atthe preferred school and will be in attendancein September 2015 (statutory school age)3. Geographical considerations (includingreference to Areas of Prime Responsibilitywhere appropriate)Any remaining places will be allocated to thosechildren who live closest to the school. Indetermining which applicants live closest to theschool, distances from home to school will bemeasured in a straight line between the addresspoint of the child’s home and a central pointwithin the main school building (using the localauthority’s computerised mapping system).4. Tie breakerWhere it does not prove possible to resolveallocations in the case of over-subscription by theapplication of criteria 1-3, any remaining placeswill be allocated by drawing lots. Lots will bedrawn by a senior officer of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> who is independent of the schooladmissions process.Children with statements of specialeducational needs (SEN) or aneducation, health and care plan(EHC Plan)Children with Statements of SEN or an EHC Planare placed in schools through the arrangementsset out in the SEN Code of Practice and notthrough the Trust’s admission criteria. Eachgoverning body is required by Section 324 of theEducation Act 1996 to admit to the school a childwith a statement that names the school whetheror not there are places available. Any appealconcerning the statement or the admission isto the independent First-tier Tribunal (Health,Education and Social Care Chamber).Children of multiple birthsWherever possible, Authorities will endeavourto place children of multiple births in the sameschool within the places available. However,where the last child to qualify for a place is atwin or child of multiple birth, the place will beoffered to one child and the other child/childrenconsidered under the admission criteria asexceptions to the infant class size regulationswhere relevant.The Cosmos Academy Trust – Stoke Lodge <strong>Primary</strong> School✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk123

The Cosmos Academy Trust – Stoke Lodge <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolChildren of UK service personnel(UK armed forces)Local authorities recognise the particular needsof children of UK service personnel (UK ArmedForces). Local authorities ensure that the needs ofthese children are taken into account by:❚❚❚❚❚Allocating a school place in advance if theapplication is accompanied by an officialgovernment letter which declares a relocationdate and a Unit postal address or quarteringaddress.Accepting a Unit postal address, or ifappropriate, a quartering area address (theaddress of the closest house in the relevantquartering area), for applications from servicepersonnel in the absence of a new homepostal address. A quartering address willbe used only where the housing authoritiesconfirm in writing that a house will be offeredin the area.Accepting a late application from UK servicepersonnel as ‘on time’ where a notification ofposting has been received after the closingdate and before the date of exchange ofinformation with other admission authorities.Considering an application on the criterionof ‘local sibling’ where another child inthe family has been offered a place at thepreferred school and the Unit postal addressor quartering address is within the Areaof Prime Responsibility for the preferredschool or, in the absence of an Area of PrimeResponsibility, is within two miles of thepreferred school.Wherever possible, children of UK servicepersonnel will be offered a place at thepreferred local school but taking into accountthe admission number for the school andinfant class size limits.Documentary evidenceIn fairness to all parents/carers, The CosmosAcademy Trust reserves the right to requestdocumentary evidence in support of theapplication.For example, evidence of a child’s date of birth,parent/carer responsibility, the validity of a familyaddress and, if this is not produced, The CosmosAcademy Trust reserves the right to make itsown enquiries. Examples of evidence which maybe requested include a birth certificate, a copyof a court order, a solicitor’s letter confirmingexchange of contracts (and completion date on anew property), a rental agreement, a letter from anemployer, a solicitor’s letter confirming residency,a letter from a bank or building society, a childbenefit book or evidence of the child’s residency.Withdrawing offersOnce the offer of a place has been made, TheCosmos Academy Trust may withdraw this butonly in very limited circumstances, for example:❚❚Where the application was fraudulent orintentionally misleading; orWhere a parent/carer has not responded tothe offer within two school weeks.There will be a right of appeal to an independentappeal panel for external applicants refusedadmission.Operation of waiting listsWhere in any year the school receives moreapplications for places than there are placesavailable, a waiting list will operate. This will bemaintained by The Cosmos Academy Trust andit will be open to any parent/carer to ask for his orher child’s name to be placed on the waiting list,following an unsuccessful application.Children’s position on the waiting list will bedetermined solely in accordance with the oversubscriptioncriteria set out above. Where placesbecome vacant they will be allocated to childrenon the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscriptioncriteria.Waiting lists will be maintained until the end ofthe academic year for which the application wasreceived and then discarded.124Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

