Notice - UJVN Limited Dehradun...

Notice - UJVN Limited Dehradun...

Notice - UJVN Limited Dehradun...

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<strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>H.O.: “UJJWAL” MAHARANI BAGH, G.M.S. ROAD,DEHRADUN-248006 (PHONE NO: 0135-2763508, 2763508)TENDER NOTICETender <strong>Notice</strong> Reference No. 07/2013-14/E.E.Office of the Executive Engineer, <strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>. Division- Dharchula, District-Pithoragarh(Uttarakhand) invites sealed tenders from the interested parties for flood protection work along theriver bank (nalah) for power house building at 2X1500KW Relagad SHP from chainage 0 to 200 m attehsil- Dharchula in District Pithoragarh (Uttarakhand).Brief summary of work and detail of tender are given below.Nature of work: Civil worksApproximate value of tender: Rs. 19.52 lacsEarnest money: Rs.48,800.00Last date for downloading tender documents : 14.08.2013Last date for receipt of tenders : 16.08.2013 (up to 15:00 Hrs.)Date & time of opening bids: 19.08.2013 (at 15:30 Hrs.)For eligibility criteria and full & further details, kindly visit our website. The tender document of theabove work can only be downloaded directly from the Nigam’s websitewww.uttarakhandjalvidyut.com and the cost of tender document shall be paid at the time ofsubmission of tender document as mentioned in the detailed tender notice.“Avoid wasteful use of electricity”Executive Engineer (SHP- Dharchula);wtsoh,u fyfeVsMiz/kku dk;kZy;] ^mTToy^] egkjkuh ckx] tujy egknso flag jksM+nsgjknwu&248006] nwjÒk"k% 0135&2763508 ,oa 2763508fufonk vkea=.k lwpukfufonk lanHkZ la-%& fufonk la- 07@2013&14@bZ-bZ-rglhy /kkjpwyk] ftyk fiFkkSjkx

<strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>H.O.: “Ujjwal”, Maharani Bagh, GMS Road, <strong>Dehradun</strong>-248 001(Phone No.: 0135-2763508, 2763808 Fax: 0135-2763507)DETAIL TENDER NOTICEThe Office of the Executive Engineer, <strong>UJVN</strong> Ltd., Division- Dharchula, Dist. Pithoragarh(Uttarakhand) invites sealed tenders in two parts viz., Part I & Part – II from the interestedcontractors/parties. Complete tender document can be downloaded from on our official websitewww.uttarakhandjalvidyut.com after submission of dully filled in prescribed application format. Last date for downloading the tender document 14.08.2013 Last date and time for receipt of the bid document 16.08.2013 up to 15:00 Hrs. Date and time of opening the bids 19.08.2013 at 15:30 Hrs.Bid shall be opened by undersigned or his authorized representative in presence of thebidders or their authorized representatives in the office of the Executive Engineer (SHP),<strong>UJVN</strong><strong>Limited</strong>, Division-Dharchula, Dist. Pithoragarh on19.08.2013 at 15:30 Hrs.TENDER DOCUMENTS (to be downloaded from the website of <strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>)i. The cost of downloaded tender documents (tender fee) must be submitted along with theoffer failing which the tender will be rejected.ii. Those Prospective Bidders who will download the Tender Document shall invariablyintimate the Tender issuing Office about its downloading and it is the responsibility of theTender Issuing Office that they will directly intimate the Tenderer for any alteration in theTender Document (besides issuing the corrigendum)iii. The system facilitates the Tenderer to download and use the Tender Documents for thepurpose of submitting the bids. However it will be the responsibility of prospectivebidders to ensure the use of complete Tender Documents available on website(www.uttarakhandjalvidyut.com )iv. The downloaded Tender Documents will be considered fully and legally valid forparticipation in the tender process.v. The bid shall be accompanied by duly filled and signed downloading Application Formwhich has been used by the vendor for downloading the tender document from websitehas accompanied. This “Application Form” will be an integral part of tender document. Ifthis application form is not submitted in original with tender, it will be summarilyrejected.vi. The tenderer has to submit a list of last ten orders with brief description of work whichmay have been executed by the bidder for <strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>.vii. The tenderer has to submit performance certificate from the concerned G.M. for the lastfive jobs which he may have performed in <strong>UJVN</strong>L. Such data and information should notbe concealed by the bidder. If any concealment is discovered at a later date, the concernedcontractor shall be summarily disqualified for doing business with <strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>.viii. The complete tender document has to be submitted duly signed on each page and inoriginal as downloaded by the tenderer. Photocopy of downloaded tender document willbe summarily rejected.1. TENDERING PROCEDURESealed tender complete with all schedules, appendix, drawing etc. and tender form dulyfilled in can be submitted by the tenderers at any of the following three offices of theNigam. Office of the General Manager (Ganga Valley), <strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>, Mayapur,Haridwar.

