Book English 2011.p65 - Ministry of Textiles

Book English 2011.p65 - Ministry of Textiles

Book English 2011.p65 - Ministry of Textiles


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annual report 2010-11CHAPTER XVITEXTILES IN NORTH EASTERN REGION<strong>Textiles</strong> and textile based activitieslike handlooms, handicrafts,sericulture and jute, continue to beNorth Eastern Region's main source <strong>of</strong>employment and income generation afteragriculture. The region's woolen & silkfabrics including the exclusive eri silks aswell as cane/bamboo based crafts havenow become popular not only in thecountry but also abroad on account <strong>of</strong>their uniqueness, quality and designs.However, production <strong>of</strong> textile items on acommercial scale is restricted, with theresult that they cater largely to a localmarket only.Recognizing the immense potential thatthe region has in handlooms, handicrafts,sericulture and jute based products andhas striven to facilitate their developmentby formulating and implementing variousplan schemes.HANDLOOM SECTORNorth Eastern Region has the highestconcentration <strong>of</strong> Handlooms in the country.60% (16.8 lakh out <strong>of</strong> 27.8 lakh) <strong>of</strong> thehandloom weavers households is locatedin the North East. Of the 43.3 lakhhandloom workers, 49.88% are located inNER. Like wise, <strong>of</strong> 23.77 lakh handlooms,65.2% (15.5 lakh handlooms) handloomsare located in the region. However, 61.6%looms reported in NER are domestic.The Weavers' Service Centres, set up atGuwahati, Agartala and Imphal, functionas the Nodal Centre for development <strong>of</strong>designs and dissemination <strong>of</strong> informationto the weavers in the region about thebreakthrough made in the handloomtechnology. The IIHT set up at Guwahati,caters to the requirements <strong>of</strong> the handloomsector for technically qualified manpower.A special dispensation has been made forthe North Eastern States under theIntegrated Handlooms DevelopmentScheme. In respect <strong>of</strong> these States, thegrant portion towards Basic Inputs <strong>of</strong> thescheme is shared between Centre, StateGovernments and the implementingagencies in the ratio <strong>of</strong> 90:5:5 respectivelywhereas for General States, it is in theratio <strong>of</strong> 70:20:10 respectively.During the year 2009-10, under theIntegrated Handlooms DevelopmentScheme (IHDS), 21 Clusters weresanctioned in the NER and a sum <strong>of</strong>Rs.6.42 crore were released, which alsoincludes second installment <strong>of</strong> earliersanctioned projects. 68 Group ApproachProjects were sanctioned and a sum <strong>of</strong>Rs.7.22 crore was released, which alsoincludes second installment <strong>of</strong> earliersanctioned projects.Financial & Physical Progress under IHDS:General States and NER during 2009-10(Table 16.1)Table 16.1(Rs. in crore)Amount Released Number <strong>of</strong> Clusters Number <strong>of</strong> GroupApproach ProjectsGenl. NER Total Gen. NER Total Gen. NER TotalStates State States State States State92.82 22.75 115.57 31 21 52 343 68 411255

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