If a place becomes available, it will be offered inaccordance with the published over-subscribedcriteria and not by reference to the length of time achild’s name has been on a waiting list.If after using all advised contact details, the Trustis unable to contact a successful applicant fora place within two school weeks, the availableplace will be offered to the next child to qualifyfor a place. Where an applicant decided to placetheir child(ren)’s name on a waiting list, it is theresponsibility of the applicant to keep the Trustinformed of updated contact details.Appeals - September receptionIntakeAfter the closing date (15 January 2015) thelocal authority will inform The Cosmos AcademyTrust of applications for their school(s). Each listwill include all those stating a preference for theschool but will not state the preferences. The localauthority will rank the lists separately and allocateup to the planned admission number for theschool, e.g. 90 reception places.Parents/carers will be informed by the localauthority of the allocation of places. Includedin this information will be an appeal form andexplanatory guidance. If parents/carers wish toappeal they need to complete and return theappeal form.Appeals - in-year applicationsIf the year group is full or over-subscribed,parents/carers will be informed by The CosmosAcademy Trust and given the opportunity to eitherplace their child on a waiting list or to appealusing an appeal form which will be supplied.The Cosmos Academy Trust – Stoke Lodge <strong>Primary</strong> SchoolAll appeals are dealt with by an independentappeal panel which is convened by the localauthority to which parents/carers are invited.Decisions made by the panel are legallybinding. If an appeal is unsuccessful there is noautomatic right to a further appeal. However, ifthere are significant and material changes in thecircumstances of the parent/carer, child or schoolsince the time of the original appeal, these will beconsidered.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk125

Cabot Learning Federation – Wallscourt Farm AcademyCabot Learning FederationWallscourt Farm AcademyAdmission Policy 2015/2016The academy has an admission number of 60pupils for the academic year 2015/16. Accordingly,the academy will provide for the admission of 60pupils to reception if sufficient applications forentry are received. Where fewer than the publishedadmission number for the relevant year groupsis received, the Cabot Learning Federation (CLF)will offer places at Wallscourt Farm Academy to allthose who have applied.In order that your child can be considered forentry to Wallscourt Farm <strong>Primary</strong> Academy forthe school year 2015/2016 you must completeand submit the common application form by 15January 2015. Completed common applicationforms for residents of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> mustbe returned directly to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>’s Admission & Transport Team eitheron-line at www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions orcomplete the common application form providedin the Admission to School booklet available from<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> telephone01454 868008 email: cis@southglos.gov.ukParents/carers who do not live in <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> but who wish to apply for a placeat Wallscourt Farm <strong>Primary</strong> Academy must returnthe appropriate common application form to thelocal authority in which they live. Any applicationforms from parents/carers living outside <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> will be passed to the relevant‘home’ local authority.Over-subscription criteriaShould the academy be over-subscribed (i.e. ifthere are more applications than places available),initial allocations will be made according to thefollowing criteria; these are listed in order ofpriority and will be applied to all applicationsreceived by the published closing date forapplications (15 January 2015). For further detailsconcerning the admission criteria please refer tothe notes to the over-subscription criteria.1. Children in care or previously in care2. Siblings3. Geography – children living closest to theschool4. Tie breakerChildren with Statements of Special EducationalNeeds or an Education, Health and Care Plan areadmitted to school under separate legislation andare not ranked against the criteria.Notes to the over-subscription criteria:1. Children in care* are children who are in thecare of a local authority or provided withaccommodation by that local authority inaccordance with Section 22 of the ChildrenAct 1989.Children previously in care* are those who werein care but immediately afterwards becamesubject to an adoption 1 , residence 2 or specialguardianship 3 order.1Under the terms of the Adoption and ChildrenAct 2002.2Under the terms of the Children Act 1989.3Section 14A of the Children Act 1989.* Documentation will need to be provided to<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> as proof ofcare status.2. Siblings are defined as:❚❚full or half brother or sister;adoptive brother or sister;126Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

❚children of the same household or stepbrother or sister or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom theplace is sought is living in the same familyunit at the same address as that sibling. Theolder sibling must already be in attendanceat Wallscourt Farm Academy and will be inattendance in September 2015.3. Geography – places will be allocated tochildren living closest to the academy.Distances are measured in a straight linebetween the address point of the child’s homeand a central point within the main schoolbuilding using the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>’s computerised mapping system. Achild’s permanent home address, is wherehe or she resides with a person with parentalresponsibility, or with a parent (as definedin Section 576 of the Education Act 1996). Itis the address where the child spends themajority of his or her time. Documentaryevidence may be required to confirm achild’s home address. If a child