Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ...

Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ...

Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ...


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37. In the last 3 months, approximately, how many abscesses have you had whenusing the citric acid sachets from the needle exchange?38. Compared with using other dissolvers, do you feel that you have had more or lessabscesses since using the citric acid sachets from the needle exchange?A lo t le ss Slightly less No diffe re nce Slightly more A lo t more39. Does the number of sachets given to you at the exchange last you until your nextvisit?Yes NoIf No, what dissolver(s) do you use in the meantime? (Do not read out the list ofoptions. Tick all that apply. Prompt with “anything else?”)Processed lemon juiceFresh lemon juiceSte rilising crysta lsVine ga rAscorbic acidKettle-descaler<strong>Citric</strong> acid – not from the exchangeSomeone else’s citric– from the exchangeSomeone else’s citric– not from the exchange Other (Please specify) ______________40. Do you think that being given one citric acid sachet per needle is enough?Yes Unsure NoIf No, how many citric acid sachets do y ou think should be given out per needle?41. Is there anything you would change or improve about the citric acid sachetsprovided at the needle exchange? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________42. If you had a free choice, which dissolver would you prefer to use? (Do not read outthe list of options. Tick one box only.)Processed lemon juiceFresh lemon juiceSte rilising crysta lsVinega rAscorbic acidKettle-descaler<strong>Citric</strong> acid – from the exchange<strong>Citric</strong> acid – not from the exchangeOther (Please specify) _______________43. Why would you prefer to use this dissolver? (Do not read out the list of options. Tick allthat apply. Prompt with “any other reason?”)Dissolves drug easily Free/Low cost Readily availableEasy to use Safe to use O ther (Please specify) __________44. Is there anything (else) that would encourage you to come to the needle exchangemore often? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.Are there any other comments (good or bad) that you wish to add about any aspect ofthe service?

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