Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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there was but one Eye, the Fire Opal used by QueenPetra to foresee the defeat <strong>of</strong> the Beast Men at thecost <strong>of</strong> the life <strong>of</strong> Halav Red Hair. Others claim thatthere are other Eyes: A Black Opal Eye, said to havebound the souls <strong>of</strong> the Terrible Sisters Trilena andKarelena; its misuse has also been cited as the causefor the Silent Forest in the middle <strong>of</strong> Dymrak’sWood, as well as the Silver Princess’ curse thatclaimed Lost Haven. Legends tell <strong>of</strong> an Azure Eye,said to be the source <strong>of</strong> All Knowledge, the stonethrough which Zirchev learned and taught the skills<strong>of</strong> forging bronze to Halav, and use <strong>of</strong> the loom andwheel to Petra. The Huntsman’s knowledge <strong>of</strong> thestirrup and laminate bow were also said to havebeen gleaned from the stone. Some say that hispeople, the Darine, pay to this very day for Zirchev’smastery <strong>of</strong> Runic magic, that the price will be metwhen they find and master the Last Eye, the ViridianEye <strong>of</strong> Time.The White Witches. Historical anomalies, thesefigures appear over and over again in the tales <strong>of</strong> theTraladarans, and, in fact, many other culturesthroughout the Known World <strong>of</strong> Thorn’s Mystara.Tapestries surviving from the earliest days after thedefeat <strong>of</strong> the Beast Men (such as one recovered fromthe Temple <strong>of</strong> the Shield) show them in thecompany <strong>of</strong> Halav and Petra. Woodcuts <strong>of</strong> theearliest Thyatian missionaries’ transcriptions <strong>of</strong> theSong <strong>of</strong> Halav — even verses <strong>of</strong> the Song itself —reference the pale golden-haired girls. Are theyelves? Faeries? No two sources agree on their originor purpose, except that they come to the aid <strong>of</strong>heroes in their darkest hours. Or is it that they lureheroes to their doom?Zirchev’s Folk, and His Gift: One tribe chose t<strong>of</strong>lee Traladara, rather than face the onslaught <strong>of</strong> theBeast Men, only to return some 400 years later afterwandering the Great Waste and the Plain <strong>of</strong> Fire farto the west. They have never truly been welcomedback, and are regarded with an even deeperbehind the weaves. Because theTower <strong>of</strong> Seven Lights is located inthe Alphatian capital, thosestudying methodical, rigidcoursework are called SundsvallInitiates. Their weaves tend to bemore powerful when workingwithin their Talents, but they areunable to do much beyond whatthey haven’t yet learned. Bycontrast, those who forego studyat the Tower to learn on their own,or with a non-Tower-trainedmentor follow the Cipriantradition <strong>of</strong> instinct and trial-anderror.This is the method favoredby the Flaemish weavers <strong>of</strong> Braejrand the Glantrian Alps. While theirweaves tend to pack slightly lesspunch than those <strong>of</strong> theirAlphatian counterparts, Ciprian“Wilders” (as those in Sundsvallrefer to them) have a widerbreadth <strong>of</strong> weaves to use withintheir chosen Talents.Clerical and druidic magicfunction just as written in the D&DRules Cyclopedia.These changes wrought on themagics <strong>of</strong> Thorn’s Mystara involvesignificant alterations to the twomagical powerhouse nations <strong>of</strong>Alphatia and Glantri. But we’llhave to save those summaries forfuture issues <strong>of</strong> Threshold....79THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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