Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ...

Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ...

Evaluation Of The Provision Of Single Use Citric Acid Sachets To ...


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8CHAPTER 3 RESULTSStudy Group CharacteristicsTwo hundred and eighty men and 80 women ranging in age from 17 to 52 years took partin the study. <strong>The</strong> mean age of participant was 29.3 years. Two thirds of the participantswe re re cruited in Greate r Glasgo w a nd o ne third in La na rkshire . <strong>The</strong> va s t ma jo rity of theIDUs inte rvie wed lived in their o wn o r pa rtne r’s home (70%) o r a friend o r re la tive’s home(29%). <strong>The</strong>se demographic details are presented in full in Table 3.1. (Numbers will varythroughout as not all participants answered every question.)Table 3.1. Study group characteristicsCharacteristicN (%) ParticipantsNHS B oardGreater Glasgow 240 (67)Lanarkshire 120 (33)Needle ExchangePharmacy 1 120 (33)Pharmacy 2 120 (33)Pharmacy 3 40 (11)Pharmacy 4 40 (11)Pharmacy 5 10 (3)Pharmacy 6 30 (8)SexMale 280 (78)Female 80 (22)Age (years)16-19 16 (4)20-24 77 (21)25-29 103 (29)30-34 81 (23)34-39 64 (18)40+ 19 (5)Living AccommodationO wn/partner’s home 252 (70)Someone else’s home 107 (29)Hostel 1 (1)<strong>To</strong>tal 360 (100)Drug <strong>Use</strong> and Injecting Habits<strong>The</strong> age at which the participants in this study first used illicit drugs (of any kind) rangedfrom 8 years to 38 years, with the mean age of first use being 16.5 years. Almost all theIDUs interviewed (90%) had begun using illicit drugs by 21 years of age. <strong>The</strong> participants’

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