VMD User's Guide

VMD User's Guide

VMD User's Guide


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move, 35atom, 35fragment, 35highlighted rep, 35molecule, 35residue, 35object menus, 35pick information, 44rocking, 112stop rotation, 112using, 23movies, 88NAMD, 13files, 20, 34occupancyvolumetric data, 116orthographic view, 37, 81outputformat, 16PCRE, 12periodic boundary conditions, 43periodic image display, 43perspective view, 37, 81pickingangles, 24, 25atoms, 17, 24, 25bonds, 17, 24, 25center, 25dihedrals, 24, 25distances, 17hot keys, 27modes, 18, 24move atom, 25move fragment, 25move highlighted rep, 26move molecule, 26move residue, 25query, 25text command, 112playcommand, 89, 112, 120, 172plotgeometry monitors, 45postscript, 87potential of mean forcevolumetric data, 116Python, 12interface, 124RMSD, 126, 127Tkinter, 132version, 124pythonatomsel, 125environment variables, 124libraries, 124Numeric, 125, 142startup, 172Tkinter, 125quit, 30command, 98, 112quoting, 72radius of gyration, 162Ramachandran plot, 55Raster3D, 22, 87regular expression, 73, 79X-PLOR conversion, 80remoteconnection, 100detaching, 52killing, 52modifiable parameters, 52options, 100simulation control, 100rendercommand, 112, 120form, 16, 47Python module, 141rendering, 16, 47, 84ART, 86caveats and considerations, 85exec command, 112Gelato, 85in background process, 48list of supported renderers, 85methods, 86, 112PostScript, 85POV-Ray, 86Radiance, 86Raster3D, 85Rayshade, 86183

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