VMD User's Guide

VMD User's Guide

VMD User's Guide


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same fragment as resid 35which finds all the atoms attached to residue id 35. Any keyword can be used, so selections likesame resname as (protein within 5 of nucleic)are fine, although weird. The perhaps the most useful keyword for this command is residue, soyou can say same residue as ....Finding contact residuesSuppose you want to view the atoms in “A” which are in contact with “B”. Use the within of selection command. For purposes of demonstration, let A be protein,B be nucleic, and define contact as an atom in A which is within 2 ÅofanatominB.Thentheselection command isprotein within 2 of nucleicIf you want to see all the residues of A which have at least one atom in contact with B, usesame residue as (protein within 2 of nucleic)76

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