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OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ... OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ...


70 Maintenance and Calibration Chapter 4Step 11 – Temperature Offset CalibrationPress the Calibrate button on the System screen and enter the calibration password toenter the Calibration menu (Figure 36). Enter the Calibration Password when prompted.All units have the same password.Calibration Password: calFigure 36. Calibration Menu.The Calibration menu includes two distinct areas, Calibration Info and the TemperatureOffsets Table.Calibration Info(1) last calibration date(2) last calibration expiration date(3) calibration index numberThe calibration index number is stored in permanent memory, and incrementedevery time a temperature offset calibration is successfully completed.(4) calibration intervalThe calibration procedure will use the Calibration Interval to calculate theexpiration date for the new calibration. If you need to change the CalibrationInterval, touch the Cal Interval button to program a different interval (in days).(5) today’s dateTemperature Offsets TableA three column table listing the current temperature offsets.Melting Points Offset CorrectionLists the rated meltingpoints of the standardsubstances required by theAcceptability TestLists the currenttemperature offsets usedby OptiMelt to correct thethermometer readingsduring melting pointdeterminationsThree empty boxes used toenter the TOCs for the threeCRSs as calculated in Step10 of the Acceptability TestOptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Chapter 4 Maintenance and Calibration 71Enter the CorrectionsEnter the calculated TOCs for the three calibration standards into their correspondingCorrection boxes (Column 3) and touch Apply Corrections. A confirmation window popsup inquiring whether the corrections should really be applied at this time. Touch Cancelto quit without changes, or touch Accept to update the temperature offsets.Figure 37. Enter and apply corrections.Calibration CompleteA pop-up window signals the successful completion of the offset calibration procedure.Once back in the calibration window (Figure 38): (1) Column 2 of the TemperatureOffsets Table displays the new offsets (previous offsets plus the corrections just entered),(2) the boxes in Column 3 are again zero waiting for input from the next AcceptabilityTest, (3) the last calibration date is updated, (4) the calibration index is incremented, and(5) a new expiration date for the temperature calibration is displayed (based on theCalibration Interval).Figure 38. Calibration complete.The offset corrections (TOCs) from the Acceptability Test become obsolete as soon asthey are entered into the calibration menu and calibration is successfully completed. Donot enter the these results a second time! To recalibrate again, you must performthe entire Acceptability Test from the beginning.Press the Melt Tab at the top to begin using the OptiMelt again.OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Chapter 4 Maintenance and Calibration 71Enter the CorrectionsEnter the calculated TOCs for the three calibration standards into their correspondingCorrection boxes (Column 3) and touch Apply Corrections. A confirmation window popsup inquiring whether the corrections should really be applied at this time. Touch Cancelto quit without changes, or touch Accept to update the temperature offsets.Figure 37. Enter and apply corrections.Calibration CompleteA pop-up window signals the successful completion of the offset calibration procedure.Once back in the calibration window (Figure 38): (1) Column 2 of the TemperatureOffsets Table displays the new offsets (previous offsets plus the corrections just entered),(2) the boxes in Column 3 are again zero waiting for input from the next AcceptabilityTest, (3) the last calibration date is updated, (4) the calibration index is incremented, and(5) a new expiration date for the temperature calibration is displayed (based on theCalibration Interval).Figure 38. Calibration complete.The offset corrections (TOCs) from the Acceptability Test become obsolete as soon asthey are entered into the calibration menu and calibration is successfully completed. Donot enter the these results a second time! To recalibrate again, you must performthe entire Acceptability Test from the beginning.Press the Melt Tab at the top to begin using the <strong>OptiMelt</strong> again.<strong>OptiMelt</strong> <strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>System</strong>

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