Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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Strolojca and Draconiusembarrassment for his bad-tempered (towardmen) and lecherous (toward women)behavior; Diomedes had him married withCelinda Penhaligon, the younger daughter <strong>of</strong>Lord Arturus, but this proved a disaster forDiomedes’ relations with the Penhaligonfamily when Xentarion’s many sexualescapades became known. Zenon insisted onundergoing the Shearing Ceremony at age 17and went to sea, but lost an eye during abattle against pirates and was back homethree years later. Gratian, a sickly boy, wasforbidden by his mother to undergo theShearing, and doesn’t show any interest inwomen.MEMBERS OF THE FAMILYBESSARION’S BRANCHAndjela Grogosula (Neutral NormalWoman) is Vanyarine’s second wife. Andjelais the last scion <strong>of</strong> the Grogosul clan, aTraladaran family who ruled the communitiesin the narrow coastal strip west <strong>of</strong> Rugalov.The Grogosul were already a clan in declinewhen the Thyatians conquered Traladara inAC 900, and the family slowly died out in thenext few decades. Her father and elderbrother went into the Dymrak Forest with acompany <strong>of</strong> soldiers to retaliate against thegoblins after their family lands had beenraided – but they were ambushed and killedby the goblins in AC 975. Andjela was leftalone trying keep together the pieces <strong>of</strong> herfamily fortunes; a very beautiful woman, sherefused many suitors because initially sheonly wished to avenge her family, and begana short training as a warrior. Soon, sherealized that her efforts could only at bestresult in her death, and that the best way toensure the safety <strong>of</strong> the people living in herlands was to marry someone able to defendthem. She chose to accept the marriage <strong>of</strong>fer<strong>of</strong> Vanyarine Draconius, a Thyatian militaryman who was nearly thirty years older thanher. Vanyarine already had three children,and no need to produce an heir; if Andjela’smarriage was to be a loveless one, it wasbetter to chose a man that didn’t have theneed to pursue an intimate relationship withher. Andjela became a sort <strong>of</strong> second motherfor Bessarion’s last two children, Petrus andArcadia, when their mother died in AC 988,and the two became quite fond <strong>of</strong> her,especially in the years in which their fatherwas away with Stephania. Today Andjelaspends her time in Glucynthos, taking care<strong>of</strong> the Draconius’ family mansion andorganizing the tasks <strong>of</strong> the servants. She isquite an intelligent and cultured woman,well-versed in many languages, who has theuncomfortable habit to speak the truth evenin the most untimely circumstances.Arcadia (Neutral 2 nd -level Magic-User) isBessarion’s second daughter from hisLutescu wife, born in AC 982. As Petrus,Arcadia has almost no talent at magic, butmanaged to learn a little arcane lore fromher aunt. Arcadia hates her half-sisterbecause she is the favourite <strong>of</strong> their father,because she is so beautiful, because shelearnt magic much better than her, becauseshe stays at Specularum’s court and not infar-away Glucynthos, because she is allowedto marry who she wishes while Arcadia mustmarry who her father commands: in a word,Arcadia broods a hate as deep as possible forStephania, and for their father Bessarion aswell. Of all her family, Arcadia only admiresher aunt Shaelyn, and loves her acquiredgrandmother Andjela. Almost driven mad byher hate, she plans to poison Stephania asthe first step <strong>of</strong> her revenge.105THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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