Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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Bruce Heard Interviewbehalf. Surrounding realms aren’t likely toside with <strong>Karameikos</strong> if a full-blown conflictdeveloped. The solution for <strong>Karameikos</strong> is tonegotiate with imperial circles whilecultivating strategic ties, such as marriagesand alliances with opposing parties inThyatis. At worst, <strong>Karameikos</strong> could deal withAlphatia, but that would be counter-currentto the aspirations <strong>of</strong> its people. It would bean act <strong>of</strong> desperation that would destroyprevious associations with Thyatian partiesand Karameikan aristocracy.Why do you think <strong>Karameikos</strong> is such apopular gazetteer?It’s the first in a series, it describes the startingpoint <strong>of</strong> the Basic D&D game, and it’s welldone. The product’s style is spot on. Theformat is good. Art and maps are excellent.And the author’s concepts andinterpretations add yet another level.Therefore, it’s natural that this would be apopular title. All that in 64-pages. It was a bitpricey, at $10.00 retail, compared with“Northern Reaches” which ran 96 pages andwas packed with goodies, priced at $8.95 thefollowing year. Don’t ask why—I don’tremember how that happened. I surmise thatinitial sales for <strong>Karameikos</strong> were seriouslyunderestimated, resulting in a higher salesprice. It had to be reprinted a number <strong>of</strong>times, and by then, the remainder <strong>of</strong> theGazetteer series became a lot more crediblein the eyes <strong>of</strong> TSR’s upper management.From a financial point <strong>of</strong> view, GAZ1 provedvery pr<strong>of</strong>itable for TSR, and an auspiciousstart which earned upper management’slong-lasting support for this product line.How did you first get into working withAaron Allston? Do you have any particularmemories <strong>of</strong> your working together onMystara?When I was put in charge <strong>of</strong> “coordinating”the Games Division’s freelance acquisitions,I went through a thorough process <strong>of</strong>identifying writers and evaluating theirtalents and experience. Aaron had anestablished record as a contributor to otherpublishers. He also came warmlyrecommended when I asked around. If Irecall correctly, I hired him for N4 “TreasureHunt” in 1986, then “Skarda’s Mirror” in1987. Aaron did well in both cases, so Isolicited his services once more that year, for<strong>Karameikos</strong>, which he executed very well.His reliability at the time was anothersignificant factor that earned him eventuallya lead position with the Mystara productline. Aaron was easy to get along with,willing to follow my initial directions, verypr<strong>of</strong>essional, hard-working, down to Earth,a talented creative, and a reliable partner. Ienjoyed his interpretations <strong>of</strong> the requiredassignments and had more than my share <strong>of</strong>chuckles when reading his first drafts.Besides, he has velcro-like hair, so when hesticks to you, you can’t get rid <strong>of</strong> him! Plushe lives in Austin, Texas, which is a coolplace. Did I miss anything?You've made your return to the Mystaracommunity in great style, with the indepthcoverage <strong>of</strong> Alphatia and the DogDays <strong>of</strong> Rougeain in your blog. What areyour plans for the future <strong>of</strong> the blog?Part <strong>of</strong> me wants to completely finish thetopic <strong>of</strong> Alphatia, to the degree I’ve reachedwith the present chapters (Ar, Ambur,Frisland). This requires substantial writeupsfor Limn, Stonewall, Stoutfellow, etc. Alsooriginally planned were surroundingcolonies, such as Bellissaria, Qeodhar,84THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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