Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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<strong>Karameikos</strong> - The Hidden Yearsinherit land in Thyatis, Stefan married intothe prominent Traladaran family <strong>of</strong> Marilenevand set about restoring the ancestral estate.It was during the emperor’s first <strong>of</strong>ficial visitto Specularum in 901 AC that Stefan wasformally invested as Duke <strong>of</strong> Marilenev,renewing a historic Traladaran fiefdom.According to <strong>Karameikos</strong>: Kingdom <strong>of</strong>Adventure, Jan Vandevic, leader <strong>of</strong> a band <strong>of</strong>mercenaries during the conquest, was alsorewarded for his loyal service to the Empirewith a fief.Duke Stefan controlled a strong militarypresence and constantly sought to expand histerritory. Soon after consolidating his holdon the Duchy <strong>of</strong> Marilenev, a ColonelRosentos was sent to explore and lay claim tothe unknown lands to the west, as describedin AC2: The Treasure <strong>of</strong> the Hideous One.Only a single soldier, Captain Fondalus,returned from this expedition, laterrecounting his tale <strong>of</strong> the doomed mission toa Thyatian scribe. Meanwhile, the provincialgovernor <strong>of</strong> Traladara oversaw construction<strong>of</strong> the fortress <strong>of</strong> Krakatos to the north <strong>of</strong>Specularum as a bulwark against invasionfrom the humanoid tribes who wererumoured to dwell within the interior.The Duchy <strong>of</strong> Marilenev soon had cause forcelebration, with the birth to the Duke andhis wife <strong>of</strong> a son. However, back in the Duchy<strong>of</strong> Machetos, Stefan’s older brother diedsuddenly, and his fief passed to a daughter.Her lands did not remain as a dowry for long,and she was soon married to a scion <strong>of</strong> theKorrigan family. Then, for reasons thatremain unclear, Stefan chose to abdicate in931 AC. He retired to a monastic community,earning him the epithet <strong>of</strong> Duke Stefan "theHermit". Fortunately, his son Boris was wellregarded, and his claim to the Duchy wassoon approved by the Thyatian Emperor.DUKE BORISKARAMEIKOS AND THEHOUSE OF VONHENDRIKSDuke Boris increased ties with Thyatis byarranging for a strategic marriage withAmelia von Hendriks <strong>of</strong> Hattias. Thistriggered a new wave <strong>of</strong> Thyatian immigrantsto the Traladara region, most notably fromHattias but also from throughout theEmpire. One <strong>of</strong> Amelia’s relatives wasgranted the fief <strong>of</strong> Halag to the west, andbegan constructing a fortress to safeguardthe populace. Others, such as members <strong>of</strong>the prominent Rodemus family <strong>of</strong> ThyatisCity, settled in and around the town <strong>of</strong> Luln.Boris and Amelia had two sons, namingthem Stefan and Victor. The boys grew upspeaking both Traladaran and Thyatian, andwere equally at ease in both cultures. Theywere weaned on Traladaran folk tales bytheir grandmother, but were also educatedby the finest tutors from the Thyatian capital.Both underwent the Traladaran custom <strong>of</strong>shearing, which greatly contributed topopularizing its uptake among the earlyThyatian settlers.Stefan, the eldest, was widely anticipated tobecome Duke after his father , and spent hisyouth adventuring throughout theuncharted wilderness <strong>of</strong> Traladara. That hecould pass as a native Traladaran allowedhim to gain a familiarity with the commonfolk, and he <strong>of</strong>ten traveled between remotevillages and homesteads, becoming afamous and much-loved adventurer.71THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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