Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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Mirror <strong>of</strong> the Eternal NightYet another persecution ensued in 445 ACduring the Silver Purge. By this time theSulescu family was the only major clanprotecting the Tal people, and indeed in thisyear Ion Sulescu left the council <strong>of</strong> nobles inprotest. But despite this in 450 AC king BorisAchelos Halarov massacred the last <strong>of</strong> the freeTals in central Traladara. That was indeed theend <strong>of</strong> the People <strong>of</strong> the Night as a distinctculture.Neverthless, a major centre <strong>of</strong> the cult <strong>of</strong> Nyxsurvived to these days in Sulescu. Duringanother persecution by the king ArkuMarilenev in 703 AC, the current LordSulescu, recently turned into a Nosferatu, wasable to defeat the king's troops, establishing ade facto independent territory. Sulescubowed to the Thyatians in 900 and 970 AC inexchange for the unwritten agreement thatforeign religions would not come to botherhis land.THE CHURCH OF NYX INKARAMEIKOSSulescu however is not the only centre <strong>of</strong> thechurch in the nation. A centuries old cabal <strong>of</strong>wizards, The Sons <strong>of</strong> Night, has preserved thetraditions and the knowledge <strong>of</strong> Nyx secretlyin <strong>Karameikos</strong>, and much, much more. Onlya handful <strong>of</strong> people in <strong>Karameikos</strong> knowanything about them. Even the very efficientspies <strong>of</strong> Duchess Olivia have heard only thatthese wizards are headed by a "Fraternity <strong>of</strong>the Grand Darkers”, and have caused sometroubles in western <strong>Karameikos</strong>, in their mad,impossible plan to bring forth what they callthe “Dread Night”.The Sons <strong>of</strong> Night are in truth an organizationmuch more powerful than anyone knows.Throughout the centuries Nyx and her priestsstored in several locations <strong>of</strong> <strong>Karameikos</strong>’underdeep, in ancient tombs and lost cities,not only a vast supply <strong>of</strong> magical objects andpower, but also many faithful followersturned into two new kind <strong>of</strong> undeaddeveloped by the Church. The Undecayedappear as normal, slightly pale people, yetthey are dead and can potentially liveforever. (Statistics for zombies can be used,but their appearance is normal and theyretain memories and intelligence). TheUncorporeal are ghosts who can possess thebodies <strong>of</strong> any Undecayed or <strong>of</strong> living people(an unwilling victim will obviously beallowed a saving throw). Beyond their army<strong>of</strong> Undecayed and Uncorporeal, the Sons <strong>of</strong>Night have also many living followers,mostly wizards and priests but also warriors,thieves and common people, hiding in thegeneral population - and now they arealmost ready to reclaim their rightful placein the nation.In 998 AC the Sons <strong>of</strong> Night have indeedestablished their main fraternity among theruins <strong>of</strong> Koskatep... they have currentlyretrieved the artifact but so far haven't founda way to use it... yet. It will probably takeseveral years to perfectionate their plan, buteventually they’ll proclaim a newindependent theocracy <strong>of</strong> the Lady <strong>of</strong> theNight in all the Cruth mountains andsurrounding hills. And they will be ready toresist any attempt by the King’s troops todeny their rights.Note: If the DM wants to use Dhrom Dhumin their campaign (see page 119) theDarkers will engineer their declaration <strong>of</strong>independence at the same time as thegoblin, trying to win the support <strong>of</strong> theCruth ogres and Traladaran freedom fightersin the area too. (see Agathokles’ excellentLords <strong>of</strong> the Cruth Lowlands campaign.146THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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