regularly livesat more than one address the admissionauthority will have to reach a conclusion aboutwhich address should be counted as themain address when allocating school places.This will normally be the address where theChild Benefit is paid.4. Tie breaker - where the academy is oversubscribedand it does not prove possibleto resolve allocations by the application ofcriteria 1-3, any remaining places will beallocated by drawing lots. Lots will be drawnby a senior officer of <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> who is independent of the academy’sadmissions process.Children with special educationalneeds (SEN) or an education,health and care plan (EHC Plan)Children with Statements of SEN or an EHC Planare admitted to school under separate legislationand attend the school named in their statement,i.e. they are not ranked against the criteria forany school/academy. The <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>Admission to School booklet sets out the followingin relation to admission to any school/academy:There is a separate form for children withStatements of SEN or an EHC Plan which will beprovided to parents/carers by the relevant caseofficer. If your child has a Statement of SEN oran EHC Plan do not complete the form in thisbooklet. However, you may find some of theinformation useful. If your child is undergoingstatutory assessment please contact your caseofficer for further advice before completing a form.If your child has special educational needs butdoes not currently have a statement you shouldcomplete and submit a common application formin the normal way.Waiting listsThe academy will operate a waiting list for eachyear group. Where in any year the academyreceives more applications for places than thereare places available, a waiting list will operate untilthe end of Term 2 (December 2015) and thendiscarded.This will be maintained by the CLF and it will beopen to any parent to ask for his or her child’sname to be placed on the waiting list, following anunsuccessful application.Children’s position on the waiting list will bedetermined solely in accordance with the oversubscriptioncriteria. Where places becomevacant they will be allocated to children onthe waiting list in accordance with the oversubscriptioncriteria.Children of multiple birthsWhere the last child to qualify for a place is a twinor child of multiple birth, the place will be offeredto one child and the other child(ren) consideredunder the admission criteria as exceptions to theinfant class size regulations where relevant.Late applicationsApplications received after the closing dateare late applications and will not normally beconsidered for the initial allocation of places.However, the CLF will consider the circumstancesof a late application before deciding whetheror not to consider it along with the on-timeapplications.Cabot Learning Federation – Wallscourt Farm Academy✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk127

Cabot Learning Federation – Wallscourt Farm AcademyIn-year admissionsIf you have moved into the local area during theschool year 2015/16 or you are already residentin <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> and wish to apply for aplace at the academy, you will need to completethe <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> in-year applicationform. The form can be used for application toany school within <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> and isavailable at www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions.Alternatively, you may wish to contact individualschools or <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> on01454 868008. In-year admissions will beallocated in accordance with the publishedadmissions criteria.AppealsParents/carers of children not offered a place atthe academy will have the right of appeal to anindependent appeal panel. Parents/carers shouldput their appeal in writing.128Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Yate International Academy(Woodlands <strong>Primary</strong> Phase)Admission Policy 2015/2016Yate International Academy provides for the3-19 age range (both primary and secondaryage pupils). The admission policy for primaryaged pupils is set out below.Admission numberThe Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust hasthe following agreed admission numbers forthe Yate International Academy, subject to anychanges approved or required by the Secretary ofState, for subsequent years:<strong>Primary</strong> phase:❚❚Nursery - There are 50 part time nurseryplaces available (25 in the morning sessionand 25 in the afternoon session).Early Years Foundation Stage - 60 pupils foradmission to reception.Process of applicationArrangements for applications for places at theFederation will be made in accordance with <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s co-ordinated admissionarrangements and will be made on the commonapplication form provided by the applicant’shome authority and administered by <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.The Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trustwill use the following timetable for applicationsto the Federation each year (exact dates withinthe months may vary from year to year) which,whenever possible, will fit in with the commontimetable agreed by <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>.a) By September - The Ridings’ Federation ofAcademies Trust will publish in its prospectusinformation about the arrangements foradmission, including over-subscriptioncriteria, for the following September(e.g. in September 2014 for admission inSeptember 2015). This will include details ofopen evenings and other opportunities forprospective students and their parents/carersto visit the academy. The Ridings’ Federationof Academies Trust will also provideinformation in relation to the