Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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Mirror <strong>of</strong> the Eternal Nightthe place to build her own strongest artifactthat will bring fulfillment <strong>of</strong> her Dream.1.777 BC: To prevent Kosmoteiros fromfalling into the hands <strong>of</strong> Thanatos, the priests<strong>of</strong> Nyx destroy the city with a terribleearthquake. Thousands die and the place isabandoned for many years as seismic activityincreases in the area.1.664 BC: After the destruction <strong>of</strong> Taymora,fairies <strong>of</strong> the Unseelie court take possession<strong>of</strong> the place and try to use the Starlake, but donot know <strong>of</strong> the hidden temple <strong>of</strong> Ixion below.1.597 BC: Lord Keiros, a Tal nosferatu andfollower <strong>of</strong> Nyx, conquers Koskatep from thedark fairies. Vampiric followers <strong>of</strong> Thanatosattack several times but are defeated.1.412 BC: Hutaakans conquer the site forIxion and Pflarr, a seriously wounded LordKeiros is forced to hide, and his followers areexterminated.1.021 BC: Orcs sacks Koskatep, somehutaakan priests survive hiding in the lowerlevels, and will become more guardians forthe hidden temple <strong>of</strong> Ixion.954 BC: After several battles a dwarven armydefeats the orcs and conquers Koskatep, butare soon in constant warfare with the gnollsthat rule over the region.912 BC: The dwarves are finally defeated bythe gnolls, who build their own city over theruins. Shamans <strong>of</strong> Ranivorus and Thanatosbegin to study the Starlake.841 BC: Followers <strong>of</strong> Nyx, aided by ogres andgiants, attack Koskatep but are unable toconquer it from the gnolls. Yet they succeedin killing the most powerful shamans <strong>of</strong>Thanatos and burning their notes.603 BC: The ogre king Kulfan conquersKoskatep in the name <strong>of</strong> Nyx and ogres ruleover the area for centuries. Human priests <strong>of</strong>the Lady <strong>of</strong> the Night live in the city alongwith them.95 AC: The Darkers almost complete theritual to use the Starlake and bring forth theEternal Night, but are stopped at the lastmoment by priests <strong>of</strong> Ixion, who drive outthe ogres and occupy Koskatep for years.227 AC: The priests <strong>of</strong> Ixion have repelledseveral attempts by ogres, giants andfollowers <strong>of</strong> Nyx trying to reclaim the ruins,but are destroyed at last by a very powerfuland ancient vampire sent by Thanatos, TheLast One. Some <strong>of</strong> them escape to the lowestlevel and become defenders <strong>of</strong> the innertemple. In the following centuries ogres,giants, followers <strong>of</strong> Nyx and evenadventurers sent by Ixion try to reclaimKoskatep, but The Last One destroys themall.912 AC: Traladaran freedom fighters hide inthe ruins for some time, but are destroyed bythe Thyatian army. The Thyatians soon leavethe place.998 AC (or later if the DM prefers): LadySonya, the Grand Daughter <strong>of</strong> the Night, apowerful priestess <strong>of</strong> Nyx, and her followers,are able to defeat The Last One and reclaimKoskatep.1031 AC: The next alignment. On this datethe Starlake could be used to bring forth TheEternal Night.148THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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