OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ...

OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ... OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ...


34 Timer Screen Chapter 2Timer ScreenTouch the Timer tab to access the Timer Screen.Figure 21. Timer Screen.OptiMelt includes three independent, user-configurable, countdown timers which can beused to time events around your lab.The timers are configured and operated using the touchscreen interface. Countdown,Remaining and Timeout times are prominently displayed with big numbers on the leftside of the screen. Reset and Start/Stop buttons on the right side of the screen control thetimers.Timeouts are prompted with (1) distinct beeps, (2) a switch to Timeout time display(count up mode) and (3) dashes bracketing the Timeout times.Timer 1Timer 2Timer 3Press the Time display area of a timer to enter a new Countdown time.Countdown times are permanently displayed on the upper right corner of the Timedisplay area.All times are displayed with big numbers and alternate between:Countdown time – displayed after a new Countdown time is programmed and when theReset button is pressed.Remaining time – displayed during countdown, after the Run/Stop button is pressed.Timeout time (bracketed by dashes, count up mode) – displayed after the Countdowntime has elapsed and until the Reset or Start/Stop buttons are pressed.OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Chapter 2 Timer Screen 35ResetTouch the Reset button to abort countdown and reset the Time display area to the fullCountdown time.Run/StopTouch the Run/Stop button to start/stop a countdown. The Remaining time is displayedduring the countdown process, and until a timeout occurs. After timeout, the displayswitches to Timeout time and starts counting up to give an indication of the time since thetimeout took place.OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Chapter 2 Timer Screen 35ResetTouch the Reset button to abort countdown and reset the Time display area to the fullCountdown time.Run/StopTouch the Run/Stop button to start/stop a countdown. The Remaining time is displayedduring the countdown process, and until a timeout occurs. After timeout, the displayswitches to Timeout time and starts counting up to give an indication of the time since thetimeout took place.<strong>OptiMelt</strong> <strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>System</strong>

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