academies to<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> for inclusion inthe composite prospectus, as required;b) September/October - The Ridings’ Federationof Academies Trust will provide opportunitiesfor parents/carers to visit either academy;c) 15 January 2015 – Deadline for commonapplication form to be completed andreturned to the home authority. Where thehome authority is not <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>, the home authority will pass on thedetails to <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> toadminister;d) <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> sends lists ofapplications to The Ridings’ Federation;e) By 6 February 2015 – <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>applies agreed scheme to all applications.Where an individual academy is oversubscribed,<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>will use the agreed over-subscription criteriato determine which students will be offeredplaces at the individual academy;f) 16 April 2015 offers made to parents/carers.Consideration of applicationsThe Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trustwill consider all applications for places at itsAcademies. Where fewer than the publishedadmission number(s) for the relevant yeargroups are received, The Ridings’ Federation ofAcademies Trust will offer places at the respectiveacademy to all those who have applied.Yate International Academy (Woodlands <strong>Primary</strong> Phase)✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk129

Yate International Academy (Woodlands <strong>Primary</strong> Phase)Procedures where an academy isover-subscribedAdmission – receptionWhere the number of applications for admissionis greater than the published admission number,applications will be considered against the criteriaset out below. After the admission of studentswith Statements of Special Educational Needs oran Education, Health and Care Plan where TheRidings’ Federation Yate International Academy<strong>Primary</strong> Phase is named on the statement, thecriteria will be applied in the order in which theyare set out below:1. Children in Public Care or Previously in PublicCare*Children in Public Care are those looked afterby a local authority within the meaning ofSection 22 of the Children Act 1989.Children Previously in Public Care are thosewho were looked after, but ceased to be sobecause they were adopted 1 , or becomesubject to a residence order 2 , or a specialguardianship order 3 .* Documentation will need to be provided toThe Ridings’ Federation of Academies asproof of care status.1Under the terms of the Adoption andChildren Act 2002.2Under the terms of the Children Act 1989.3Section 14A of the Children Act 1989.2. Local siblings (those living within anacademy’s Area of Prime Responsibilityand who have named the academy as apreference). Children are defined as localsiblings if:❚ they are half or full brother or sister; or❚ they are adoptive brother or sister; or❚ they are children of the same household;and❚ they have indicated that academy as apreference; and❚ their older sibling is already in attendanceat the preferred academy and will be inattendance in September 2015 (statutoryschool age only).3. Geographical considerations: Any remainingplaces will be allocated to those children wholive closest to the academy. In determiningwhich applicants live closest to the academy,distances from home to academy will bemeasured in a straight line between theaddress point of the child’s home and acentral point within the main school building(using the local authority’s computerisedmapping system).4. Tie breaker: Lots will be drawn by a seniorexecutive of The Ridings’ Federation ofAcademies who is independent of theadmissions process.Children in Year 6 of the Yate InternationalAcademy <strong>Primary</strong> Phase are entitled to transfer tothe Yate International Academy Secondary Phase.Documentary evidenceIn fairness to all parents/carers, The Ridings’Federation of Academies reserves the rightto require documentary evidence in supportof the application. For example, evidence of achild’s date of birth, parent/carer responsibility,the validity of a family address and, if this is notproduced, The Ridings’ Federation of AcademiesTrust reserves the right to make its own enquiries.Examples of evidence which may be requestedinclude a birth certificate, a copy of a courtorder, a solicitor’s letter confirming exchangeof contracts (and completion date on a newproperty), a rental agreement, a letter from anemployer, a solicitor’s letter confirming residency,a letter from a bank or building society, a childbenefit book or evidence of the child’s residency.❚ they live within the academy’s defined Areaof Responsibility; and130Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Withdrawing offersOnce the offer of a place has been made, TheRidings’ Federation of Academies may withdrawthis but only in very limited circumstances, forexample:❚❚where the application was fraudulent orintentionally misleading; orwhere a parent/carer has not responded tothe offer within a reasonable time.There will be a right of appeal to an independentappeal panel for internal students refused transferand external applicants refused admission.Operation of waiting listsSubject to any provisions regarding waiting listsin <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s co-ordinatedadmission scheme, each academy will operatea waiting list [for each year group]. Where in anyyear either academy receives more applicationsfor places than there are places available, awaiting list will operate. This will be maintained byThe Ridings’ Federation of Academies Trust andit will be open to any parent/carer to ask for his orher child’s name to be placed on the waiting list,following an unsuccessful application.Children’s position on the waiting list