Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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<strong>Karameikos</strong> - The Hidden YearsFROMTHE VAULTSOF PANDIUSA historical timeline <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Karameikos</strong>family between 901-969 ACThe <strong>of</strong>ficial history <strong>of</strong> the Grand Duchy <strong>of</strong><strong>Karameikos</strong>, as related by Aaron Allston inGAZ 1: The Grand Duchy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Karameikos</strong>,describes the Thyatian conquest <strong>of</strong> Traladarain 900 AC, but skims over the events <strong>of</strong> thedecades leading up to the arrival <strong>of</strong> DukeStefan <strong>Karameikos</strong> III in 970 AC. Earliermaterial relating to the Grand Duchypublished in AC2: The Treasure <strong>of</strong> theHideous One by David Cook clearly indicatesa ducal presence dating back to the originalconquest. Taken together with a genealogicaltable for the <strong>Karameikos</strong> family published in<strong>Karameikos</strong>: Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Adventure, ahistorical timeline may be imagined for theso-called “Hidden Years” preceding thearrival <strong>of</strong> the Duke who would be King.The HIDDEN YEARSby Demetrios J. SahlasTHE CONQUEST OFTRALADARA AND REIGNOF DUKE STEFAN “THEHERMIT”The Thyatian conquest <strong>of</strong> Traladara in 900 ACoccurred during the reign <strong>of</strong> EmperorGabronius IV. The general <strong>of</strong> the campaignmay well have been Flavian Osteropolous.Upon his return from Traladara he erected achapel at his estate in Thyatis dedicated toVanya, patroness <strong>of</strong> war and conquest. FromDDA1: Arena <strong>of</strong> Thyatis we learn that “Flavianwas undoubtedly the Osteropolous mostaccomplished in the martial arts, as well as,the most pious. He seems to have beensurprisingly honest in his political activities,as well.” The port <strong>of</strong> Marilenev was renamedSpecularum by the military governorinstalled by the victorious Emperorfollowing the brief but successful campaign.Several <strong>of</strong> the Thyatian noblemen whoplayed key roles in the conquest soon beganto maneuver for new fiefs. Most notableamong these was Stefan <strong>Karameikos</strong>, ayounger son <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Karameikos</strong> dynasty thathad long ruled the wealthy Duchy <strong>of</strong>Machetos. With no immediate prospects to70THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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