OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ...

OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ... OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ...


40 System Screen Chapter 2SelftestTouch the Selftest button to trigger the power-on test procedure. This also displays thefirmware version and serial number for your OptiMelt.TipUse the System Selftest button to determine the firmware version and OptiMelt serialnumber before calling the factory for customer service.USB QDisplay the USB (Universal Serial Bus) transmit and receive buffers. OptiMelt buffersthe most recent characters received and transmitted over the interface. The queue displayshows the interface history.The queue display may slow down communications and should be displayed only whiletesting or debugging a test program.Press the Done button to exit from this display.The upper half of the remote queue display is the receive queue. These are the mostrecent characters which have been received by the OptiMelt (displayed in UPPER case).Commands which have already been executed are shown in normal text. Commandswhich have not yet been executed are shown with a gray background. Command errorsare shown in inverse text.The lower half of the remote queue display is the Transmit Queue. These are the mostrecent characters which have been placed in the output buffer. Characters which havealready been sent over the interface are shown in normal text. Characters which arewaiting to be sent are shown with a gray background.Printing MenuTouch the Printing button to access the Printing Submenu.System > PrintingFigure 25. Printing Submenu.OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Chapter 2 System Screen 41The Printing submenu includes all the configuration options relevant to the printerinterface.Text and graphical hardcopy printouts of melting point Test Reports are available frommany different printers (RS-232C serial interface) including Citizen, Epson and evengeneric text-only models. The use of high speed, dot matrix printers with graphicalcapabilities is recommended for hardcopy records of your reports. A generic driver is alsoincluded for printers not supported specifically by the OptiMelt drivers or which do notsupport graphical capabilities.TipThermal and Inkjet Printers are not recommended since their printouts tend to faderapidly when exposed to ambient light. This makes them incompatible with GLPdocumentation requirements.PrinterSelect a printer driver compatible with the serial printer connected to your OptiMelt unit.If Generic is selected, then the baud rate, parity, flow control, word length and linefeedsettings may be adjusted. If a specific printer is selected, then these settings arepredetermined and displayed for reference – make sure that your printer’s settings agreewith those displayed here.Select Generic to printout results on a generic serial dot matrix printer or a serial printerwhich does not support graphical output.If none of the available drivers works properly with your serial printer, consult theprinter’s manual to be certain that it’s settings agree with those displayed here. Mostprinters also include dip switches that the user can access to adjust RS-232 settings.TipUse the Test print button to validate your printer driver selection.BaudSelect the RS-232 (printer) interface baud rate.The two available baud rates are 9600 (default) and 19200.Most printers are factory set to 9600 baud rate. Some printers include a power-onprocedure that prints a test printout including its serial communication settings.ParitySelect the RS-232 (printer) interface parity.The three options are None, Even and Odd.None is standard for most printers.OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

40 <strong>System</strong> Screen Chapter 2SelftestTouch the Selftest button to trigger the power-on test procedure. This also displays thefirmware version and serial number for your <strong>OptiMelt</strong>.TipUse the <strong>System</strong> Selftest button to determine the firmware version and <strong>OptiMelt</strong> serialnumber before calling the factory for customer service.USB QDisplay the USB (Universal Serial Bus) transmit and receive buffers. <strong>OptiMelt</strong> buffersthe most recent characters received and transmitted over the interface. The queue displayshows the interface history.The queue display may slow down communications and should be displayed only whiletesting or debugging a test program.Press the Done button to exit from this display.The upper half of the remote queue display is the receive queue. These are the mostrecent characters which have been received by the <strong>OptiMelt</strong> (displayed in UPPER case).Commands which have already been executed are shown in normal text. Commandswhich have not yet been executed are shown with a gray background. Command errorsare shown in inverse text.The lower half of the remote queue display is the Transmit Queue. These are the mostrecent characters which have been placed in the output buffer. Characters which havealready been sent over the interface are shown in normal text. Characters which arewaiting to be sent are shown with a gray background.Printing MenuTouch the Printing button to access the Printing Submenu.<strong>System</strong> > PrintingFigure 25. Printing Submenu.<strong>OptiMelt</strong> <strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>System</strong>

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