will bedetermined solely in accordance with the oversubscriptioncriteria set out above. Where placesbecome vacant they will be allocated to childrenon the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscriptioncriteria.the relevant over-subscription criteria will apply.Parents/carers whose application is turned downshall be entitled to appeal.Yate International Academy (Woodlands <strong>Primary</strong> Phase)Arrangements for admittingstudents to other year groups,including to replace any studentswho have left The Ridings’Federation of AcademiesSubject to any provisions in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong>’s co-ordinated admission arrangementsrelating to applications submitted for yearsother than the normal year of entry, The Ridings’Federation of Academies Trust will consider allsuch applications and if the year group applied forhas a place available, admit the child unless oneof the permitted reliefs apply. If more applicationsare received than there are places available,✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk131

School term and holiday dates 2015/2016 academic yearSchool term and holiday dates2015/2016 academic yearPlease note: The term dates shown here apply only to community and voluntary controlled schools.Voluntary aided schools and academies are responsible for setting their own school term and holidaydates and these may/may not differ from the dates set out below. Parents/carers are advised to checkwith individual voluntary aided schools and academies.September 2015 October 2015 November 2015Monday 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30Tuesday 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24Wednesday 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25Thursday 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26Friday 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27Saturday 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 1 7 14 21 28Sunday 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29December 2015 January 2016 February 2016Monday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29Tuesday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23Wednesday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24Thursday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25Friday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26Saturday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27Sunday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28March 2016 April 2016 May 2016Monday 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30Tuesday 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31Wednesday 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25Thursday 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26Friday 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27Saturday 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 1 7 14 21 28Sunday 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29June 2016 July 2016 August 2016Monday 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29Tuesday 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30Wednesday 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25Friday 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26Saturday 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27Sunday 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28■ Pupil Day ■ Bank Holiday ■ Holiday Term Days1 37 days2 35 days3 25 days4 29 daysTerm Days5 34 days6 35 daysTotal Days 195 days132Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Useful contact detailsThe following services may offer support in admission to school inappropriate cases:Bristol Hospital Education ServiceLead Teacher: Liz ChildBristol Royal Hospital for ChildrenPaul O’Gorman Building, Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol, BS2 8BJTelephone: 0117 342 8263Email: e.child@sgeotas.org.ukDepartment for Children, Adults & Health<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>PO Box 298, Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 0DQTelephone: 01454 868008Fax: 01454 868420Email: cis@southglos.gov.ukWebsite: www.southglos.gov.ukUseful contact detailsDepartment for EducationSanctuary Buildings, 20 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BTTelephone: 0370 000 2288Fax: 01928 738248Typetalk: 18001 0370 000 2288Website: www.education.gov.ukEthnic Minority and Traveller Achievement ServiceVulnerable Groups Team Leader: Eryl DanielsTelephone: 01454 862620/21/22Fax: 01454 862619HelpDesk direct line: 01454 862620Email: eryl.daniels@southglos.gov.ukFirstpointManager: Christopher GoodDepartment for Children, Adults & Health<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>PO Box 298, Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 0DQTelephone: 01454 866000Fax: 01454 864380Email: FirstPoint@southglos.gov.ukOfstedFreshford House, Redcliffe Way, Bristol, BS1 6NLTelephone: 0300 123 4234Email: enquiries@ofsted.gov.ukWebsite: www.ofsted.gov.uk✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk133

