Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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The History <strong>of</strong> <strong>Karameikos</strong>Marilenev-supported Baron <strong>of</strong> Halag,Ulstagh Vargos 40 , was killed, the new cadetbranchVargos ruler <strong>of</strong> Halag assumed thetitle <strong>of</strong> duke. In response, Duke VasilIvanovich <strong>of</strong> Achelos proclaimed himselfKing <strong>of</strong> Achelos.It was the end <strong>of</strong> the League, which wasformally dissolved in the same AC 612, andthe beginning <strong>of</strong> another age <strong>of</strong> strife. Also,the League’s dissolution marked the end <strong>of</strong>Marilenev’s hegemony over Traladara; theweakening <strong>of</strong> the Duke and <strong>of</strong> the oldlandowning aristocracy <strong>of</strong> the city promptedthe new merchant families represented bythe trade guilds to take power in the city witha bloody coup, which ousted the old familiesand reduced the duke to a mere figureheadwhich now had to rule from CastleMarilenev, in the countyside south-west <strong>of</strong>the city 41 .Conflicts between the various clans and citieswould break out openly in AC 653. Anotherwave <strong>of</strong> vampirism and lycanthropy, togetherwith the spread and the increase <strong>of</strong> activity <strong>of</strong>entropic cults, marked the beginning <strong>of</strong> atime <strong>of</strong> religious wars between the clans,known as the Holy Wars, which would go onuntil AC 728. Fear <strong>of</strong> an uncontrolled spread<strong>of</strong> vampirism exploded when the King <strong>of</strong>Darokin, Aden III, was discovered to be amember <strong>of</strong> the undead 42 . This discoveryturned into psychosis and war when it40Mention <strong>of</strong> Baron Ulstagh’s death in AC 612 is found in theBallad <strong>of</strong> Nob Nar, in GAZ8.41While this event is borrowed from G. Agosta’s A <strong>Karameikos</strong>Companion and from the Fantasy Cities: Specularum project, Ichose to keep the dukes <strong>of</strong> Marilenev in existence after AC 612,even if deprived <strong>of</strong> their control over the city itself; this is due to thefact that a “king” <strong>of</strong> Marilenev is mentioned in Poor Wizard’sAlmanac I, a Radu (likely his name, not his surname) whohappened to be in charge in AC 872.42The story <strong>of</strong> King Aden III <strong>of</strong> Darokin was created by A. Nowack(The Kings <strong>of</strong> Darokin) and expanded by G. Agosta (A <strong>Karameikos</strong>Companion).became clear that many Traladaran clanshosted night creatures within their ranks.This stream <strong>of</strong> conflicts was terrible andwiped out whole clans, going onintermittently among persecutions,stakings, famines, and plagues. Heroes andvillains were raised and perished during thisage; one <strong>of</strong> those was Gygar, the powerfulwizard-lord <strong>of</strong> Mistamere Castle (on LakeWindrush) who managed to carve a vastdominion in the surrounding area 43 . Butthis nearly century-long series <strong>of</strong> wars sawmany terrible events, like the rise and fall <strong>of</strong>the entropic cult <strong>of</strong> the infamous Monasteryon the Hill 44 , the transformation <strong>of</strong> theSulescu family head into a nosferatu, aresurgence <strong>of</strong> orcish and hill giant activity inthe Cruth Lowlands (caused by the defeat<strong>of</strong> orcs in the Shires around AC 700), andthe rise and defeat <strong>of</strong> Queen Elendorath <strong>of</strong>Vaion, who attempted to expand herdomain enlisting humanoid tribes underher banner 45 .The last years <strong>of</strong> the wars, known as theVampire War (AC 720-28) were particularlyterrible. The necromancer MorphailGorevitch-Woszlany, Count <strong>of</strong> Gorenenov,43What is known about Gygar comes from the background <strong>of</strong> thegroup adventure in D&D Basic Set: “Many years ago, this part <strong>of</strong>the Realm <strong>of</strong> Man was ruled by a magic-user named Gygar, a man<strong>of</strong> great and mysterioys powers. He ruled the lands from hismighty castle Mistamere, […] Gygar died after a long and peacefulrule, but no successor was named. […] Now, centuries later,[…]”. Gygar’s story and some <strong>of</strong> his creations (mostly weaponslike Comet’s Edge and the Sword <strong>of</strong> Gygar) were detailed by G.Agosta in his works (A <strong>Karameikos</strong> Companion and Lords <strong>of</strong> theCruth Lowlands); according to gim, Gygar should have died at thebeginning <strong>of</strong> the Vampire War (AC 720).44The Monstery on the Hill was introduced in B5: Horror on theHill adventure. The place’s background was further detailed andintegrated with Karameikan history by G. Agosta’s A <strong>Karameikos</strong>Companion and other works. The Monastery’s location on theaccompanying map follows the hints found in B1-9: In Search <strong>of</strong>Adventure.45Queen Elendorath was mentioned in B12: Queen’s Harvestadventure. Her story was further detailed and integrated withKarameikan history by G. Agosta’s A <strong>Karameikos</strong> Companion andother works.58THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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