Office of the Executive Engineer, <strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>, Division-Dharchula(Pithoragarh). Office of the Manager (A&S), <strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>, “UJJWAL” G.M.S Road,<strong>Dehradun</strong>.2. PREPARATION OF TENDERBefore submission of the tenders, the tenderers shall be required to make themselves, fullyconversant with the technical specification, drawings, general conditions of contract etc.Tenderers are advised to make themselves familiarized with works site and work volumebefore bidding The tenders must be submitted on the attached form/format along with allrequite documents and or copies thereof to facilitate the purchaser to prepare comparativestatement failure to do so may prevent the tender from being considered..3. SUBMISSION OF TENDERTender shall be submitted in two separate envelop as Part 1 and Part 2. Further, these twoenvelope shall be put together in another envelop marked with Tender number, due datefor opening, name of work and addressed to this office of Executive Engineer (SHP),<strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>, Division-Dharchula, Dist. Pithoragarh.i. PART 1 Tender shall be further sub divided as Part 1A and Part IB. Part 1A shallcomprise of Tender Fee and Earnest Money in separate envelop marked as PART 1A.Any offer not containing/accompanying the Tender Fee and Earnest Money, shall not beopened and thus liable for out rightly rejection as per standing order of <strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>.Part IB shall comprise of E.P.F. Registration Certificate, Income Tax certificates (PANNo)., Sales Tax/Trade Tax Registration Certificate, Tender Validity Certificate on nonjudicialstamp paper worth Rs. 100/- with revenue stamp of Rs.1/-, Original DownloadedApplication Form duly signed in, List of Orders / Performance Certificates, documentsfulfilling eligibility conditions and others documents as per tender requirements, completetender document along all schedule duly filled in except “Schedule –B” (Price Bid).Both 1A and 1B shall be put in another envelop marked as PART I.ii. Part-2 shall comprise of price bid only as per prescribed format of “Schedule-B”. Thisenvelop shall be clearly marked with TENDER PART 2 (PRICE BID) AGAINSTTENDER NO. ……….. DUE FOR OPEN ON DATE……………….TENDER FEEThe Tender Fee should be deposited in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of“Deputy General Manager (S.H.P.), <strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong> (PNB A/C No-1672000100097544) & payable at Pithoragarh inclusive of trade tax @ 13.50 % asstated below.NIT: 07/2013-14/E.E,Rs. 1135.00 only4. EARNEST MONEYThe Earnest Money, in the shape of BG/FDR/CDR/TDR/NSC etc. issued from anyscheduled bank/post office shall be submitted along with offer and which should bepledged to Deputy General manager, <strong>UJVN</strong> Ltd., Pithoragarh. Earnest money is statedbelow.NIT: 07 /2013-14/E.E.Rs. 48,800.00 only5. PRE QUALIFYING CONDITION5.1 Contractor should have registration with sale tax department/trade tax department, incometax department and employees provident fund organization. Documentary proof shall haveto be submitted along with tender document (Bid Part 1).5.2 An affidavit on non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- with revenue ticket of Rs. 1/- affixedon it shall have to be submitted by the bidder in Bid Part-1.5.3 Bidder shall have the experience in execution of similar work as specified in the tender inhill area in power utilities. Certificate of satisfactory performance of the work of similarnature shall have to be submitted by the bidder.

