Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ...

Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ...

Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ...


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11. In the last 3 months, on which part(s) of the body have you usually injected? (Tickall that apply.)Arm Leg O the r (Please specify) ______________________12. In the last 3 months, how often on average have you injected?Less than once a day Once a day 2-3 times/day4-5 times/day More often (Please specify) ___________________I would now like to ask you some questions about your use of needle exchanges.13. When was the first time you came to a needle exchange? yea r month14. When was the first time you came to this needle exchange? yea r month15. When you first started using this needle exchange, how often did you come forneedles and syringes?Less than once a week Once a week 2-3 times/week4-5 times/week More often (Please specify) ______________________16. In the last 3 months, how often have you come to this needle exchange for needlesand syringes?Less than once a week Once a week 2-3 times/week4-5 times/week More often (Please specify) _______________________If you now come more often, why is this?_______________________________________17. Why do you come to this needle exchange for needles and syringes? (Do not readout the list of options. Tick all that apply. Prompt with “any other reason?”)Close to homeConvenient opening hoursFriendly staffAnonymityAvailability of citric acid Other (Please specify) ______________________18. In the last 3 months, have you gone to any other needle exchange for needles andsyringes?Yes No If No, go t o Question 21. If Yes, which one? ____________.19. In the last 3 months, how often have you gone to this other needle exchange forneedles and syringes?Less than once a week Once a week 2-3 times/week4-5 times/week More often (Please specify) ____________________20. Why do you go to this other needle exchange for needles and syringes? (Do not readout the list of options. Tick all that apply. Prompt with “any other reason?”)Close to homeConvenient opening hoursFriendly staffAnonymityAvailability of citric acid Other (Please specify) ______________________21. In the last 3 months, approximately how many needles/syringes have youobtained?from this needle exchange from another needle exchange

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