Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ...

Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ... Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ...

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CONTENTSAbstracti1. Background 1Introduction 1Harm Reduction: The Role of the Needle Exchange 2P ro vision of Single Use C itric Acid Sa che ts 42. Methodology 6Aims & Objectives 6Project Management 6Sampling Strategy 6Data Collection 7Data Analysis 73. Results 8Study Group Characteristics 8Drug Use and Injecting Habits 9Use of Needle Exchanges 11Use o f Acidifie rs 12Use of the Single Use Citric Acid Sachets 15User Preferences & Recommendations 184. Conclusion & Recommendations 20References 22AppendicesResearcher: Jennifer GardenGrantholders: Kay Roberts, Avril Taylor, David Robinson

iABSTRACTThree hundred and sixty injecting drug users (IDUs) took part in a survey toassess the acceptance, effectiveness and efficiency of the provision of single usecitric acid sachets to IDUs in Greater Glasgow and Lanarkshire.Overall, the introduction of the single use citric acid sachets has been verysuccessful and well received by IDUs. The current provision of 100mg of citricacid in each sachet is sufficient for almost all users’ needs and most IDUsreported both using and preferring to use the sachets rather than other acidifiers.Moreover, most IDUs seem to be aware that the single use citric acid sachets area safer option for dissolving their drugs than most alternative acidifiers.However, there is a need to further educate users on the importance of notsharing any of their injecting equipment and paraphernalia, including the citrica cid sa che ts. Furthe rmo re, the da ta s ugges ts tha t some I DUs co ntinue to re usetheir needles. It is vital that these IDUs are encouraged to use a clean needleeach time and to re turn to the needle ex cha nge mo re o ften. T he provis io n o f thesingle use citric acid sachets appears to have had a positive impact on thenumbe r o f visits be ing made by IDUs to the nee dle ex cha nges. The pro visio n o ffurther injecting paraphernalia such as single use sachets of Vitam in C, Stericupsand sterile water may also lead to a further increase in visits.This report recommends that the provision of the single use citric acid sachets beextended across the UK.

iABSTRACTThree hundred and sixty injecting drug users (IDUs) took part in a survey toassess the acceptance, effectiveness and efficiency of the provision of single usecitric acid sachets to IDUs in Greater Glasgow and Lanarkshire.Overall, the introduction of the single use citric acid sachets has been verysuccessful and well received by IDUs. <strong>The</strong> current provision of 100mg of citricacid in each sachet is sufficient for almost all users’ needs and most IDUsreported both using and preferring to use the sachets rather than other acidifiers.Moreover, most IDUs seem to be aware that the single use citric acid sachets area safer option for dissolving their drugs than most alternative acidifiers.However, there is a need to further educate users on the importance of notsharing any of their injecting equipment and paraphernalia, including the citrica cid sa che ts. Furthe rmo re, the da ta s ugges ts tha t some I DUs co ntinue to re usetheir needles. It is vital that these IDUs are encouraged to use a clean needleeach time and to re turn to the needle ex cha nge mo re o ften. T he provis io n o f thesingle use citric acid sachets appears to have had a positive impact on thenumbe r o f visits be ing made by IDUs to the nee dle ex cha nges. <strong>The</strong> pro visio n o ffurther injecting paraphernalia such as single use sachets of Vitam in C, Stericupsand sterile water may also lead to a further increase in visits.This report recommends that the provision of the single use citric acid sachets beextended across the UK.

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