5.4 Experience of having successfully completed works during last 7 years ending last day ofmonth previous to the one in which applications are invited should be either of thefollowing:a. Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 40 % of theestimated cost.b. Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 50 % of theestimated cost.c. One similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 80 % of theestimated cost.d. Similar works intends for supply, fixing, testing of pressure relieving valve orrepairing, testing and commissioning of penstock or pressure vessels in the hillyregion.5.5 Average annual financial turnover during the last 03 years, ending 31 st march of theprevious financial year, should be at least 30% of the estimated cost.5.6 Financial standing should be established through latest I.T.C.C., annual report (balancesheet and profit & loss account) of last 3 years.6. DETAILS OF TENDERSNIT: - 07/2013-14/E.E.Name of work: : Flood protection work along the river bank (nalah) for powerhouse building at 2X1500 KW Relagad SHP from chainage 0 to200 m at tehsil Dharchula in district Pithoragarh.Completion time : 45 daysTender Fees : Rs. 1135.00 (including trade tax @ 13.50%)Earnest Money: : Rs. 48800.00 onlyEstimated tender value : Rs. 19.52 Lacs only (Inclusive of all taxes and duties)7. RIGHT OF AMENDMENTThe purchaser may revise or amend, the specification, drawings and other conditions priorto the date notified for opening the tenders. Such revision or amendment, if any, will beintimated to all concerned tenderers.8. VALIDITYThe tenders shall be valid for a period of 3 months from the date of tender of opening ofTenders, which are not valid for 3 calendar months, may not be considered9. AWARD OF CONTRACTi. The <strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong> shall not be bound to accept the lowest or any other tender andreserves with Executive Engineer (SHP), <strong>UJVN</strong> <strong>Limited</strong>, Dharchula the right of acceptingthe whole or any portion of the tender as he may think fit without assigning any reasonthereof. The contractor may be asked to immediately start the work keeping in view theurgency of the work.i. The successful tenderer shall have to enter into a contract agreement with the purchaser asper condition other special conditions attached with the tender specifications.ii. All disputes arising out and touching or relating to subject matter of agreement/ order shallbe subject to the jurisdiction of local court/high court of Nainital under the provisionsmade in relevant clause.iii. Penalty @ ½ % per week maximum up to 10% may be imposed if contractor does notcomplete the work within stipulated period of the contract.10. EVALUATIONIn comparing tenders and in making awards, the Purchaser may consider such factors ascompliance with specifications, relative quality and adaptability of supplies or services,experience, record of integrity in dealing, ability to furnish repairs and maintenanceservices, the time of delivery, capability to perform including available facilities such as

adequate shops, plant, equipment, technical organization etc. In case price of some itemsare given in lump sum, where unit prices are required, Purchaser reserves the right toevaluate unit prices on the basis of lump sum prices. The Purchaser does not pledge toaccept the lowest or any other tender, which in the judgment of <strong>UJVN</strong><strong>Limited</strong> is not foundin its best interest and may even cancel all the tenders without assigning any reasonthereof.11. CANVASSINGNo tenderer shall canvass with any Nigam officials in respect of his own or other tender.Contravention of this condition will result in rejection of the tender. This clause shall not,however, be deemed to prevent the tenderer from supplying to the Purchaser any furtherinformation asked for by the Purchaser.12. DEVIATIONS FROM CONTRACTAll the conditions connected with the offer are to be as per General conditions of Contractannexed and these ‘Instructions to Tenderers’. Tenderers are advised to accept them intotal. Only in exceptional cases, deviations can be considered. Such deviations as requiredshould be entered separately on a sheet under heading Deviations from Contract Form inthe prescribed Schedule enclosed giving reasons for not accepting the standard clauses. Nocognizance shall be taken in any desired modification in the conditions of Contract, ifmentioned outside this schedule.13. REVISED DATE OF TENDER OPENINGIn case the date of tender opening specified in the tender specification falls a gazetteholiday, the date of receipt & opening of tenders shall automatically shifted to nextworking day at the same time, for which no further amendment order shall be issued.14. The contractor shall be fully responsible for any sort of accident or injury to hislabour/staff while on duty and he will take all possible measures to ensure that no suchevent is occurred. However in case on any accident of any nature, during the execution ofwork the department will not be held responsible or liable to make any compensation tocontractor’s labor/staff. The contractor will observe all the rules and regulation of FactoryAct and Workmen Compensation Act. In case of any loss or damage to Nigam’s propertyduring the execution of work due to negligence on the part of contractor’s labor, thecontractor has to pay the charges of these losses as assessed by this office. In this regardthe decision of Executive Engineer will be final and binding on the part of contractor.15. Undersigned reserve the right to relax the condition in the best interest of Nigam.Undersigned reserves the right to reject/accept/divide the work amongst one or morecontractors without assigning any reason thereof’16. Please refer complete tender document for other terms and condition.Executive EngineerDivision- Dharchula“AVOID WASTEFUL USE OF ELECTRICITY”

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