OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ...

OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ... OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ...


32 Melt Screen Chapter 2StatsOptions: Skip (default) or CalculateEnable or disable statistical calculations on the automated results.If enough sample is available, and three capillaries of the same substance can be analyzedat the same time, OptiMelt can be directed to calculate the average of the three automateddeterminations providing a more accurate result for the melting point temperatures.Select Skip to disable statistical calculations on the automated results.Select Calculate to enable statistical calculations on the automated results. The averagedresults for the three identical samples are included in the Report.PrintoutOptions: Manual (default) or AutoChoose between Manual or Automatic printout of the final Test Report at the end of amelt.Manual means that the user must manually display and printout Reports from the Reportscreen after the melting point determination is completed.Auto means that OptiMelt automatically prints out a Report at the end of a melting pointdetermination whenever a printer is connected to the instrument.BeepOptions: Off or On (default)Enable or disable audio beeps.On means that distinctive beeps are sounded every time an important task is completedby OptiMelt or user attention is required.Off means that no beeps are sounded during the melting point analysis.Thermo MPOptions: Skip (default) or CalculateEnable or disable calculation of thermodynamic corrections for the melting pointdetermination.Select Skip to disable thermodynamic correction calculations.Select Calculate to enable thermodynamic correction calculations.OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Chapter 2 Melt Screen 33The thermodynamic correction is directly proportional to the square root of the rampingRate, and to the Thermodynamic Correction Factor (ThermoCF) for the substance beinganalyzed: ∆T(r) = (ThermoCF) · r 1/2 .The thermodynamic correction, ∆T(r), is listed in the test Report and must be subtractedfrom the clear point to provide an estimate of the true thermodynamic melting point ofthe sample.Thermodynamic correction factors are stored in analysis method files.Please consult Appendix A of this manual for details on the calculation ofThermodynamic Melting points.Thermo Corr. Factor (ThermoCF)Range: 0.1 to 10, default: 1.0Enter the Thermodynamic Correction Factor for the sample being analyzed.A substance-specific Thermodynamic Correction Factor, ThermoCF, can be programmedinto the OptiMelt and used by the instrument to automatically calculate ThermodynamicCorrections, ∆T(r) = (ThermoCF) · r 1/2 , at the end of each melting point determination.Theoretically, the value of ThermoCF is related to the heat conductivity and the heat offusion of the substance being analyzed. It is also affected by the sample preparationprocedure and the geometry of the oven and capillaries. Experimentation has shown thatwith OptiMelt, a good approximation to ThermoCF is a value of 1.0. However, accurateresults require calibration. Consult Appendix A for a step-by-step calibration procedurefor the ThermoCF factor.Thermodynamic correction factors are included in all analysis method files and displayedin all test Reports.Oven offTouch the Oven off button to turn the oven off. The heater is turned off and the ovencools down.Use this button to turn off the oven at the end of your last analysis or at the end of theday. This leaves the instrument in a safe cool state.TimeoutDefault: 00:30:00Enter an oven timeout period.A heated oven, idling at the Start temperature, will automatically shut down after thespecified Timeout period. This is a very useful and important safety feature built intoyour OptiMelt.OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

32 Melt Screen Chapter 2StatsOptions: Skip (default) or CalculateEnable or disable statistical calculations on the automated results.If enough sample is available, and three capillaries of the same substance can be analyzedat the same time, <strong>OptiMelt</strong> can be directed to calculate the average of the three automateddeterminations providing a more accurate result for the melting point temperatures.Select Skip to disable statistical calculations on the automated results.Select Calculate to enable statistical calculations on the automated results. The averagedresults for the three identical samples are included in the Report.PrintoutOptions: Manual (default) or AutoChoose between Manual or Automatic printout of the final Test Report at the end of amelt.Manual means that the user must manually display and printout Reports from the Reportscreen after the melting point determination is completed.Auto means that <strong>OptiMelt</strong> automatically prints out a Report at the end of a melting pointdetermination whenever a printer is connected to the instrument.BeepOptions: Off or On (default)Enable or disable audio beeps.On means that distinctive beeps are sounded every time an important task is completedby <strong>OptiMelt</strong> or user attention is required.Off means that no beeps are sounded during the melting point analysis.Thermo MPOptions: Skip (default) or CalculateEnable or disable calculation of thermodynamic corrections for the melting pointdetermination.Select Skip to disable thermodynamic correction calculations.Select Calculate to enable thermodynamic correction calculations.<strong>OptiMelt</strong> <strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>System</strong>

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