Useful contact detailsSensory Support ServiceHead of Service: Joao RoeElmfield House, Greystoke Avenue,Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol BS10 6AYTelephone: 0117 903 8441Mobile: 07557 202045Fax: 0117 903 8440Email: joao.roe@bristol.gov.ukWebsite: www.sensorysupportservice.org.ukSpecial Educational NeedsDepartment for Children, Adults & Health<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>PO Box 298, Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 0DQGeneral Enquiries: 01454 863173/863274Fax: 01454 868420Email: SpecialEdNeeds@southglos.gov.ukSupportive ParentsMrs Kathryn MasonRoyal Oak HouseRoyal Oak AvenueBristol BS1 4GBInformation & Support Line: 0117 989 7725Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 10.00am to 2.00pm term time onlyAdmin/Fax: 0117 989 7724Email: mail@supportiveparents.org.ukWebsite: www.supportiveparents.org.ukSupportive Parents, the Parent Partnership Service for <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>, is a parent-ledorganisation providing a free, confidential, independent and impartial parental support service toparents of children with special educational needs. They offer information and support by means of atelephone information and support line, face to face support and help with written information.134Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Glossary of termsAcademiesAcademies are independent state fundedschools. Academies are not accountable tothe local authority but are accountable to theSecretary of State. <strong>Schools</strong> with academystatus are their own admission authority andhave greater control in delivering the curriculum,have greater control over their budget and holdland and buildings under a long term lease.Academies work alongside other schools in <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> in order to raise standards andshare areas of expertise.Admission criteriaThe list of criteria an admission authority mustadopt for its school(s) setting out how priority isgiven in admission arrangements. These are usedonly when the school is over-subscribed to decidewhich children will be offered a place.Admission numberThe number of school places that the admissionauthority for the school must offer in each relevantage group of a school for which it is admissionauthority.AppealParents/carers have the right of appeal to anindependent appeal panel concerning thedecision not to offer a place at the preferredschool. Parents/carers are invited to attend thehearing.local authority confirms he or she will be in publiccare when he or she is admitted to a school.Children previously in public careChildren previously in public care are childrenwho were in public care, but ceased to be sobecause they were adopted (or became subjectto a residence order or special guardianshiporder).Closing dateThe closing date for on time applications is 15January 2015.Community and voluntarycontrolled schools<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is the admissionauthority for community and voluntary controlledschools and is responsible for determining theadmission arrangements and allocating schoolplaces. The “Infant, junior and primary schools”section gives a full list of all the maintainedschools in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>, including thoseschools that have voluntary aided and academystatus. In voluntary aided schools and academies,the individual governing body for the school is theadmission authority.Consortium areaA Consortium Area is an Area of PrimeResponsibility that is served by two schools ormore.Glossary of termsArea of prime responsibility (APR)This is a defined geographical area. Wherean APR exists, the area indicates to parents/carers the school(s) which normally serve thehome address. When allocating places <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will give priority to thosechildren who live within the APR of the school.Children in public care (see alsochildren previously in public care)Children who are in the care of local authorities asdefined by Section 22 of the Children Act 1989. Inrelation to school admission legislation childrenin public care are considered as such only if theCo-ordinated admissions/coordinatedschemeCo-ordinated schemes must be consulted uponacross all relevant admission authorities anddetermined in the year prior to which they areto apply. All local authorities are required to coordinate primary and secondary admissionsfor all schools in their area. Although individualadmission authorities rank all applicants in orderof priority for admission, offers are sent out by therelevant local authority on the locally agreed date.✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk135

Glossary of termsDeferred admissionIn <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>, children are able toattend school from the beginning of the schoolyear in which they will become five. If parents/carers wish they may apply for a place at thenormal time but request that their child does notattend until later in the school year. If the place isallocated, it will be reserved but must be takenup at the beginning of either the January (Term3) or April (Term 5) terms, according to the child’sdate of birth. Children must be in attendance at aschool by the beginning of the term after their fifthbirthday.Delayed admissionA parent/carer may request that their child’sadmission to school is delayed. Where thereis professional agreement by the admissionauthority of the school that joining a lower yeargroup is in the best interest of the child, delayedadmission to school outside of the normal agegroup will be considered.Denominational schoolsThese schools are voluntary aided schools, runin partnership between <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> and the Church; in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>currently all these schools are either Catholic,Church of England or CE/Methodist. The “Infant,junior and primary schools” section gives fulldetails of all the maintained schools in <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong>, including those schools thathave voluntary aided status. In these schools,the individual governing body for the schoolis the admission authority. The “Admission tovoluntary aided primary schools and academies”section gives further details about denominationalschools.Education, health and care plan(EHC Plan)The EHC Plan is for children and young peoplewho have special educational needs and/or adisability and where an assessment of education,health and social care needs has been agreedby a multi-agency group of professionals. It isavailable from birth to age 25.FederationA (hard) federation is where one governing bodytakes responsibility for more than one school.Under such an arrangement the schools remainas separate entities with separate staff andseparate funding but some staff can be shared.Having one governing body means that commonpolicies and employment practices can beestablished.GazetteerThe Routes to School Gazetteer that is used bythe Department for Children, Adults & Health indetermining transport entitlement comprises:a) Routes that are Public Highway maintainedby <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> as theHighway Authority.b) Man-made surfaced roads, tracks and pathson <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> ownedland.c) Potentially adopted highways that are coveredby adoption agreements with developers.Although these lengths of highway are notmaintained by <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>,but by the developer, the land on which theadoptable roads and footpaths have beenconstructed is dedicated as public highway.This dedication occurs on the issuing of‘Certificate 1’ under the terms of the adoptionagreement, prior to first occupation. Tomeet the requirements of Certificate 1 theroads and footpaths must be surfacedto base course level and lit. Whereverpossible the roads and footpaths on newdevelopments, satisfying the ‘Certificate 1’criteria are included so as not to disadvantageindividuals moving onto new developments.d) Only gates/entrances to schools recognisedby the Gazetteer will be used to determineroutes to school.The following routes are not included:❚ Isolated/remote Public Rights of Way –although a highway, the surface is private andunpredictable; they are generally not lit.136Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

❚Route(s) through private land.The Gazetteer can be viewed at the councils’One Stop Shops located in Kingswood, Yate andThornbury.Home addressThe home address is considered to be wherethe child lives most of the time with his or herparent(s) or carer(s). Where the child spends timewith each parent/carer equally at two differentaddresses <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will askfor proof of the arrangements and will determinethe appropriate address to be used in allocating aschool place.Infant class size limitSection 1 of the School Standards andFramework Act 1998 limits the size of an infantclass (i.e. a class in which the majority of childrenwill reach the age of five, six, and seven during theschool year) to 30 pupils per school teacher.Local authority<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is the localauthority for <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> residents.The Admissions & Transport Team administersthe admissions process and is based in theDepartment for Children, Adults & Healthat Badminton Road Offices, Yate, <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong>, BS37 5AF.Local siblingsA local sibling is not the same as a sibling. In<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> children are defined aslocal siblings if:❚❚they live within the Area of PrimeResponsibility;or, where there is no Area of PrimeResponsibility, local siblings will be deemed tobe those living up to a maximum of two milesfrom school by straight line measurement;❚❚❚they are adoptive brother or sister; orthey are children of the same household; andthe older sibling is already in attendance atthe preferred school and will be in attendancein September 2015.Not all siblings will be local siblings. To beconsidered under the local sibling criterion allof the above sub-criteria must be met. For thepurposes of the local sibling criterion, a pairedinfant and junior school will be treated as oneschool.Nearest available walking route(including measurement ofdistance)For the assessment of transport entitlementdistances from home to school are measuredusing the nearest available walking route tothe nearest school gate. Walking distances aredetermined using the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong><strong>Council</strong> Routes to School Gazetteer adopted by1 September 2014. See also Statutory WalkingDistance.Next nearest appropriateschool (as defined by <strong>South</strong><strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>)This may be the next nearest school (the schoolwithin the Area of Prime Responsibility serving thehome address) with a place available, or the nextnearest school able to meet a child’s identifiedspecial educational needs.Over-subscription criteria (see also‘admission criteria’)This refers to the published criteria that anadmission authority applies when a school hasmore applications than places available in orderto decide which children will be allocated a place.Glossary of terms❚❚or, where the distance is over two miles butthe school is still the nearest school;they are full or half brother or sister; or✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk137

Glossary of termsParent (parental responsibility)Both a child’s parents will have parentalresponsibility for the child if they are married andare the child’s natural parents. If the parents of achild are not married to each other, the motherautomatically has parental responsibility, but thefather does not. He can subsequently acquireparental responsibility by the following means:❚❚❚a parental responsibility agreement;becoming registered as the child’s father onthe birth certificate;an order of the court granting him parentalresponsibility or a residence order.Other persons can acquire parental responsibilityfor a child in the following ways:❚❚❚being granted a residence order;being appointed a guardian or specialguardian;adopting the child.A local authority can acquire parentalresponsibility for a child under a care order or anemergency protection order. Only the parent withlegal responsibility may complete