Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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Strolojca and Draconiushalf-sister Chrysantha. The Penhaligon andCordelius families required an <strong>of</strong>ficial publicapology by Xentarion, which he gave, tryingafterwards to keep quiet for some months.Since then, he has tried to limit himself tonon-noble damsels, but the risk <strong>of</strong> himstumbling into the bed <strong>of</strong> some lady stilllurks behind every corner.Xentarion is used to doing as he pleases,fulfilling his wishes, be listened to andfawned over by others. He is quick to take<strong>of</strong>fense when contradicted or criticized, andhis quarrels, fist-fights, and occasional duels(not always won by him) with othernoblemen have become a matter for gossip.Xentarion is good-natured and won’t doanything that seriously harmed a person (atleast consciously) – but this doesn’t includeembarrassing his family or those <strong>of</strong> the ladieshe has affairs with. He is an intelligent,orderly, and tidy person, and would make hisfather proud <strong>of</strong> him if only he could restrainhis lecherousness and bad-temper.Unknown to him and to his family, Xentarionpossess a special gift. He was conceivedduring Kaldmont 28 th <strong>of</strong> the year AC 972, aday full <strong>of</strong> mystical meanings and arcaneeffects. As a consequence, he developed overthe years a set <strong>of</strong> unusual abilities whichallow him to read and influence otherpeople’s minds, penetrate into their dreams,and the like. With time, he could even beable to contact the Spirit World if hemanaged to direct and train his abilities.Xentarion’s skills are controlled by hisinnermost wishes, which up until nowmostly revolve around women: he’s likely toread the mind <strong>of</strong> a girl he wants to seduce,influence her feelings toward him, orpenetrate into the dreams <strong>of</strong> a woman hedesires – but all <strong>of</strong> this happens without hisconscious control. Sometimes, his abilitiescould even be <strong>of</strong> some use in tense ordangerous situations.In game terms, consider Xentarion a 3 rd -levelcleric, without clerical weapon restrictions.He advances as a cleric, and has two “open”first-level spell slots (no need to memorizespells) which he can use to “cast” (he doesn’tdo any casting actually, these effects take justplace) the following spells: remove fear (andits reverse cause fear), ESP, command wordand fellowship (the last two are found inGAZ12 – The Golden Khan <strong>of</strong> Ethengar).Used slots are refreshed after Xentarion hashad a night’s sleep. Instead <strong>of</strong> the turnundead ability, Xentarion can use one <strong>of</strong> thefollowing powers with a successful Wisdomcheck:Read a person’s mind - after “reading”or talking to her for a couple <strong>of</strong>minutes – to know what skills aperson possess or what her pr<strong>of</strong>essionis, what she has done in the last houror so, and – if the check succeeds bymore than 5 points, even whatdiseases that person has had in thepast, what her alignment is, and whatspecial abilities she has.Penetrate into a person’s dreams byaccessing the “dreamlands” (Wisdomcheck is at –2 penalty, or at –4 if thesleeping target is not within 50’ <strong>of</strong>Xentarion). This power only manifestsitself while Xentarion is asleep, andonly once per day. A second Wisdomcheck at –4 is needed to locate thetarget’s dream. If the second roll is a20, Xentarion will be lost within anightmare and, once awake, will notbe able to rest again for the next day.112THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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