Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius

Karameikos - Vaults of Pandius


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Strolojca and DraconiusThe senior branch instead, kept the old familyname. Having acquired lands in the region <strong>of</strong>Retebius and settled down there, theycontinued the family airborne militarytradition. It is from this branch <strong>of</strong> the familythat the Karameikan Draconius descend.Among the foremost members <strong>of</strong> the oldThyatian Draconius are: Hypatius (AC 496-578), who – after a successful career in theRetebius Air Fleet as white dragonrider - waspr<strong>of</strong>essor at the Retebius Air Academy;Urianus (AC 589-661), who was Minister <strong>of</strong>War under Empress Valeria II <strong>of</strong> theMonomachos dinasty; Polydorus (grandson<strong>of</strong> Urianus, AC 646-712), unsuccessfulgeneral <strong>of</strong> the Thyatian army during the waragainst Alphatia at the end <strong>of</strong> the 6 th centuryAC; Victoriana (AC 651-739, cousin <strong>of</strong>Polydorus), a magic-user Knight <strong>of</strong> the Airwho was also the family’s first golddragonrider. Victoriana and her gold dragon,Yskuomar, became famous thanks to theiraerial assaults against the Alphatian forces,which slowed down their invasion <strong>of</strong> theThyatian mainland from Alasyia in AC 728.Victoriana married Flavian III, Duke <strong>of</strong>Retebius at the end <strong>of</strong> the war (AC 732). In AC802, the great-grandson <strong>of</strong> Polydorus, FabiusVictorianus (AC 773-848), another bluedragonrider <strong>of</strong> the Retebius Air Fleet,received from the Duke <strong>of</strong> Retebius the title<strong>of</strong> Baron <strong>of</strong> Clivus Draconis (“Dragonhill”),located on the banks <strong>of</strong> the upper MesonianRiver. Since then, the baronial title has passedfrom father to son; family tradition has alwaysrequired that the first male son <strong>of</strong> the familyhad to become a member <strong>of</strong> the Retebius AirFleet or <strong>of</strong> the Knights <strong>of</strong> the Air in order toinherit the barony. After Fabius Victorianus I’sdeath, the barony passed to his son FabiusVictorianus II (AC 824-898), to the latter’s sonNestorian (AC 873-925), then briefly toNestorian’s lesser brother Urianus (AC 882-926), and finally to Urianus’ son Tarastion(born in AC 917 and still living).Urianus was a pious adventuring cleric <strong>of</strong>the Church <strong>of</strong> Thyatis; he had not beentrained to become a member <strong>of</strong> the RetebiusAir Fleet because it was not expected that he,third son <strong>of</strong> Fabius Victorianus II, could havea chance to inherit the barony. Thus withhim the airborne tradition <strong>of</strong> the Draconiusfamily was broken. Moreover, his prematuredeath in AC 926, during one <strong>of</strong> hisadventures, left his wife Regula in charge <strong>of</strong>his sons Tarastion and Vanyarine (bothyounger than ten years at the time), and shedidn’t enforce the family tradition.Nevertheless, Tarastion was raised tobecome a proper nobleman, and served foryears as advisor to the present Duke <strong>of</strong>Retebius’ father; Vanyarine, instead, chosethe military path, enlisting in the imperialarmy. He served on the Isle <strong>of</strong> Dawn(Redstone and Westrourke) during thepeaceful reign <strong>of</strong> Emperor Gabrionius V,then in 952 was chosen as legate to the nextGovernor General <strong>of</strong> Traladara, and movedthere with his recently-married wife GynethMabbot, a Westrourkian woman he had metwhile he was stationed at Newkirk.TARASTION S FAMILYTarastion married a cousin <strong>of</strong> the Duke <strong>of</strong>Retebius, Glorianna, who bore him threechildren: Ovidius, Eudocia, and Diomedes.Ovidius, an enthusiastic admirer <strong>of</strong> thefamily’s past heroes, insisted he be trained asan air-knight, and managed to become agriffon-rider in the Retebius Air Fleet. Uponthe end <strong>of</strong> his service, he entered theKnights <strong>of</strong> the Air, and prepared to succeedhis father as baron, but didn’t outlive him,100THRESHOLD: The Mystara Magazine Issue #1

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