Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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The History <strong>of</strong> <strong>Karameikos</strong>THE EYES OF TRALDAR AND OTHER STORIESTHE HANTU VALLEY ANDTHE GREY MOUNTAINB7 – Rahasia! adventure module introducedthe elven village <strong>of</strong> Kota-Hutan, located in aforest at the feet <strong>of</strong> the Gray Mountain.There stood a temple devoted to the elves’philosophy, called the Quiet Way, foundedby the elves’ ancient spiritual leader, ahuman sage called Elyas. The followers <strong>of</strong>the Quiet Way are called the Siswa. While theoriginal module’s setting was generic, laterB1-9 – In Search <strong>of</strong> Adventure supplementplaced Kota-Hutan in an area <strong>of</strong> enchantedforest in the wooded hills east <strong>of</strong> the Duke’sRoad tract which continues north <strong>of</strong>Penhaligon. The area is known as the HantuValley.TOO MANY EYES,OPALS, AND ORBS!According to B7’s background, Elyas waslater killed in a fight against three witcheswho coveted one <strong>of</strong> the sage’s magical items,the Black Opal Eye, but managed to defeatthem, imprisoning their souls under a largemountain (the Gray Mountain), on whichthe elves later built their temple to honorElyas’ memory.Magic items similar to the Black Opal Eyewere also introduced in other supplements.The first was the adventure The Treasure <strong>of</strong>the Hideous One, included within AC2 –Combat Shield and Mini-Adventuresupplement, where the Essence-Orb <strong>of</strong>Trikla the Black Seer, a powerful and evilmagician <strong>of</strong> ages past, was described. Thesecond was the Eye <strong>of</strong> Traldar, a powerfuldivination magical device introduced in theadventure DDA3 – Eye <strong>of</strong> Traldar.While these items are unrelated in <strong>of</strong>ficialsources, as they all have divination powers,it seemed interesting to develop a story thatlinked all <strong>of</strong> them together. Somecontributions by Mystara fans during thecourse <strong>of</strong> the years developed the storywhich identifies the Black Opal Eye withthe Essence-Orb <strong>of</strong> Trinkla the Black Seer,and which is summed up below.THE EYES OF TRALDARBefore the Traldar hero Zirchev becameImmortal around BC 870, he trained amortal apprentice and entrusted him withthe protection <strong>of</strong> the Traldar lands. He gavehim two most-powerful magic items withdivination powers, two orbs known as theEyes <strong>of</strong> Traldar: the Fire Opal Eye and theBlack Opal Eye. Zirchev’s apprentice tookresidence in a secluded place near the Lake<strong>of</strong> Lost Dreams, and became known as apowerful sage and a benevolent magicuser.He was called by the locals the Seer <strong>of</strong>the Lake <strong>of</strong> Lost Dreams, the Seer <strong>of</strong> theLake <strong>of</strong> Lost Souls, or the Seer <strong>of</strong> Traldar.Various magic-users succeeded as Seers inthe course <strong>of</strong> the centuries, each onetrained by the previous Seer.TRINKLA THE BLACK SEERAs the Seer’s role became more evident,dark and evil forces began harassing him toeliminate the threat he represented to thefulfillment <strong>of</strong> their plans, or to steal fromhim the magic items which made him sopowerful. In BC 308, a young Traladaran67THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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