Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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Guild WarsIf the PCs are members <strong>of</strong> the Phorsis Guardor another branch <strong>of</strong> the Karameikan military,solving the mystery may lead to promotion.Members <strong>of</strong> the Magicians’ Guild, on theother hand, will receive a free spell <strong>of</strong> theirchoice (level 1-3).If the characters are freelancer hired by LordZogrev Yarol or another member <strong>of</strong> theKarameikan government, they will be paid asper whatever agreement they had in place.CONSEQUENCESThis section describes how the political scene<strong>of</strong> Specularum will evolve depending on theoutcomes <strong>of</strong> the adventure, as well as theconsequences for the PCs. While the politicalscene will certainly be affected by theoutcome <strong>of</strong> the adventure, the PCs might not,if their involvement was kept a secret. Applythe results only if the involved faction isaware <strong>of</strong> their role in the case.Allowing Levinik be tried and/or sentenced:The PCs will lose favor with Radu and VeiledSociety, while they will gain favor with theNew Karameikan faction, as well as theTorenescu faction -- the latter, though, only ifthe Torenescu know the PCs were aware <strong>of</strong>the false clues and did not expose them.Levinik will fall in disgrace, even if he is finallyexonerated, as suspicions and rumors abouthis involvement in the crime will stillcirculate. Deprived <strong>of</strong> strong leadership, theApothecaries’ Guild may drop in status,though not enough to make it a minor guild.The guild will be contended between Raduand Torenescu, with the latter having agreater chance <strong>of</strong> gaining control.Exonerating Levinik: In this case, the PCs willgain favor with the Radu faction, and possiblywith the Veiled Society (if they already have aconnection there), but they will lose favorwith the Torenescu faction. Levinik’sposition will be strengthened, and theApothecaries’ Guild will remain strongly inthe Radu faction for years.LettSng Daniel and Mihail be tried andsentenced: If the PCs allow these two NPCsto lose their life to a false accusation, theywill be marked as pro-Thyatians, and willlose favor with all the Traladaran factions,and in particular will gain enemies in theanti-Thyatian fringe, while at the same timegaining some favor with Thyatian faction.The anti-Thyatian fringe will gain strength,and riots will be frequent in the followingmonths or perhaps even years. TheMarilenev faction will grow stronger andmore radical, possibly even getting closer tothe Veiled Society.The reverse will happen if the PCscontribute to exonerating the students --they will be looked upon favourably by mostTraladarans (except as noted above for otherparts <strong>of</strong> the resolution), and will becomeknown as local heroes. However, theThyatian faction will consider themdangerous troublemakers, and they will gainpowerful enemies at court.Revealing Aurel as the culprit and Iosif as alycanthrope: This solution will bring the PCsto the eyes <strong>of</strong> important political figures, inparticular the Duchess and Master Teldon.While they will likely earn the enmity <strong>of</strong>some <strong>of</strong> the political factions (as the result <strong>of</strong>exonerating Levinik and the Traladaranstudents), they will be considered by theseNPCs as reliable and not tied to factioninterests. Master Teldon, in particular, willshow his appreciation (and that <strong>of</strong> theMagicians’ Guild) by awarding a potion toeach PC. Select appropriate potions based171THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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