and submit theschool place application.Parental/carer preferenceParents/carers have the right to express apreference for the school they wish their childto attend. This right to express a preference isset out in the School Standards and FrameworkAct 1998. <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, asadmission authority, must comply with parental/carer preference regarding parents’/carers’preference for school except:❚when to do so would prejudice the provisionof efficient education or the efficient use ofresources; or❚❚❚where to do so would result in exceedingthe limit on infant class sizes, as imposedby Section 1(6) of the School Standards andFramework Act 1998;when a child has been permanently excludedfrom two or more schools and the mostrecent exclusion has taken place within twoyears;when allocating places through the FairAccess Protocol.Applications for places will be considered againstthe published admission criteria without referenceto the applicants’ order of preference. Whereapplicants meet the criteria for more than oneschool, the final offer will be the highest rankedschool with a place available.Phasing full time admissionNew reception year children who start schoolin September will not normally be in full timeattendance until Term 2 (December 2015).Parents/carers should contact individual schoolsfor details of the arrangements. This does notapply to children starting school at any other timeof the year.School term and holiday datesThe school term and holiday dates are arrangedin six terms (the three traditional terms are dividedinto two terms each). The school term and holidaydates for the academic year 2015/2016 areprovided in the “School term and holiday dates”section of this booklet.Special educational needs (SEN)A child with special educational needs may havelearning difficulties or disabilities which make itharder for them to learn or access education thanmost other children of the same age. Childrenwith Statements of SEN follow the arrangementsset out in the SEN Code of Practice for admissionto school and are not subject to the generaladmission arrangements set out in this booklet.138Apply on-line at: www.southglos.gov.uk/admissions

Special resource basesA Special Resource Base (SRB) is a specialistprovision, operated by a mainstream school oracademy. SRB’s usually provide time-limitedor long-term placements on either a part-timeor full-time basis and offer the opportunity forassessment and planning around the individualneeds of pupils with special educational needsand/or a disability.Statement of special educationalneeds (SEN)A legal document issued by the local authorityspecifying the particular needs, resources andprovision required to support the child, andcan include a named school that is suitable forproviding education for that child.Statutory school ageChildren starting school must be in attendanceby the term after their fifth birthday i.e. at thebeginning of either the January (Term 3) or April(Term 5) terms, according to a child’s date ofbirth. Summer born children (born between 1 Apriland 31 August) are not of statutory school ageuntil the following September but are normallyadmitted to school in the September followingtheir fourth birthday. This means they can benefitfrom three years of infant education and join thereception class at the age of four.Statutory walking distanceThe statutory walking distance is “measuredby the shortest route along which a childaccompanied as necessary may walk withreasonable safety” between home and thenearest school gate. Distances are measuredfrom home to the nearest school gate using the<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Routes to SchoolGazetteer adopted by 1 September 2014. Thecouncil is unable to consider distances calculatedusing other measurement tools. See also “Straightline distance” and “Nearest available walkingroute”.Straight line distanceIn determining which applicants live closest toschool, distances from home to school will bemeasured in a straight line between the addresspoint of the child’s home and a central pointwithin the main school building. Applications forassistance with transport are assessed using thenearest available walking route. See also “Nearestavailable walking route”.Supplementary formsParents/carers who list their preferred schoolson the common application form are regardedas having made a valid application. Howeverfor applicants at denominational schoolssupplementary application forms may be requiredto be completed in addition to the commonapplication form. Parents/carers are advised tocheck with the individual school concerned.Under-subscribed schoolsA school is under-subscribed when the numberof applications for places is fewer than theadmission number of the school.Voluntary aided schools (VA)In a voluntary aided school the governing body isthe admission authority and its over-subscriptioncriteria will normally differ from those used by<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>. The governingbody will, therefore, determine how placesare to be allocated, but under co-ordinatedarrangements applications for all schools(including voluntary aided schools) are madeon the single <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> applicationform which is included in this booklet or can becompleted on-line. All school places are offeredby <strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, including thoseat voluntary aided schools where offers are madeon behalf of the governing body.Voluntary controlled schools (VC)<strong>South</strong> <strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is the admissionauthority for voluntary controlled schools andis responsible for determining the admissionarrangements and allocating places.Glossary of terms✆ 01454 868008 cis@southglos.gov.uk139

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